It was the beginning of Verna's funeral. She was excited to finally tell Fitz she would wait for him. She knew in her heart that she planned on waiting all along but something about admitting it and being able to say that to him, felt right to her.

He finally entered the building, looking flawless as usual, but something was off with him. As he walked down aisle she kept staring at him, trying to figure out what was off. It was his eyes, they seemed distant and cold.

She of course knew that Verna had been a close friend of Fitz so she assumed the funeral was having its effects on him. He didn't look at her or acknowledge her which she thought was weird because usually Fitz couldn't keep his eyes or hands of her.

He stopped right beside her and she took a deep breath before she began.

"I'll wait for you, for as long as you want, forever, if you want," she declared.

At that point people started shuffling in and filling the rows up, preparing for the service to begin.

He didn't answer.

"Fitz?" she asked.

He seemed to be looking over his notes for the funeral; he was going to deliver her eulogy.

Suddenly he looked up and stared at nothing in particular.

"Don't do that" he said, his voice was eerily cold and monotone.


"Don't wait for me," he said again evenly.

He chuckled

"What was I thinking? Marrying my whore, mistress is the proper word I guess but same thing, right?"

At this point the tears had already started flowing. She just stood there she couldn't believe he was saying this to her after he asked her to wait for him.

"You know, I really had myself believing I loved you and you loved me, but that was just us, trying to make our 'arrangement' sound better than it actually was."

"I can't believe you just said that."

He didn't even blink, or move, or care that she was crying at all.

"Believe it," he said flatly.

He walked across the room to stand beside Mellie and gave her a kiss on the cheek and rubbed her belly then he looked straight at her when he was done.

That did it for her. She didn't think her heart could've been broken more than it was when he called her a whore but it was. She couldn't stay. She turned and walked down the aisle and exited the church.

She heard footsteps coming up behind her but didn't turn around.

"Where are you going, what about the funeral?" he asked almost yelling. It was Cyrus.

She didn't answer she just kept walking.

He ran and stopped right in front of her.

"Liv," he called, "hey Liv, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

She tried to hide her face by looking to the side.

"Come on Liv, talk to me," He plead.

At this point she was bawling and Cyrus was holding both my hands to my side to try and get her to face him.

"I'm sorry Cy, please just let me go. I just, I have to get out of here."

He let her go.

"I'm sorry Liv, I know you and Verna were close," he said

She kept walking to her car. She'd had never felt so low and worthless in her life. She felt dirty like I needed to go home and scrub his words off of my skin.

She walked into her apartment after what seemed like the longest drive ever. She couldn't stop crying because she couldn't believe he would hurt her like that. All those years he'd been telling her that she wasn't the mistress but as soon a he got the chance he threw it in her face.

She dropped her purse and stripped, turned the shower on and set it to as hot as she could take it.

She turned and saw her reflection in the mirror, her eyes were red and swollen, hell, her whole face was red.


She had no idea why Fitz would say that. She thought everything was good between them. He told her he wanted her to wait and as soon as she destroyed her relationship with Edison for him, he decided he changed his mind and on top of that he had the audacity to kiss Mellie after he told me how much he couldn't stand her. "I should have known better. They never leave their wives," she thought to herself.

For the rest of the evening Olivia sat in the shower and scrubbed her skin until it was red and blotchy all over, scrubbing all the words that she could still hear Fitz saying to her that made her feel dirty and worthless. It had been a week since anyone saw Olivia. No matter how many times Cyrus, Abby, Quinn, Huck and Harrison called, she wouldn't pick up. They banged on her door she wouldn't even let them know she was home. Finally they had enough and they decided to go to her apartment and break down the door.

"Stand back," Huck said.

They all stood back.

Huck kicked the door open.

Olivia was in her room when she heard a thud. She had been in bed all week, surviving on only wine, she was nauseous and kept throwing up because she had no food in her stomach and had been losing weight rapidly even before the break up and since she the break she dropped to a solid 100 lbs. She got up and walked to the living area to see what was going on.

"Liv," Abby ran to her and hugged her.

"What the hell Liv, do you know how worried we were about you, are you kidding me, you've been here ignoring us the whole time?" she started to get upset.

"Hey Liv, what's going on with you?" Harrison asked his voice filled with concern.

Olivia stood there looking at all of them. Huck looked calm and just stared, Quinn was shocked to see olivia not in her usual element, Abby was mad and waiting for answers and Harrison just stood there, as if he was running through his mind anything he could think of that happed to make Olivia act like this.

Olivia's eyes filled with water.

"I'm okay, I just need to take sometime to think about some things. I'm sorry, I've just been going through some things and I just don't want to stress you guys out with my personal issues you know," she sniffled.

Abby ran to her and hugged her.

"I'm sorry Liv, you should've called me, you can talk to me you know, I'm your best friend you have to utilize me," she said this as she hugged Olivia and patted her back.

"Out, out, everybody out, we're gonna have some girl chat, you too Quinn, out!" Abby yelled while she shooed them out then she shut the door.

"Okay Liv, talk to me," Abby said.

"Abby really, it's not a big deal, I just need.."

"Not a big deal, Liv you locked up in your apartment for almost a week, from the looks of it you've been crying the whole time and wait .."

Abby turned and dipped her head to the side checking out Olivia's body

"Did you lose weight, have you been eating, please tell me you've been eating Liv. Look whatever it is that's going on with you, it's bad. You can tell me, no matter how bad, talk to me me, I won't be judgy or have any smart comments, I promise, I'll listen if you want, I'll give advice if you want, I'll do whatever you want, as long as you don't wanna kick me out," Abby pleaded.

Olivia let out a big sigh and sat on the couch.

"You promise?" Olivia asked.

"I swear," Abby said with a smile on her face.

By this time Olivia had stopped crying, she motioned for Abby to sit beside her on the couch.

"Uhmm, what do you think about President Grant?"

"President Grant, ?" Abby pondered.

"I think he's super handsome, and he is a pretty good president, when he's not getting in sex scandals."

Olivia sighed

"Sorry, sorry I didn't mean that in a bad way," Abby said quickly.

"Why did you ask?"

"Because me and President Grant have been having an affair on and off since I started working on his campaign."

"Woah Liv, I can't believe it, why did you guys.. oh wait so that's why when the Amanda Tanner thing happened it threw you off so much, so wait if he was with Amanda Tanner, doesn't that mean he cheated on you then and woah wait.. if you guys are together why is he still sleeping with his wife.. she's pregnant.. wait Liv?" Abby fired a million questions.

"One at a time Abbs" Olivia said.

"Do you love him?"

"I do, will I did.. I still do but I don't think he loves me anymore.. well that's what he said," Olivia started crying again.

"So is that why you've locked yourself up in here for a week?"

"Yep," Olivia said with a sadness in her voice.

"Why did he say he doesn't love you anymore?"

"Because I'm a mistress whore.. Mistress or whore, he said they're pretty much the same thing."

"Wait, he said that," Abby was getting angry.

"Yea at Verna Thorton's funeral."

"Liv he is an asshole, a complete and utter asshole and a stupid one at that if he isn't complete and madly in love with you, I mean who wouldn't be. Who is he to be calling you a whore, his mother's a whore, are you kidding me!"

"The worst part is, I have no idea why he said that, he told me to wait for him, until he could divorce his wife and then he would be with me, I broke up with Edison because he told me too and you know I did it because I loved him but now he left me and I don't know why."

Abby scooted across the couch and hugged Olivia and started to pat her on the back to try and calm her down

"Oh Liv, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, he's horrible, I can't believe he would do that to you and, at a funeral, that just low, that's lower that low, that's dog shit, he's dog shit Liv," Abby's tone was serious.

"I mean, I don't know what to do, I'm just trying to get over the whole break up, but it's hard and I'm just so sad all the time, and I just wanna move on but I still love him. I just I don't know what to do."

"Let me tell you what were gonna do. First, I am going to the white house to yell at the president, don't try to stop me! Second, I think you should take some time to wallow in it, mourn the loss of someone you love and accept the fact that the relationship is done. You have to just wallow in it, you can be sad for a little while, but don't let your sadness consume you, it'll pass. Third, we are going to have a girls trip, we are going to fly to New York and we are going to get personal stylists and change our whole wardrobe and try something different, we are going to get makeovers and we are going to make sure that the next time that President Fitzgerald Thomas Grant the third sees you, he pisses his pants!" Abby said with a straight face.

"Abby please don't say anything to him, just leave him alone please Abby, I mean it." Olivia begged.

"I sure will," Abby said sarcastically

"Abby," Liv said

"Liv," Abby said


"Don't" Abby mimicked

"Abby I'm serious," Liv said again.

"Abby I'm serious," Abby mimicked.

Her voice was so silly Olivia started laughing.

"Alright Liv let's get you a shower and some food, you have my permission to cry tonight, but tomorrow crying stops okay."

"Okay," Liv agreed.


"Hi, Abby Whelan to see Cyrus Beene please," Abby said to Morris, the White House security guard.

"Do you have an appointment," Morris asked.

"No, but…I.." Abby got cut off

"I'm sorry miss, you need an appointment in order to.."

"Hi red" Cyrus said walking up with his coffee.

"Mr Beene, hi I am a friend of Olivia's…"

"Yes I know, the Olivia that stood me up for our usual coffee date this morning, that Olivia you mean," Cyrus was annoyed.

"Yes, that's actually why I wanted to see you, about that Olivia," Abby retorted.

"Morris she cool, she's with me," Cyrus turned and said to Morris.

They reached Cyrus' office.

"Alright red, I don't have all day, what's going on"

"I need to see the president"

"Okay here's the thing, no!"

"Please it's about Olivia."

"Listen red, the president is a busy busy man, he doesn't time to chit chat with a friend of a friend."

"Oh, I know he's been busy"

"You wanna say that again reddd! "

Abby decided not to push it.

"Please its really important and I wouldn't ask if it wasn't, think about it, O.P.A. will seriously owe you one for this."

"I like the sound of that, you have one minute, use it like your life depended on that one minute."

"I will," Abby squealed.

They walked towards the oval office. Cyrus went a head a opened to the door.

Fitz was sitting on the couch going over briefings when he heard the door open.

"Mr. president, you have a guest, that would like a minute of your time."

"Oh," Fitz said "send them in, Cy."

"Thanks Cyrus, Olivia doesn't know I'm here but I owe you," Abby said as she squeezed past time and into the oval office.

"What," she could hear Cyrus say as she locked the door shut.

"Hello, what can I do for you today?" Fitz asked as he got up and went to go sit by the resolute desk.

He didn't even bother to look at who came into the office.

"Hi, I'm Abby, Abby Whelan, from Olivia pope and associates," she said calmly

With that Fitz looked up.

"I thought I made it clear to your boss, that I didn't want her here," Fitz was pissed.

"That's why she's not here, I am-" Abby fired back.

"And why are you here?"

"I'm here because you are dog shit, that's why," Abby said coolly

"Thanks, I appreciate it. Now, get out or I will have my guards throw you out, Gabby."

"Its Abby."

"Who cares"

"Why were you such an asshole to my best friend, huh?"

"Did she send you here, is that why you're here? Because her feelings got hurt, I don't have time for this, you can show yourself out, I have a country to run."

"She didn't send me here, she told me not to come, she also told me about you and her."

"What about me and her?"

"Don't play dumb!"

"Gabby either say what you mean or.."

"She told me about the affair." Abby cut him off

"Well Olivia sucks at keeping secrets," Fitz retorted sarcastically

"God, your even more of an asshole than I thought, I don't know what she she's in you, but I'm here to tell you, that if you ever speak to my friend like that again or hurt her in any way again, you will have hell to pay, and that's is a promise," Abby warned.

"Did you seriously just come in here and threaten me, because that is a federal crime, I know that because the last person that threatened me is in prison, do you really want to go there?"

Abby realized she might have been over her head.

"I didn't mean-"

"Get out of my office and never come back here."

Abby scurried out.

Fitz sat by his desk thinking about what Abby said.

Did it really hurt her or was this just another manipulation by the great and powerful Olivia Pope.

Either way, he made up his mind and they were done. He was done with 'd been focusing solely on running the country and he was pretty sure Cyrus was feeling left out in the bitter cold because he hadn't asked him to join him in any meetings since Verna's funeral, he had been keeping him busy with errand boy tasks and he was sure that pretty soon Cyrus would get the hint and confront him on why he was shutting him out. Until then it was pretty funny to watch him run around and worry about what paintings were flaking on the walls in the west wing.

Fitz couldn't lie to himself and say he didn't think about Olivia a lot, he did, but whenever she came up he would try to get her out of his mind whether he had to start reading different materials or schedule more meetings to keep him 100% busy all the time. He ran himself ragged, so that when it came time to sleep, he wouldn't lay awake with thoughts of her, he would be so drained he would sleep right away. That didn't stop him from dreaming about her. Nothing could stop him from dreaming about her beautiful caramel skin and her big brown eyes. The way she struts into a room and owns everyone else. He wouldn't dream for too long because he would wake up a early as possible and start all over again. He didn't know how it was possible to utterly despise someone but also love them with all his heart to the point where it hurt but that was Olivia POpe did to him.

Abby stormed into O.P.A really upset, but she didn't want Liv to see her mad, because then she would definitely know that she went to see 'him'. Last night she managed to convince Olivia to come back to work and just take it easy until she could get back in her element.

She also wanted her at the office so they could start planning their trip to new York. Abby honestly wanted to schedule the trip as soon as possible. Hopefully for Friday, being that it was Monday, they would have a few days to plan so she knew it was definitely achievable.

"Hey Abby?" Quinn said

"Hey Molotov mistress," Abby said jokingly.

Abby was in the office for about 20 seconds and already her mood began to lighten.

"We don't talk about that anymore Abby," Huck said without looking directly at her.

"Where's Liv," Abby asked.

"Her office by the way good morning Abbs," Harrison shouted from his office.

Abby walked over to Liv's office

"Hey Liv, how are you holding up."

Olivia was staring out the window.

"I'm okay, I guess."

"What did he say when you saw him?"

"What are you talking about?" Abby was surprised she didn't know Olivia would have found out, at least not yet.

"Fitz, what did he say, when you saw him?"

"Liv," Abby pleaded, she didn't know what to tell her, she certainly didn't want to tell her the truth. Fitz was a jerk.

"Abby I can take it, I'm sure it isn't worse than what he said already."

"He didn't really say anything, he just kicked me out."

"Did he at least tell you why he was dumped me?"

"No, I have no clue. He's a jerk, forget about him"

"It's easier said than done."

"Agreed, but still it can be done," Abby retorted

"Let's talk about something fun, what about our trip?" Abby squealed.

"That trip, you were serious?"


"It can't hurt I guess."

"There's the spirit."

Olivia smiled, she was glad Abby was putting so much effort to make her feel better.

"Okay Liv, I'm gonna go get some work done," Abby said as she turned and headed to her office.

"Abby," Olivia called.

Abby turned around.

"Yea Liv."

"Thanks for everything, for being a friend when I needed one."

"No problem, sister."

"Abby no."

"Fair enough, I had to give it a try."

They both laughed and got back to work and planning their trip to NYC.