Hermione was staring out of the window of the Hogwarts Express, contemplating the last few months of her life. So much had changed. But, it was the kind of change that was needed, desired, not only by her, but by whole wizarding Britain. The Second Wizarding War had been cruel, excruciating, terrifying,… It was sorrow. It was guilt. It was death, but it was also rebirth.
For the survivors knew that their world had died along with their loved ones, and a new world, a better world had to be reborn from the ashes. And that's what everyone did. Some started rebuilding the castle, some made potions to heal the injured, like Hermione did, some hunted the Death eaters who fled, some buried the dead who were too mutilated to recognise and thus give a personal burial. Some cooked and distributed the food to all the helpers, some comforted their friends, some took care of the orphans. Of course, there were people who did nothing. They just sat and watched. And they scared Hermione more than the bodies on the ground. Because the bodies were dead. But those people, they were more than dead. They were ruined, broken from within. They were shadows of their former selves. Unresponsive to their surroundings. Even Death seemed to be too frightened to take them.

But time passed and soon the castle stood tall and proud again. They were still mourning, they still had tear stains on their face, but they were slowly moving in the right direction. And now, four months later, they had seemed to find their smiles again. They still had their scars, both physically and emotionally, but they were no longer being consumed by them.

"He gave it to me yesterday. Said it would remind me of him."
"That's so sweet of him."
" I know. He's so good, so sweet. He found it in the Potter vault, hidden behind the galeons. He thinks it might have belonged to his mother. I almost started crying when he said that to me."
"It means he loves you a lot."
"I know he does. And I love him too."
Luna smiled at her friend.
"I just wish he was here with us. And Ron too."
"I do too, but he's doing what he wants to do. He's chasing his dream of becoming an auror."
"I know.", Ginny said while smiling down at her new bracelet. "And there's no one who deserves it more than him."

She glanced back up and looked at Hermione who seemed to not have heard their conservation and gave her a soft smile.

"Hermione, are you alright? Is this about my brother?"
The girl in question looked back at her and gave her a little smile of her own.
"I'm alright, thank you. I'm just lost in thoughts, that's all. It's…so much has changed and it feels weird to go back, to see everyone again, to feel the absence of those who've died,…
But, it's not about Ron, Ginny. He and I are still friends. Things are a bit awkward between us, but we're going to be fine."

Luna and Ginny looked at her unconvinced.

Hermione shook her head a little.

"We're going to be fine, trust me. This time apart will do our friendship good. Now show me the bracelet Harry gave you."

Ginny smiled at the mention of her boyfriend and presented her right hand which was adorned by a feminine golden bracelet with three small roses made out of rubies.

"It's really beautiful, Ginny"
"Thank you. It belonged to Lily."
"That makes his gift even more special."
"I'm really lucky to have him, Hermione."
"I think he can count himself pretty lucky to have you as well, Ginny."

The girls smiled at each other and the compartment remained quiet for a few minutes until the blonde haired witch of the trio softly spoke up.

"You'll be very lucky too, Hermione."
"What do you mean, Luna?"
"I see dragos floating around your head. They usually evade wizards and witches, not liking our sometimes dark aura. They're very pure creatures, you see, they only like being around certain kinds of people. Lucky people so to say. You'll see, soon enough, you'll consider yourself to be lucky as well"

Ginny and Hermione looked at their friend and then at each other.

"Uhm, okay, I'm pretty sure I will, Luna", Hermione said uncertainly.
"You don't believe me, do you?"
Hermione gave her a sceptic look, but refrained from answering, preferring not hurt her friend.
Luna smiled at her and turned her head to the window, gazing at the trees.
"You'll see…"