Delphi the Creator is a short prologue of sorts to the real action it'll explain how the Guardians come to be and how the conflict all started

How I came to be or where I came from I do not know. I was suddenly here and in my soul I knew where here was.

The first time I opened my eyes, I saw something I could never explain how I knew what it was, only that its name seemed like common knowledge.

In front of me was a single Tree.

It was a wide willow Tree with its branches reaching out far, but it's leaves were dropping down its trunk as if it was crying.

The Tree was grand indeed and incredible strong. It made me want to cry too at it's beauty.

As I stepped forward I heard a whisper, like a tinkling of bells talking to me. The sound seemed to come from the Tree but when I leant my ear to its rough surface, the sound disappeared like it wasn't there to begin with.

Something so odd bothered me. I needed to know what the sound was and what it meant. I needed to know who I was but walking in the white abyss proved useless.

I wondered what I looked like. Obviously I was shorter than the Tree but did I also look like the Tree?

What could I find to see myself?

"Hello?" I said to the Tree, "Can you tell me who I am?"

The Tree did not answer nor did it move.

"Please answer me." Again, it stuck to its spot. I returned to its side, hoping maybe It just didn't hear me. I was a bit far away when I greeted it.

"Hello Tree. I'm new here. Can you please tell me what I am?"

My heart gave out as it didn't return my greeting. It still didn't move and refused to tell me anything. What secrets was it hiding?

I crossed my arms in a gesture I knew meant anger. "Hey, don't be so mean!" I exclaimed "...Talk to me."

I stared again into the white nothingness and suddenly felt very alone. Perhaps this Tree isn't something able to communicate, but if it wasn't, then who do I talk to?

My legs folded on themselves and I collapsed at the base of the Tree.


That's it!

My name was Delphi.

My mind flashed with colors, lights, and a need. A need to do as my name meant; create. But where to start? I stared at my surroundings, at the empty canvass before me I could do anything to fill with whatever I wished. My claws extended again and dug into the base of the Tree. The twinkling bells started again and this time I knew exactly where it came from. Me, or more noticeably from my claws.

Suddenly, a glowing yellow energy engulfed my claws and followed my every movement. It was incredibly fascinating and I giggled at the feeling of the warm power running in my paws.

Looking up at the tree, I wanted the Tree, even though it wasn't a person like me, to feel the same energy I felt. I lifted my paw to its trunk and pushed the energy forward and then it happened.

The Tree moved! Its leaves flowed gracefully about and its branches bent slightly. I smiled my soul told me what this was called; Air.

My paws cupped the power and with a rush of intensity it expanded and covered the entire fissure with a cooling moisture… moisture?


I clawed at the base of the tree again, this time the Ki inside my claws glimmered blue and I pictured a similar colored "moisture" appearing from the tree. Just as the image clarified in my head, it came to life in front of my eyes. Cool, deep, and running water sprung from the tree trailing down the white nothingness and I thought how beautiful it would look surrounded by smaller versions on the Tree as it streamed further and further. Everything the Water touched grew soft brown dirt.


Then from the earth developed gorgeous flower buds, blades of grass, and it sang to me for more nutrients.

I opened my arms and the Water, guided by Air, became heavy in the sky until it fell down in a rain of beauty and life. I couldn't help but squeal in delight watching my Earth continue to fill and quickly I created even more trees, more bodies of water I named Lakes and Ponds. The sky opened and I felt my arms heat and I launched it into the wide blue heavens. I called it the sun and it warmed what Water refreshingly cleansed. My creation was finished and it was perfect.

Everything thrived and sparkled in its magnificent. Even the Tree seemed to be excited for me, yet something told me I was still missing something... something important…

Where there was creation there had to be destruction.

I really disliked the thought of destroying my beautiful world but I knew it had to be done. Gathering the energy in my hand I used all my muscles to lift a part of the ground into a hard funnel-like shape and placed Fire inside for safekeeping. I didn't know what I'll do with it but for now it was fine there.

Finally my body relaxed! I could enjoy the world I created. I could laugh and play, run or jump as much as I wanted for I was never alone. I had my paradise.


My body walked first to the clear stream of Water and I greeted it with warm welcome. "Thank you for being with me Water. May I enter your stream?" It bubbled back and I stepped into it until I was waist deep. Looking down, I gasped at what stared back. It was me and I could actually see myself. Waving my hand up, Water lifted like a wall across from me so I could see even more of myself clearly.

Like my paws, my body was covered in tawny fur and my large eyes with a liquid gold. Short crop of black hair had ears poking from atop my head flicked and swivel in wonder at my reflection and I smiled.

"Is this truly me Water?"

Water answered me by playfully twirling around my waist and lightly spraying me. I could feel my other Elements becoming upset that I wasn't paying attention to them so I stepped out of Water, sticking close to its side still, and sat on the sturdy ground. Earth placed a yellow flower in my lap.

"Why, thank you, Earth. You're so very kind, aren't you?"

Earth didn't respond. If Water was playful then my Earth was stubborn and obviously disliked outright compliments. I giggled at this and ran my paws around the large grass.

Air took that opportunity to mess up my hair, unknowingly blowing away the flower at the same time. "Oh no! Earth's gift…" I cried and ran to catch it before something happened to the fragile little thing. I managed to grab it before it could land in a Pond and held it close to my chest.

"Now now, Air. Please be more careful," I gently chastised the Element and it blew gently across my cheek in apology as if hoping this kiss would ease my upset, it worked.

I knew now that I played with my lighthearted Water, stubborn Earth and mischievous Air that left Fire probably torn up that I left it all alone in the funnel. It didn't reach out to me and that worried me. The last thing I want is for my precious Elements to hate me!

I'll visit it and show it all my love.

Air suddenly knew of my intentions to see Fire which was quite far away and became a visible step for me to stand on. Quicker than I could imagine, Air took me straight to the bottom of the bluff.

"Thank you," I said. "I'll give a call if I need any of you."

Air took off but I could still feel its presence around me. Water, however, feared being in this part of Gaia as it was very absent from the grounds or air.

I could understand why though - the air was far too hot for Water to survive and something told me it was much to blazing for any other thing to thrive. The grounds where little more than charred and hard lump. However, I was quite comfortable here.

"Hello Fire. Are you okay?" I inquired but it didn't answer. I did hear a rumbling from deep within the cavern and used Air to lift myself until I was standing on the edge and peered in.

"My goodness, you're beautiful!"

Truly it was. The magma was bright red like a glowing jewel of pure power. I could feel the unforgiving heat bubble and angrily threaten to rise. It was easy to tell Fire was not eager for me to be there but I still had to try to gain its trust the only way I knew how.

I gulped and said, "I know you can hurt me, Fire. All of the Elements could, but I want to show you that there's nothing to worry about." I took a deep breath. "May I embrace you?"

Smoke and ash rose more and more, almost like it was blocking me.

"Please Fire, let me befriend you as I have Water, Air and Earth and I promise to never abandon you again."

Stepping off the ledge I dived down, down, down into the red darkness.

To my joy, Fire opened itself to me and revealed all its feeling. It was disappointed I left it in such a place farther than the other and left for last but as I curled in on myself. I assured it that I never planned to leave it, only to give me time to figure out how to handle its destructive powers.

It told me it too could create and showed me a new world, one filled with the other elements as they lived together in harmony and I smiled at the image.

'I'm sorry I didn't see. Fire, I love you as much as the others.'

I writhed in joy as Fire seemed to cuddle and support me.

'I'll make another world. One where you all can be together. You can play together for eternity.'

Fire liked this idea.

I too loved the idea and while my mind worked in overdrive to design such a place my body rested in Fire's embrace. I slept peacefully and at ease.


Centuries had passed since Gaia came to be but Delphi never gave up on her promise to make the land for her Elements. Night and day she worked and created what would be Mobius. The very foundation she was pleased to find came from Fire. She'd heated the space and formed a giant ball of magma which she then cooled the outer ridge to become rock then once the substance was sufficient enough she covered it in Water, then Earth, in almost the same patterns as Gaia. Delphi called the massive areas Land and placed her very first living creatures on it. The Flickies.

They were small and lived off the waters and plants the trees produced. Eventually some even grew to become exclusively water creatures or spread their wings to become flightful.

Delphi loved seeing her creations evolve to such smart, self-serving individuals and they, like the Elements, were her pride.

It's not clear when the early Mobius was completed but when it was, Delphi whose body never changed, had grown from the mentality of a child to one of a woman. She still loved to be merry, curios of all things but she was much more understanding of her goals, needs and her overall power.

One day as she was bathing, she'd noticed her form seem to change from that of a Cougar to one of an Antelope. She'd blinked in surprise and wondered how she could possibly do such a thing Touching the hard antlers, they shifted back down and curved then her brown fur and became white as the driven snow.

"A goat?" She questioned, "Water, what are these images you show me? Is it really me?"

Her body morphed again this time into an Civet then back to her normal Cougar form . "This is me."

Delphi's spirit soared then and she looked down upon Mobius again to gaze at her creation and she wondered if she could make a being in her images. Slowly, so very slowly, Delphi helped a few Flickies evolve. Some became larger versions of their previous incarnation, but what stood them apart was how they walked on two legs similar to her.

She blew breath in them and they spoke. She gave each and every one of them a unique soul and they lived and it was beautiful. Delphi watched in unbridled joy as her creations explored the world, learning how to live on their own all the while harmoniously living with her Elements. She called these special creatures Mobians.


Delphi would walk through her Gaia she came across the Willow Tree, still majestic as ever, her favorite spot to sit and give her body a break but her mind would constantly return to that moment in the lake.

"Tree?" she began, "If I can do something like that then is my true form my first form?"

The tree blew in the breeze.

"I wonder if there are others like me? I can't be the only one. And if I am, then why me?"

Suddenly the ground shook and an earsplitting crack cut through the air. The Tree opened.

In a brilliant flash of light the bark of the Tree swallowed Delphi whole and down a black seemingly endless bottom until her body softly landed on hard ground she recognized as Earth.

Farther away, the two people observed Delphi.

"An animal?"

"It's nothing I've ever seen before."

"What should we do?"

They noticed her speak directly to the ground as if it was an old friend. "It's quite odd." said a woman with blond hair

The man beside her stepped forward and raised a long blade in her direction. "Animal! Stand and speak your name along with your purpose for being here."

Delphi gasped in fear at the strangers. Although she was glad they spoke her language, her voice seemed to escape her.

The man known as Rea scoffed, "Speak creature or I take your silence as a challenge."

Delphi gulped and finally managed out. "I'm Delphi. Please do not harm me."

Her voice disarmed the brute with it's timidness and pure softness. He didn't want to show this intruder any mercy but she was so small and oozed unharm that it was hard to keep up the facade.

It was the blond woman to speak this time. "Delphi," she swirled the name around her tongue. "Where are you from, Delphi?"

"Gaia. Please don't hurt me. I simply wish to know where I am." Delphi grew more and more impatient in this alien world where the Elements didn't speak to her nor obeyed her command. These tall hairless creatures with their weapons pointed at her made her fur stand on end.

"We won't hurt you. Won't we, Rea?" she said the last part to the sword swinging person.

He sheathed it and grumbled in annoyance. "My name is Lenus. You're on Psolym, home of the gods, creature."

Delphi quickly corrected her. "I'm no 'creature'. I'm a Gaian."

"I apologize, Delphi," replied Lenus, "however, we know not what a 'Gaian' is."

That was when a third person stepped from the shadows with a smirk. "Gaia is the name of the new world. It's been around for close to a millennia now and Delphi here is its goddess."

Rea snorted, "And how do you know this, Fiore?"

Fiore cracked a smile and answered gravelly. "I make it my business to know all the worlds we live in. You honestly think you special enough to be the only creation in the world."

"Do you wish to quarrel!?"

Fiore shrugged "I have no time to play with children."

Delphi took in Fiore and felt her curiosity peak again. He had long black hair, an attractively aged face and his voice was gravelly but not unpleasant.

"Who are you people anyways?" Delphi asked.

"We are called Gods just as you are. We protect the world below us called Earth."

Earth! She thought "Why won't Earth speak to me?"

Fiore shrugged again. "I'm not a Elemental Bender nor is anyone here but I have kept up with your world. I'm a gatekeeper to the dimensions. Let me show you." Fiore took gentle hold of her paw and led her around.

He explained how he travelled and overlooked the passage between Psolym, Earth, and Underworld.

"I can see other worlds as well so I knew immediately when you're Gaia appeared."

The two stopped at a large fountain and in its waters Delphi and Fiore could not see their reflections but images of a whole other place.

"This is Earth. Humanity lives and thrive down here and we as Gods do all we can to keep it alive." Delphi gasped in amazement at the sights. She peered into what was called a park. It was overflowing with humans both tall and small, large and curvy. They stood on two feet like the Mobians.

"They're beautiful…"

"They're selfish."

Delphi's ear swiveled toward him at this. "What do you mean? Did you not create them?"

Fiore shook his head. "Unlike you, we did not help with the evolution process. We came to be after they." Fiore sighed heavily. "Humanity has accomplished great things but they are greedy. They desire to much for so little. They pray to us to make their wishes come true. If it were up to me I'd say we wipe them out, try again."

Delphi's gasped and looked down again at the innocence of a small girl happily enjoying a dessert with her father. "Please don't. They need love is all and -"

"Sweet Delphi, there's more to life than Love and Beauty."

"Earth reminds me so much of Mobius. I could never destroy it."

Fiore took that chance to change the subject. "What's Mobius like?"

He could see the look of bliss in her eyes as she thought of her Mobius.

"Mobius was my promise to Fire and the other Elements a chance to play together and I gave them people like these Humans to be with. They are evolving into bipedal beings similar to Humans also. It makes me proud to see them."

Fiore cut his eyes toward her in amusement. "And in Gaia?"

Delphi frowned and replied "It's actually only me."

Her golden orbs finally met his reds one. "Me and the Elements that is."

"Aren't you lonely?"

"Not really," she replied. "Like I said, I have the Elements and I've been creating a new world for them. It's almost finished and I love it but I still feel…"

Delphi struggled for the right words luckily Fiore knew exactly how she felt. "...Off?"

Delphi nodded.

"I guessed as much. See, I'm quite old, being the one of the first Gods myself." Fiore sighed contently. "I always wondered 'what's my purpose?' 'who am I?' and then I realized. I am me. That's all."

Delphi quirked up an eyebrow in confusion. What does being 'me' mean? She was herself but that didn't help her understand what exactly being her was beyond being a Creator.

"I had my brother with me and when the others showed up it became easier to identified myself, especially when you have young'uns like Rea to prove that's not the type of man I wish to be."

Delphi giggled and the sound made Fiore's heart ache at its beauty.

"I'd like to show you Gaia one day, Fiore." Delphi reached out a tentative paw and placed it on his arm. Fiore's smile warmed her until a voice like cold ice disturbed peace.

"That won't be necessary!" the man was almost identical to Fiore, save for the long white hair, blue and gold robes. "Travel between dimensions is forbidden or have you forgotten the war with the Cyclones, brother."

"You mean the war you started?" Fiore answered back just as coldly, it almost frightened Delphi.

"I did no such atrocity!" The man turned his eyes to Delphi as she shrinked behind Fiore. "Creature, return from where you came."

"I'm sorry," Delphi said "I don't know how I ended up here. But I won't hurt anyone."

The leader of the God snarled. "Of course you won't young one. I'm powerful enough to end you should you attempt to harm me or my people."

Fiore stepped up than, "Deux, there's no need for such hostility toward a lady. Another Goddess."

"The Goddess of Gaia. She has no place or power here."

Deux turned his back on the two before leaving parting words, "Leave and never return. Or else you'll face my wrath." He left in a flash of golden light.

Delphi trembled at the power the elder god emitted.

"Worry not of him. I'll take you home now…"

Fiore brought them to his base.

The Gate.

It was in foggy an cavern-like place expanding to who knew how far. In the center where they stood was a large silver ring that illuminated the space. "Step in the center and close your eyes."

Delphi downcasted her eyes and stepped in the ring. "Goodbye Fiore."

In a flash she was gone.

"We shall meet again. I assure you."

When she reopened her eyes she was back in her Gaia with panicked Elements inquiring her whereabouts.

"Quiet, my loves." She calmed them and recounted the adventure she had with the human beings and Fiore. Air was quick to want to fight the men who threatened their Goddess while Earth shared his sentiment by rocking the ground.

"There's no way to return, even if I wanted it. We are safe again."

It was true. The Tree's bark appeared normal as if nothing happened.

The Elements picked up on her sadness and cuddled around her in a warm protective barrier.

"Thank you all. I must work now but I shall return." Delphi bid her goodbye and continued her work for centuries to come.

Author's note: Hey everyone thanks for reading the first chapter in this story and I hope you return for more as there is much much more to come.

Again leave a like and review it really motivates me.

Thanks to BrownEyedHoneybadger for Beta'ing


Delphi [Del-PEE]

Gaia [Guy-ah]

Lenus [LAY-nuh-s]

Rea [Ray]

Psolym (Soh-LUM)

Fiore [FEE-or-REE)

Deux [DAY-US]