Hi everyone just a short story here, it's been in my head for months and I just now had time to type it all out. There will be some song lyrics that go with the story in just a few places because I feel it helps with the story. Just let me know what you think, and yes there will be more chapters. Just read and enjoy. As always Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima.

Hey Lucy, I remember your name

I left a dozen roses on your grave today

I'm in the grass on my knees, wipe the leaves away

I just came to talk for a while

I got some things I need to say

Lucy by Skillet

A Thousand Days

Chapter 1


It's so peaceful here. Laxus thought as he walked down a winding path towards his destination. She would have loved it here. The birds were chirping and the light breeze made the leaves on the trees around him dance in the sunlight. He stopped and wiped a tear from his eye when he reached his destination.

"Lucy…" Laxus muttered as the dozen red roses fell from his hands, it was the first time in almost three years since he said her name aloud, and it was still as painful as the last time he said it. He fell to his knees in front of her headstone as he remembered the last time he saw her.

It was sunset, and magic was flying through the air around them as the Thunder Legion and Team Natsu and teamed up to take out a major Dark Guild, more like Natsu had followed Laxus when he had heard the leader was a supposedly powerful fire mage. Lucy had been acting weird around Laxus for a week or so, and Natsu had dragged her along when she had wanted to stay home, but she had come anyways.

"You should have stayed home, Lucy." Laxus whispered as he closed his eyes and her terrified eyes filled his vision as she was hit with a blast of magic just when they thought everything was over; as he remembered the terrified scream of his name as she was hurled backwards off a cliff, as her name ripped its way from his throat as he tried to help her, but was too late. It was the last time anyone had seen her, the only thing found was her hair ribbon caught in the rocks below.

Three months with you. Laxus thought bitterly and tore at the grass in front of him. Only three months when I wanted a lifetime with you. There hasn't been anyone since you, I don't think I could be with anyone when all I think and dream about is you, the way you smiled whenever you saw me. The cute smile and light blush that appeared on your face the first time I asked you out. The way you pouted whenever I punched Natsu for getting too close to you. The way you turned beat red when Mira found out we had slept together and started gushing about blond babies.

I will never forget you. "I'm so sorry." He cried out as tears dripped from his eyes, falling on the roses in front of him. "Lucy, I wish I had been one second sooner, I could have saved you." His watched beeped and he got up, not bothering to brush the grass from his pants, he needed to get back to the Guild, he had a memorial to attend.

"Happy Birthday, Lucy." He whispered as he made his way back to Fairy Tail.

The woman let out a sigh of relief as she stepped off the train only to groan if frustration as she saw how crowded the station was, but with another sigh she adjusted the sleeping toddler in her arms and navigated through the crowd. As she walked through town she caught snippets of conversation as she passed, most had to do with a huge party the local Guild was planning tonight. Apparently members from several Guilds were coming into town, all to light lanterns in memory of one of the local Guild's fallen members.

As she walked through town she let her feet guide her from memories she had only started to remember days before, her heart beating faster as she got closer to where she wanted to go. She passed shops and cafes she remembered visiting with friends, but they seemed like ghosts to her; their faces only a blur, their voices muffled. She only remembered one person, just not his name. He was tall and muscular, with blond hair that spiked up and piercing storm blue eyes, a lightning shaped scar going over his right eye. She remembered how much he cared for her, how much she loved him, but that was it.

Lost in thought she didn't realized she had stopped until she looked up and saw a large building in front of her, a large banner snapping in the breeze bearing the same symbol on it as the tattoo on the back of her hand. The girl in her arms shifted in her sleep, murmured something about bunnies as she buried her face into the woman's neck and as she smiled at the child in her arms she walked up the steps, stopping just inside the door to look around.

As she stood there watching the people inside the Guild names and faces matched up, and a few tears slipped from her eyes as her memories came flooding back. She saw Levy and Gajeel sitting at a table with Yukino and Rouge, sitting at the table next to them were Wendy, Chelia, Lisanna, Erza, and Juvia. Mira was serving Cana, Bacchus and Bickslow at the bar while Gray and Lyon argued about something at the other end of the bar, Freed behind it trying to calm them down.

She looked for the man she couldn't remember, only to sigh when she couldn't find him. She was getting ready to leave when a blue blur shot past, closely followed by a pink one that shouted out at everyone.

"HEY EVERYONE, I'M HO-" The blur stopped and turned towards her, and she saw Natsu look at her, disbelief in his voice and eyes as called out her name. "Lucy?"

Now that it's overI just wanna hold her

I'd give up all the world to see

That little piece of heaven looking back at me

Now that it's over

I just wanna hold her

I've gotta live with the choices I made

And I can't live with myself today

Lucy by Skillet