Louder Than Words

3:00 Am.

Akiza jolted upright in her bed with a gasp. She had another nightmare about her past. There was no light in the room except for the bright moonlight coming through the window.

She put her hand to her forehead trying to push the memories away, her skin had a slight shine to it. She looked over to her right where a certain someone was supposed to be, yet… he was not.

As if right on cue he came out of the bathroom door in nothing but his sweat pants.

"Hey. Good morning." He said.

"Morning, Yusei." She replied.

He walked over to her and kissed her forehead. She couldn't help but smile.

"You're sweating." He noticed.

"I… had a nightmare." She told him.

He walked over to his side of the bed and crawled back in, taking her in his arms. She leaned into him laying her head on his shoulder. Yusei had one arm around her back, placing his hand on her shoulder. His other hand was stroking her cheek with his thumb, trying to bring warmth to her face.

"Was it the bullies?" He asked.

She nodded.

"Which one?"

She took a deep breath. "All of them."

Yusei rubbed up and down her arms starting from the straps of her tank top down to her elbows and back up again. Akiza closed her eyes and leaned back against him, enjoying the feeling of his hands touching her. They felt soft and were caring. Something she never would have expected that from a mechanic.

Akiza had heard all the "It's over now" and "What they said wasn't true" speeches before. Since she started dating Yusei she felt actions spoke louder than words when it came to comforting her. She still loved to hear his advice but she always needed more than that.

Yusei kissed her right shoulder making her smile. She raised it up and closed her eyes, feeling a desire build up inside her. Her breathing became deeper and she started slowly moving her hips. Yusei worked his way up to her neck kissing and licking it. Akiza tilted her head to her left, giving him more access to it.

"Mmm… that feels good." She said.

Yusei petted her hair and held her closer to him. She turned her body to face him and gently pushed him down onto his back and laid her head on his chest.

"They used to call me an ugly witch." She said.

Yusei pulled the blanket over them and whispered into her forehead, "Then they must be blind because you are the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen."

Akiza looked up at him, "Really?"

"Really. Anyone who says you're ugly has absolutely no idea what true beauty is."

She looked like she was about to cry.


He stroked her cheek with his thumb and kissed her. She kissed back but with more feeling into it. She then straddled him and started kissing his neck and before they knew it their clothes were on the floor.

4:15 Am.

The two collapsed on the bed with Yusei on his back and Akiza on top of him and the blanket tangled around them.

Akiza got off him and laid next to him while pulling him onto his side to face her. Yusei then wrapped his arms around her and they tangled their legs together.

"I should have nightmares more often." Akiza joked.

Yusei chuckled and looked down at her. "You don't need nightmares to have me make love to you. I'll always be ready when you are."

She looked up at him with a smirk, "Always?"

"Yeah, I'm a guy, remember?"

Akiza chuckled at his joking nature. It was rare for him to show it.

Yusei smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." She whispered back.

Akiza nuzzled her head into his neck and closed her eyes.

"Goodnight. Sweet dreams." He whispered as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.