Vegeta looked at the man stupefied. Was this idiot seriously challenging him to a spar!? Vegeta was already baffled at the man's bravery for touching him without permission. The last person that even approached the Prince without permission was not killed but damn near it. Anyway if this baka knew he was the Prince, then he should know just how powerful he is and he still challenged him. Vegeta really did not like this at all. " do realize who you are challenging don't you?" Vegeta asked with a hint of humor in his voice. Goku just shook his head in an excited conformation. Ok now Vegeta was pissed off at this lunatic. He acted so excited about it like it was a game of sorts and knew he would win.

"Do you have a death wish you moron! If you know who I am and how powerful I am, why the hell do you wish to fight me?!" Vegeta screamed. Goku just laughed and scratched the back of his head.

"Well, I love fighting really strong people I guess. I just want to get as strong as a possibly can." Goku explained. Vegeta thought about what he said and sighed.

"Well Kakarot, I will not fight you. I do not just fight people whenever I meet them and besides...I do not think you wish to die just yet right?" Vegeta smirked and started to leave. Goku frowned and thought about what to do now. Then it hit him! He could try something and see if it will make Vegeta fight. He prayed this will work.

"Well that's a shame Prince Vegeta, I guess you're not what I expected," Goku acted disappointed and started to walk away. Vegeta immediately stopped in his tracks. He growled and turned around and chased the tall Saiyan and stood in front of him. Vegeta then pulled Goku's collar down to his height and glared at him.

"Who the hell do you think you are! You know I could have you killed for that little remark. What do you mean 'Not what you expected' I am the strongest Saiyan on the planet!" Vegeta shouted at Goku. Goku just smirked at the Prince.

"Then prove it my Prince," Goku challenged still smirking at Vegeta. Vegeta then realized just how close he had pulled Goku to him. They were face to face and Goku was smirking at him. Vegeta blushed and quickly threw the tall Saiyan away from him. Vegeta turned around and crossed his arms, hoping the blush went away. He sighed and turned back around.

"Alright Kakarot, if you are so eager to be beaten, it will be my pleasure," Vegeta announced. Goku shot his fist in the air and grinned.

"Yes!" Goku cheered. Vegeta took his cape off and started to stretch as did Goku. They only did a few basic stretches as Vegeta wanted to get the fight over with and Goku wanted to start already. Goku then thought he should warn Vegeta. He did not want to be chased by the royal guard if he hurt the Prince.

"Hey, Prince Vegeta, please don't be mad if I hurt you ok?" Goku warned while finishing his stretches. Vegeta's head shot up and he frowned.

"Oh are you so confident that you can actually hurt me? Well, you are wrong you baka. I already told you I am the strongest Saiyan on the planet and you are a third class, or did you forget." Vegeta declared. Goku actually felt a little mad at the comment. All his life that is all he ever heard from his family. Goku always wanted to fight an elite, but his father and brother always told him that third classes can't fight elite warriors. Not because it was forbidden or anything, it's just that most turned down the fight because they felt it a waste of time. Goku knew that the third class was not initially strong at birth, but he felt that if one trained hard enough, they could become one of the strongest. That is why he wanted to become strong, he wanted to prove everyone wrong.

"Are you just going to stand there and frown at me or are we going to spar? I want to get this over with already," Vegeta complained. Goku got in a fighting stance and smiled.

"Why so hurried Prince, don't tell me you are scared," Goku playfully teased. Vegeta yelled and launched at him. "Yep just like I suspected," Goku thought, "he is just like Raditz."

A/N: I AM SO SORRY! I know i'm late on an update. I have been loaded with homework and busy with Art class projects. Not to mention I have strep throat (FML) Anyway I know not a lot happened this chapter but I needed to post something and build up is good too right? Thank you for reading I hope you enjoy! XOXO