Two days.

He waited.






No amount of reassurance could settle his stomach. Cooper had set foot into the lodge, and Harry felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest. He couldn't tell at this point whether it was fear or copious amounts of coffee brought by Andy from the Double R Diner that was making his hands shake so much. He hadn't eaten, he hadn't slept, and he hadn't done much of anything but stare into the darkness trying to will Agent Cooper's body back from the other side. Every moment that passed he'd reassure himself. Any moment now he'd see the smiling face of his friend step out from the trees.

"Harry, I've done it."

Truman would exclaim. Then he'd go on a long winded explanation involving fantastic visions and clever tactics. Coffee and pie would follow. The cold wind blew through the trees and the Sheriff realized he was alone again. He dropped his head into his hands, rubbed his face and took a deep breath. He allowed his mind to wander. He had been asked multiple times what his opinion of the FBI Agent was. The first word that had popped into his head each time was "Charming." They had more of their fair share of tender moments, although he had loved Josie, Harry had grown to love the young man as well. Josie was a fake, she had lied to him. Maybe, deep down she did actually love him, but in the end it couldn't save her. That night Cooper had come to the Bookhouse and saved him from himself, he knew that his feelings ran deeper than simple admiration.

He poured himself another cup of coffee, then paused and poured a second cup for Dale. He placed it on the ground near the cove as if the smell of fresh coffee could somehow lead his friend back from darkness. He stared down into his own cup. He could see the stars winking above.

"Black as midnight on a moonless night."

His head shot up. There was no one there. It was around the twenty-third hour of the second day. He slumped down onto the ground and buried his face into his arms. Harry wasn't sure how long he had been sitting like that, but for a brief moment get got a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach. He looked up and blinked twice. There were two bodies lying in the middle of the cove.


The younger man looked up at him bewildered. Harry was speaking but the words didn't make sense. He felt Harry lift him up, and he blacked out.

Harry sat in a chair at the end of Cooper's bed, his resting on his hands. Dale had been out for hours. The Sheriff had tenderly removed his clothes and replaced them with soft pajamas, the whole time his mind was screaming.

"Wake up, Coop. Please... Just wake up."

Doc Hayward had examined him and found nothing but some cuts and scrapes. Now the only thing they could do was wait.

Deep in Agent Coopers mind his subconcious wandered about in darkness. He had seen Harry, and called out for him but his voice went unheard. He longed to be in the comforting presence of his friend. It was hard enough leaving him standing outside the cove, their goodbye was brief. Harry had put on tough front, but his eyes were filled with worry. He heard a laugh echo through the darkness and then as his eyes had adjusted, he could make out the shape of the man.


He whispered. He took a deep breath and closed the gap between them.

"Where am I?"

BOB's lips did not move, but Cooper knew the answer. He was connected to the killer because BOB was in his mind. He felt fear creep over him. If it was BOB inhabiting Leland who had made him kill his daughter, what was stopping himself from committing such acts? The answer was nothing. BOB was grinning wickedly now, as if he understood. Of course he understood. He was BOB, and BOB was he.

"Why me?"

Cooper crossed his arms. BOB narrowed his eyes and mimicked him, crossing his arms and cocking his head.

Vulnerable. Flashes of Caroline appeared in front of him, which dissolved into Annie. He may have entered the lodge bravely, but deep down he was afraid. He'd loved once and lost and it had almost broken him. To love again with the fear of losing everything all over again had made his heart vulnerable. It was his own passion that had weakened his mind. For a moment he was angry at himself. A light appeared off in the distance, resembling the shape of a door. BOB turned and started to walk towards it.

"You're wrong."

Cooper whispered fiercely. BOB stopped, but did not turn around.

"Love is painful, and terrifying. When things go wrong it can leave you empty and broken."

He thought of Harry, cradling Josie's dead body. Leland's face as he was forced to remember what he had done to his own daughter.

"Love isn't a weakness. It takes strength to admit you love someone. Love conquers all."

There was no reply. BOB continued to walk to towards the light. Somewhere in the distance he heard Harry's voice.


Dale started after the killer but no matter how fast he ran the distance between them never seemed to change. There was a flash, and the light was gone. Alone he stood in the darkness.

Harry rubbed his temples and sat down on the edge of the bed. He had been unable to sit still since Cooper had gotten up and gone into the bathroom. Something didn't feel right.

"Harry, I know you're worried. I'm sure he's fine. Who knows what ordeal his mind endured in the woods? You need to give him time."

Harry sighed.

"I know Doc its just-"

At that moment they heard a loud crash from the bathroom. Harry leapt up and ran to the door. It was locked.

"Coop? Hey Coop... Are you alright?"

No answer.

"Shit Shit Shit..."

Harry threw himself against the door. Once, then again and the door splintered. The Sheriff paused for a moment. The mirror was smashed, Cooper was covered in blood, and laughing hysterically.

"No... God no..."

He made a move to grab the younger man by the shoulders but he was too slow. Dale turned and with one swift movement, ran a shard of mirror through Truman's arm. Harry fell back against the wall.

"Coop, it's me. You gotta be in there somewhere."

He was disregarded and the man who was no longer his friend exited the bathroom. Harry tackled him. Doc Hayward jumped back.


Dale thrashed under the weight of the Sheriff.

"Harry, he's going to kill you!"


Doc Hayward looked bewildered. He stumbled towards the door and into the hall. Backing up against the wall, he prayed. Dale was strong, but Harry was stronger. Fueled by adrenaline he managed to pull Cooper up, into his arms. Harry buried his face into the younger man's neck. Dale screamed and fought, but Harry held on tighter. He felt the searing pain of the mirror slice through his arm, and he continued to hold on. With all his strength he pulled the FBI Agent down to the floor.

"I know you're in there Coop, and I'm not going to give up. You hear me?" Harry whispered fiercely.

BOB continued to struggle.

"I-I didn't realize it until you stepped into the lodge and I didn't think I'd ever see you again." Harry whispered into the younger man's ear. He felt Dales body seize.

"I didn't understand how I was feeling. I thought my fear was losing my best friend. But it wasn't that Coop."

Harry took a deep breath. He buried his face into the younger man's shoulder.

"It wasn't that at all. The thing is Coop… The thing is… I-I love… I love you."

Dale's body went limp. All the glass in the room shattered.

Harry cradled the FBI agent's body in his arms. He was still breathing. BOB was gone. Agent Coopers eyes opened, and he reached out for Harry's face.

"Harry... You did it."

The Sheriff shook his head.

"No Coop, we did it."

Cooper smiled and passed out. Harry was feeling feint from the loss of blood, but he managed to shout to Hayward.

"DOC! I need you in here now!"

Doc Hayward looked horrified. Harry's arm was bleeding profusely.

"W-we have to get the bleeding to stop."

"No, take him first. Please get him out of here!"

"Harry, your arm…"

"I'll take him myself."

Harry attempted to stand up, even with all the adrenaline racing through his veins the loss of blood caused him to sway. He laid Coopers body on the bed. The Sheriff stumbled, and then fell onto the bed. The last thing he remembered was being lifted onto a gurney.