A/N: To all of you who enjoyed Little Hanyou in the woods. This a little something I feel I need to do. True my updates are slow on my other stories, but soon I shall end them and as I finish those stories I will then focus mainly on this story. So here is a small part of what is to come. I hope you all enjoy.

Chapter 1

A cool breeze was blowing as the young couple sat on their new pourch. They had just moved in to their new little hut and now they were just relaxing. Every now and then a strong wind would blow his long silver hair, making him look even more mystical. It had been a long two months wait for this peace and quiet.

When she had first returned after a three years of being away from her true love. They lived with the village miko, which they were somewhat used to. She sighed happily with her head resting on his shoulder. And with one careful move he had placed her on his lap wrapping his arms around her. Soon he to gave a happy sigh. For now they both felt complete. "I don't think I've been this relaxed since, well ever." He told his young wife.

She smiled and snuggled closer to him. "I know, it's like my body doesn't want to move from this spot. I'm afraid if we do this moment will end forever." She told him, before snuggling deeper into his hold.

Sadly though their peace and quiet would end. They had much to prepare for in the days ahead. The summer was ending and the cold winter was coming in a few months. They had little time to waste on relaxing in the days ahead. Fire wood would need to be chopped and stacked for winter months as well as regular days. Supplies would be need to be on hand for illnesses and bitter cold.

Soon the sun had faded behind the trees, letting the night shadows move in. Still the couple set and watched as the moon and stars appear in the sky. And once the night air turned cold he picked her up and carried her inside. The fire pit that was started before they went outside had grown low. So once he set her down he added a few more logs.

As the fire burned brighter he noticed how beautiful she looked. It wasn't the first time he saw her in the firelight, but this time it was different. This time something sparked in him and all he wanted to do was kiss her. Not just any kiss though, no this kiss would be the one that started a fire that burned in their souls and grew to their bodies.

Wait was he really ready, was she ready as well? Only way to know. It was their first night in their new home so why not make it even more special. He didn't have to wonder for long though because somehow she must've known. Before his lips touched her's, she had wrapped her arms around his neck and locked her lips with his.

He was surprised by her boldness, she moved with ease as she made quick work removing his ropes, as well as her own kimono. He couldn't help but turn red from the view of her naked body. Sure it wasn't the first time he saw her naked. However this time she didn't "sit" him for it.

He swallowed hard as she ran her hands up his strong chest. His heart was pounding from the very thought of where this night was heading. His clawed hands started to shake a little as he followed her moves. He was very careful as he guided his hands over her chest. Soon their eyes met and after a short stare into his golden eyes she locked her lips with his again.

This time their kisses grew more intense, and their hands started touching every inch of the other ones body. Neither one paying any attention to what they were doing just bodies moving to what their souls knew they needed. And before long two souls had joined and became one. They were now joined as husband and wife and soon the seed he planted would start to grow.