
Jaune had always thought that he was a clever kid. He knew the value of a good nights sleep, even if he thought he went to bed too early. He knew that when his parents told him something that he should probably listen to them, except when they told him his comic books were a waste of time. Jaune Arc thought he was pretty sensible for a 14 year old boy.

But no matter how sensible he thought he was, he knew he messed up.

Growing up as the sole boy among seven sisters wasn't easy, but somehow he managed to navigate the whims and tempers of the girls of various ages around him and make it to the ripe old age of fourteen. He thought he was ready to take on the world, which definitely showed when he confronted one of his older sisters.

Chrysta Arc was in her third year at Beacon Academy, her long, gold hair was frazzled and she stifled back a yawn after being woken up early by very insistent knocking on her door, on one of her few days of her holiday she spent with her family.

"Chrysta, I want to become a Huntsman!" forcefully said a very determined Jaune Arc.
"...what?" blearily said Chrysta, blinking sleepily.
"I want to become a Huntsman." repeated Jaune
Chrysta blinked again and finally let out a long yawn. After she finished, she smiled, eyes closed.

"That's nice, Jaune." she said softly and proceeded to pull the door closed.
"Wait, please" Jaune held the door open with his hand.
"What, Jaune?" Chrysta snapped "It's too early in the morning for you to wake me up to declare your life choices."

"...It's not morning yet..." he replied sheepishly
"I need your help!" were the words that suddenly blurted out of Jaune's mouth.
"With what?" asked the more irate but also more aware blond sister.
"I need you to train me..." Jaune mumbled softly
"Sorry, what was that?"

"I need you to train me!" he repeated a lot louder than he intended to. He had quickly felt a wave of embarrassment envelop him for his outburst. How can she take me seriously if i don't act like a grown up!.
He was thrown out of his inner turmoil when his sister finally replied.
"Why me? Why not Mom and Dad? I'm sure they'd be glad you are getting into the family business."

Jaune was silent as he put his thoughts together.
"They offered to train me when i was twelve..."
"Yeah I know, So why now and not then?" Chrysta asked pointedly, her eyes narrowing slightly.
"It's because it looked hard!" Jaune complained, sounding closer to a whine. "All you did was run and jump, and get hit by Mom and Dad a lot with that wooden sword, and all those exercises and..."

"Okay. Firstly, that was called sparring and i had just started. No one could be that good when they start off training." Chrysta quickly interrupted. "Secondly, that doesn't answer my question. Why now?"

Jaune looked to the floor. "It's because I know it is worth it."

A glance upward showed the face of his sister, still framed by messy hair, showing a surprised expression. Jaune took this as an opportunity to continue.
"I know it is hard, I know all the stuff I would have to do, but it is worth it if I can be able to save people after training so hard. Helping people who need it is the best thing i can do. I want to do that and i think i understand how much hard work that would be. But i don't think they would understand."

The room was silent for a while after that. Jaune looked at his sister's face and saw that she was smiling. He noticed that the smile wasn't bright like when her friends came over or when he did something she considered cute, much to his embarrassment. Instead it looked, at least to him, a bit sad.

"Look, Jaune. If i say I'll help, will you let me sleep?"

Jaune's face brightened near instantly at that. She was really considering helping him become a Hunter!
"Yes, of course big sis!"

He quickly left the older Arc alone before she could say anything different, even though he was moving at near sprint he still thought he heard something like tired cursing. At least he thought it was cursing, he wasn't allowed to use curse words.

After that late night meeting, he had waited patiently for his sister to help him train and as the days passed his anticipation only grew. He kept imagining all the people he was going to save and all the beasts he was going to slay and even though the training would be harsh and grueling, in his 14 year old mind, it only got more worth it.

Jaune would have liked to say he was patient in waiting for this chance, but unfortunately for his sister Chrysta he couldn't help asking a little. Okay, he asked A LOT.

Eventually, his 'patience' would pay off after three days when his sister told him that her team had been asked to clear a small pack of Beowolves from nearby someone's farm and she wanted to bring him along to show him firsthand on how a hunter does their thing.

Jaune was so excited in that moment he thought his heart would explode out of his chest. Having quickly agreed to the outing he rushed off to prepare him self. He had gotten his training armor, that he made himself, his favorite hoodie, just slightly too big for him, and finally Crocea Mors, the sword that belonged to his Great Grandfather and was gifted to him by his father, passed down every male in the Arc line from way back even before his Grandfather. " Son, even if you aren't going to be a hunter you will still get this sword. Even if you never use it and it ends up above the fireplace until your son gets it." his Dad had said in one of the most serious moments he has had with his dad. "On the bright side, it makes a most intimidating paperweight." Dad had joked, his almost trademark smile returning.

Jaune however wasn't going to waste it by putting such a fine weapon on his papers and books. He was going to use Crocea Mors for it's intended purpose, to save people. Even though this was his first time using it and it was a bit bigger than it should be for his size, he would make his ancestors proud and he would grow up.

Yes, when he grows big and strong he would protect people, and he would be a hero.

After getting ready, he followed his sister to where her team was waiting. From there they took a car to the farm where the Beowolves were lurking. During the trip Jaune couldn't stop nervously glancing at Chrysta and her team, in the back of the car each did their own thing, from sitting with their eyes closed to humming a song he didn't know. His nervousness had stopped him from focusing on what they looked like or even what their weapons were as all his thoughts were on hoping he wasn't going to mess up and convince his sister not to train him. No he determined, today i will prove that this is what i was meant to do. This determination didn't help as much as he hoped.

The rest of the trip was a blur to him thanks to his whirl of thoughts but he did remember that his sister, now clad in her armor and trench coat, had put her hand on his shoulder comfortingly and smiled, saying it would be all OK.

After the car had reached it's destination, Jaune had kept thinking over his inner fears and hopes, missing any conversation around him. When he finally became aware of the world again, he saw they were about to enter the forest to begin the hunt.

It had gone well... At first

There were too many Beowolves, it would be more chaotic and intense than his sister said it would be.

Now here he was, separated from Chrysta and her team by a horde of Grimm, Crocea Mors in his right and the shield sheath in his left while having no idea what he was doing and a Beowolf in front him, covered in bone spikes and armour, taking it's sweet time in attacking.

Jaune knew it was savoring his fear, the fear that threatened to paralyse him, but he would not freeze up now. He knew that would mean he would die. Jaune wasn't going to let himself die, not when there were people he could save later in life. If he died today, his family, Chrysta especially, would be hurt. All the people he could have saved would be hurt and Jaune himself would be hurt as well. He really wouldn't want that to happen.

So as Jaune prepared to face what came, he let out one word softly. The only curse word he had learned.


It seemed appropriate because Jaune Arc, 14 year old only son of the current Arc generation, knew he had messed up.


Chrysta Arc knew she had messed up.

This trip was meant to be an easy way to show Jaune what it meant to be a hunter, the sorts of things you would have to face and the fear that came with such a life. Honestly part of her hoped that this little outing would discourage Jaune from being a Hunter. No sister wanted to see their little brother going to a career where you might die at any time and a childish part of her hoped that taking him along with her for this small clearing mission would push some sense into the boy before she started training him.

She didn't really want to train him but she had technically given her word that night.

And Arcs always keep their word.

Her older sister had done this for her when she was a kid and it had been approved by Mom and Dad afterwards. Chrysta had the feeling that if she had started training with her parents first, they would have done something similar to her given how strict they were training her and her sisters. The other sisters might have grown to dislike their parents, some even hated Mom, but Chrysta understood why they ran trained them so unforgivingly. Grimm would take advantage of any opening presented to them and were brutal, thus the training had to be as well. The fact that none of the Arc siblings had died over the years spoke greatly of the effectiveness of the training.

It seemed like that might change today. I'm not going to let that happen she thought.

All around her was pandemonium. Surrounded by Beowolves meant that all of the team metaphorically had their hands full. Closest to her was Ingrid, her wolf ears laid back indicating her intense focus, her SMGs firing on full auto, making full use of her semblance to fire eight of the death dealers at the Grimm one in each hand, with six in her semblances projections and two in her normal hands. Jack was a little further away, wolf ears atop his head mirroring his sister's, Using his Gravity sword to cut down swaths of the hound shaped Grimm where the gravity generators increased the force of each swing, making it trivially easy. Lastly was Crimson and while she couldn't see him, it was easy enough to guess where he was by the distinctive explosions and flying Grimm, most likely from his Rocket Launcher staff. Further away, out of reach but still in sight, was Jaune and he was facing down a Beowolf Alpha in one of the bravest/stupidest things she has seen him do.

A Beowolf lunging at her broke her small train of thought. She dodged it, moving only slightly past it. The moment It landed she spun, slightly noticing her long braided ponytail following her, placed one of her Dual custom Magnums under it's jaw and fired. A large bang echoed with the pressing of the trigger and the bone mask of the Grimm burst outwards as the high caliber Dust round broke through. Almost immediately after the Beowolf started it's fall, Chrysta turned her attention to Jaune and his opponent again.

"Im going to get Jaune!" she screamed to her team. She recieved several grunts of acknowledgement from her team and they shifted focus to killing the Grimm between her and Jaune. It took several moments for her team to thin out the Grimm enough so that she could break through and in that time she reloaded. Sixteen shots is all I have to get through. she grimaced at the Grimm reminder. Hehe, that was a good one. a small grin crept on her face at the mental pun.

She suddenly saw an opening and she ran for it.

A Beowolf leapt at her from the right, trying to take advantage. BANG.


From her right, a Grimm just ready to swipe at her as she ran past.



A couple charging her from the left.



Four more stood in her way.



She was running out and she was only half way there.

Another three on the right.


Six left. I'm almost there.

She could see them clearly now. The Alpha was throwing slow, almost lazy strikes at Jaune while he blocked or avoided the blows he thought he couldn't.

It's playing with him. She realized. Dawning Horror mounting on her features.


Two more Beowolves died midleap, bone maskscracked from the entry of the rounds and she sped up slightly, narrowly avoiding the collision of the rapidly evaporating bodies.


She had finally reached the edge of the impromptu arena for the Alpha and as she did she saw that three of the wolves had decided to get it over with and kill the small human.


She ended those plans quickly enough.

Only one left before i have to reload.

She sped up quickly to hopefully get there before the Alpha went in for the kill.

The Alpha saw the Arc Huntress running up him and his plaything however and he decided that he shouldn't play with his food at this time.

Chrysta felt a pang of fear in her gut as the Alpha quickly got into a ready position and leaped for Jaune, aiming to cut the Aura-less boy's throat out. In less than a second, she stopped and took aim with the remaining loaded Punctuator at the Grimm's eye, she could make the shot. She pulled the trigger.


Her stomach fell out from under her. She had miscounted and now it was too late to draw her back-up machete. She could only stand there helpess as her brother was moments away from death. And It's all my fault.

The claws reached closer, The Alpha was fully in the air.

Jaune ducked.

Shock filled Chrysta's system as she saw her little brother dodge the leap by ducking. The claws shot over where is head was. When she had saw the leap she would never have imagined that Jaune could have survived it, or even escape it unharmed.

But that wasn't the only thing that was going to shock her.

The Alpha hadn't expected the dodge from the small human, but a long life had taught the old Grimm to adapt to such unexpected situations. It used it's long reach to stab one of it's claws into the earth right behind the small human, using It's momentum to spin around to face It's prey. He didn't expect the sight that met the wolf's old eyes.

Jaune, with a two-handed grip on Crocea Mors, with the tip of the ancient blade reaching toward the Alpha's eye. It was the last sight the Alpha saw.

Chrysta had watched Jaune plant the sword into the eye of the Grimm. with a wet squelch the blade sunk into the eye hole of the Grimm mask. The Alpha shuddered and then fell like a puppet with It's strings cut. She saw Jaune breathing hard, sweat covering his skin and a shell shocked expression on his face. She slowly approached him, absently noting that the sound from her team-mates was getting softer indicating they were running out of Grimm. As she reached Jaune she fell to her knees and hugged the 14 year old boy, he kept staring at the now dead and evaporating Alpha. Chrysta didn't know what she was saying but she was sure it was some variations of " I'm Sorry", over and over again.

Suddenly she felt Jaune twist around and wrap his arms around her as well. As the embraced themselves, she felt moisture coming from her shoulder as sobs wracked Jaune's body. She didn't know how long they stayed like that but it was long enough that all of the hundreds of Beowolves had been killed and dissolved. Even Crocea Mors was free from the now evaporated Alpha corpse when Jaune had stopped crying and Chrysta had stopped crying with him.

She let go of him gingerly as he did the same, both siblings still worried about losing each other if they let go. "Well, better get your sword young hunter." she said to the younger Arc, forcing cheer into her voice. Jaune however smirked, likely getting the spirit of the comment. He picked up the abandoned blade, collapsed the sheath, sheathed the sword and clipped the combination onto his belt.

"Don't worry Jaune, we can talk about everything on the way home."
Jaune said nothing, but a weak smile and a nod showed that he had heard Chrysta. Suddenly Jaune moved and hugged his sister tightly. "I love you Chrysta."

Chrysta smiled. "I love you too Jaune, now lets get out of here before our mom and dad come out looking for you." Jaune let go, looked his sister in the eyes and nodded.

Chrysta turned around to face her team. "Alright guys, Good job now let's move out." They didn't say anything, but as she passed them she saw them giving each other sly smiles, even Crimson had a near permanent grin on his face. She knew she would get teased over Jaune later. Her smile widened. It's worth it, she thought, As long as i have my little brother they can make fun of me all they want.

"Uhh, Chrysta?!"

She turned towards the sound of Jaune's voice. Her grin slipped right off her face. Jaune was behind everyone, surrounded by blue swirling light. She rushed towards him. She wasn't going to leave her brother again!

She was close enough and she leaped for him. Her semblance slowed down the world around her as her feet left the ground, reaching out for her brother. She wasn't going to lose him! Even with the feeling clinching her heart and tying it into knots She wasn't!

Just before she reached him. She saw his face, wide-eyed and scared, silently pleading her to save him.

With a flash of blue light and the sound of electricity, Jaune was gone.

She landed on the floor roughly but she was too shocked at the sudden disappearance of the teenager to notice. Her mind felt like it was straining to keep in one piece, unable to process the fact that after all that had happened, Jaune was gone anyway. Jaune had disappeared even after surviving something he shouldn't have. It felt like fate had smiled upon her when her brother hadn't been taken from her and then that smile had turned cruel as fate had taken him anyway.

She didn't know how long she lay there, how long she tried to hold back the guilt from bringing Jaune here in the first place. The silence was definite, there was no Grimm to interrupt the moment and her teammates could only stand close by to the despairing Arc. All they could do was awkwardly shuffle in place as they were unsure of what to do, what could be done to try to help Chrysta, someone who had been a part of their pseudo-family and just suffered an unexpected, un-explainable and apparently unavoidable loss.

For a second, Crimson looked around him at his team, the closest thing he had to a family and to one member in particular who had become his partner on his first day at Beacon Academy. He knew that Chrysta could have dealt with Jaune's death if it came during his fight with the Alpha as any fourteen year old without training would have had no chance from a Grimm such as that but... Jaune hadn't died.

Jaune had survived and managed to kill the Alpha in the process with no prior training or any other equipment but his sword and shield. His weapons weren't mecha-shift either, just a sword and shield which could only do what a sword and shield could do. Considering Crimson's own weapon was mecha-shift and even he would trouble with killing an Alpha in one hit and he had a rocket launcher.

Frankly, He figured that in time, Jaune could maybe have been one of the best Huntsmen in Remnant. Unfortunately, Jaune wasn't here and Chrysta was simultaneously tearing herself apart and keeping herself together about it. He knew that hundreds of recriminations about losing Jaune to an uncertain fate. It didn't even occur to her that Jaune could pop out of the trees any second, she just wasn't that type of person, and she was likely thinking about worse and worse fates for her younger brother and blaming herself for every single one.

Crimson got down and took her into an awkward hug, due to her prone position. He then said something that she needed to hear, even though it would shatter what balance she had.
"It's not your fault that Jaune is gone."

Chrysta felt like a dam inside her burst.

She felt herself crying, she didn't care. Jaune was gone.

She screamed out Jaune's name until she was hoarse, she didn't care. Jaune was gone.

Her team surrounded her, trying to comfort her, she didn't care. Jaune was gone.

She got up and searched until her legs felt like jelly, she didn't care. Jaune was gone.

She collapsed to the floor sobbing while her team mates looked out for Grimm and all that time the horrible feeling around her heart clenched. Jaune was gone.

She cried herself to sleep on that forest floor as the guilt for taking Jaune on this trip in the first place crushed her. Jaune was gone.

Jaune was gone. She messed up.

Jaune was gone, and it's all my fault.


As he looked at the sparking and clearly smoking molecular relay, Dr Johnson of the Advanced Systems Department of the Institute knew he messed up.

He stared at the smoking ruin of supremely advanced technology, the pride and joy of the Institute and now, a metaphor for his reputation.

"Sir. As you are aware, this outcome was predicted." came a monotone and synthetic voice behind him.

He turned to face his 'partner' in this mess. He was a Gen 1 synth. Unrealistic, plastic skin fitted over a mechanical skeleton and clad in the white synth uniform although age has removed some of the false skin on his forehead, revealing the metal underneath. All in all a beginning attempt to the synth program, and a synth old enough to probably remember Johnson as a child. Of course at the end of the day, Lab assistant was not the most dangerous job a synth could do. Not by a long shot.

"You know E4, you are missing the point of science. The point is to try and then see what happens." Johnson said, easily slipping into a lecturing tone.

"While yes, the point of scientific endevour it to try the unknown, you specifically decided to ignore safety limits on a highly advanced technology that has been known to twist the laws of space and time and thus required those limits to ensure the safety of both the operator and the machine." E4-72 pointed out to him, taking a consistent and almost bored tone during his explanation.
"...You can't do anything by staying safe."
"You can keep Institute property intact by following safety guidelines" shot back E4.

"..." Dr Johnson remained quiet. "... I'm in big trouble aren't I?"
"That seems statistically likely."
Dr Johnson sighed, maybe his career wasn't completely ruined. Possibly, Maybe.

The intercom came to life. "Dr Johnson. Calling Dr Johnson, please report to the Director's office immediately. Repeat, please report to the Director's office Immediately."

Dr Johnson sighed and left the room, moving quickly in the hopes that he won't get too many stares from the people in the atrium.

E4-72 just stood there, staring at the smoking wreckage of the most important device in the Institute. If he could have, he would have been giggling like an adolescent girl. But E4-72 couldn't do that, so he went to go find his fellow synths that he had a positive relationship with.
This information needed dissemination after all.


Jaune didn't know what happened to him. The last thing he remembered was his older sister's worried face and then there was light and then pain as he hit the ground. He kept his eyes shut, the light having made them water and be in immense pain.

Jaune tried to stand up. As his hand touched the ground, he noticed it felt wrong, dead.
Jaune thought that was strange as nothing he had felt on Remnant had felt like that. There was life everywhere, even in the most barren of soil. Jaune raised himself, fingers digging into the dead earth for him to get to his feet. He felt horrible and his vision was blurry.

As he had finally stood up and looked around, Jaune Arc, 14-year-old, had the sinking feeling that he would be in this... place for a while.

Because what had greeted Jaune Arc's sight was not the lush greens of the forest...

But the gray of a forest of blackened, long dead trees.

AN: Another story I am moving over because of my lack of time to actually work on the chapter.

Hope you enjoy the writing and feel free to review