The homecoming to Riverside was joyous - at first. As they had known, the Queen was not at all happy to find that the witch had cast a curse on James and Leonard. However, she was gracious and welcoming to Nyota, making sure Nyota knew that the Queen placed all blame for the situation solely on the witch's shoulders.

That night at the dinner table, with the gathered Riverside nobles and close friends in attendance, Nyota was asked if she would mind telling her story. When she came to the part where she described the witch, there was a soft noise and every one turned as Leonard and Cinderella jumped up from their seats. They quickly knelt to attend to Rapunzel, who had fallen from her chair in a faint.

Everyone else at the table rose to their feet as well, ready to be of assistance if it was requested, but staying out of the away until then. After a minute, Cinderella looked up.

"Could someone please bring us a cloth and some cool water?"

Spock was quickest to grab the pitcher of well water from the table along with one of the napkins. When he offered them to Leonard, his brother quickly plunged the napkin into the water, then wrung out most of it before putting the cool cloth to the back of Rapunzel's neck. He and Cinderella spoke softly and encouragingly to her and, after another minute or two, Rapunzel's eyelids began to flutter.

Her hand at the base of her throat, the Queen spoke softly.

"Is the poor child ill, Leonard?"

Easing Rapunzel into a seated position on the floor while he supported her, Leonard shook his head.

"I feel no fever, Your Majesty. But it is as if she has received a great shock."

Shivering, Rapunzel grabbed onto Leonard and held him tightly as she trembled. James had discretely come over and offered Cinderella a cup of water and Cinderella now helped Rapunzel take a few sips. Finally, the maiden blushed as she noticed that she was the center of attention and bowed her head.

"Please forgive me for worrying you all. I was simply startled."

Leonard encouraged her to take another sip of water and was heartened to see her trembling lessen.

"Dear lady, what startled you so?"

The crystal blue eyes flashed over to Nyota briefly.

"The witch that cursed our dear guest - Lady Nyota described the selfsame witch who sealed me into my lonely life inside that tower when I was but a child."

Spock's eyes darkened and even those who did not know him as well as Leonard did could see his anger before he spoke.

"The witch T'Pring is misusing the mystic knowledge of my father's people to cause great mischief throughout the lands. Were I not already determined to join you on this quest, I would insist on doing so now to prevent her from further blackening the reputation of my bloodkin."

Lord Chamberlain Pike frowned in thought.

"The witch that cursed both of these maidens and has now cursed the two princes is a Daughter of Vulcan?"

"She is unworthy of that title."

The strong, low, and somewhat musical voice came from the doorway and every head turned to see an elder Son of Vulcan standing on the threshold. Spock immediately moved to the elder and kneeled before him.

"My Lord Father - I have never known of you to leave the boundaries of Seleya Forest. Is Mother . . .?"

The older man laid a hand on his son's shoulder.

"She is well, though my men and I did have to show the folly of their ways to some men who entered the forest with fire and ill intent."

Leonard had never before laid eyes on Spock's father, but he knew well who he was and he felt shamed at the words the older man had spoken. Moving forward with his eyes downcast, Leonard knelt by Spock's side before speaking.

"Lord Sarek, I can only offer my apologies for bringing those men to your forest. My companions and I were graciously given sanctuary at the home of Lady Amanda."

Sarek studied the young human silently as he reached out and fingered the forest green cloak.

"Amanda had told me she presented you with a cloak to match her own. I must confess that I did not tell her the truth when I gifted her with her cloak. I did not give her one that was the color for healers - I gave her one that would be harder for potential enemies to spot among the trees."

Leonard was unsure what was happening, but he remained still as Sarek released the clasp of the cloak and lifted it from his shoulders while he continued to speak.

"As to your earlier words, you have nothing to apologize for, Leonard of Horatio's blood. Your grandsire was a true and worthy ally to my people. If anything, it is I who should apologize to you for learning of the treachery of the Remans too late to do your family any good."

Sarek offered the green cloak to Spock before producing a cloak of sky blue and draping it over Leonard.

,"This is the true color of a healer among the Sons and Daughters of Vulcan. The shade is most fitting as Amanda tells me your first patient was a bird that was, by the skill of your hands, healed well enough that it could fly once more. I see much of your grandsire in you. How you refused to deny Prince James even when threatened with death showed your courage and determination. Your way of contemplation before action shows your intelligence and the way you dealt with the giant's child showed your heart. Amanda's gift will still serve you well when stealth is advised, but when it is not, I would be honored if you would accept this cloak as well and wear it as you quest to undo T'Pring's curse."

Leonard looked into Sarek's eyes for the first time and marveled at the sheer weight of time he could see in the man's eyes. Then he moved one hand to touch the blue cloak.

"Considering her opinion on humans, might I assume that the witch's reaction to seeing me wear this color will be memorable?"

His face remained solemn, but there was a flash of humor in Sarek's eyes.

"I would think her reaction will be memorable past your imagining, young Leonard."

"Then I will wear it with pride, Lord Sarek. I thank you most humbly and will do my best to live up to what it symbolizes."

"I have no doubt that you will live up to it. May you and your companions live long and prosper."

Sarek's left hand moved to the top of Spock's head and he recited a blessing in their language over his son. He hadn't told Spock, but he and the other elders had high hopes for Spock. With his mixed heritage and strong connection to Leonard, the elders hoped that, together, the two of them would usher in a new age where the Sons and Daughters of Vulcan would move freely in the world again as they had in centuries past.

Finishing the blessing, Sarek withdrew his hand and turned to face Queen Winona, giving her a bow - not as a subject, but as an equal. She gracefully curtsied in return - and then Sarek was gone, as silently and as unseen as he had come.

The dining hall remained silent for several long moments until Lord Chamberlain Pike's voice broke it.

"I know not about the rest of you, but after that, I require wine - a lot of it."

Not one among those assembled argued.