The Forsaken Magi

A/N : I am having an extreme craziness of plot going around in my head to combine Naruto and Magi together, I don't know if you would actually liked it or not, but here it is.

REVISED : 17/08/2016 To avoid confusion and grammatical errors, My friend Rikuolin has helped me with the revision of the first chapter, hopefully it is to your likings. without further ado let's begin!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Magi it was owned by their respective owner (Masashi Kishimoto) and (Shinobu Ohtaka).

Prologue : Shoukatsuryou the Sleeping Dragon

"The land was devastated, no water to be found, no wind to caress the ruined land, a barren sky with grey light emanating from the Black Sun." Two individuals could be seen in the distance, the man standing and the women sitting on the ground while staring at the desolate ground with dull eyes."

"The man was rather handsome, spiky blonde hair, cerulean eyes, and what looks to be either whiskers or three scars on each side of the cheek resembling a fox." "He wore a tattered Haori and black hakama over it. His right hand was holding a Shakujou staff while his left was a paper with 'seal' written on it. His name was Naruto.

The women is a rather tall and attractive young woman. She has long, messy brown hair that is usually kept tied in two long pigtails. She has dull lifeless eyes with tear stains on both sides of her cheeks. She wears a turban like head-ornament with a wing-shaped jewel in the center and a long, layered robe draped around her body. She also wears several necklaces and bracelets on her wrists and ankles. Her name was Arba the former Magi supporting the cause of King Solomon until she betrayed him.

"Arba dear, your reason of destroying this world was not unknown to me, you realize this right? Your hatred towards Solomon has merit and your devotion towards our God was admirable. Now that the world has been destroyed, you've destroyed your way to the top of the food chain where not even a single life form is below you, no Solomon, no Magicians, no Humans, and not even Al-Thamen. It is only me, you, and God. How does it feel?"

"Arba looks at him with eyes full of despair and desolation, 'It feels… empty, I was supposed to feel ecstatic now that I've reached my goal destroying everything but… I just feel so…dead.' she looked at her own hands filled with dry blood that wasn't hers and a pool tears. "I-it f-feels e-empty." she stuttered, barely able to finish her sentence.

"I see." He walks towards her with a clink sound everytime he walks, he sat and embraced her."

"Dear, I know you cannot do anything now because of what you have accomplished, however the world created by Solomon was created and the rukh of the people are going there."

"She looked at him with utter disbelief 'so there are survivors…What is this feeling? Is it… relief?' she returned her husband's hug tightly and cries loudly."Dear what you did was not necessarily wrong, but I am disappointed that you use our God power to destroy everything, you could've just killed Solomon there and then, but still I won't hate you, you did what you think was right."

Arba finally talks after her cries started to slow down, "But dear, why are you still here? You should've died alongside everyone else, the rukh is gone, and no one can survive the power of our God."

"Naruto just chuckled and gave her light pecks to her lips, light pink dust covered her cheeks and she looked away embarrassed. He then raised his staff and glitters of white and dark rukh surrounds him. It was a mesmerizing sight but shocking as to how one could still have rukh."

"Impossible! How?"

Naruto stopped gathering the supposedly vanished rukh and smiled at her.

"Dear, our God has sent me a blessing of becoming the first Magi of our God."

"But our God has been corrupted by Dark Rukh it shouldn't be possible."

"No one but me know the true reason as to why God have such dark and malevolence rukh, I will tell you why our God was engulfed in such dark rukh. Before our God was corrupted by the dark rukh, God choose me as Magi to replace him in order to keep the world in check, the reason being that God will collect and gather all of the dark rukh so that there will be no malevolence throughout the world, but everyone misinterpreted our God as corrupted and sealed our God instead."

"I see so Our God was the right one all along."

"Dear, what you did was not without cause but, you overdid everything. For now I'll have to seal you in order to appease the new world... I'm truly sorry my love."His wife nodded in sadness but smile nonetheless. "Dear will I ever see you again?"

"I'm certain you will, and when we do I promise we will be together then." He kisses her passionately as he applied the seal onto her.

"The brightest light illuminated the devastated land, Arba was no more, she was not sealed in the millennium space created by Solomon, but rather inside her husband's space and time technique/dimension. The light dissipated and Naruto was gone, not without a few tear drops on the ground.

Reaching the Holy Palace, Naruto saw the last Magi of Solomon, Uraltugo Noi Nueph. Ugo saw the enigmatic of a person and proceed to see him.

Naruto raises his hand casually. "Yo, old friend you've been busy I see, creating a new world." He smiles at Ugo.

"Ugo however didn't trust him as he knew what kind of man Naruto is. Dangerous… Very Dangerous. The only existence which didn't disappear after Arba destroyed everything and everyone in the world. "What business do you have here? Has Arba been sealed yet?"

Naruto just smiled sweetly at Ugo. Too sweet actually, and Ugo didn't like it. "Relax my friend, I've always supported Solomon throughout his journey, so why would you act so cold to lil'ol me?"

Ugo snorted, "It's because you are the husband of the traitor Arba, isn't that enough reason for me to not trust you?" he pointed his staff at Naruto threateningly, Naruto only shrugged nonchalantly.

"Fair enough, however I stick to my plan of the deal and sealed Arba for good isn't that enough reason for me to get your trust?"

Ugo dropped his staff and sighed. "Very well, if Lord Solomon trusted you then so shall I."

"So, how do you plan to create this New World? Solomon did give you his last wish after all." Naruto said as he walked up to Ugo.

"I will create a world similar to that of ours before the destruction with some differences such as how Magi will not be placed in the same area, I will put them throughout the world. The world would only have one language and one race, being humans. I will implement the 72 Divine Staves and it will be known as Metal Vessels."

Naruto clapped his hands in surprise, "Amazing, Solomon was not wrong to choose you to look over the new world, Ugo I have one request for you."

"What is it Naruto?"

"I want to..."

In the far Eastern Continent lies the great Empire that has been ruling over the land for over 200 years, Kan Empire. However the Emperor has neglected its people for far too long. Greed and tyranny rule ravaged the lower class, leaving them nothing but bones and dry skin. During this time, people are both disappointed and infuriate with the current ruler and so, chaos spread throughout the land like wildfire. The people have suffered from poverty way too long, and they've decided to revolt in order to bring justice to the corrupted Imperial Court. The people may not have anything, but what they do have, is determination and hard bones.

With the people revolting and the land is in chaos, the Emperor sought for help from the local lords and governors to subdue the revolution called the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Hakutoku Ren one of the famous heroes and governor of a small city of Rakushou in the Kou Province located in the Eastern Coast of the land replied to the Emperors plea for help and helped the Imperial Army.

Even during the revolution, people under the care of Hakutoku refused to revolt solely due their utmost loyalty to the governor. The influence of Hakutoku Ren was indeed frightening, even the local lords are looking up to him with caution. Local lords such as En Honshou and Toutaku Chuuei who sought to gain power warily looking at the movement this young lord.

Hakutoku never expected people on the other region are suffering this bad, he thought that the Emperor would see to the people's interest. He has a slight suspicion that the Imperial Court and/or the Emperor were the ones making the people suffer, but he can't do anything right now. He could only wait until the right time arrives.

At this time, he read the scroll containing orders from the Imperial Court that basically 'asked' him to join the Imperial Army to subdue the rebellion of the Yellow Turban.

He sighed, "Those foolish eunuchs, they are the cause of this rebellion. If only the current Emperor took the throne when he was older… Now he's just a puppet that follows the 'advices' of the eunuchs. The people took action to bring justice which was never delivered during the rule of eunuchs." He said to himself, it was nighttime when the scroll arrived and most of the residence are asleep. If they heard what he said and reported it to the Emperor he would get publicly executed for slandering the Imperial Court. Walking towards his office where multiple scrolls laid across the top of his desk, he started to prepare his personal army and head towards the Royal Capital Rakuyou to pay respects to the 'Emperor'. As he started to write a reply, the sound of knocking interrupted him.

"Come in."

A beautiful woman walks in and sat gracefully at the side of Hakutoku. Her name is Gyokuen Ren, wife of Hakutoku Ren. Gyokuen is a slim youthful woman of average height. She has pale blue eyes, short blue hair with two long braids tied in loops. She has thin eyebrows, a mole on her chin, and red lipstick. She is also wearing a small hat decorated with a flower-shaped jewel, and floor-length pink and white robes.

"Ah Gyo-chan, it's rare to see you awake in the middle of the night."

Gyokuen just giggled and smiled, "I am aware that my husband is late to our bed chamber. I'm worried, that's all." Her smile dropped as soon as she saw the scroll he held, "Dear, are you going to…"

Hakutoku nodded, "Yes it seems I have been summoned to quell the rebellion of the Yellow Turbans. It is inevitable with the people and land in such grim situation."

Gyokuen reached for her husband's arm and held it tightly afraid to let go, she looked at Hakutoku with concern and fear, "Dear husband, please come back safely. Our child and I need you, especially the child. Besides, our second child has yet to be here, it would be sad that our child would never see the face of his father.

Hakutoku smiled reassuringly at his wife and held her so that Gyokuen could lean on him. "I promise I will return, tomorrow I will assemble troops and move on to the capital. For now let's return to our bed."

That same night, in the Yellow Turban Main Camp, the sight of a man around the late 30's even though his appearance clearly wasn't that of a 30 years old due to his rather handsome young appearance. He has blonde spiky hair with a long braid at the back, cerulean blue eyes and has two earrings on each earlobe. He's wearing an haori with red flames near the bottom edge and black hakama. He carried a shakujou on his right while strolling towards the leader of the Yellow Scarves. The leader is around the late 40's wearing an yellow haori with a yellow hakama signifying his allegiance to the Yellow Scarves. His face is clearly showing age with wrinkles and that weary expression. He has long black hair with some white hairs revealing it. He notices the person in front of him and quickly made his way towards him and kowtows to him as a way of respect.

The man held his hands up signifying the kowtowed man can stand up, "Enough Coukaku, I am only here so that I know the progress of the revolution."

Choukaku nodded immediately and cupped his hand, "My lord, under your orders I've rallied the people from across the lands to gather under me to defeat the corrupted Imperial Court.

The man nodded approvingly, "Good, do you remember the true mission I've assigned you?"

"Of course my lord, your will is to find a worthy king for this land so that the children's of tomorrow will never know of poverty and suffering, this your plan to gather candidates to be a king my lord Magi Shoukatsuryou"

The man known as Shoukatsuryou smirked. "Choukaku I was not wrong in having you as my subject, I will see to it our plan to work."

Choukaku was ecstatic, reverence and happiness flooded his systems and he kowtowed again, "Yes! My lord Magi will bring the world peace and I shall do everything to make that dream come true."

The very next day, Hakutoku announced his intent to quell the rebels to the public and asked for volunteers to support him in his cause, brave warriors from the outskirts of Kou Province instantly volunteered themselves for the good of the land and to serve Hakutoku.

Kakou Brothers, the infamous Chouhi Ekitoku and Kan Unchou, the veteran archer Kou Chuu, all these great men found themselves to be lost on exactly who to side with in this time of chaos. However upon hearing that the famous hero Hakutoku is gathering volunteers, they arrived swiftly to serve him and prove that they were the best among the best.

A day after the recruitment has ended, a young man that appeared to be a monk with strange blonde hair presented himself before Hakutoku, all the warriors present to witness this scene murmured as to who this monk is and what his intentions are.

"Lord Hakutoku, my name is Shoukatsuryou. Courtesy name, Koumei. I've heard that you are looking for talented and brave warriors, however I saw that you are also in need of a strategist. I would like to volunteer myself as your strategist in your army." He bowed before Hakutoku while smiling.

Hakutoku nodded surprisingly, "Indeed, I was in need of a strategist as I have no capable men to serve as my strategist. I've also heard of your nickname from my friends in the Kei Province, a man of unparalleled wisdom known as the Sleeping Dragon."

This drew gasps from the other scholars and warriors in the room as the supposedly Sleeping Dragon came to serve Hakutoku, no one could believe this.

"Why is the famous Sleeping Dragon that is from the faraway Kei Province here to serve under me? Surely you must have a goal, may I ask what is it? Fame? Money? Position? Please enlighten me."

Shoukatsuryou cupped his hand in respect, "lord Hakutoku, what I truly desire is one and one thing only, bringing peace back to this chaotic lands."

Hakutoku smiled. "Your answer is truly noble. Very well, I ask that you lend me your aid in this chaotic times."

"Of course." Shoukatsu cupped and backed down.

Right after Shoukatsuryou walked to the right side of Hakutoku signifying his position as strategist, a soldier came running to the recruitment hall.

"Report! My Lord and army of Thirty Thousand has approached our Province they are currently advancing here." After the finish of the report another soldier rushing through

"Report! My lord, there is an army of thirty-thousand men currently advancing towards our province." After the soldier finished his report, another soldier rushed through the hall.

Gasps could be heard from both the warriors and the scholars. Bloodlust and excitement slowly started to rise among the warriors while the scholars are in panic except for Shoukatsuryou.

Chouhi a muscular man with thick beard and moustache stood up, "lord Hakutoku! Let me and my brother take care of the fiends for you, we shall crust them with our might!"

Not one to be outdone, the Kakou duo stood up, "lord Hakutoku, allow me and my brother to destroy the enemy with the might that the Kakou Brothers are feared for!"

"What did you say?! Do you two really think you are a match for me and my brother?!" Chouhi roared ready to punch Kakouton- the eldest of the Kakou Brothers, however Kan'u held him back.

"We are more capable of commanding troops than the likes of barbarians like you!" retorted Kakouton with distain, almost launching himself at Chouhi due to Kakou'en the younger of the two brothers holding him back.

Shoukatsuryou slammed the table to get attention from the arguing soldiers that are now generals due to their proficiency in combat. "Hold your tongue! Stop this trivial argument, we have far more important matters at hand!"

"What did you say you little brat?! I'll cut off your tongue!" Chouhi tried to launch himself at Shoukatsuryou had it not been for Kan'u holding him back.

"Let me explain, Chouhi and Kan'u although both of you are worth a thousand men, you have to take into consideration of your army. Even if you rush into the enemy with your immense strength and speed, your soldiers are not like you. They would be left behind trying to catch up while you are in the middle of the opposing army, surrounded from all angles with no way out. Then you and your brother are nothing but wild hounds waiting to be put down. And you Kakouton, from what I've heard you've once lead an army but that is different from fighting WITH an army, you have no experience with true warfare and what you're suggesting is leading our army to their grave.

Both of them quieted down and couldn't think of any retort since what Shoukatsuryou hit the mark completely. "Lord Hakutoku, I apologize for my sudden intrusion but I have a plan, would you like to hear it?"

"Of course, tell me what the Sleeping Dragon has planned to turn this situation over?"

After the report from the soldiers, Hakutoku mustered his army of ten thousand to battle against the Yellow Scarves. He also brought the new warriors he has recruited into battles and his strategist who proposed an idea to the Yellow Scarves and drive them off one of his fortress Kahi. As the people in Rakushou gathered to see their leader and his army off, Gyokuen Ren looked at her husband from the top of the castle wall and then focused onto one of the new recruits- Shoukatsuryou.

When she saw him in the recruitment halls, nothing really happened until the strategist looked at her in the eye, after that things started to feel weird. Her head felt pain all of the sudden and strange visions flooded into her mind, hopefully this wasn't a bad omen. She felt like she recognized the strategist but couldn't grasp exactly who he is. He felt so familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time making her more confused.

Hakutoku wondered how his impregnable fort could get captured so fast and with ease, it had tall and thick walls so capturing it would be possible but it would be an endeavor to capture it, but with such speed and ease? How is that even possible?

"Lord Hakutoku, you must be wondering how the fort fell so easily right?" Shoukatsuryou asked as if he was mindreading his lord.

"You know what I'm thinking?" Hakutoku looked at his new strategist with surprise and awe.

"I can tell from your expression, you've told me that the fort was supposed to be impregnable against attacks due to its study gate, tall, and thick walls. With such fortification it should not be possible to take down the fort so easily and with such speed. To take that fort it would at least need 3 times the men to evenly take out the troops inside the castle. Kahi has been taken because of insufficient men and the lack of morale, many of them are of peasant background who are only in the army to support families starving at home. Thus, when the Yellow Turban announced their reasons, the soldiers easily defected to their side, allowing the fort to be taken over easily."

"If you say that the Yellow Scarves have such a huge advantage why would you propose 'that' strategy of yours?"

"My lord, have you even seen the looks that your people give you? It's that of complete loyalty and reverence, if you tell them to march into a sea of fire and mountain of blades they would do so without hesitation, that is why there are still soldiers that are loyal to you under the guise of Yellow Turban to prevent execution. My lord, Intimidation and this time of chaos is terrifying to the people." 'Without true leader this Empire is bound to doom.' He thought to himself on the last part.

"Just trust me on this 'plan' I'll take over this fort with little to no casualties from our side."

They reached the outskirts of Kahi by noon and they could see the gates were open to the Yellow Turbans who were outside the fort holding the fort at the west side. Their base was surrounded by an rocky and high terrain.

During the war council, the new warriors that volunteered were summoned by Hakutoku as per instructions of his strategist. Kakouton, Kakou'en, Kan'u, and Chouhi gathered in front of Hakutoku as they bowed and cupped their hands towards Hakutoku. "The four of you will be assigned by Shoukatsuryou to a very crucial mission so listen carefully."

Shoukatsuryou stood up and looked at the four generals, "Generals, you must follow my instructions word by word, as you all know we are outnumbered by twenty-thousand troops however that will not deter us. First, we will attack their main camps from the cliffs, the camp they set up is not advantageous to their side since we have altitude advantage. General Kakouton and Kakou'en will launch the surprise attack from the cliff to their main camp. You will be granted three thousand soldiers to lead." Kakouton and Kakou'en nodded.

"What should my brother and I do Shoukatsuryou?" Kan'u asked patiently while Chouhi just grunted.

"Both of you shall wait until the enemy sends reinforcement to rescue their camps from the Kakou brothers. You two will be granted five thousand soldiers to lead. Our lord and I with the remaining two thousand troops shall sneak into the castle and take it over from within. Once we've taken the fort we will provide assistance to you guys. Good luck generals."

The Kakou brothers rode to each cliff where the main enemy camp was set up. Kakouton still have doubts about the strategist of theirs and said, "En, why did you trust that strange strategist? He was only came a while ago and was instantly granted the position of strategist, isn't that too trusting of our lord?"

"Ton-nii, you should not distrust people so easily, there is a reason Lord Hakutoku placed him in charge, rather you should be grateful."

"Humpf, why is that?"

"Because we are being given a chance to show ourselves on the battle, for what other reason he needs to do that? If he really didn't care he would not even let us in this battle."

Kakouton looks up at the sky, "Sure, I think you are right."

They reached the top of the cliff even though the troops are clearly lacking morale and thus lazily eating their food.

"I guess that strategist was right." The elder brother mumbled as he recalled what the strategist had said to him before they departed. "Kakouton, their main camp is full of supplies, I want you to burn their supplies so that the enemy will be cornered and lose morale, I'm entrusting you with this task. Don't fail our lord and me."

Kakouton raised his podao, a Chinese broadsword but with a longer handle around four to six feet, and roared, "Brothers! Forward! Destroy the enemy base! Focus on their supply camps! COME BACK AS A CORPSE OR WITH AN ENEMY HEAD!" Battle lust rapidly grew amongst the soldiers as they charged into the enemy base. The enemies were in panic and scattered in fear because they didn't expect an attack this soon. The enemy sent a messenger into the fort for reinforcements.

After receiving the news of their main camp being ambushed, Tei Enshi and Tou Mou, generals of camp lead the remaining ten thousand soldiers hurriedly to assist their camp against the ambushers. After the army has left, the castle was left with soldiers less than a thousand.

200 loyal soldiers to Hakutoku that were under the guise of being an Yellow Turban member ripped their yellow scarves to pieces and assisted Shoukatsuryou and his group of two thousand soldiers in retaking the castle from within. "Retake our castle!" Shoukatsuryou roared. Two thousand and two hundred soldiers against 600 peasants, it is clear who were superior.

After an hour of futile resistance, the fortress was taken with little casualties with only fifty injured and five deaths, while five hundred peasants were killed and the remaining one hundred were taken prisoner or joined Hakutoku's army.

Hakutoku closed his eyes and smiled. "Shoukatsuryou, your plans are simply amazing."

Shoukatsuryou bowed. "My lord our battle has finished, the only thing we need to do is wait for Master Kakouton, Kakou'en, Kan'u, and Chouhi to return."

"But, you said that you will sent reinforcements if we are finished here."

"Indeed, but I have faith in them."

"Brother, do you really think we should trust that blonde? I think he's annoying and doesn't know what he is doing." Chouhi impatiently asked while hoping that his brother agrees with him.

"Calm down Chouhi, our army's success depends on our actions." Kan'u calmy replied while he stroked his long beard..

Just as Shoukatsuryou predicted they came with a large army to provide assistance. It seemed like their army was quite exhausted as they had to rush to help reinforce their camp. "It seems that Master Shoukatsuryou is right, come Chouhi we shall make our name and claim the enemy commanders head ourselves!."


Not long after what Shoukatsuryou has predicted, The four generals came back with an delighted expression and multiple enemy commander's head. All four generals dismounted from their horses and cupped their hands in new reverence of their strategist.

"Master Shoukatsuryou, we are truly sorry for doubting your abilities, from now on let us serve lord Hakutoku to the utmost of our abilities... Together!" Chouhi stated in respect.

"Please rise everyone, honorable brothers, we are brothers in all but blood since we fought together and bled together. We will work together in order to raise our lord to greatness." Although he had a kind smile on the outside, he smiled deviously on the inside "This will be the first step towards my goal."


A/N : Well first let me say this to you guys I added a little bit of flavor of ROTK or Dynasty Warriors whicever do you prefer, I will translate some of the unfamiliar name in case you guys didn't know.

Kakouton = Xiahou Dun

Kakou'en = Xiahou Yuan

Chouhi = Zhang Fei

Kan'u = Guan Yu

Shoukatsuryou = Zhuge Liang

Kouchuu = Huang Zhong

Tei Enshi = Cheng Yuanzhi (Dead/Not Important)

Tou Mou = Deng Mao (Dead/Not Important)

Choukaku = Zhang Jiao

Koukintou = Yellow Turban

Last but not least if you are wondering who the heck is Shoukatsuryou the answer Naruto, yes, you guessed it, he was Naruto.

I'll see you guys on the next chapter Please Rate and Review, and please gives me advice if I have grammatical errors (I know I have many flaws T_T), but no Flames please ^_^.

Hank out.