Chapter 30: You Look Perfect Tonight

Beca stood in the front of the mirror in her dressing room, her heart pounding and her chest heaving up and down. The young woman leaned her head to one side, checking to make sure that everything looked perfect. She fixed up her gray suit and made sure her gray pants and lavender vest and bowtie had no fuzzies on it. Holy shit, she thought to herself. It's my wedding day.

Suddenly, the door opened behind her and she turned and saw Jesse walking into the room. "How's it's going, bride number one." He said, chuckling a little as he closed the door behind him.

"Surprisingly, I'm not shitting myself right now." Beca said, making Jesse chuckle even more. "I'm still really nervous though. If I could go back in time and tell my teenage self that I was getting married to the most beautiful woman on earth in ten years, my fourteen year old self wouldn't believe you."

"Well, here we are. You're getting married." Jesse stated, fixing her bowtie. "Aubrey says that Chloe's just as nervous as you. Which should be expected on a day like this." He said, smiling at his best friend. "Do you have your vows ready?"

Beca nodded and took a deep breath. "Yeah I do, they're in my suit pocket." She said, pulling them out of the pocket to show them to Jesse.

"Good," Jesse said before taking a deep breath. He then turned Beca around so she could look in the mirror once again. "You look beautiful, Beca. I'm very proud to be your best man."

"Thanks, Jesse. But in my eyes you'll always be my maid of honor." Beca said with a smirk on her face.

"There's the Beca Mitchell I know," Jesse said, smiling widely. "Now, are you ready?"

Beca stood there for a moment, smiling to herself in the mirror. Of course she was ready, she was marrying the love of her life today. After everything she'd been through, she had finally come to the best day of her entire life. Beca never really thought she'd make it here, but sometimes life takes an unexpected turn and you end up with the woman of your dreams. Beca turned back around and faced Jesse. "Of course I'm ready. I've never been more ready than I am for this."

Over in Chloe's dressing room, the redhead was making sure her hair and makeup looked good. She then took a look in the mirror and took a deep breath. This was the day she'd always dreamed of, and she couldn't be more happy about it. Chloe was going to be marrying Beca, in the city where they first met. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Nothing about this day could be more perfect. The only thing left to see was Beca once Chloe began walking down the aisle with her father.

Aubrey walked into the room and shut the door behind her. "How are you feeling, Chloe?" She asked.

"Nervous, but mostly excited. Do you know how Beca is doing?" Chloe asked, turning around so she was facing Aubrey, who couldn't help but smile at how beautiful her best friend looked.

"Jesse said she's doing pretty good, fairly calm actually according to his words." Aubrey said, walking over to her best friend. "You look beautiful, Chloe. Beca is a very lucky girl, and she better know that by now."

Chloe couldn't help but laugh at her best friends remark. "I'm more than sure that she does. And thank you Bree, I've never felt more beautiful."

"Do you have your vows ready?" Aubrey asked.

"Yeah, they're all ready." Chloe nodded before taking one more deep breath. "I'm ready as I'll ever be."

"I have to tell you, when I first met Beca, I had my doubts about her. I strongly disliked her actually." Aubrey chuckled. "But then I saw that when she was around, you were always happy. She makes you happy, and as your best friend that's something I'll always want for you, to be happy." The blonde inhaled and exhaled slowly, continuing when that breath was gone. "You two are meant to be together, and I cannot even tell you how excited I am about you getting married."

"Oh Aubrey," Chloe said, pulling her best friend in for a hug. "Thank you for being here today."

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

Everyone had gathered in the rehearsal hall, where Beca had first joined the Bella's, where she and Chloe had first met. It seemed so perfect, to end one chapter of her life and starting another here, in the massive rehearsal hall where hers and Chloe's relationship truly began. Well, not really, their first real bonding moment was in much different location, but the two of them decided that getting married in a shower stall wasn't what either of them wanted.

Beca walked down with aisle first, her arm linked with her fathers. "You look beautiful, darling." Beca's father whispered, kissing her cheek.

"Thank you, Dad." Beca whispered back, kissing his cheek before they reached the alter that had been set up at the front of the audience. It was just close family and friends at the wedding, so only thirty-five people were there. Some of the Trebles, all of the Bella's, Beca's parents and their significant others, Chloe's parents, her brother and his wife, and their little two year old sons. Once Beca reached the altar, she stood next to Jesse and their Officiant, Luke.

Chloe's bridesmaids began walking down the aisle, and Beca saw Penny and Luke wink at each other, as well as Jesse winking at Aubrey as she took her spot. She then heard the song Chloe had chosen for her aisle walk begin to play, and her eyes shot towards the back of the hall.

And, just as it was in every single cheesy wedding scene in a movie, Chloe emerged by her father's side, but everything else disappeared from Beca's sight. There Chloe was, walking towards her in the most beautiful lavender wedding dress, it was an absolutely heavenly sight to see. As the song "A Natural Woman" by Aretha Franklin continued to sung beautifully by the Trebles and Bella's, Beca couldn't help but feel the smile tug at the ends of her lips, unable to come up with the words to describe just how incredible Chloe looked.

Soon, Chloe was face to face with Beca, handing off her bouquet of flowers to Aubrey and reaching to take Beca's hands in her own as the Bella's and the Treble's finished their song. Luke then cleared his throat and began speaking: "Hello, and welcome to Baton Rouge, Louisiana on this fine autumn day. We are gathered in this hall to celebrate the love of Beca Jade Mitchell, and Chloe Elizabeth Beale. Now before we get in the vows, snogging, and cake, these two would like to tell you why they've invited you here today."

Beca smiled and then looked out at the crowd for a moment before turning back to gaze upon Chloe. "Well, where do I begin? I have to say, when I walked into this hall for the first time, I didn't think I was going to meet the person I want to spend my life with. It was, unexpected to say the least. And maybe that's one thing that Chloe's taught me, that the best things in life happen without planning. I didn't plan to audition for the Bella's, and I didn't plan to get cornered in the shower by a rather convincing and very naked redhead." She stated, getting some of the people sitting in the audience to laugh. "But most of all, I didn't expect to fall in love. Love is one of the most amazing and unplanned things that happen to you during your life."

"I invited you all here today to show you how amazing life is, and how things aren't always supposed to be planned out. Marriage was never at the top of my bucket list until I met you, Chloe." She said, turning back to the woman in front of her. "I never would've believed in lifelong love until I met you. And I guess, that's why I invited all these people, so they could see how much you've changed my life for the better."

It wasn't easy for Chloe to keep the tears back during Beca's little speech, but she managed to do so with great dedication. She then let out a smooth breath before beginning to speak. "Wow, I don't know how to follow that." She said, getting a small chuckle from the guests. "Beca, you saved me from a toxic relationship. You opened my eyes to something more beautiful and much more healthy. But I don't want to focus on the scary beginning to our time together, I want to focus on something much more amazing, that is the reason why I invited all these people here today. We've been through and survived so much together. Whether it was the rocky beginning of our relationship, or when we had to do the long distance for three years. Even after all of that, our flame never faltered one bit."

"You and I have managed to find our way out of the woods, over and over again you and I managed to find the good even when it seemed like nothing could get better. We're bulletproof, Beca. And I wanted to show everyone, just how strong we are together." Chloe squeezed Beca's hands gently, unable to hide the happiness behind her smile.

Luke then spoke up again, wiping real tears that had welled up in his eyes. "I told myself that I would get through this without crying, but I'm emotional guy, so that was a tall order." He said, getting a laugh from the guests. "Love can happen anywhere, at any time, in any place. For Beca and Chloe, it came in this grand old rehearsal hall, over numerous Bella rehearsals. I have to say, even though Chloe is my stepsister, I see her as a blood relative. I'm very protective her, and she can tell you how picky I am about people she's dated in the past."

"He's not lying," Chloe said, giggling softly. "He disapproved of everyone I dated."

"Up until you, Beca." Luke said, patting the brunette's shoulder. "You have always shown my sister unconditional love. You've treated her with care and have always supported her dreams, even if it meant having to be away from her for months at a time. I can say with confidence, that there I've never seen Chloe so happy. And I'm so happy that you two have chosen to spend your lives together."

Luke's remark made Beca smile, nodding her head and taking a deep breath so she didn't get too overwhelmed by the moment. In all her life, she'd never pictured a moment more perfect than this one. Luke had given her his blessing to marry the woman she loved more than anything in this universe. All that could top that would be able to call Chloe her wife.

"Now, for the vows. I understand these two have written their own vows, so let's begin with Chloe." Luke stated.

Chloe took out a piece of paper and she took a couple deep breaths before beginning to speak. "Beca, our love is one for the ages. We will have disagreements, we will have arguments, we may even screaming matches. But I vow to always help us resolve them and find a solution to our problems. I vow to always be there when you need to relax, or need a shoulder to cry on. I promise you that I will try everyday to make you laugh or smile, even if you're feeling down. I cannot vow to be the perfect wife, because that would be impossible. But I can vow to always give it my absolute best effort to show you how much I love you, every single day. Because I do love you, more than anything in this world, and I couldn't picture myself spending the rest of my life with anyone else."

Beca smiled brightly, gazing into Chloe's eyes, unable to focus on anything or anyone else but her until Luke told her that it was her turn to say her vows. "I couldn't really come up with a speech like that, because I've been good with at that kind of writing. So instead, I thought that I would write a song, describing to you what I love about you, and what I vow to you, Chlo." Beca then had a guitar brought up to the altar, and she put the strap on, took a deep breath, and then started playing.

Perfect- Ed Sheeran

"I found a love, for me

Darling just dive right in, follow my lead

I found a girl, beautiful and sweet

I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up, this time

Darling, just kiss me slow

Your heart is all I own

And in your eyes you're holding mine


I'm, dancing in the dark, with you between my arms,

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song,

When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath,

But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight."

Chloe's eyes were filled with tears as she listened to Beca sing, loving everything about the song. She had never heard anything so beautiful in her life. As Beca moved into the next verse, Chloe's eyes were fixed on the brunette.

"Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home

I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children, of our own

We are still kids but we're so in love

Fighting against all odds,

I know we'll be alright this time

Darling, just hold my hand,

Be your girl, you'll be mine too

I see my future in your eyes


I'm, dancing in the dark, with you between my arms,

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song,

When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful

I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight."

Beca's eyes were filled love and they looked Chloe's way the entire time, smiling gently, seeing Chloe's jubilant tears. She knew that this had been the perfect idea. Ed Sheeran had helped her write this when she was coming up with vows, and nothing had describe Beca's love for Chloe better than this song did.


I'm, dancing in the dark, with you between my arms,

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song,

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel, in person

And she looks perfect

Oh, I don't deserve this, you look perfect tonight."

As the song finished, Beca smiled at Chloe, who was almost a balling mess. She then walked back over to her, giving her soon-to-be wife a hug before pulling away and taking her hands once again.

"Well, I think I speak for these two when I say that they truly, unconditionally, love each other." Luke said, smiling softly. "Now, without further ado, I think it's time to exchange rings and let these two kiss each other. Don't you think?" A couple cheers came from the crowd, making Beca and Chloe laugh a little. "Alright. Beca, do you take Chloe to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, from this day forward, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Beca said, taking the ring from Jesse before sliding the ring on Chloe's finger.

"Chloe, do you take Beca to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold in sickness in health, in good times and in bad, from this day forward, for as long as you both shall live?" Luke said, smiling at how jubilant Chloe looked.

"I do," Chloe said, taking the ring from Aubrey and putting it gently onto Beca's left ring finger.

"By the power vested in me by .com ." He said, getting a laugh. "I pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss."

"Get over here, you." Chloe said, giggling when Beca placed her hands on Chloe's waist and pulled her into a loving and passionate kiss.

That was it, Chloe and Beca were married. And their wedding was perfect, neither of them could've pictured a more perfect day, and both of their hearts were content and filled with pure love.

Later at the reception, after all of the toasts and eating the food, it was time for Beca and Chloe's first dance. The song Beca had used to propose "Thinking Out Loud," was the one they had chosen. Ed Sheeran even showed up and started singing the song while playing the guitar. Chloe's hands were wrapped around Beca's neck, and Beca's hands were on Chloe's face.

"You look so damn beautiful tonight, Chlo." Beca whispered as they began to dance.

"Thank you, so do you." Chloe giggled and blush.

"I can't even begin to tell you how happy it makes me to look at you and be able to say that you're my wife." Beca said, leaning her forehead against Chloe's kissing her nose as they continued to dance. "Never in my lifetime did I dream of marrying someone until I met you. You've completely changed my life Chloe."

"And you've changed mine. I can't wait to start the rest of my life with you." Chloe murmured, leaning in and pressing a kiss to Beca's lips.

"Always?" Beca said, smiling contently once their lips parted.

"Always." The two of them leaned in again, kissing each other gently for awhile.

Nothing else was on their thoughts right now except each other. Not the rocky start of their relationship, not the long distance, not the baby drama that had happened earlier that year. Nope, the only thing on their minds was each other, and they knew that this was the happiest either of them had ever been, and that they would always love each other. Always.

The End

Here we are, two and a half years later. We've come to the end of "You're The Reason." Even though it took awhile, I truly have loved writing this story and I hope that you readers have enjoyed reading this love story. This last chapter will wrap things up, I hope it is a satisfactory ending for you guys. I hope that you will check out my other stories if you haven't already!

Until Next Time!
