WARNING!: this story contains underage sex, twincest, and male/male sex.

I know people can have problems for the first two so if you don't want to read that then don't. I want no bad reviews because you didn't like that this story included one of those three things.

Go to facebook page to see the pics of the three characters. Change the * to . in each link







Older or Younger

Crispo had never been the smartest or the strongest or the most talented. He was pretty much a pretty boy with a great smile on the lower side of the intelligence scale. Even then he wasn't the hottest boy around. His looks only seemed to attract one girl and he didn't even want to think about her.

That's why he was more confused now than he'd ever been and that was saying a lot. Somehow in a six hour school day he'd gone from his, whatever he was to a guy who had more than one, actually three people fighting over him. Actually when he thought about it was more of three people fighting for him in two groups. It all started at 8:26 in the morning.


"What do you mean I have to show fourth graders around?!" Crispo whined to his teacher. "We already did that with those fifth graders."

The older gray haired woman gave a disapproving sigh. "You'll only have to show them around for a few hours. Then you'll meet with a high schooler who will talk to you about your future decisions."

"All in one day!" Crispo interrupted.

"Yes all in one day. Now get going Mr. Powers. You're not the only complainer I have to deal with. Pick up your students in the front hall. Their names are Jack and Devin Tate. Now go or I'll give you detention" She grumbled.

Crispo trudged away. The worst part was CJ and Fenwick were out of school. He'd have to deal with this on his own. Graaah! When he reached the front little kids or at least they seemed little compared to him, were rushing into the school with excited eyes.

"Everyone settle down and we'll find your Middle School buddies." The much younger teacher called over her students. "Bob, please put that down. Lilly put down your phone for two minutes. Tates! You will stand right there. Don't take another step."

Crispo looked over to the two boys who were apparently attempting to sneak into the school by themselves. He assumed these were the brothers he'd be babysitting. One of the boys had dirty blond hair combed messily on the left side. He wore a blue striped colored shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His brother who was at least two inches taller had short messy brown hair that didn't hide his slightly large ears. Or maybe they just stuck out more. He wore a white long sleeve shirt with a black skull on it. The eye sockets, nose hole and mouth were all different neon colors. He had his hands in his blue jeans and looked impassive.

He let the teacher talk and begin to call off names. Crispo recognized a few of his classmates who grabbed their kids after their name was called. Finally the teacher gave a glare over to the two mischievous twins and said "Devin Tate, Jack Tate."

"Here" the dirty blonde said in a sweet innocent voice. Crispo took that as his cue to walk over.

"Hey, I'm Crispo and I guess I'll be taking you around the school" he huffed. The boys turned to him with wide eyes. They both had sky blue eyes with amber lines circling their pupils. They stood still, staring up at the middle schooler who was a good three inches taller than the taller twin. "Uh hello?" Crispo repeated.

"Oh" the taller boy said, snapping out of his strange look. "I'm Jack and this is my twin brother Devin" he said holding out his hand.

"Hi" Crispo said taking it. What kind of kid shook hands?

"Delighted to meet you" Jack said with a smirk. The shorter boy snorted at the look on Crespo's face.

"You do know what Delighted means right?" Devin asked, stepping next to his brother.

"Yea…" Crispo trailed off.

"Wonderful Crispo. I believe you were about to show me and my brother the school." Jack said, gesturing with his hand to the school. His shorter brother chuckled again.

"Uh yea" Crispo said. He turned and walked back into the school. He was too distracted to see the pitying look the teacher was giving him or her relieved posture after the boys were out of her care.

"This is the front office" Crispo began. He continued to talk as he walked until he heard the whispering behind him.

"But I called dibs first." Devin hissed under his breath.

"But I'm older." Jack responded.

"How does that… never mind. Like the boat?" Devin asked.

"Did you really think this would turn out any other way?" Jack chuckled.

"Umm what are you two taking about?" Crispo asked, turning around.

"Nothing" they said as one. Crispo nodded but continued walking. The faster he talked the quicker it'd be over.

Crispo continued on their tour, vaguely noticing the stairs he was getting from the boys. If he wasn't trying to rush through everything he might have noticed those stairs were almost always at his butt or crotch.


"And that's it" Crispo said, shuffling away from Jack who was leaning against the wall facing him with a disturbing smirk on his face.

"What about that?" Jack asked, gesturing with his hand to the door across the hall, never taking his eyes off Crispo.

"That's a classroom?" Crispo said.

"Yea but you should show us inside" Jack continued. "Unless there's a class in there." Crispo looked to the classroom which was empty just like all the ones in this hall. It was stupid of him to take the boys all the way down to this side of the school. They didn't really use these rooms except for after school clubs. Crispo had just been to distracted with the constant stairs.

"It's just a…" Crispo started before being poked in the back by the second twin. Reluctantly Crispo walked the two into the empty classroom. The blinds were shut and the lights were off. The only light was from the hall until the door was shut behind them, making a loud boom. Crispo jumped and turned to look at the boys, one of them he couldn't tell in the dark was touching the wall looking for a switch.

Seconds later the lights turned on. "What's going on?" Crispo asked, looking worried. The boys had a wild look in their eyes. The amber circle had expanded making their eyes look a bluish brown.

"So me and my brother were talking" Jack said, taking on the speaking roll. Devin started walking across the room in an arc around Crispo. "And we might have argued in the beginning but we decided that we wanted to ask you out." For the first time Crispo didn't here snooty confidence in the boys tone. He sounded unsure of himself, even scared.

"What?" Crispo asked, startled. HE took a step back from Devin who made another round around him.

"You are super cute" Jack continued, stating it like a fact. "And I'm single. My brother's single. We both find you funny, even though you're a bit stiff."

"But most people are like that around us at first" Devin interjected. Crispo took yet another step back. It was then that he realized he'd been herded into the corner of the room across from the door.

"Are you asking me out?" Crispo asked incredulously.

"Yes" Jack responded.

"Wait. Which one of you?" Crispo asked. Crispo might shout out his feelings every day at like literally every moment but he had told no one that he way gay. How could these two fourth graders guess when his family and friends hadn't? Unless they already had!

"Both" Jack smirked, licking his thin lips.

"So I'm supposed to choose between…" Crispo started.

"No!" Devin snorted. "We both like you. We're twins we're used to sharing. Sharing a cute older boy won't be too different from clothes."

"Huh?" Jack said, head whipping toward his brother. "We do not share clothes!"

"We'll I share yours" Devin smirked, showing how much he actually resembled his twin.

"You can't wear my clothes! When did you wear my clothes?"

"My date with Noah, my date with Lilly, when I went to Drake's house for our project" He said, ticking each time off on his fingers.

"But… Wait I saw you're outfit for your date with Lilly. You weren't wearing my clothes." Jack said, raising an eyebrow.

"Lilly likes it when I wear your under where. She says it's hot. I can't say I see the appeal but I guess she might just like the twincest thing." HE grinned.

"You wore my under where!" Jack choked.

"I like my under where loose" Devin countered. "But I look way hotter in your tight colorful briefs. Lilly only likes them cuz she knows they're yours but I wear them to every date I think I might get some action…"

"Action!" Crispo choked loudly. "You're nine years old!"

"Almost ten" Devin replied. "Plus we're not the only ones. Have you seen the internet? We're basically exposed to half naked people every time we turn on our phones. It's only natural we experiment. Didn't you know that almost twenty percent of middle school students have had sex? Me and my brother are just overachievers.

"Shut up Devin. You never get with anyone." Jack said, crossing his arms.

"Yea I do! Lilly, Blake, Morgan…" Devin began

"Morgan! You mean high school senior Morgan from across the street!" Jack almost shouted.

"He was my first" Devin said proudly.

"You said Ella was your first."

"I wasn't out yet. Plus I only gave him a blowjob." Devin explained. Jack shook his head.

"You're too young for him." Jack sighed.

"We're asking out a seventh grader!" Devin shot back.

"That's completely different. He's twelve not seventeen."

"Why are we even arguing?" Devin asked, freezing the conversation.

"I really don't know" Jack said surprised. "So we should get back to Crispo here. You'll tell me everything later."

"Yes sir." Devin winked.

"Back to Mr. Sexy Blonde Boy, What do you say? Want two super cute boyfriends who have no reservations about your teen boy needs?" Jack smirked playfully.

"I… I… I…" Crispo stuttered.

"I don't think we'll be getting anything out of him today" Devin said sadly. "He's frozen up."

"Fine. Are you thinking…" Jack bagan.

"What I'm thinking. Yes" Devin finished.

Crispo couldn't and guiltily didn't want to move when the two grade schoolers (Grade Schoolers!) descended on him. Devin's hand slid under Crispo's shirt, causing his breath to hitch. His breathing stopped all together though when Jack pulled his jelled hair down so he could attack the older boy's lips.

Crispo's body shook. Not only was the younger twin's hand skimming his upper chest but his teeth were nipping at his sides, sending shots of pleasure through him. Each bite nicked him in a different spot. He'd make his way up, occasionally giving a harder bite, just to grin at the older boy's shake.

Devin's eyes looked up at his brother. His twin looked at bliss. His hands were wrapped in Crispo's hair, pulling their faces closer together if that was even possible. Their lips were engulfing each other and knowing his brother Devin assumed his tongue was playing with the inside of their tour guide's mouth.

Crispo face was turning blue from lack of air. He couldn't find his breath. His body was too distracted with the new completely amazing feelings that the boys were causing. black spots flashed under his eylids and some part of his mind realized he was going to faint. But at the last moment he gasped and busked forward.

His eyes flew open and pulled away from Jack. Another gasp left his lips. What was…. The thought ended there as he legs turned to jelly.

"Someone likes his nipples played with" Devin chuckled, running his finger around the little pink nipple he'd found.

"hmmmah" Crispo moaned.

"Care to join me brother?" Devin asked.

"Sure does look like fun" Jack replied. Together they grabbed the bottom of Crispo's shirt and pulled it over his head. Crispo couldn't even say no because as soon as they'd stolen his shirt Jack's soft wet lips touched his other nipple.

"Good job Jack. His eyes are rolling back." Devin laughed, going back to rubbing the now red nipple on his side of Crispo's body. Crispo gasped and finally fell. Luckily the boys supported him so they could lower his shaking body to the floor. The brothers shared a look before shaking their heads.

"No just a little bit more" Devin hissed. Jack gave his brother a stern stare. "Fine! But next time I get to do what I want."

"Only if he says yes" Jack said. He and his brother kneeled down so their lips were inches from Crispo's. "What do you say sexy. Do you wanna do this again?" Crispo gurgled what the boys assumed was supposed to be an answer.

"Crispo you have to get up" Devin scolded. "We are in a school you know." Crispo's eyes shot open and he attempted to stand. It took him two tried but he got himself on his feet. The boys smiled identical smiles as they took in his bare chested beauty.

"I… I…" Crispo stuttered.

"I thought we'd get him to talk after this" Jack sighed.

I hope you liked it. Rated M will be coming in futer chapters. This will be most likly 3 chapters and the following two will me about 60% smut. Again dont give a bad review for something I warned about. Other than that PLEASE REVIEW. Tell me if you want me to keep writing this.