Hiya! You can call me Nyx. This is my first ever attempt at a fanfic and I really hope you guys enjoy. I'm already having a blast writing the story. I'm not sure how long of a story it will be. I guess that will depend on what you guys think of it. Well please do leave rates/reviews but please keep in mind it is the first one I've ever done :P Cya!

A shallow breath taken, lungs burning from the gulps of water that began to fill them. Bubbles rise to the surface while he falls deeper beneath the waves. Screams silenced by the endless water around him. He can feel his life slipping away. His eyes droop with the exhaustion his body feels. He isn't strong enough to break the surface, he's too weak, too fragile. He can feel himself giving in to what he knows is inevitable. His death creeps up like dark snakes from underneath him waiting to claim him as its prey. Just as he admits defeat and his eyes close...THUMP!

Eddward awoke just as he fell from his bed onto his floor while his alarm blared throughout his room. He sat there for a moment trying to draw air into his oxygen deprived lungs. He attempted to slow his breathing from shallow pants to deep calming breaths. He did exactly as his psychologist had advised and began looking at his surroundings; seeking out five things he could touch. Slowly his ragged breathing returned to normal and his head dropped into his hands. "God damn nightmares," he mumbled to himself as he untangled his blankets from his legs. Eddward eased himself to a standing position and ran his hands through his sweat covered hair. "Aw hell, now I'm going to need a shower before school," he grumbled before making his way into his bathroom.

He pulled a towel from the linen closet on his way and once in the bathroom he splashed some cold water on his face before turning on the shower and allowing the hot steam to fill the area. He stripped from his boxers and gracefully climbed under the scalding spray. Eddward let his head flop against the cool tiles while the hot water cascaded down his back. After he took a few moments to reign in his frazzled nerves he began his normal routine of scrubbing his body, not once but twice. His skin felt raw from how hard he had pressed the loofah to his skin. He reached for his shampoo next, lavender and blueberry scented of his own making. The lavender was meant to help relax him after the vicious nightmares that plagued his slumber. Last was a simple conditioner meant to replenish the oils back into his hair to keep it tameable even though he hid the inky black locks beneath his worn out black beanie anyway.

With his shower complete he stepped out and quickly towel dried his hair before wrapping it around his waist. Eddward stepped up to the mirror and ran his hand across it to clear away as much of the steam as he could. What he saw staring back at him made him sick to his stomach. His reflection taunted him each time he saw it. He had a girlish figure with how lithe his body was, his ebony hair even framed his face the way a girl's would. He had clear blue eyes that mirrored that of Caribbean waters aside from the color directly around his pupil. That was where the coldness stayed, the color was closer to that of the ocean on a storm ridden night. He still had a slight gap between his two front teeth. Even braces hadn't been able to repair that flaw even those his parents had spent a fortune on them. And last but not least his arms were littered with perfect 2 inch scars. That's right, Eddward Marion Vincent used to be a cutter until one day his best friend Eddy had caught him at school and told parents. They of course did what "any parent" would have done as they said. They had him medicated and he had weekly visits with a psychologist who was to immediately contact them if Eddward missed a single appointment. That was their solution rather than them just staying home and being real parents to their only child. Instead they went right back out on a business trip and his life was once again reduced to sticky note communication.

Eddward turned from the mirror in disgust and sauntered back to his bedroom to choose his clothing for the first day of school. He quickly selected a slim fit tee that had his favorite band's logo on it. The shirt fit snugly and showed off his lean frame which he rather enjoyed. Next he pulled on a pair of jet black skinny jeans that hung low on his hips before he slid a studded belt through the loops of said jeans. He combed his hair with his fingers then carefully slid his beanie on top of his head to wear his hair would partly hide his eyes. As he grabbed his backpack that already held the contents he needed for school, he slid on two checkered wristbands to hide the scars the best he could. Eddward padded downstairs and into the kitchen to make himself something quick for breakfast. He settled for Greek yogurt with blueberries topped with granola. He made quick work of his meal, depositing the dishes into the dishwasher. He grabbed his lunch box from the refrigerator slinging it over his shoulder as he made his way to the front door. He gave one last glance to the sterile house he called home, today was the first day of the last year he would spend here before he went off to college. Eddward was definitely more than ready for that day to come. He was going to leave the tiny town of Peach Creek for better pastures and never return. With a deep breath he yanked open his front door and locked it as he stepped through the threshold to the outside.

He breathed in the crisp fall air which made a sly grin spread across his face. Eddward loved Autumn, it signaled the beginning of rebirth to him. Everything began preparing for the death that Winter would bring, only to be born once more under the loving winds of Spring.

"Yo! Sockhead! Earth to sockhead!" Eddy was snapping his fingers in front of Edd's face attempting to draw him from the trance he had been in. Ed the tallest of the three stood at the end of Edd's driveway patiently waiting on his closest friends. Eddy was still his short schemer self and had moved up from simple quarter scams to more extravagant ventures. Deeper pockets was all he had said when Edd had pressed about why he still continued to try and scam his peers. while Ed had shot up immensely which had led to the big lug being drafted by the football team. Granted had it not been for the long tutoring sessions that Edd held for him, the big guy wouldn't have been able to stay on the team. "Sincerest apologies Eddy. I was merely admiring the change of seasons that has begun," Edd said without ever making eye contact. Instead he began walking in the direction of the school with the shortest one of the trio having to jog to keep up. "So what you're saying is you were thinking about how it's a bummer that break is over and we have to go back to school," Eddy teased. "Oh quite the contrary Eddy. I am actually rather ecstatic about what new challenges this school year's curriculum will bring from myself," Edd responded. Eddy just shook his head wordlessly and fell into step beside Edd. "So uh...what's up with the wardrobe change Double Dee? You don't ev-" Eddy fell silent when Eddward turned one of his cold stares on him.

"Don't call me that. I told you over break that Double Dee is gone. It's Eddward. That's my name and you'd do best to remember that if you intend on still socializing with me beyond today. Is that in any way unclear Eddy?" Edd spit. Eddy was completely taken aback by the sudden change in demeanor with his best friend. "Damn Dee, what the hell happened to you? First you don't come around all summer and now you're saying I can't call you by your nickname? What the fuck dude?" Eddy pouted while stuffing his hands in his pockets as they continued to school. "Language Eddy!" Eddward scolded. " And to answer your question, nothing of your concern. You may call me Eddward or Edd. Nothing more and certainly nothing less,"

They were almost to the school when the trio heard the roar of a familiar motorcycle come from behind them. Kevin Barr flew past them on his candy apple red bike. The boy glanced back at them to only flip them the bird. Eddward felt rage build up in the pit of his stomach and that was when a brilliant idea popped in his head. He had been stressing all break over how to make sure people knew that he wasn't the same little nerd they had all bullied last year. Oh no, Double Dee was long gone. And what better way to show everyone that than by picking a fight with the quarterback on the first day of school. A devilish grin slid across his face as the idea cemented in his mind.

Upon reaching the school the three Ed's made their way to the front doors where just as luck would have it for Eddward, Kevin was currently leaning. "Would you take my bag for a moment Ed?" Eddward said innocently to the big lug. "Sure thing Edd!" The bigger of the three replied cheerily as he took Edd's backpack. Eddy raised a brow in question but Edd simply ignored him, continuing right up to Kevin.

Kevin looked up from the girl he was currently talking to as a shadow loomed over his face. He looked up to see the sure to be valedictorian standing in front of him. "And just what the hell do you want loser?" Kevin chuckled out. That was when he noticed something was off about the nerd. He no longer looked small and fragile, let alone intimidated by Kevin. Upon realizing this he stood straighter in an attempt to re-establish that fear. However this time rather than Edd shrinking back like he always did, the nerd stood straighter as a smirk found its way onto his face. Something was seriously wrong here and it honestly put Kevin off his game. "Oh I was just wanting to give you the same customary greeting that you always gave myself on the first day of the school year," Eddward said with menace dancing in his eyes. Now Kevin was definitely confused, he always punched the Ed's on the first day of school. They were easy targets for him. Edd always being the first to get hit from where he walked in front of the others.

Kevin laughed uneasily, "You can't be serious? You honestly think you can hur-" Before Kevin could even finish his sentence, Eddward's fist had connected with his jaw. Kevin stumbled back a step and rubbed the spot where Edd had punched him. His lip was split and there was blood pooling in the corner of his mouth. Kevin was in utter disbelief at the fact that Edd, the kid with straight A's, and a full ride scholarship to MIT had just cracked him right in the jaw. He straightened back up to his full height of six foot three. "Alright you bastard its on then!" Kevin roared as he tackled Edd to the ground. Within minutes students gathered around the commotion cheering their football quarterback to beat the nerd's ass. What they witnessed next made the entire circle fall silent. Edd had completely reversed the situation and now had the untouchable Kevin Barr in an arm bar. Kevin's face was going red as it scrunched in pain while everyone else had their phones out recording the entire fight. "Do you yield?!" Eddward sneered. "Never!" Kevin ground out only to have Eddward pull on his arm further. "Kevin just tap out man! He's gonna break your arm!" One of the other football players yelled from the crowd. The redhead could not believe that the first day of his senior year had turned into this. It was either let Edd break his arm or tap out and lose the respect he had worked his ass off to get. A broken arm would mean no football and that would mean no scouts for scholarships to get the hell out of Peach Creek though. And that to Kevin was a fate worse than death. He'd be damned if he was going to be stuck in this tiny town.

"Alright Edd! I yield!" Kevin yelped as Eddward gave one more tug to his arm. His arm was released and but there would surely be a bruise on Kevin's arm as well as his ego. Eddward merely stood up and dusted off his skinny jeans. His cheek had a darkening mark from where Kevin had gotten a hit in, but that didn't stop the boy from ginning like a maniac. He walked over to the edge of the crowd where Ed and Eddy stood in dumbfounded silence. He retrieved his bag from the big oaf and sauntered into school with half the student body gaping at his back.