Heya its me Pheonixxninja back again with anothe chapter of Terraria Time And to my reasers i have to say Happy New Year heh yea i know its pretty late but still^~^" also id like to thank my friend who helped me with this chap and u hope you enjoy.

Special Thank you to Cindy ThANKS!^~^

...I don't own Terraria so whatcha lookin at me for?

Terraria Time

Chapter 8: Blood Moon

The team began checking out the tree Rose had hollowed out and placed down the platforms. While Phoenixx used the wand to place the living wood down soon the tree looked like a full on out fortress rooms on each branch. A platform at the very top the furniture was made out of living wood from a special Loom Rose had bumped into. The walls were made of the same material a room built on each branch while some were below them.

"This turned out pretty well," said Pheonixx. The others nodded in agreement.

The sun began to set leaving the sky a beautiful orange as the night slowly began to fall the team headed into the tree. The group began walking down the stairs that led to the underground rooms each entering a room. They began to unpack their belongings which for Barney was placing his merchandise on his shelves. While Jake placed the various books he collected from the village on his shelf and leaving one book out which he had decided he would read later. Pheonixx had climbed to the top of the huge tree sitting on the large platform they had built. The platform was brightly lit by two tiki torches and the platform itself was held up by two small pillars and was roofed by large leafs. Pheonixx stared off into the sky letting out a sigh. He glanced down the towering tree seeing the occasional zombies pass by.

What he hadn't noticed was a figure watching him from the shadows of the tree. The figure spread out what looked like wings as it swooped down towards the summoner.

Pheonixx glances up just in time to see the mysterious figure dive towards him he ducked narrowly dodging the razor sharp claws that tore his sweater. He gripped his slime staff slamming it into the ground. A small portal opened up as a figure hopped from within the portal. The light that the tiki torches emitted lit up the figure revealing a small pale green slime with rosy cheeks.

"Alright Slicker, just like we practiced," said Pheonixx. The small slime nodded puffing out his cheeks inhaling more air by the second.

Pheonixx lightly tapped the staff on the surface. Slicker then let loose a torrent of slime balls which soon form themselves into small spikes soaring at bullet speed. The figure flapped its wings a gust of wind causing the spikes to fall to the ground it then let out a deafening screech. Pheonixx covered his ears in pain. The creature then fired what Pheonixx could only describe as sharp blue feathers that cut through his skin like butter. Slicker quickly spat another slime ball at the creature hitting its left wing. The creature began to plummet to the ground landing right on its left wing.

"Ouch! That's gotta hurt!" Slicker joked. Pheonixx slowly rose to his feet his orange hoodie had been stained with his blood. A deep cut lined his back.

"Hehe yeah," Pheonixx chuckled. wincing in pain as he made his way down the tree nearly falling off the ladder. Slicker shaped his body into a pair of crutches. Pheonixx thanked the slime creature as he made his way down the stairs. Celestia had caught sight of the wounded summoner. Her eyes widened in fear as she quickly rushed towards him.

"What happened!" exclaimed Celestia, as she helped Pheonixx to his room.

They hadn't made beds due to not having the materials needed to make them so she carefully laid Pheonixx down on the cold wooden floor. Celestia rolled Pheonixx onto his stomach. Examining the deep gash from whatever did this. She rolled Pheonixx back over careful not to touch the wound. She rummaged through her pouch quickly finding a bottle of red liquid she unscrewed the cork lifting the bottle to his lips pouring the contents down his throat. Pheonixx coughed lightly as the wound began to quickly heal. Pheonixx was amazed at this stretching his arms he felt as if the cut hadn't even happened.

"It's a healing potion" answered Celestia as if reading his mind.

Pheonixx's gold eyes glowed as the torch which lit the room illuminated the room the flame dancing at the edge of the wooden light source.

"Hey Pheonixx you in there?" a voice spoke.

Pheonixx snapped out of his daze rising to his feet he thanked Celestia and headed towards his door. The door opened with a click! Pheonixx locked eyes with Rose who had an expression of fear on her face.

"You've got to see this," says her tone was serious. Pheonixx followed behind his best friend meeting up with Jake and Barney who had their weapons out. Pheonixx stared at them in confusion. Jake gestured towards the door. Pheonixx peaked through the keyhole of the door his face turning pale at the sight before him the moon had turned red as it flared down unto the land bathing it in its crimson glow.

"Why a blood moon? Why now?!" said Jake, as he cursed under his breath. The horde ranging from zombies to floating eyeballs began to closing in on the tree.

"What's going on out there?" said Pheonixx, looking back at Jake.

"It's a blood moon, it's a dangerous time which is rare for most," Jake paused for a second before continuing.

"During this moon, the monsters would come out more...zombies became smarter, the demon eyes become faster and the creatures of the corruption would occasionally appear."

The zombies began to slam their fist against the door. The doorknob began jiggling as it slowly opened. The team had already started heading up the ladder the demon eyes began pouring in, scanning the area around them while the zombies rushed down the stairs. The team made it to the top hiding between the leaves of the tremendous tree. Peaking out they could see the swarms of demon eyes that enters the tree along with the hordes of zombies that followed behind them.

Pheonixx glanced back down at the spot the creature that attacked him earlier had fallen. Zombies surrounded the creature as it tried to fly away. Pheonixx could now clearly see the creature that had attacked him. And to his surprise it was human. Well, most of it was human.

The creature that had attacked him seemed like a girl no older than twelve. She had cream colored skin which was relatively pale. Ocean blue eyes which matched her cyan and red feathers on her wings which Pheonixx had to guess where her arms since he couldn't see any hands. Her lower half was bird like almost eagle like her feet were sharp talons that dug into the ground below her. Her hair was a beautiful sky blue which had become dirty from the mixture of slime and dirt.

A zombie had pulled the bird girls leg. It's 's jaw snapping shut as if it had been taunting her. The zombie began to pull her closer ready to bite the bird creature. The bird girl closed her eyes knowing this might be the last time she would remember before she became on of these creatures. Snap! The girl heard the sound of something falling to the ground she popped one eye open just in time to see one of the zombies be set ablaze as another was pierced by a spike made of a gel like substance. She looked up as an arrow flew by her hitting another zombie square in the head as another became a pincushion to multiple knives. She looked up at the trees and what she saw had surprised her the humans along with a dryad were helping her. Celestia placed her hands on the tree as they resonated with a strange aura. Large vines burst from the ground smashing the remaining zombies another vine picked the injured girl up lifting her up to the platform where they hid. Rose helped the child to her feet but was thanked with a sharp blue feather nearly cutting her head off. Jake quickly aimed his bow at the creature the tip of the arrow directly on her forehead.

"Don't move," said Jake the girls didn't even flinch her eyes fixated on the arrow which was only inches from her head.

"G-go ahead I'd rather die killing a human than live obeying one" the young child spoke. Her tone was shaky and her voice was so high pitched it could break glass. The young bird creature could feel something slowly snaking its way along her body she glanced down to see Slicker coiling himself around her. She struggled but the slimes grip on her had only tighten.

"Listen...we don't want to hurt you-" ,Pheonixx began, but was interrupted by the same deafening screech the team held their ears in pain as the girl continued increasing the volume of the ear splitting sound. Slicker quickly wrapped himself higher blocking the bird girls sound began to die down the team let their ears go in relief but they could still hear the ringing in their ears."remind me again why we saved her" said Rose her tone dripping with annoyance."we couldn't just leave her there to become one of those things" Pheonixx replied. He looked back at the small child who only scoffed. Pheonixx sighed the night was still young and the demon eyes had been swarming the tree waiting for any sign of movement."How are we gonna get out of this?" Jake looked at the others who just shrugged."man if only Slicker could multiply" Pheonixx sighed. Celestia instantly remembered something. Digging into her pouch pulling out a vial filled with a green coloured liquid. She handed Pheonixx the vile. Pheonixx quirked an eyebrow taking the vile. He examined the contents of vile. "It's a summoning potion" Jake answered which confused the summoner. Jake sighed," i have to explain everything...a summoning potion will increase your magic temporarily allowing you to summon one more creature." Pheonixx nodded unscrewing the cork he chugged the contents down. It tasted sour like someone had dumped a dozen sour lemons in this thing. Pheonixx dropped the bottle feeling a sudden surge course through him a small portal opened before him as a second slime hopped out. It looked exactly like Slicker almost like a twin. The two slime hopped around each other happily. "Alright" Pheonixx began. The two slimes averted their attention to the summoner, "let's do this." the two slimes nodded hopping of the tree which Pheonixx followed. Roughly landing on a branch Pheonixx raised his staff as it resonated with a powerful aura the slimes puffed out their cheeks firing multiple spikes knocking a couple demon eyes out the sky. A swarm of demon eyes began to closing in. Pheonixx slammed his staff down his eyes glowed that strange cyan colour once more. The two slimes shot another torrent of slime spikes into the air.

[Spike Rain]

The large spikes soon multiplied into small spikes as they began plummeting to the ground at breakneck speed piercing through the demon eye swarm. The two slimes then shaped themselve around the summoner and his friends protecting them from the surprisingly sharp spikes of gel. The sun could be seen slowly rising into view."Look! The sun's coming up" Barney pointed at the slowly rising ball of fire."but the potions effects are almost over" said Jake. The team glanced down at the summoner who just stood there his eyes flaring with that cyan colour an odd aura had surrounded him. The summoner raised his staff as it resonated with the same energy. Pheonixx brung the staff down coming to a sudden stop. The summoner's eyes reverted back to their original gold his hand became shaky and his eyes became heavy. Then everything went black.


Pheonixx's eyes shot open as he gasped for breath. His eyes darted back and forth but what he saw confused him. The area he was in was a blank sky no clouds, no birds, nothing. Pheonixx's eyes widened in fear. He glanced down at his hands…nothing seemed to different. "Hello...anyone here?" Pheonixx called. But there was no answer. Pheonixx continued to float in this blank space. Searching once more Pheonixx came across small platforms. Four platforms which were just floating about. The first platform was a bright orange color which had matched the red banners and a small crimson coloured alter. The second was bright purple surround by various books and a small dark orb on a violet alter. The third was a pale green altar which was similar to the first. The banners were a dark blue-green colour and a small pendant laid on the alter. The last one was a cyan alter with what Pheonixx could only guess was gold but it seemed a bit to shiny to be normal gold. Small cyan banners surrounded the altar along with a small staff which Pheonixx couldn't make out as the platforms disappeared and a bright light engulfed the shot up cold sweat dripping from his forehead, Pheonixx examined his surroundings he was in his room. His staff laid right beside him. Rising to his feet Pheonixx picked up his staff and exited his room. Scanning his surroundings once more Pheonixx couldn't catch sight of anyone. "Where is everybody" Pheonixx thought. Making his way up the stairs Pheonixx exited the tree. Beams of sunlight hit the summoners face making him hiss at the sudden brightness. Pheonixx looked around but no one was outside nobody at all. "Maybe they headed out...but for what?" Pheonixx began walking in hopes of finding his friends he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a sudden screech from inside the tree house. Pheonixx made a full sprint back to the tree nearly falling down the stairs. Pheonixx burst through the door of the dimly lit room. "Pheonixx! You're awake" Rose cheered hugging her best friend. "Stay still this isn't easy Y'know" an unknown voice said. Pheonixx glanced over Rose's shoulder. The torches flickered for a second as the room became illuminated. A woman probably in her twenties. She had light coloured skin almost peach coloured,Blonde hair wrapped in a short pony tail and emerald eyes. Her dress attire could clearly tell anyone she was a nurse a white nurse uniform along with a white band with a red cross on her left shoulder and a white hat with a red cross in the center. " who's she?" asked Pheonixx. Rose looked back at the lady who was healing the bird girl a small first aid kit laid beside her. "oh her! Thats Katelyn" Rose answered. Katelyn glanced at Pheonixx. "Hello im Katelyn and i'll be your nurse but i don't work for free" said Katelyn. She then reverted her attention back to the young child continuing to patch up the broken wing. "oh yea Pheonixx here" Rose handed Pheonixx what seemed to be a glass heart which shined brightly in the dimly lit room. "What's this?" asked Pheonixx. Jake closed the book he had been reading. He then pulled put a book which. Surprised the summoner. Jake began searching the pages of the book stopping at a certain page. "that is a heart crystal they're used to increase the strength and endurance of a person...once a heart crystal is obtained a nurse will move into an available room or house." Jake then closed the book putting it back into his pocket. Rose stared at the guide with a look of disbelief. "Why didn't you tell us this earlier!" Rose asked. Her tone hiding a hint of anger. Jake shrugged opening back the book he was rolled her eyes staring at the crystal heart in her hand." how do you use it?" asked Rose. Jake simply made a crushing gesture not even taking his eyes of the book the two heroes glance own at the crystal hearts in their hand. Crushing the crystal object they were suprised that it h hadnt cut them but instead turn into small crimson coloured particles swirling around them they felt as if someone had just given them an energy boost."wow" they spoke in unison as the particles finished up. Letting out a sigh of relief."Your wing should be alright now but dont strain it" The bird girl huffed an expression of anger on her face. "My flock will be here soon and you humans will be sorry" she huffed. As if on cue a loud banging sound could be heard from outside the tree. The team made their way up the stairs exiting the tree. A large shadow loomed over the group. Glancing up the team could see what they could only describe as ridiculous. A large flock of at least a million of those bird creatures. Only one word came to mind as they stared at the flock.


Heh now thats how you end a chapter anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this and as always FOLLOW/FAVOURITE ANNNNND LEAVE A REVIEW