Disclaimer: I own nothing as usual

In My Space

Green thumbs mashed madly against the purple controller that decided the fate of one titan's place on the scoreboard, which was currently held by Robin four times, Cyborg five and, shockingly, Raven once. He had yet to make it to the top ten, but today was his day. Today he didn't have Robin and Cyborg breathing down his neck, whispering of his past failures. Today he didn't have Raven's annoyed voice telling him to turn down the volume or Starfire's (as wonderful as it was) loud cheering for him to win. There was only himself and the game. Yes, he was coming for that number one top score.


The sound of the doorbell ringing threw him off for a moment. He barely looked behind him as he yelled, "Yo, someone get the door!"

His call was only met with silence and the doorbell rang several more times, each one causing a vein in his head to pulse a little bit more. The rest of the titans were around somewhere and they could all hear the damn thing. He clenched the game controller tightly. He couldn't save his game and he was so close to getting on the board. Suddenly, the ringing stopped. Beast Boy sighed in relief as he put all of his concentration back into the game. This was it, his moment of glory…

Ding-Dong Ding-Dong Ding-Dong Ding-Dong Ding-Dong Ding-Dong

Beast Boy screamed as he fell off the couch, terrified from the onslaught of noise coming from their front door. In his moment of fear his character had managed to run right off a cliff and die. Beast Boy groaned as he pulled himself up, his eyes daring to look at the screen. He saw the words GAME OVER written in big skeleton letters and he could feel tears fill his eyes.

"Whoever is at the door, this better be important!" Beast Boy grumbled as he got to his feet since the rest of his team seemed incapable of answering the door.

Come to think of it, they rarely had people ring their doorbell, or even visit the tower at all. If it were another superhero they would have called first over the communicator. The public never interacted with them unless it was an emergency. The whole thing seemed odd. Then again, it would be pretty bold of a villain to use the Titan's front door to set an attack.

Beast Boy heaved the giant doors open and was surprised to see a group of teens standing at the door, all looking slightly flushed and nervous. Beast Boy attempted a smile.

"Uh, can I help you?" He asked when none of them spoke.

The group all exchanged a glance before pushing a girl with blonde hair forward. She was clutching onto a nice looking envelope and her cheeks were bright red as she came to stop in front of Beast Boy.

"Hi, you're Beast Boy, right?" She stuttered.

Beast Boy licked his hand and slicked back his hair, leaning against the doorway casually. The girl was pretty cute and he was currently single.

"Depends on who's asking." He said in an unusually deep voice.

"Yo, B!" Cyborg's voice yelled from the hallway. The sound caught him off guard and Beast Boy fell out of his cool façade. A few girls in the group giggled. "Who's at the door?"

"Yes, who friend?" Starfire's voice came through the open door.

The rest of the titans had finally made their way out too and Beast Boy slightly scowled at them. Now they decided to see who was knocking on their front door?

"Starfire!" The girl with blonde hair said as she broke into a smile.

Starfire looked at the girl with playful curiosity. "Do I know you, friend?"

The girl was blushing again. "Well, we only met once and it was a year ago, so you may not remember, but it was at our prom night."

"You mean, Date with Destiny?" Robin asked surprised to hear that night being brought up again. He had tried to block most of it from his mind considering he had to endure Kitten, the spoiled daughter of Killer Moth, for most of the night. The only highlight of the evening was being crowned Prom King and getting to dance with Starfire, even though he would never admit to it.

The girl nodded. "Yeah! You and Starfire were named Prom King and Queen."

Starfire gave the girl an enduring smile. She thought about that moment often. Dancing was Robin was wonderful, despite his claims of not enjoying the activity. Cyborg, Beast Boy and Raven looked at Robin with smirks on their faces.

"Is that the night you had Kitten as a girlfriend?" Cyborg said in a teasing tone while wagging his eyebrows in Robin's direction.

"She was not nor ever will by my girlfriend." Robin said through gritted teeth as he cross his arms over his chest.

"Don't worry about her," The girl said with a shake of her head, "Kitten was banned from prom by the student council. My name is Sarah, by the way and this is Jump City's High Student Council." She said as she indicated to the rest of her friends.

"Nice to meet you, little lady." Cyborg said as he shook her hand.

Sarah blushed again and fumbled with the envelop in her hand. "Well, it's tradition that the past year's king and queen crown the winners of this year."

Robin raised an eyebrow and looked at Starfire who seemed to be beaming at the idea. He couldn't help, but smile at the pure joy on her face.

"And we thought it would be nice to have the whole Teen Titans team there as kind of like a supervision, since last year's prom was very eventful." Sarah explained, her courage gaining by just looking at Starfire's face. "So you all are invited to Jump City's High Prom!"

She handed the envelop to Robin and stepped back to stand with her friends as they watched the titan's gather around their leader to look at the invitation.

Jump City's High Student Council

Is Proud to Present

Oh Happily Ever After

A Night of Fairy Tales Brought to Life at Prom

Magnolia Gardens

Saturday the 22nd of April


"Ooh how glorious!" Starfire said as she clasped her hands together after she finished reading the invitation. "Robin, as king and queen, we must attend!"

Robin rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He really hated dances and he never went to his own high school prom, plus the last prom he had gone to ended in a battle with a dude with a giant spider head.

"I don't know…" He started.

"This could be a lot of fun." Cyborg stated as he winked at Sarah.

"Yeah, think of all the cute girls!" Beast Boy said, earning a round of giggles from the girls in front of him.

Raven rolled her eyes and smacked him. "We're invited to supervise, not flirt." She said.

"Wait," Robin said, surprised by her lack of argument, "Raven you don't have any objection?" He was hoping she would be on his side.

Raven shrugged her shoulders. She hated dances and the idea of prom, but it was a good opportunity for Robin and Starfire to finally get together. She could endure dreaded pop music and teenage drama if it meant two of her best friends would be together at the end of the night. "We're here to help the people, the people need help." She simply stated.

Robin and Beast Boy stared at her in disbelief, while Starfire hugged her in glee. Cyborg merely gave her a small nod. He knew exactly what she was thinking and he was down for whatever magic they could make happen for the current prom king and queen.

"I guess you can count on us being there." Robin said with a nod of his head towards the group.

Sarah smiled. "Awesome! If you have any questions, you can stop by the high school!" She said excitedly. "We'll be there almost everyday after to plan and prep!"

The titan's waved them goodbye as they all piled back into the tower. Starfire was grinning from ear to ear and Robin couldn't help, but smile softly at her. He could feel the butterflies flutter in his stomach as she soared around the room in happiness.

"Friends! This will be so fun!" She said as she landed in between Raven and Robin. "This time we can enjoy the earth prom without worrying about ooze monsters trying to ruin it!"

"Ooze monsters?" Beast Boy asked, confused.

Cyborg leaned down, blocking his voice from carrying with his hand as he whispered into Beast Boy's ear, "I think she's referring to Kitten."

"Raven, we must go the shopping for dresses and get our hair done and do the painting of the nails!" Starfire said in a rushed statement as she grabbed her friend's hands in excitement.

"Uhh, Star, I don't really do that." Raven said as she looked at her friend guiltily.

"Oh." Starfire said as she tried to regain her excitement. "Well, it is okay, Raven, I can just go-"

Raven groaned internally to what she was about the agree to, but Starfire was her only girl best friend and since she was an alien, prom was something she never got the chance to even think about. "I change my mind, that sounds great."

"Thank you, friend!" Starfire said as she wrapped Raven into another bone crushing hug.

Starfire took off for her room and the remaining four titans just shook their heads, but they were all smiling in the wake of her excitement.

"So prom king gets to hand off his crown." Cyborg said with a grin as he elbowed Robin.

"I guess I should see if I can find the damn thing in my room, now that you mention it." Robin said with a slight frown. He started for his room, leaving Raven, Cyborg and Beast Boy alone in the lobby.

"If we can't get Robin and Starfire together on prom night then all hope is lost for the both of them." Cyborg said when he knew Robin was out of earshot.

"So what's the plan?" Beast Boy asked as he rubbed his hands together mischievously. "Do you need me to create a special air of romance?" He said as he rolled his r.

"We want them to get together not flea the scene in terror." Raven stated much to Beast Boy's dismay.

"I say any chance we can get them to dance or interact will be our best shot." Cyborg said. "The fairy tale theme will already make it romantic, they just need a little push."

"And for Robin to not screw up." Raven said as they started for the living room.

Cyborg and Beast Boy nodded their heads in agreement.

"What about this?" A voice said as a long, slender finger pointed to a beautiful red apple sitting on a wooden shelf.

A pair of wrinkled, old hands picked up the apple, turning it over gently. The older woman holding the apple hummed as she ran her fingers over the shiny skin.

"This one is very powerful and very expensive." She said as she handed it over to the girl who had inquired about it. "You must be very careful." She said in warning tone.

The girl smiled as she ran her fingers over the apple. It was so shiny and clear that she could almost see her reflection in the ruby red skin. "I'll take it, along with everything else in my basket."

The old woman nodded and brought her over the register. Strange noises were buzzing around the room as different colors of thick smoke rose in the corner where black cauldrons sat bubbling away. Smells of cinnamon, spices, and the faint stench of rotten garlic filled the small room, causing the girl to pinch her nose in disgust. The woman began bagging the various bottles of brightly colored liquids into a paper bag; she paused when she finally reached the apple.

"Are you sure you want this?" She asked cautiously.

"Oh, yes, very much so." The girl nodded in earnest. She was getting quiet impatient with the old woman and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"Very well," The old woman said as she placed it into a small box before adding it to the bag, "but be warned this is only for your greatest enemies."

Kitten smiled evilly as she took the bag from the old woman. "I believe I have someone just in mind."

Robin pulled on the neck of his suit. He always felt uncomfortable in them, despite the reassurances from his friends that he looked quite good. He fumbled nervously with a small box he was holding in his hand. It held a purple flowered corsage. He had enlisted Beast Boy into sneaking into Starfire's room to find out what color her dress was. As she was the prom queen he thought he would get her this one clichéd prom item. Besides, all this prom stuff had seem to make Starfire happy and when she was happy, he was happy.

"Nice suit, Cyborg." Beast Boy said as he came into the room.

Robin looked over to see Cyborg dressed in a white suit with a dark, pink bow tie. He was also holding a box that contained a corsage. Robin cocked his eyebrow as he looked at it.

"Uh, Cyborg, why did you buy a corsage?" He asked as he pointed to it.

"It's for my date." Cyborg stated simply.

Beast Boy's and Robin's jaws both dropped.

"You have a date?" Beast Boy asked incredulously. "Who?"

Cyborg grinned at them. "Sarah."

"The student council president?" Robin asked, impressed.

Cyborg nodded. "I had gone over after school one day to talk logistics." Cyborg said as he started his tale. "We got pizza, talked for a while and, well, I asked her if she wanted to go to prom with me."

"That's awesome." Robin said as he fist bumped his friend.

"You mean I'm the only one going stag tonight?" Beast Boy asked in a distressed voice. "How did the most good looking guy end up not having a date?"

"Beast Boy, I don't have a-" Robin started.

Beast Boy waved him away. "Robin, you're the current prom king with Starfire as your queen, I don't think it gets any better than that for someone on this planet."

Robin blushed slightly. Since when was Starfire his queen? They were just friends after all. It wasn't like he thought about her most of the time or that his heart practically beat out of his chest every time they brushed up against each other. He didn't smile wider when she was around and he didn't worry harder when she was injured in battle. No, he cared for her just as much as everyone else on the team…

"Friends, I believe we are ready!" Starfire's voice came from behind them.

All three boys turned around to look at the girls. Raven was wearing a high-low, dark blue, strapless chiffon gown with a crystal belt wrapped around her waist. Soft curls replaced her usual straight hairstyle. Starfire was in a dark purple A-line chiffon dress with a halter styled top. There were colorful beads covering the top and waistline. Her long, fiery red hair was braided into a crown around her head.

"You two look stunning." Cyborg said as Beast Boy and Robin had yet to regain their composure.

"You do as well, Cyborg!" Starfire said as she floated over to him to get a closer look at his suit and bowtie.

"You two can pick your jaws off the floor any day now." Raven said as she brushed past Beast Boy and Robin.

Both boys snapped out of their stupor. Robin cleared his throat and tapped Starfire on the shoulder. She turned and Robin felt all courage quickly drain from his body. The room suddenly felt extremely hot and he found breathing rather difficult.

"Yes, Robin?" Starfire asked, arching an eyebrow.

Robin shook his head. The sound of her voice brought him back. He smiled warmly at her. "Star, you look beautiful. I got you this."

He opened the box and pulled out the corsage. Starfire smiled and held out her wrist to him. Robin took her hand, which felt soft and warm in his, and slipped the flower on. The remaining three titans watched the scene with small smiles in their faces. It seemed to be the perfect beginning to what they hoped would be a magical night.

"Thank you." She said as she took in the flower's scent. "I hope I look rather queenly. On my home planet the queen's outfit is quite different."

Robin couldn't find any words to say. All he could do was marvel at her beauty. She was glowing and her warmth and brightness seemed to radiate to him and the rest of the team.

"I think they'll have a hard time finding another prom queen, that's for sure." Cyborg said when Robin remained silent for a little too long.

Starfire blushed and picked up her tiara off the kitchen counter, where it was sitting next to Robin's crown.

"Let's get moving ya'll," Cyborg said as he started for the car, "my date is waiting."

They had arrived right at eight, which meant a lot of people weren't there yet. They had been there earlier that day to help Sarah set up decorations. The gardens looked simply spectacular. They were in the center of a hedge maze that was lined in white and pink roses. Lights shaped like stars hung over the giant dance floor and tables sitting around the garden. There were several marble fountains placed around the area, the water splashing softly in the background.

There were dozens of flowers everywhere and candles sitting on the tables and hanging in lanterns around the hedges cast a romantic glow everywhere. There was a DJ in the corner by the dance floor and next to his station was a grand piano. Music was playing softly as only a couple of people were in the area. The food table was placed across the dance floor next to all of the tables and held yummy desserts and a chocolate fountain.

"Wow," Beast Boy said as his eyes scanned the area, "if prom looks like this, then sign me up for the next couple of dances."

"Thank you so much for all your help!" Sarah said as she and Cyborg walked over to them, her arm looped through his.

"It wasn't any trouble." Robin said as he tried to readjust his tie again.

"Raven, Starfire, may I show you something?" Sarah asked excitedly.

"Of course, friend Sarah!" Starfire said happily.

"Sure." Raven said less enthused.

Both girls started to follow her when Robin grabbed Starfire's hand. "Star, wait a moment."

Starfire looked at him curiously. Robin grabbed her tiara sitting on one of the tables. Starfire bent down slightly as Robin took a step towards her and gently placed it on her head. He removed his hands, smiling at his handiwork before he looked into her eyes. He realized how close he had gotten to her and he could feel his heart rate increase rapidly.

"A queen shouldn't be without her crown." He managed to get out through a tight throat. It took all his strength to keep eye contact with her.

"Thank you." She said as if she were waiting for more.

Robin laughed nervously and took a step back; he could feel all eyes on him. "Looks like more people are starting to arrive." He noted awkwardly as people started to enter the dance floor area.

"Sarah, you were going to show us something?" Raven said as a way to break the tension.

"Oh!" Sarah said as her attention was drawn back to the task at hand. "Right, this way!" She said as she dropped Cyborg's arm and motioned for them to follow.

Raven grabbed Starfire's hand and pulled her away after Sarah. Beast Boy and Cyborg were glaring at Robin, who made it a point to not look at them.

"Smooth." Cyborg said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Robin ignored him. What were they expecting to happen? Starfire was his friend and they were heroes. They didn't have time to be anything more than that, no matter what he felt towards the alien princess. Robin heaved a deep sigh. He had a feeling it was going to be a long night.

An hour had passed by since the prom had started. Almost everyone had arrived and the dance floor had never been more crowded. The DJ had a good mix of pump up and slow dance songs. Cyborg and Sarah hadn't missed a slow dance yet since the night had started. Beast Boy and Starfire joined in for the pump up songs while Raven and Robin sat at a table watching the crowd. The group had all settled at a table together, grabbing some snacks to replenish their energy. Sarah was beaming at all of them, especially Cyborg.

"The night has been amazing so far! My feet hurt and it's just the beginning of the night!" She stated as she slipped her foot out of her heel to give it a quick rub.

"Great." Robin and Raven said in unison.

"Well, maybe if you two joined us out on the dance floor you'd have more fun." Beast Boy stated as he stuffed a cupcake into his mouth.

"Yes, friends!" Starfire said breathlessly as she took her eyes off a few couples dancing closely on the dance floor. "It is most fun!"

"I'm not much of a dancer, Starfire." Raven said.

"I second that." Robin stated as he rocked back on the legs of the chair he was sitting in. He wasn't having anymore fun than the last time he was at prom, this time just seemed to have less nagging.

"Robin, you're the prom king, you need to dance with your people." Cyborg said with a challenging smile.

"Pass." Robin stated stubbornly.

A slow song started playing and Sarah perked up in her chair. "I love this song! Cyborg, can we go dance?" She asked him sweetly.

Cyborg nodded his head and stood up. He offered his hand to Sarah who took it with a smile and together they hit the dance floor. Several other couples joined them and soon the dance floor was crowded.

"Robin," Starfire said as she placed her hand on the table, right next to his, "would you like to join me in the slow dance?"

Robin gulped as looked out on the crowd of people dancing. He had done it before, slow danced with Starfire. Why was it such a terrifying thing now? He had enjoyed dancing with her and he knew that she wanted to slow dance with him. Maybe that's why it seemed so dangerous. He wanted to dance with her. He wanted the feel of her head resting on his chest, the smell of her hair filling his senses, the taste of her lips…

"Maybe later, Star." He said lamely.

He watched disappointment wash over her face as she turned away from him, a sigh escaping her lips. He felt his heart drop into his stomach, he hated seeing her upset, especially when it was directed towards him. Raven and Beast Boy exchanged a quick, worried glance. Things were really starting to take a turn for the worst. Beast Boy got to his feet and offered his hand to Starfire.

"Oh mighty queen, will you honor thy lonely peasant with a dance." Beast Boy said in a terrible British accent.

Starfire giggled and took his hand. Robin's sadden expression hardened into a glare as he watched Beast Boy lead her out onto the dance floor where they joined Cyborg and Sarah.

"Any reason you're not out there dancing with her?" Raven asked after a moment.

"I don't see you out on the dance floor." Robin said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

It took all of Raven's strength to not slap her palm to her forehead. Why were boys so thick? Starfire picked the wrong idiot to fall in love with. They sat in silence and as soon as the song ended another one began. Beast Boy and Starfire were standing off to the side talking and Raven took a deep breath.

This is for you, Starfire

She thought before she got up and walked over to the pair. Robin watched as she turned to Beast Boy, asking him something. Beast Boy looked surprised, but he smiled and Robin's jaw nearly dropped when he saw him lead Raven out on the dance floor. He could see Starfire smiling fondly at them, as she stood alone on the sidelines.

Robin took a deep breath; he couldn't leave her standing by herself on the edge of the dance floor. He started to get up from his chair when he noticed a boy with dark, curly hair walk over to Starfire. They talked for a moment before Starfire took his hand and followed him to the dance floor. Robin growled, kicked his chair and stalked off through one of the hedges.

"Robin is very confusing." Sarah said to Cyborg has they watched him wonder off. "I thought you told me he liked Starfire."

Cyborg sighed. "He does. He's just the most stubborn person you've ever met and hates talking about his feelings."

Sarah wrinkled her brow in confusion. "But everything with Starfire seems so easy, why is he making it so complicated?"

"You have no idea." Beast Boy said as he and Raven glided past them.

"We've been trying to get them together all night." Cyborg said as he watched Starfire dancing with the mystery guy across the dance floor.

"Anything I can do to help?" Sarah asked.

Cyborg thought for a moment. A grin crossed his face as an idea popped into his head. "As a matter of fact, Ms. Student Council President, there is."

Robin had wondered back into the main area after cooling off in the gardens. He didn't particularly enjoy watching another guy dancing with Starfire, but the boy had been quicker and braver than Robin. He spotted Starfire chatting with the rest of the titans by the DJ booth where Sarah was telling the DJ to turn down the music. The crowd of teenagers turned to look at her curiously.

"Is everyone having a good time?" She asked the crowed. They all cheered and applauded loudly. Sarah smiled brightly at them. "Well, it's almost time to crown the new prom king and queen, but before that we're starting a new tradition."

Robin raised an eyebrow; he didn't like the sound of this. Excited whispers broke over the crowd and they only quieted down when Cyborg raised his hands to get their attention.

"All the members nominated for the prom king and queen will get to share a dance with the current king and queen." Sarah said. "So can the current prom king and queen come to the dance floor along with any nominees please?"

Robin's whole body froze. He was going to have to dance in front of the entire high school with Starfire. He took a gulp as he felt hands pull him onto the dance floor. He stumbled forward in-between all the other couples until he came to a stop in front of Starfire. She was looking sadly down at the dance floor.

"If you do not wish to dance I am sure we can ask to step out." She said quickly. She started to walk in Sarah's direction when Robin reached out and grabbed her.

"No!" He said as he took a step towards her. "I want to dance with you, Star."

Starfire's face broke into a warm smile and Robin could feel his insides melt. He had been an idiot waiting this long to ask her to dance. He wrapped his hand around the small of her back and pulled her closer to him. They looked over to see a boy sitting down at the piano, a microphone being placed in front of him. Robin took a deep breath as the music began to play.

You lift my heart up when the rest of me is down
You, you enchant me even when you're not around

They started moving around the dance floor, slowly at first as Robin's nerves were kicking in. He could see all the other couples dancing with ease around them.

If there are boundaries, I will try to knock them down
I'm latching on, babe, now I know what I have found

Robin knew everyone's eyes were on them, but one look into Starfire's bright emerald eyes made him feel like they were the only ones there. She was warm and comfortable against his body.

I feel we're close enough

I want to lock in your love

Robin was reminded of the first time they danced together. It was so easy and carefree. For being an alien from a different planet Starfire sure know how to fall instep with him. It was like they were made to dance with each other.

Now I've got you in my space
I won't let go of you

Starfire moved so that she could spin into Robin's arms. He held her tightly as they spun slowly, their eyes locking onto each other.

Got you shackled in my embrace
I'm latching on to you

Robin spun Starfire back out and she came back into his arms, her body seemingly closer than before. She laid her head on his chest, sighing happily.

I feel so en-captured, got me wrapped up in your touch
Feel so enamored, hold me tight within your clutch

Robin rested his chin on top of her head, closing his eyes. He could feel her fingers dig into his shirt and he only held her tighter.

How do you do it? You got me losing every breath

His heart was beating wildly. Starfire raised her head up so that she could look at him, there was a small, curious smile on her lips. He was wondering if she could feel his heart practically bursting from his chest.

What did you give me to make my heart bleed out my chest?

His eyes were trained on her lips. There were so many times he wanted to close that gap between them. So many times he wanted to be more than just friends and he knew that she felt the same.

I feel we're close enough

I want to lock in your love

Maybe this was it. Maybe it was time to say screw it to the rules and just go for something he wanted. Maybe a hero wasn't all that he was. He wanted to be so much more than that, he wanted so much more between himself and Starfire.

Now I've got you in my space
I won't let go of you

Robin began to slowly lean into her and he could see her eyes start to close as she mirrored his movements.

Got you shackled in my embrace
I'm latching on to you

The music came to an end and applause started filling the air. The sound brought Robin out of his trance and he blinked before pulling back. Starfire looked up at him, confused and tears filling her eyes.

"Sorry, Star, we just can't…" He said in a painful voice. He had been so close.

Starfire closed her eyes, tears spilling down her cheeks. She pulled away from Robin and walked off through the crowd as they began to fill in on the dance floor. Robin sighed heavily as he turned to go sulk at one of the tables.

The rest of the team and Sarah watched in disbelief and shock as the two headed their opposite ways, Starfire disappearing into the rose hedge maze. They remained frozen in their place for several moments before anyone spoke.

"I was so sure that was going to work." Sarah said as she shook her head.

"I'm going to kill that boy." Cyborg stated with an angry huff.

"I guess I can hand out the crowns, if Starfire needs a moment." Sarah said with a sigh.

Raven started to walk off in the direction Starfire went. "No, I'll get her, she'll want to do that." She said as she turned to them. "If you're going to beat up Robin, then make sure he's not in bad shape so I can land a proper hit in."

"No promises." Beast Boy said as he trained his eyes on the Boy Wonder.


Starfire leaned over a white stone balcony that had a wonderful view of a small pond that was lit by lanterns. Tears fell hot and fast onto the cool stone and she made no effort to wipe them away. She was so sure Robin was going to kiss her, that he could finally admit his feelings and they could be something more. Her fingers dug into the stone as her chest tightened. She had only ever experience heartbreak like this once before.

"Why are you sad, my dear?" A voice suddenly asked behind her.

Starfire was startled when she turn and saw an old woman dressed in a pink shawl standing behind her.

"Oh, pardon me, I was just admiring the small pond and the lights." Starfire stammered as she tried to wipe her tears away.

The old woman smiled. "No need to hide your tears, was it a boy?"

Starfire nodded. "How did you know?"

The woman laughed as she came to stand next to Starfire, leaning against the balcony. "I've dealt with many boys in my time." She said with a sigh. "Had my heart broken many times too. Would you like to know what always cheered me up?"

Starfire looked at the old woman curiously. "What?"

From inside her shawl she pulled out a beautifully shiny, dark red apple. Starfire could see the starlight reflecting off the apple and she was tempted to reach out and touch it.

"I would find the most perfect apple from my apple tree that grew in my backyard and take one sweet bite." She said as she ran her fingers over the apple lovingly. "I always carry one, in case I find a young lady, like yourself in need of its magically healing powers."

"You mean, I may take a bite of the apple?" Starfire asked as he fingers reached out for it.

"Of course, my dear, one bite," The woman said as she grabbed Starfire's wrist and turned her hand over, placing the apple in it, "is all it takes."

Starfire wrapped her fingers around the apple. She slowly brought it to her lips, her heart beating fast. Something seemed off about the apple and the old woman standing on front of her.

"Just one bite, my dear, and all the pain will go away." The old woman said in a whisper.

Starfire closed her eyes as another tear escaped and she sunk her teeth into the sweet, delicious apple.

Sarah had gathered all the nominees together and Robin was standing next to her, still looking miserable. They were waiting for Starfire to join them. Cyborg and Beast Boy exchanged an anxious glance when they saw Raven return alone.

"Where's Starfire?" Cyborg asked in a whisper as Sarah began thanking everyone involved with creating the event.

"I couldn't find her," Raven said as she looked around the area wearily, "but something feels off."

"That can't be good." Beast Boy said as he swallowed a lump in his throat. "What do you think is WHOA!" Beast Boy's sentence was cut off when a large, think vine snatched him into the air and started to drag him into the hedges.

More vines darted out from the hedges, grabbing teenagers left and right. One reached out and grabbed Sarah by the waist, beginning to drag her back. She screamed, but suddenly the vine went limp and she stumbled to the ground. She looked up to see Cyborg's arm canon pointing in her direction.

"I don't suppose this is part of the fairy tale theme." He said as he helped her up.

"I did not order a villain entrance." She said as she clung onto him as more vines shot around them.

Raven and Robin had just freed Beast Boy, both avoiding being snatched into the hedges. The people that hadn't been taken by vines were trying to flee the area, but giant mutant moth, human hybrids, had blocked all the exits. Each had a number and suit painted on their white torsos like giant playing cards.

"Who ordered the full house?" Beast Boy said as he ducked underneath a particularly spiky vine.

"We'll figure that out later, we need to free up the exist to get everyone out of here." Robin said as he pulled out his bow staff. "Titan's, go!"

The titans all took an exit path and attempted to fight the mutant creatures. Beast Boy took on the one that had a diamond ace painted on its chest. He knew he was limited to what he could change into, as the space was a lot smaller than their normal fighting areas. He transformed into a cheetah, planning to charge at the creature. From out of it's hands came small, pointed diamond blades, which it started throwing in Beast Boy's direction, causing the titan to change into various animals to avoid being hit.

Cyborg charged the one with a black club and a letter J painted on it's chest. He pulled his fist back to give it a nice punch when he saw the creature's arm transform into a large club. Cyborg's fist collided with the club, sending him flying backwards into a table. Cyborg scowled and fired a shot at the creature, but his blast bounced off, ripping a giant hole through one of the hedges.

"Azarath metrion zinthos!" Came Raven's cry from across the room as she magic vines into wrapping around the creature with a red heart and a Q painted on its chest. The creature was restrained for a moment before it broke out of the vines. It raised its palm and sent a sticky, red heart in Raven's direction. She had to dodge them and try to shield and teenage that was about to get hit.

Robin was busy fighting the creature with a black spade and a letter K painted on its chest. The creature had its own bow staff like creation with a spade symbol on the each end of the staff. The creature was strong and Robin had to dodge the occasional vines that were still whipping out, trying to grab people. The creature managed to knock him back and he stumbled into Cyborg, who had taken another hard hit.

"Where's Starfire?" Robin asked angrily as he rubbed a sore spot on his chest.

"We don't know." Cyborg said as he and Robin moved to dodge a combination of pointy vines and sticky red hearts.

"Cyborg!" Sarah cried from across the area. "Help!"

He looked up to see her stuck to a hedge maze by sticky heart. The roses and vines were beginning to wrap around her. Cyborg and Robin ran over to her. Robin began hacking away at the hedges while Cyborg tried to pull the sticky heart off of Sarah. After she was free they were all breathing heavily.

"Cyborg, what's going on?" Sarah asked in distress as the screaming continued to fill the area. "Prom was suppose to be a fairytale not a nightmare."

"All we need is an evil witch now." Cyborg muttered as Raven and Beast Boy got knocked back into them.

"Enjoying the party, my pretties?" An evil cackled said from behind them.

The titans and Sarah turned around to see an old woman with a pink shawl standing at the top of the grand staircase that lead up to the butterfly house.

"You were saying." Robin said as she started down a few of the steps, more of the mutant moth creatures behind her. "Who are you?" Robin asked in a demanding voice.

The remaining teenagers who hadn't been pulled into the hedges were pushed into the center behind the titans, their terrified eyes on the old woman. She smiled down at all of them.

"Every good fairytale needs a proper princess, right?" She asked innocently.

"You're not princess, you old hag." Sarah said bravely.

The old woman waved her finger at them. "That's no way to speak to your elders, young lady, but I suppose you're right." The woman said with a sigh. "I'm not a princess," She began to spin rapidly and her pink shawl transformed into a large, pink ball gown around her. Her white hair began to turn blonde and her skin became young and wrinkleless, "I'm a queen."

The titans gasped when Kitten came to stop in front of them. She flipped her hair and placed her hands on her hips. She hated being disguised as the old, ugly woman, but it certainly served her purpose.

"Kitten?!" Robin yelled, surprised to see her.

"Robbie-poo so good to see you!" She said as she clasped her hands together. "Did you miss your Kitten?"

"Only in your dreams." Robin growled as he clenched his fist. "What do you want?"

Kitten scoffed. "Isn't it obvious? Revenge on the prom committee for banning me and my crown that was stolen from me by an alien freak." She said with an enraged growl.

Robin's eyes widened as the rest of the titans came to the same realization as he did. She could only be talking about one person and that person happened to be missing at the moment.

"Where's Starfire?" Robin said through clenched teeth.

Kitten smiled. "Patients, my king," she said as she flipped her hair again, "the kingdom must be decorated before the queen can be crowned."

"If you've hurt her-" Robin started, but Kitten cut him off.

"If you would turn your attention to the hedges, you will see beautiful new statues rising out to honor Queen Kitten." She said.

Everyone turned to look at the hedges as figures began to rise out of the rose hedge maze. Screams and horrified gasped rang out as the teenagers that had disappeared into the hedges were frozen in different positions, their bodies wrapped in vines and roses. Sarah was clutching Cyborg's arms as she spotted a few of her friends frozen in time.

"Before you pesky titans make a move, I should remind you how easily plants catch on fire." Kitten said as one of the mutant moth creatures stepped next to the hedges, a torch in his hand. The titans remained frozen where they were. "That's what I thought."

"What did you do to them?" Raven asked.

"Just a little potion that I fed to the vines to bring them to life." Kitten said growing bored of the conversation; she wanted to be crowned queen already. She pulled out an empty bottle and threw it to Raven. "The thorns have a special poison in them that when you touch them you become frozen, and I have the only antidote."

Raven examined the bottle closely while Kitten prattled on. The rest of the titans listened closely. They were relieved to see that Starfire wasn't among the people frozen in time, but it did little to comfort any nerves. The titan still had not shown up and they all knew Kitten had a personal vendetta against her.

"But now it's time for the most important part," Kitten said as she came down to where everyone was standing, "me becoming queen!"

The mutant moths shoved chairs onto the dance floor, forcing everyone to sit in a seat, even the titans. They dared not move against her as the frozen teenagers were still in danger and Starfire was still missing.

"Ah, but where is the previous queen?" Kitten said as she looked around the room. Her eyes stopped on Robin, who was gripping the chair to the point of it breaking, her evil smile only widened. "That's right, she's right here."

Kitten motioned to a giant landing in the middle of the staircase. The mutant moths had created a wall around something in the middle and they moved as one to reveal what was behind it. Raised up was a marble like bed, which held Starfire's unconscious body. She looked to be in a deep sleep. Everyone watching gasped and hushes whispers spread amongst the crowd. Robin started to get up, to go after her, but a giant moth hand had grabbed him, holding him back.

"What did you do to her?" He asked as he fought against the moth's hold.

"I found her alone, crying about how some boy had broken her heart," She said in mock sadness, "and offered her a magical apple to make all the pain go away." Kitten said as she pulled out the apple with one bite taken out of it.

She nodded her head and the moth released Robin. He stumbled up the staircase, past Kitten to Starfire's unmoving body. He could feel his insides twist tightly when he got near her. She didn't even look like she was breathing. He reached out a shaky hand and rand his thumb over her cheek, which still felt slightly warm. It was his fault she was here. He had been the one that broke her heart. He could feel tears pool in his eyes and he blinked them back.

"I'm sorry, Star." He said.

He felt a moth mutant grab onto him and drag him back down the stairs so he was next to Kitten. She leaned in close to him, purring contently.

"No need to fear, Robbie-poo, your Kitten shall be your new queen." She said as she placed the king's crown on top of his head. "A big improvement, don't you think?"

"Kitten, you can take this crown and shov-" Robin was pushed to his knees by the moth mutant before he could finish his sentence.

Kitten stood up and straight and turned back to her captive audience. "Sarah, would you mind stepping forward and crowning the new queen?" She asked sweetly.

Sarah looked at Cyborg who just nodded his head grimly. Sarah gulped as slowly stood up and walked over to where Kitten was waiting for her. She came to a stop in front of the girl, her eyes looking at the mutant moth man flanking her with apprehension.

"I believe my crown is on that wench over there." Kitten said as she pointed to Starfire.

While Sarah was walking over to Starfire Raven leaned over to Beast Boy and Cyborg and whispered, "There's a name on this bottle and I think I can find the person who sold it to Kitten."

"If you can find that person then maybe we can get our own antidote for everyone and save Starfire." Beast Boy said as he looked over at his unmoving friend again.

"Then you two better split, Robin and I can hold down the fort for a little while." Cyborg said, his eyes never leaving the scene before him.

"Are you sure?" Raven asked as she looked at all of the moth mutants surrounding them.

Cyborg nodded. "Kitten has just started playing pretend fairytale, I'm sure she'll drag it out as long as she can."

Raven nodded her head. Beast Boy quickly transformed into a small cat and jumped into Raven's arms. Raven hurriedly opened a portal and jumped through it, taking Beast Boy with her. Onlookers gasped and pointed to the event. Robin looked at Cyborg who gave him a small nod.

"Pay them no mind." Kitten said with a wave of her hand. "They can't save you."

She turned back to Sarah, who had taken the crown from Starfire's head. Kitten bent down so that she could place it atop her shiny, blonde hair. Kitten smiled and turned to the people sitting in the chairs.

"It's time for a celebration!" Kitten said as Robin was being shoved next to her. She took his hand and he gave one, last sad look towards Starfire. "A celebration to honor your new king and queen!"

First half of the story. This story just kind of popped into my head and I just rolled with it. Reviews are appreciated! Also the song I used was a cover of "Latch" by Kodaline. Enjoy!
