A/N: In which the reader is a human who works for Toffee, fun sexy times with the lizard lawyer happen, and that's pretty much it. And you're the star!

I apologize in advance for any mental trauma i cause for this. Just kidding, you know EXACTLY what you're getting into, dontcha? ;D


You peer cautiously around the door frame at the man hunched over in the high-backed red chair, staring down at a book in his lap, the paper yellowed with age. It takes a few seconds for him to register that someone's talking to him as he snaps his head up and looks over at you with those unnervingly yellow eyes.

His voice, although tinged with lack of sleep, is still patient and smooth. "What is it?"

The fire in the room sends dancing shadows over his features, making them look gaunter than usual. You swallow a bit, not used to being the one addressing him.

"It's…it's really late. Are you planning to go to bed soon?"

Toffee's eyes look through you for a few moments before he leans back in the chair to stretch, and even from where you stand you can hear the soft pop of his muscles as he tilts his head towards the ceiling.

The firelight highlights the curve of his long throat, and you can't help but stare at it before looking away as your face grows warm.

It seems he's noticed you staring; there's a ghost of a smile on his lips when he looks back at you. "Time really does fly when you're flipping through the nitty-gritty of ancient mewman culture." He gives a dismissive look at the other books that lay stacked beside his chair, having already perused through them and gathering the information he needed.

"Are you going to just hover in the doorway? Come in, the floor doesn't bite." He doesn't look at you as he says this; instead he puts a hand on the top book in the stack, opens it to the middle and slides this thumb over the pages, the soft noise of rapidly flipping paper echoing up to the high ceiling.

The heat in your face is from embarrassment this time as you quickly move to stand at a safe distance from your superior. 'Safe distance' meaning about four feet away from his chair as he directs his gaze back onto you.

"If it's so late, why aren't you asleep yourself?" Toffee's voice has a hint of tease in it.

"Well," you begin, "I was trying to sleep, but then I grew concerned for you, knowing you were still here in the library. How long has it been since you slept?"

"Several hours, perhaps."

You frown at him. "Try a few days."

He raises a brow at you, likely surprised that you kept track of his sleep schedule. Toffee only sleeps when he absolutely needs to, and spends his waking hours gathering information, on what exactly you aren't sure.

You'd only worked for him for a few months as a human informant, and during that time you learned little about him except that he had impeccable taste in clothing, was choice in his words and had a thing for brown sludge water; that, and he was missing one of his fingers, something you found odd but was too nervous to ask him about.

The other monsters, your "coworkers" perhaps, knew as much about him as you did. Once they got over you being a human, they actually turned out to be pretty friendly to the point where you couldn't get them to shut up. But whenever you asked about Toffee, their answers were more 'hmms' and 'haaahs' than actual information.

All they could say is that Toffee took better care of them than their previous boss did.

Unfortunately, Toffee doesn't seem to want to take care of himself.

You fold your hands in front of yourself, trying not to wring them together. "You should probably get some rest. You look…well, you look tired." Toffee gives a wry smile and shuts the book in his lap. "That's putting it lightly."

He actually looks exhausted, about five seconds away from crashing onto the floor and using the book as a hasty pillow. Thankfully he doesn't, because you're not sure if you can drag a sleeping Toffee to his room without assistance.

He stands up from the chair and places the book onto the pile, his eyes glancing over you from head to toe. "Mauve looks good on you."

It takes you a second to realize that he's talking about the color of your robe and your face grows hot once more, grateful that you had the sense to put it on before coming to the library. God knows what he would've said about what was underneath it.

Your sleeping attire is skimpy, to say the least. The nights at the castle are hot, and air conditioning was something that was unheard of here, so you had to find some way to cool off. Your choice of sleepwear was a thin gray tee shirt that barely hid your panties. It showed off your legs, that was for sure.

"Um, thanks," you begin before starting again with, "So, are you going to bed? Do you even remember where your bedroom is?" You manage to pull a real smile from him that time, and from what you knew you were the only worker who could make him do that.

You've stepped closer to him without realizing it, close enough to where you could see the firelight catch the fine detail of small scales covering his skin. They look almost silvery blue, an unusual but beautiful color.

It took a while for you to admit to yourself that you're attracted to a lizard monster-man in a suit.

Toffee leans forward, his hands behind his back. His voice is a low rumble that travels up your spine. "I'm not sure. Think you could show me the way?" He's close enough to where his breath ghosts over your lips, and it takes all your willpower to not shiver and show him just what kind of effect he's having on you.

"Of course, sir," Your voice comes out lower than expected, and it makes something flash in his yellow eyes. You tear your eyes away from his and turn to slowly walk to the door, making a point to sway your hips.

You can feel the heat of his gaze travel over your figure, and you bite your lip. Is seducing your boss a good idea? Is he even being seduced by you, or is he just being his usual teasing self?

The candle that you're holding casts a small amount of light through the hall, making a weak effort to push away the shadows. Behind you, you can hear Toffee snap his fingers, and suddenly the library is encased in darkness.

The fire that was previously roaring was now completely out, the only source of light coming from your candle now. Your heart begins to beat faster, and you're wondering what sorts of black magic Toffee learned to put out fire with a single gesture.

"I hope you can see in the dark," You hastily joke, gripping your candle a little tighter. Toffee's voice suddenly sounds like it's right next to your ear.

"I can, actually. Very well."

Not surprising in the least. You're walking down the hallway towards the spiral staircase leading up to the bedrooms, and the eerie silence of Toffee's footsteps makes you wonder for a second if he's even following you.

When he speaks again, his voice sounds like thunder in the dark hall.

"From what I know, humans don't seem to have very good nocturnal vision." You smile to yourself as the two of you make your way up the stairs.

"We don't. It's actually pretty terrible, we can barely see anything."

"Mmm," is his reply. You're on the second level now, and his room is at the end of the hallway, on the right. As you start to walk towards it, however, your candle goes out.

Your eyes grow wide, looking around in the dark, trying to adjust to it. A second passes and you feel a hand on your shoulder, solid and steady.

"Are you scared?" His voice is a notch above a whisper, and you swallow. This isn't the first time he's touched you, but this time it feels different. Everything feels different, and it's making your body buzz with a new sort of energy.

"No," you finally answer back, and your voice is low and private. The only thing you hear for a moment is your heartbeat. Toffee's hand squeezes your shoulder, and you can feel the absence of his finger. You feel the static of his mouth next to your ear, but he doesn't say anything.

Suddenly your candle is lit again. Toffee's hand is gone from your shoulder and you turn to look at him, your expression a mixture of confusion and uneasiness.

He simply raises his brow at you, his face its usual bored look although it looks nearly sinister in the faint light. You don't like him playing these sorts of head games with you, and he knows this. He also knows that you're the only person in the castle smart enough to keep up with them.

Toffee then walks past you towards his room. "Goodnight, y\n," He casually tosses over his shoulder, turning to give you one more placid glance before he enters and closes the door with a dull, decisive click.

You're left standing in the hallway with your candle gripped hard and wet heat starting between your legs. You turn and slowly make your way to your own room, frustrated because he knows he's left you wanting more.

A/N: I'm sure this doesn't surprise anybody, but Toffee is my favorite character in SvTFOE. Don't get me wrong, I adore Star and Marco (and the puppies, can't forget the puppies), but I have this crippling weakness for the calm, collected villains who are too damn cool for their own good. He's pretty much the reason why I'm binging on the second season, because I'm super positive he's coming back, and we'll get some of his backstory. Toffee needs more love.