Title: Powers Of Seduction

Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/ Ellie Malkin/Narcissa Malfoy

Rating: K+

A/N: Own nothing apart from Ellie...

Summary: Lucius has a secret affair with Ellie, behind Narcissa's back..

Chapter One

Lucius and Narcissa were as far away from each other as possible at opposite ends of the Malfoy Manor. They had been fighting relentlessly lately so Lucius took yet another trip to Diagon Alley to calm down. He often went to the Three Broomsticks cafe and this time should have been no different. However, today he encountered someone new. He sat at his regular table and ordered a drink. Sighing softly, he sipped his cup of tea then someone caught his attention from across the room. He tried to look around the cafe and avoid staring at the lovely woman but his eyes always wandered back to her. At first glance, he noticed her striking blue eyes. They were so pure and bright even more so against the contrast of the dim lighting. Next, he noticed her long blonde hair that was down just below her shoulders. "Who is this woman?", he asked himself. Lucius prided himself on knowing most families in their world, but this beautiful young woman was a mystery to him.

Ellie was in the Three Broomsticks on a break when a man that she had never encountered before entered. Little had she known, this man with the beautiful blond hair and striking facial features was in fact a death eater. Ellie was a pure blood, but unlike many of her elitist kind she placed little importance on that fact and kept to herself. Her reserved nature only served to intrigue Lucius further. Being the gentleman he was raised to be, Lucius walked confidently over to Ellie to introduce himself. At first Ellie wanted to excuse herself. She could see it in him, that pompous air of superiority that surrounded most pure bloods. However, the longer she let him go on, the clearer it became that it was only a hard exterior he wore. Underneath was possibly an interesting man, maybe even a kind man. Whoever he was behind the mask, she needed to know more.

They talked about life and each other. Lucius found it quite nice to chat with her. He smiled as he listened to her tell him about herself. Ellie noticed how beautiful his eyes were and also how polite he was too. Ellie enjoyed getting to know Lucius She didn't know if she would ever see him again and she had no idea the fate they had in store. Lucius wondered why he'd never seen her before. He wanted to know more about her, he found himself itching to know more about this girl and what she was like.

A few weeks passed since Ellie and Lucius had met. Ellie had the day off from work and she was walking alone in Diagon Alley. She was unaware that someone was following her. When she stopped, the person who followed her stopped too. Ellie tried to shrug it off but felt uneasy. Ellie became frightened and she made a run for it, but only for her efforts to be in vain. Her follower caught up with her and tried to hurt her but Lucius appeared on the scene and saved Ellie's life. Neither of them could wrap their heads around the situation let alone how they found their way to each other again.

Ellie was shaking furiously and Lucius held her close to comfort her. He was in the right place at the right time and dreaded to think of the consequences had he not been there. Neither imagined that upon their second meeting they would end up sharing a kiss. Ellie wasn't sure if it was her gratitude that drew her nearer to him or if she had wanted to do that all along. One thing was for certain, she had to see him again, kiss him again and be in those brave arms again.

Lucius made sure that Ellie would be okay before he left her side. He had saved her life after all. What was it about this woman? Lucius was holding her so tightly in his arms, he never wanted to let go. No, this was not just about saving her, he knew there was something more between them. He had to see her again. His heart was heavy and his mind was racing. Would she want to see him again? What about his wife, could this be a secret? Through all of their petty spats, Lucius had remained true to Narcissa, but something in him told him that he could not just let Ellie walk out of his life.

When Ellie returned home, she couldn't stop thinking about Lucius. Unaware that Lucius was thinking about her too, she tried to get him out of her head. She really wanted to see him again. She kept daydreaming all of the ways she might want their paths to cross a third time.

A month had passed and she began to give up on the idea that they would have another encounter, so she tried to move on. All efforts were for nothing because he was all she thought about night and day. She could see his face in every man she encountered, and for that she stayed at home as much as possible. When she realized it was time to move on she decided to get herself ready and head down to diagon alley for some light shopping and fresh air. She peaked in the window of the three broomsticks as she always did and there he was. It was not her imagination this time. It was really him, sitting at the table where they first met. Ellie's heart dropped out of her chest as her mind raced on how to approach him. She had ran this scene through her head a million times but this time it was real.

Lucius and Narcissa had had another fight. It had been a month since their last so he had thought things were getting better. He knew it wouldn't be right for him to go search out Ellie but she was always on the back of his mind. After a bit of an internal battle he decided that he would just go for a drink and if she happened to be there then at least he was not purposely seeking her out. There she was, just like he remembered her. He did not expect her to show up, so he certainly was not prepared for what came next. Ellie sat down in the chair across from him and with all of the courage she could muster up she whispered two little words that turned their worlds upside down. " My place?", she said coyly then stood up and headed for the door.

When they arrived, he kissed her with passion that she had never felt before. He gently placed her against the wall and kissed her neck, while his hands wandered over her body; he wanted her so badly. Ellie wanted him too. Lucius craved her and he wanted to make her his. Ellie took Lucius by the hand and led him to her bedroom for a night neither of them would soon forget.

Lucius hadn't told anyone about that day. He remembered every single detail of her body and yearned for her. He wanted to see her more often. He knew he could not leave Narcissa but he had to have Ellie in his life. Was it possible to have them both? He couldn't help the way he felt about her even if it was selfish. He had to find a way to make this work. He would not let her go.

What happens in chapter two?