
Amanda Waller was back in her favorite restaurant, sitting across from Admiral Owens. He took a sip from his water and looked back at her. "So….that's it. You have the Joker?"

Waller nodded as she cut into her steak. "Yes. He's my personal prisoner at Belle Reve. He fit's in real well."

Belle Reve

Joker was sitting in a straight jacket, rocking back in forth. "Where's Harley? Where is she? WHERE IS SHE?"

The doors to his padded cell opened up and a single soldier entered. He looked at Joker without saying anything. Joker looked up at him. "Hi. You're my friend right?"

The soldier took off his helmet. Joker smiled as he looked up at Lex Luthor Junior. Lex weakly smiled and turned his head to the side. "I am. Depending on your answer to my question."

Joker rocked forward a bit. "What question?" He asked. Lex bent down to his level.

"Would like to form a coalition?"

Olsen sat back in his chair. "...And what about his girlfriend?"

Waller looked up. "Ex girlfriend actually. She's out. Just like the rest."

He looked somewhat confused. "She escaped. She's allowed to get out of her prison sentence like the others? No repercussions at all?" Waller shook her head.

"She has a punishment. She's not getting away with anything for a while. Although in hindsight, she may actually enjoy her punishment."

Harley leaned against the kitchen counter, watching Jason stacking various foods into cabinets.

"You know, I don't see what's so bad about my punishment." She walked up to Jason and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I'm gonna like living with you."

He sighed as he closed a cabinet. "I feel like your punishment is more of a punishment for me."

She raised an eyebrow and turned him around. "What, is living with me a bad thing?"

He looked at her and laughed. "I'm just used to living by myself." She wrapped her arms around her and laid her head on his chest. "Get used to living with me. Because, I'm going to try my best not do anything to get locked back up again." He smiled and ran a hand through her head. "That's the point of me Harls. I'm suppose to keep a leash on you."

She looked at him and grinned. "I didn't know that you were into the kinky stuff." He looked at him and shook his head. "You're gonna test my patience a lot aren't you?"

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down. "It's what I do best boy wonder."

She kissed him deeply.

"So what about the others?" Olsen asked. Waller bit into her steak.

"Lawton is slowly getting full custody of his daughter. He will get full custody if he keeps his hand off of the trigger."

"Dad, you're not going back to prison, right?"

Floyd looked at his daughter as they were walking from the mall. "That's the plan. A plan that I'm going to abide by, no exceptions. I'm staying here, with you."

Zoe looked up at her dad. "So Batman's not coming back to get you?" Floyd shook his head.

"No, he's not. The U.S government granted me my release. If he has a problem with it, we can handle it face to face."

"I thought you wanted to kill him." She said, thinking back to when she first encountered Batman with her father.

"I do. But I were to do that, I'd be locked up again. I'm not taking that chance."

"What about…...Deathstroke." Olsen asked. Waller pressed a button on her watch and Deathstroke walked out of the back room of the restaurant. He stood beside Waller, standing up straight.

"He did such a good job as part of Taskforce X, I've decided to make him my personal bodyguard."

Olsen nodded. "The last three. Killer Croc, Killer Frost and Captain Boomerang. What are they doing?

"Croc? Swimming around in Gotham's sewers. Frost and Boomerang?"

Boomerang looked up as a customer entered his pawn shop.

"Hello there? What can I do you for?" He asked. The customer showed him a white and pink stuffed unicorn. Boomerang stopped and grabbed it out of his hands. "This….where did you get this?"

The customer shrugged. "I don't know. I don't care about it. Is it worth a lot?"

Boomerang nodded. "Yes yes it is. Wait, you don't carry about it?" The customer nodded boredly.

"Oh, you see for this, you'd get about 250. But there's something wrong with it."

"What?" The customer asked. A beam of ice shot out and froze the stuffed animal. Boomerang dropped it and it broke into pieces.

"It's broken." Boomerang laughed as the customer turned around and stormed out. Killer Frost walked up to Boomerang and put her elbow on his shoulder. "We make a good team Digger."

Boomerang nodded. "'Rang and Frost Pawn. I like it."

She shook her head. "No, it's Frost and 'Rang."

"No, it's 'Rang and Frost."

"Frost and 'Rang"

"'Rang and Frost!"

"Frost and 'Rang!"



"'RANG AND FROST. YOU LITTLE BI-" Another ice beam shot out.


Olsen scratched his head. "Red Hood's not apart of the team right?"

Waller shook her head. "He's an asset. A good asset. I hear he's making his own team. Not of villains though. Some moody former heroes."

"How long do you give them before they're locked up again?"

Rick Flag walked up to the table with June holding on to his arm.

"They won't make a whole year."