Beware: This Yugioh fanfiction is to be somewhat of a crossover with characters from other already existing animes. This fanfiction comes solely from my mind and what I imagine would happen in my version of this classic story. So if you read any content that gets you confused with the character's origin, don't worry. It's not true. In other words...



Yugi: Danggg MPK! Back at it again with a Yugioh fanfiction!

"Yo! What are you doing!?"

"I'm sorry! I almost done!"

"Geez, boy. Hurry up!"

"Okay! Down in a minute."

Huuuuuuh! Make this any easier on me, damn. Today's just to hectic for me. I can't take all these emotions piling on at once. I think I'm going to explode...

"Yo! Let's goooooo!"


"Dude, what is your problem!?"


"Okay, okay. No need to be upset, young master."

"Hey, it's time to go out there. Good luck."

I looked at the girl in the doorway and smiled slightly, "Yeah. And let's not break our legs okay?"

She smiled at my horrible pun, "Sure."

From the graveyard, to the classroom, to the stage. Huuh! Alright, let's go.

"STUDIO DI!" Our group chants before half of them run onto the stage. "Leggo!"


My name is Treyvon "Niall" Casterwill. Niall is the name I was born with, or rather the name she told me I was given. She died believing that, so that is what I'm going to call myself. But at home with my family, so that everyone who knows me as Treyvon, won't think I'm crazy and I don't have to explain to them why it's my real name.

Today is May 27. The day of biochemistry class final. The day of the tag team dance competition. The 5th anniversary of my mother's death. And my birthday. Yup.

Exactly 5 years ago, around this time of the day, I turned 11 years old while watching my mother die in a hospital bed. On that day me, my brother, and basically my foster sister became parent less. 5 years later, right now at this moment, I officially turn 16 and I am patiently waiting backstage with my teammates for our turn in the competition.

My morning started with the family and I getting up early to visit our mother and father's grave. Rashidi and Rehema Casterwill. I assume it's their real names. Everyone around here knew them as Mr. Rashad and Mrs. Rebe, their nicknames in the streets. We stood out there for just about half an hour or so just venting, or at least my brother and I did. Our 'foster' sister just stood behind, not really showing any emotion. She been like this since mom died. But I mean I can't really blame her, finding out on the spur of the moment that she not blood related to us. No matter how much we tried to convince her that we were still her family no matter what, I guess she still feels out of place among us now. So her attitude towards us has become pretty distant over the years. The only person she seems to be close with, is him. Oh, but I guess I should back track and explain a bit huh?

Just before my mother died, my sister or who I once thought was my sister, Corrine Casterwill and I were transported to the world of Yugioh. Not the dueling type of Yugioh you all know from the Saturday morning cartoons, but Season Zero. That day, I went to school the same route I as my sister. She had went to school first, and was at least a street ahead of me since she had to be to school before I did. She was in high school at the time, my middle school which wasn't in the same building, was the same way though. Somehow I ended up catching up to Corrine, but when I did I realized that she was getting beat up by those arrogant wannabe thugs who go to her school, that usually walked the same direction. I saw one of them try to take her iPad and I could only think in my head how stupid she was for holding that thing out in plain sight. But then there was a bright light, the next thing I knew those idiots were running away from her like they had seen a ghost, and Corrine was gone. I ran over to where she was and saw no signs of her even being there. I started to call my brother for help, but I picked up Corrine's tablet so I could stuff it in my backpack, it started shining bright and I dropped my phone. And just like that, I had dropped my backpack, the tablet and my phone and had fallen into a dumpster. When I was able to crawl out and after I looked at my surroundings, I realized I was in the Yugioh world, right outside KaibaCorp too be exact. The rest really is history. All in all, we spent about 5 months in the Yugioh world. Here however, when we arrived and checked, only 5 days had passed in comparison. We woke up in the same alleyway we started in, the one where I found Corrine. We didn't really questioned anything, just ran to the school before heading to the hospital with my brother and Corrine's "bf". We stayed at the hospital with mom one day and one night, before she passed away.

My older brother Tyler "Lindo" Casterwill, who was 18 at the time, is 23 now. Even though he doesn't really like it when I call him Lindo, I still do it. But only on days that he's not super stressed out or pissed. Ever since mom died, Tyler was the one who had to step up and take care of us. Since he was 18 and already had part time job he was somewhat eligible to legally do so. He got a few good friends, or at least I think they are, who were good with legal issues to convince some people, which we're going to call "the government" that Tyler was basically old enough and was stable enough mentally and financially. It wasn't easy, especially when he was scheduled to start college soon. He had to put that on hold a year and work full time. Soon Corrine was able to take a couple part time jobs, and I had a summer jobs. All that combined with the money both mom and dad had left for us, we became stable enough that Tyler didn't have to work two jobs. Now, Tyler goes to college in the morning, has little time to rest in the afternoon, and works in the evening, only to get off a few hour before school starts.

Corrine, who was 14 at the time, is now 19. Since coming back, she's finished high school but decided not to go to college and works two part time jobs. One in the morning, which is working at a flower shop across from the grocery store done the street, and the other she works in the afternoon til half the evening as a dance instructor at the rec center across from my high school. She's co-choreographer for the dance team in our neighborhood, called Studio Di, the same one I joined. Studio Di, stands for different, because that's the word that really defines our group. It's full of different kinds of people, black to white (Of course, there's more than just those races. I'm just tryin' to make a point.), young to old (well, only to 18), nerds to popular kids, hopefully now you get my point.

I joined Studio Di when I was still in middle school. Tyler had suggested to me to join an extracurricular club at school, to take my mind off of mom. But, all the after school clubs at my school were trash, and no I'm not afraid to say it. In fact, my whole middle school was trash, and no one's gonna stop me from saying it. But let me stop going off topic, *cough*. Back then, Studio Di wasn't very popular and only had a few people involved with it. When I joined, the after school dancing helped me relax. At first, I wasn't very good, and just tried my best to follow behind the seniors of the group, but by the end you could already see that I showed improvement. A lot has changed with the group in 5 years however. Studio Di was of the brink of extinction when the dance instructors quit. Before you ask, it was for an unknown reason. Buuut, if you want hear my suspicion, they were busted for selling weed and got sent to prison. The norm' for people around here. After they quit, with no one to teach, most kids started to leave and get into bad things, basically turning into potential thugs and prostitutes. No joke intended. Before things got worse though, two young adults fresh outta high school applied for the jobs to teach at the rec center. One being Corrine, and the other, him. Who is this him? Huuh, I guess I can't dodge the question forever.

He is Kai, Corrine's best friend. No one knows his last name. It's like a secret, the only thing that no one knows about him, not even Corrine (Apparently his teachers never called him by his last name). His street name is KAI, ironically. Kai is 22 at this time. The man has way too much time on his hands, as if having him hang around my sister 24/7 isn't any indication. He has always hanged around Corrine, ever since he met her before they started high school together. He's always there whether you want him to be or not. The 3 of us have kind of been unable to escape from his presence since we moved. When Tyler started college, we had no choice but to move into the area closest to it. The same area Kai lived in. Not only that, but we ended up in the same building, since it was closer to the rec center and where I go to school. Thank god we didn't live on the same floor, otherwise we would have been seeing each other wayyyyyy more than I would have liked to.

Kai was the one who helped Corrine get both of her part time jobs, granted he took both jobs with her. Not only does he work at the flower shop with her, but he's also the other dance instructor at the rec center. He's actually suppose to be the main instructor and Corrine is his co-instructor. I'll admit when it comes to Studio Di, Kai can actually be called a respectable person. When he started working, Studio Di was basically down in the dumps. Then he got Corrine and myself, as well as my friends to pass out flyers and promote the place. We had no idea what he planned to do, but we did as he said and pimped ourselves out for the place. A few days later, we had a mini rally that people showed up to. Most people came because Kai's name was on the flyer, because he preforms in the neighborhood from time to time. That's also why he's so popular. That day, he did preform, with already existing seniors members of Studio D and with myself doing a small cameo, and later on he made this long but pretty cool speech about how he was willing to teach the neighborhood kids dance if they would join the dance team. He influenced just about everyone there, and members started joining immediately. Now we still have those bad apples now and then, but now Studio Di has gone way past being unsuccessful.

Kai "allegedly" claims to us that he wants to help get as many kids off the streets as he can and into the studio and basically put them on a better path for success. Like I said, he claims this "allegedly", but I don't believe him. He just wants to show off for my sister like normal. I think he just wanted another way to score points wit' her, so that one day she'll one day find him likable enough to go out with him. I'm sorry, but I'll never approve. Though I swear, those two together, are like the "best couple" of the neighborhood. They are identified as our area's "relationship goals". I'm serious, everyone here ships them, except my brother and I of course. We already can't stand the guy, do you really think we approve him being in a relationship with our sister. SIKE.

Sure, I don't like the idea of him bossing me around at times, but he's actually a really good instructor. He knows how to dance really well, and can even sing on occasion. If I had a role model talent-wise, it would be him no doubt. But don't tell him though. All he needs to know is that I hate his guts, and he better not even think about getting any closer to my sister than he already is.

Don't let that wannabe kuriboh haired fool, fool you. Seriously, if he was a ghetto anime character, he'd be the abridged Jaden Yuki. He's got the hair and the speech down packed. The hair I have no idea why, but he says he was born with it. Plus he's a Japanese major in college and can actually speak legit Japanese. BUT DON'T FALL FOR IT. AND DEFINITELY DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT FALLING FOR HIM. Kai is just a manipulative mastermind. What ever he does and says is only to add to his goal of one day becoming my sister's boyfriend, no matter how much he denies it.

"Young Master! We're about to go on!" My best friend Trevor, who we call "Trev", shouts to me from the other side of the backstage area.

"Alright! But quit playin'! Don't break your legs bros!"

"Ayeee Trey!" My other best friend Michael (Young Mic, to distinguish him from his father), shouts from beside him before they go out, switching places with 2 of the dance team members that were with the rest of the group onstage.

"Trey, my cue comes up in a few lines, then comes yours and then our solo. Are you ready?" The long black-haired girl next to me asked quietly, looking over my all white outfit, complete with a white bed sheet draped over my shoulders like a cape. Ghetto right? "Your outfit looks good by the way."

I gave her a goofy grin, "Of course I am after all the practicing we've been doing together. And thanks, you look as cute as I thought you'd be in your female Ghostbusters uniform."

She blushes, making me blush at her adorableness, "Thanks Treyvon."

Now this, this is Serena. Serena Taylor Blackberry. A name that easily rolls of my tongue when I catch myself daydreaming. Serena is 15 and 8 months pregnant with my child, Sike. She's 15 going on 16 years old. She's my diamond in the ruff. I first knew her from my last year at middle school, but we formally started talking in high school. When I started dancing at Studio Di and becoming more popular around my school, she had one day came up to me at lunch while I hanging was with my squad basically told me that I wasn't all that and I should get off my high horse. Of course my group prompted me to show off. Once I did, she became embarrassed, admitted I was good and fled. Later on though, I realize that one of the girls that started flirting with me had dared her to say that stuff in front of my face. I packed on her in return because honestly, I hate bullies. I should have know before, Serena has always been shy and one to keep everything to herself. I apologized to her the day after, we bonded a little over anime, then we got engaged. Sike. We became friends; I started hanging out with her from time to time and she started to open up to me. I convinced her to join Studio Di not much later and after a while she joined. It took her a bit to stop being so nervous and show what she could do, but she got use to it. That's right, I got her out of the manga books and onto the dance floor with the flick of that wrist. Hehe. And we've been inseparable partners ever since.

Before y'all get started, no we are not dating. Unlike what you guys thought, I did not have the courage to ask her out on a date. That's right, your boy is...a cat! (Only the percentage of you guys that have dirty minds get the true meaning of what I just said.) But yeah, I have a crush on her, but I haven't asked her out. Yet. I plan to soon.

I looked down at Serena (Yeah, she's actually an inch smaller) as she fixed my wannabe cape that was sliding off of my shoulders. "Serena?"

She stared up at me nervously, "Yes?"

Serena's hands were resting on my chest while she looked up at me with her adorably cute hazel eyes. She was so close, my heart was beating furiously. "Uh...I," I trail off, shoving the words that first came to mind back down my throat with a swallow. Noticing that she was slightly shaking, probably out off nervousness, I hugged her to my chest. "Relax, don't let your nerves get the best of you. I've seen you dance. I know you'll do great." I ignored the fact that I was blushing profusely. I decided to lean in and whisper in her ear, toying with her a bit. "T-There's something I want to ask you. After the competition, that is. Will you hear me out?"

Serena pulled back and smiled at me shyly, "Okay."

Also ignoring the fact that we were at the right length away from each other to kiss, I took a step back and put my hands in my pockets. I smiled confidently, "Cool."

You guys may think because I'm older now, you think I think I'm all that now. But I don't, in all honesty. I may have grown an inch or two in 5 years, I have nothing to be egotistical, let alone vaguely be proud of. Sure, now that I'm in high school I may have a little more base to my voice, have a squad, and maybe have more girls 'approaching' me now that I can dance and I don't correspond with anime very much anymore. That's a separate issue. The point is I've somewhat grown up. Hopefully now my appearance matches my attitude now, a bit. I'm proud of what my family and I have achieved in 5 years, and couldn't be happier where I am. Although still lingering in my mind, there are always questions and doubts. Sometimes being here...doesn't feel right...

"I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghost!...I Hear It Likes The Girls~"

"Serena, that's your cue!"

"Huh!? It is!?" She squealed nervously.

"Yeah girl! Go go go!" I give her a light push as she runs onstage. I fix my suit jacket and straighten the fake mini gold crown that was clipped to my hair. Hey, if you're going to be a ghost king, gotta do yourself up right. Especially when there's a cute Ghostbuster that you want to come for that as~

God I want to smash so bad...


"Who You Gonna Call? Ghostbusters!"

Huuh. Moment of truth man. Leggo!

I peel back the curtains, and run out on my cue.

"If You've Had A Dose Of A Freaky Ghost, Baby! You Better Call, Ghostbusters!"

MPK: Prologue END. Cool? Yeah, starting off a little different here. But things will soon start to get back into the swing, so play along will ya? Hehe, ghostbusters...