Everything happened in the span of seconds. Sam let out a frightened scream. Yusuke covered his ears just in time to prevent them from being hurt by the loud piercing sound. Whereas Toya hadn't bothered and thus wasn't so lucky.

Which probably hurt his big fin-like ears much more than it really would have hurt Yusuke, but he didn't feel like tempting fate at the moment.

Anyways, Toya didn't bother covering his ears. Instead he moved across the kitchen in a blur of movement that Yusuke could track rather easily thanks to his demonic blood- and got up in Samantha's face and slapped a hand over her mouth. While simultaneously unbalancing the young woman and causing her to stumble back and hit the wall- hard as Toya pinned her there.

Yusuke dropped his hands away from his ears the second that Sam's scream was muffled behind Toya's hand and with a low growl of annoyance Yusuke moved to get the water/ice demon away from the young woman before he scared her even more than she already was.

"Toya! Get away from her!" Yusuke shouted as he grabbed the demon and all but pried him away from Sam as he heard multiple foot falls coming from the stairs. Most likely Samantha's scream had woken everyone and they were coming to investigate why she had screamed.

He spotted Shizuru from the corner of his eye, soon followed by Keiko and Kuwabara.

Yup. Sam's scream woke them all up. Yusuke thought to himself as he dragged Toya away from the frightened woman just in time for her to make a run for the door.

Rolling his eyes heavenwards as he muttered a particularly foul oath he released Toya and ordered someone to fill the guy in while he went after Sam and made sure nothing got a hold of her.


Sam didn't know what the hell was going on. The very last thing that she remembered was from the night before when she had been chased into an alley and then...the next thing she knew she had woken up in an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar location that was obviously somewhere outside of the city.

Since all that she had seen when she had looked out of the window was nothing but an endless sea of trees.

So naturally once she was outside of the- cabin- er house? thingy, she made a beeline towards the woods in the hopes that she could put enough space between herself and whoever the hell those two guys back there had been. After all, it was easy to get lost in areas such as this.

However the second that she managed to get far enough away to slow her pace a little bit, she finally felt it. That particularly powerful sort of energy that only malicious creatures such as demons and vengeful spirits possessed.

Staggering back a little bit from where she had been originally standing, Sam felt her back hit something that hadn't been there mere moments before and felt herself break out into a cold sweat as she tilted her head back slightly, and came face to face with the dark haired man from back at the cabin- er house thingy, and opened her mouth to scream again when the guy reached up and covered her mouth as he pinned her in place against his front with his free arm and spoke. His tone soft despite his appearance.

"Hn. I knew my spirit energy would get your attention. Now first off, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. My friend back at the house isn't going to hurt you- no one you come into contact out here will hurt you. Second of all, try to calm yourself and think rationally. If we had actually wanted to hurt you- we would have had more than a few times to do so already. Third of all, your screams will attract attention that none of us need."

"And fourth of all, I've been up all night relocating us because one of my demon buddies has decided to do something he shouldn't have which means that whether you like it or not you need me and my friends to help protect you... Now I'm going to remove my hand and I need you to stay quiet while I take you back so that we don't draw too much attention to us. There are spirits and apparitions in these woods that devour humans."

Sam made a soft whimpering sound as she blinked back tears.

Yusuke sighed and was about to release her when he felt Jin's spirit energy a mere moment before he dropped down out of the sky and landed a few feet from them.

"Urameshi, I felt-" The wind demon said as he noticed Sam being held in place against his friend's body by the man's arm while his other hand was securely covering the wee gal's mouth. Probably to keep her from screaming her lungs out as he slowly said. "Oh. So the wee lass is finally awake. Never mind then."

Sighing as Yusuke noted Sam's already pale complexion going from somewhat pale to flat out chalky white, her eyes had become even more frightened than before and she was eyeing the both of them in a manner that set Yusuke's teeth on edge since it meant that the woman was about to become completely hysterical.

Shit. I can't let this keep happen. Yusuke thought as Jin muttered something about leaving him alone with Sam and he suddenly called out and told the demon not to bother and told him to come over and he'd introduce Sam to him.

Curious and just a little bit leery about the small woman in Yusuke's grasp, he moved to stand just a few inches from him as Yusuke spoke to the woman. Explaining how Jin was a good friend of his and had helped him out a few times over the years. He explained to her that he was the former spirit detective of human world and how he had fought for years to make things safer for all humans.

He told her of how a few demons weren't evil.

And Jin was among one of those few.

Sam listened intently, hoping to learn something about the man that would help her escape him but could sense no intent to cause harm- physical or otherwise to her person- she did however feel a strange soothing feeling emanating from him.

And realized after a moment or two that he was attempting to sooth her fears as he slowly, slowly, much too slowly for her liking- released her and once she was free allowed her to put a little space between herself and him and his friend without leaving the immediate area in another mad dash for freedom.

"Feeling a bit better now?" The man asked as the redhead standing next to him remained quiet.

Sam chewed her lower lip for a moment before slowly nodding her head, though she didn't bother to take her eyes from the two since she still felt that she couldn't trust them as the dark haired man introduced himself and his friend (again).