Chapter 13

Author's note: SURPRISE! A brandnew chapter. Hope you'll like it :)


Disclaimer; I sincerely apologize for skipping this in chapter 12. So, I would like to confirm that I do not own AC Syndicate. Only my OC's of course...but that is quite logical...right?


'When you mean "that day", do you mean that Ball,' I asked carefully. He nodded. Before I could ask him more, a man with a round black hat ran towards us. With one look at the scene before him he halted and said his next words.

'You'll pay for this Churchhill!'

And he fled.

The hooded man next to me shook his head and mumbled "coward". I however realized something I have forgotten a bit. I struggled to stand up and my vision became blurry again. The hooded man steadied me with his hands on my arms, avoiding my injured shoulder, before I could fell. How did he know I had an injury there? I was yet distracted by his scent. Fresh and with a hint of…metal and wood? Why does that ring a bell?

'Easy there. You're still frail from these events altogether.' When my vision was clear again I looked down at my dress. It was cut at different places, but there were two cuts which made me very uncomfortable. He noticed my sudden discomfort as well as the reason for that and quickly let go of my arms while turning his back to me. He too was uncomfortable with the situation. I tried to fix my dress so it was less revealing, he put his gloves on. When I was done I let him know that he could look again, but I avoided eye contact because I was certain I was still blushing.

'How…' I stopped myself. This could wait, my mother could be in danger. 'Never mind, thanks you…for everything but I really…need to go home now.' He sighed softly, but didn't complain.

'Can I at least walk with you? In case of?' I nodded, not complaining at all.

'But we must hurry.'


We walked side by side without saying anything. I tried to ask for his name, but he wouldn't tell me.

'In time, but for now it's better this way.'

I sighed, but didn't push it. I softly wrapped my fingers on my left arm to ease the throbbing a bit. I don't know if he noticed or not, but he didn't say anything. It was nothing I wasn't used to, I mean the non-talking-walk-part. It was just that I had so many questions for him, but I didn't dare to say them aloud. In fear of his reaction or the disappointment he wouldn't answer them. I had simple questions like who he was and where he comes from, but also questions that made me doubt he'll ever answer them. For example, why would he wanted to know who I was? How did he knew where I was just moments ago? Why isn't he answering any questions and what's he hiding? I abruptly stood still. He did as well.

'We're here,' was the only thing I could say. He nodded and walked towards me until we were 2 feet apart from touching each other. He looked at the building next to us and looked back at me. When I didn't say anything he scratched his head.

'So…why are we stopping? Weren't we in a hurry?' Strangely it didn't sound as a real question, but I ignored that.

'This is the p-place I needed to be,' I simply answered. I looked down nervously, waiting for how this goes from now.

'Ah,' he said. I didn't react. 'Is something wrong?'

How to say this… 'I…I…I just don't know what to expect.'

I could hear his confusion in his voice. ' What you might see you mean?'

I nodded. 'Euhm…something like that.' Hesitantly I added: 'This place, it's my home. I…hope to see my mother, but since that…you know….and the threat of that man. I just hope…'

'You're afraid of what you're going to see.' It wasn't a question anymore, but he knew what I was getting at. Suddenly he reached out and placed his hand under my chin, making me look up to him. I could see half of his face now the sun was setting behind me. He smiled and stroke with his thumb my cheek tenderly. Then he let go and looked at my house. He seemed lost in his thoughts or starring at it, maybe both. Then he turned his attention to me again.

'You don't need to worry. There is one person pacing in the room, but I can assure you it's save to enter.'

I widened my eyes. How? How did he do that? How could he know?

'Thank…you?' He just smiled.

'Well, I see you sometime then. Have a splendid evening Alice.' He bowed slightly and made his way to wherever he was planning to go.


He stopped and looked at me. I had almost forgotten my question because my heart was fluttering like a mad bird.

'Euhm…I...' I took a deep breath. What did I had to lose? 'If you don't want to tell me your name, can you do me a favor instead?' He walked towards me while I continued my request for him. 'I have lost something very important to me during…what happened at the Ball.' I was blushing madly now and since he was almost in front of me again I looked down, hoping he wouldn't see. ' It is maybe a thoughtless request, but could you…help me find my violin?' A few seconds have passed, but he didn't said anything. His shoes however, came into my vision, but I didn't dare to look up. Anyone who would see us would probably think I was going to get a lecture. I think they would think that if we were not the only people here. Strangely, we were the only one around.

'You know, it isn't very polite to talk to people when they are unable to see your face.' His low whisper entered my mind and made me shiver. His warm breath tickled my ear. Was he…Was he teasing me?

Fair enough, two can play this.

'I must apologize, but it isn't very polite to say such things when no one can see your face either.' My voice was nothing more than a whisper as well. He sighed. Did I upset him? Oh, no, no, no. That wasn't my intention. Euhmm, I can only hope he is just messing with me.

He chuckled. 'I apologize. You are absolutely right. How about this, I'll show you mine and you do the same thing?'




My heart kept pounding moments after he left.

I should have known. Who could have been otherwise?
I wasn't loved by men. Nobody held my gaze the first moment they saw me. No men would even think about having a conservation with me, except my father and family, my dear friend Thom, mister Bennington and the man I met today, mister Abberline.
And nobody could toy around with my heart like he does. Since the first time I saw him and I locked eyes with him, he did that even though I didn't knew him, except from his name. But there was something bugging me.


Why was he this interested in me? Why did he protect me and more importantly, how did he knew where I was? I wish I asked him then, but if he even wouldn't tell his name, what were the chances he would answer the others?

The more I thought about it, the more I became uncomfortable and…even the feeling I was lonely. He was attractive with his devilish smile and handsome face (not even starting with his appearance). Someone like him who was nice to someone like me could only mean one think; he wants something.

But these thoughts could wait a little more. I was about to find out if my mother would be here.

I knocked twice on the front door, called my mother several times, even calling here with her first name, but no response came. I walked around the apartment building until I found what I was looking for. One window of our house was slightly open and there was always a pile of boxes which I use for getting inside. Now it would be the 6th time for me to use this method. Once I was inside, I reached out, searching for the light switch. When I found it and activated it, nothing out of the ordinary was to be seen. The kitchen was neat and ordered. I shut the window which I came through, just in case a creep had the same idea as I did. I tried to call for my mother again.


I widened my eyes and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Her shout came from upstairs.



Author's note: Thank you very much for reading this! I think the last chapter will be around 20, but could be less or more.

Bye for now!
