Chapter 8

Author's Note: this is word emphasis

-this is telepathy-

-this is texting or communicating through the D-Terminals-

Toshima District, Damon Home:

Once in the relative safety of Marcus' home Tsukina lets loose with a swearing rant that impresses her lover, as she was now swearing in Japanese, creatively. Needless to say, she was pissed that Mercury had escaped at the last moment. Rōzu was muttering under her breath about what she wanted to do to that damned bitch, which included shoving a Chidori through her damn chest. Well, once she figured out how to recreate the Chidori anyhow. Takuya and Marcus just let the girls get it out of their systems. They knew full well venting was better for a person though Marcus was ready to massage his girlfriend's shoulders the instant she got her rant out of her system. Stress was not good for her or the babies, which he was still having a hard time believing, even if he had felt two small embers reach back to him. Twins, they would be having twins.

Finally the girls run out of steam, Takuya takes Rōzu outside for a spar while Marcus starts massaging Tsukina's shoulders, " Feel better now, Tsukina-koi? "

" Yes, I do, Masaru-kun. It's nice to actually be able to get my rants out in a constructive manner. " Tsukina admits.

He understood what she meant immediately, Usagi had never been allowed to vent in a healthy and constructive way. She'd had to bottle everything up because of her family and senshi. Saturn had been too young for Usagi to burden her with everything. There had been no one else until Kou Seiya. He/she had listened to Usagi, let the girl do some desperately needed venting before his/her teammates, and Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto had fucked that up for Usagi. Sure, she had her two friends with benefits she could work some stress out with, and oddly enough none of her senshi had caught on to that. None of them had ever noticed that Usagi read yaoi and yuri hentai along with straight hentai because she had glamoured her manga to look like Sailor V manga.

He knew about her manga collections, he had the straight and yuri ones himself, he just wasn't into yaoi. None of their hentai overlapped either, which was strange. You'd think there would be some overlap, yet there wasn't. He frowns at the tension in her shoulders, but then again she had just faced down her murderer from her last life, happened to be pregnant at fourteen, had been disowned by her parents, and was still in school. She had numerous reasons to be stressed out. Thankfully he did have a few ways of working that stress out available to him. As long as they did adult things after his little sister was asleep, and kept quiet his mother didn't mind.


Davis takes one look at his older sister before turning on his heel and going over to the Kamiya apartment. He texts his father stating he would be at Tai's place since he didn't want to deal with his older half-sister's bitchiness. Shinya starts banging his head on his desk at work to his secretary's surprise, " Why the hell did my son just have to inherit his uncle's personality?! "

Kanbara Shinya, even if he no longer went by that name, curses under his breath. Davis just had to be like Takuya, didn't he? Dear Cherubimon, how the hell could personalities be genetic anyhow? He keeps banging his head until he hears a throat clear. Shinya looks up to see Minamoto Koji standing in his office, the door shut, " So, Motomiya, why the hell are you banging your head on your desk? "

" My son inherited Takuya's personality. " Shinya answers, deadpan.

Koji blinks, Davis hadn't seemed that bad when he'd met him at Shibuya Park, " Really, didn't seem that way to me when there was an all digidestined meeting at Shibuya Park. "

Shinya shows Koji the text he received from Davis, " Dammit, it's genetic! To think, that idiot has been reincarnated too. "

" Onii-chan is back? " Shinya asks.

" Yeah, and his reincarnation is the father of your niece's children. " Koji states.

Shinya stares at him, " Please, for the love of Cherubimon tell me you're joking about that. That my great nieces/nephews aren't also technically my nieces/nephews. "

" Sorry, kid, can't do that. Takuya did swear he would be back. I even have a son I just learned about that's named after him. " Koji states.

" Dammit, I freaking hate the Kanbara family luck! " Shinya snaps and then blinks, before resuming his head banging once more.

Koji snickers at this, poor Shinya, his son took after his uncle too much for anyone's sanity apparently. Of course, they didn't know about the fact that both Davis and Marcus acted as enablers for The Kitsune, whom just so happened to be the pregnant teen that Shinya had adopted into the Motomiya family. " Apparently Takuya rubbed off on you more than you thought, huh, Motomiya. "

" Fuck you, Koji! " is Shinya's reply.


Marcus pauses in the making of dinner, feeling oddly proud for some reason. Then he cackles, " I actually did corrupt Shinya! "

" Masaru-kun, I am going to be keeping you very busy for that cackle. " Tsukina states, eyes darkened in obvious lust.

Marcus blinks at this, the Takuya part of him smirking, he could work with that kind of a turn on in his mate. He was going to have so much fun with that, especially if he got Marcus to stop hiding his inner troll so much. Then again, as Takuya he'd always had Koji in close proximity so he could troll his Lone Wolf to his heart's content, and Koji's irritation. He loved messing with Koji, hmm, maybe he should teach his name sake how to get under his father's skin too?


Koji shivers as he leaves Shinya's office, he knew this feeling of dread. He only ever felt this when Kanbara Takuya was planning to make his life hell. Question was, what the hell was that bastard planning this time? Dear Seraphimon, if Takuya hadn't focused his trolling tendencies on him, and whomever was stupid enough to piss him off he shuddered to think of how anal he'd be. Yes, he knew damn well why Takuya had taken every opportunity to troll him, that didn't mean he had to fucking like it, did it? Koji only knew that misery was going to be coming his way at some point in the future.

Davis and Tai are both shouting at the tv as they watch the recent soccer game, disagreeing with the call made by the referee. Kari just rolls her eyes at this, well used to her brothers doing this. Davis practically lived with them when his father wasn't at the Motomiya home. Kari really couldn't blame him for wanting to avoid being left alone with his older sister. She was still reeling from the fact that TK, Davis, and Tai had been right about Yolei-chan. Of course, that didn't stop her from heading over to Yolei-chan's place so they could get naked and sweaty together. Kari very much enjoyed playing with Yolei, and Yolei would be getting punished for quite some time for the way she had treated her pseudo brother. Tai would be stunned to learn his little sister happened to be a dominatrix while Davis would just laugh his ass off. He bought her hentai manga after all, and helped her set up an online account from which to buy the toys she used to punish Yolei-chan so delightfully well.


Fujieda Yoshino licks her lips as she looks down at the little girl that she had naked, tied spread eagle in a cheap motel room, a ball gag in the girl's mouth to keep anyone from getting alerted to her fun. In her hands is a knife that she slowly starts to draw over the girl's body, drawing up thin lines of blood, she follows the path of her knife with her tongue, and then once that is done pours salt water on the wounds. Watching the girl try to buck and thrash from the pain turned her on like nothing else could. As the pink haired woman brutally takes her pleasure from the child beneath her, slowly removing her own clothes as well, she thinks nothing of how wrong it is to harm children. Thinks nothing of brutally and repeatedly raping the child beneath her with the toys she had brought along, one of them being double ended.

Leaving the very disturbed third Fujieda child we find Keisuke and Yoru going over the intelligence that the Legendary Warriors get from the rescued digimon about DATS. The silent deaths of several individuals with the help of Yuuka's information had really put a crimp in DATS' plans. They were fighting a damned war, that meant they had to be more than willing to end a few idiots if they insisted upon treating digimon like shit. They were all of the Warrior mindset, get the job done, but not at the cost of your own morals. No way in hell were they going to sit on their laurels while waiting for DATS to make their next move. One member of DATS had seen the error of his ways, and had been forced to fake his death until this was all over with. He was still helping out where he could though he was staying with Alexis Stuart at the moment.

The poor boy was getting a crash course in how the less than fortunate members of society live. He was turning out to be a surprisingly good dip, and more shockingly took to knives easily enough. Keisuke had been informed that he had slit the throats of ten idiots that were trying to go after Tsukina-chan. Him already being a doctor had some perks, like knowing how to slit throats without getting any blood on himself, which arteries to hit for a slow bleed out which he was miles away from when his 'poor' victims keeled over dead. He made for a damned good assassin, scarily enough. Akamaru looks up at his master and the teen smirks, " Go patrolling, but don't be seen, Akamaru. Bring any in-training level digimon straight here. "

Akamaru barks in confirmation, like Marcus he'd had Akamaru seen by a vet and chipped. His wolfhound was now legal though Kurorekka was considered the alpha between him and Akamaru. No surprise there since Marcus happened to be an Alpha Male, Keisuke was quite content to act as Marcus' beta even if he happened to be the alpha of his gang since Marcus wasn't affiliated with any of them. They all respected him because he had no problems with snapping the necks of any idiot that tried to take what was his. It was a mindset that all of the leaders could understand, especially the yakuza. They knew damn well Marcus could and would go to war with them over Tsukina. Wars had been started for less after all.

Kurorekka sits at his master's feet as they have dinner, Rōzu was spending the night, in Takuya's room. No one has a problem with this in the Damon home even if Rōzu's mother might have a problem with that. Hino Takuya didn't give a damn, and whatever happened, happened. Rōzu was his dammit, even Greyson knew that, lucky bastard for escaping to America. Then again Greyson wasn't interested in any of the other senshi kids. As Greyson had put it, he'd go for Takuya himself before any of those giggly idiots. Rōzu and Kishi weren't counted among the giggly idiots though Greyson's own sister was. Greyson was bi with a leaning towards guys, hence why Takuya himself would be his first choice. Unfortunately for Greyson Takuya had never felt like experimenting with his own gender. Taking Rōzu to Mars made it so they could make out with no chaperones nearby.

If he did get her pregnant he'd step up, unlike most idiots whom would run scared. Of course, Makoto would have no room to talk since she'd gone the in vitro fertilization route herself. She had no clue whom had actually sired her daughter though Takuya did have Mizuno Saeko run a discreet DNA comparison test on himself and Rōzu. The last thing he wanted to do is inadvertently date his own sister. That would be awkward to say the least. Thankfully they weren't related so Takuya could pursue a relationship with her. The fact that they were dating right under the noses of everyone that knew them the best still amused them both greatly. In Toshima they could date openly, Rōzu was already working to transfer since she needed to get away from Kishi and the others. They were constantly being giggly, talking about clothes, makeup, and boys. Rōzu preferred talking about exercise, sports, and positions in bed.

She was hoping she could finally find some like minded girls that she could talk to, dammit. Kishi's name meant seashore and she was the daughter of the traitorous Mizuno Ami, Hiromi, name meaning beautiful child(Minako's daughter), Keiko(Hotaru and Koichi's daughter), Hisako, her name meaning long lived child(Setsuna's daughter), Maiko, her name meaning dancing child(Michiru's daughter, Haruka's adopted daughter), and Haneul, a Korean name meaning heaven or sky(Haruka's daughter, Michiru's adoptive child) were all too damned girly for Rōzu. You'd think one of Michiru and Haruka's daughters would be less girly, even Haruka was still trying to figure out how the hell both girls were of the giggly girly girl variety. She needed some girfriends that liked wearing pants, didn't squeal over anything cute all the kami damned time, and did not try and give her a makeover at every Susanoo be cursed sleepover!

Tsukina commiserates with her, " Minako was really bad about the girly stuff, but even Makoto would go on and on about her old boyfriend. You would not believe how many times she said some random guy looked like her old boyfriend! Ami, traitorous bitch that she is, needed to get laid, same with Rei actually, she was so damned bossy all the fucking time! She'd get on my case for borrowing her manga, and yet I wasn't allowed to do the same thing when she borrowed mine. Hypocritical much? "

With that Tsukina and her new senshi are off and running, complaining about the previous generation senshi. Marcus and Takuya just let them do so, they could both tell it was something they needed, Tsukina more so than Rōzu. The guys talk soccer since it happened to be a sport they both loved. Koji would be dismayed to find out his son preferred soccer to kendo, Takuya hadn't broken that news to his father yet. Currently he was getting to know the half-sister he hadn't known he had, sure he and Yoru would chat, but they needed a meaningful conversation to really bond as brother and sister.

Chika actually finds herself drawn into the conversation between the older girls when they relocated to her room. When the conversation turned to adult matters Chika was easily able to hold her own with them. Tsukina smirks at her future sister-in-law, " If I can arrange for you to get certain toys would you be willing to put earbuds on at certain times? "

Chika smirks at Tsukina, " Deal, my mother seems to think I'm still innocent. I let her continue to think that even as I read hentai manga. "

" Pleasure doing business with you, Chika-chan. " Tsukina says, " Any preference to the type of adult toys you want? "

While Chika gives Tsukina a list of adult toys she wants even as Ahiru Chesa stares in stunned disbelief, a BlackKnightmon was going after an in-training levelled digimon. She sees a wolfhound dart forward and scoop the little one up, but she sees what the hound didn't, an attack heading straight for him, " Love Virtue Power! "

Sailor Love interposes herself between the more powerful digimon and the wolfhound, wincing as she takes the attack. Akamaru whimpers, but races off with his charge, hopefully the two legger could handle herself. Sailor Love spins around, her eyes narrowed, hands clenched into fists, so DATS was finally acting up again, huh? Time to stick it to them then, " Lion Heart Striker! "

BlackKnightmon stumbles back from the attack even as Sailor Love moves, standing still in a fight with a digimon was suicidal. That was when she's hit from behind by Sunflowmon, allowing her opponent to slam his sword through her stomach. Sailor Love curses internally, why the hell was she having such shitty luck in battle anyhow. Last time had been a heavily modified taser! The sword is pulled out, and the Virtue Senshi of Love immediately rolls away from her previous position onto her stomach, then she uses her hands to push herself up into the air, just missing getting attacked again.

" Blizzard Blaster! "

" Thank Ebonwumon. " Sailor Love says when she sees the Warrior of Ice enter the battlefield.

Sailor Love winces, and uses her Phoenix Flame Heart attack to cauterize her bleeding wound. Why the fuck was she getting wounded all the Hephaestus damned time whenever she went to battle anymore? Did someone curse her for bad luck? Maybe she should go to a shrine to check after this battle was over, though she would need to head to the Kamiya apartment so she could get healed again. She pulls her scepter out, a red and gold version of Moon's first scepter, and levels it at that damned Sunflowmon, " Love Stardust Shower! "

" Kumnemon slide evolution...Korikkakumon! "

Korikkakumon pulls his Avalanche Axes out of the ground before using them on BlackKnightmon. Both digimon retreat and Sailor Love smirks, " Thanks for the help, Warrior of Ice. "

Korikkakumon slide evolves back into Kumnemon, " No problem, Sailor Love, you do what we Warriors do. "

Sailor Love teleports off and all three in the Kamiya apartment curse under their breath when she arrives.


The occupants of the Kamiya home are just contemplating getting ready for bed when a flash of reddish orange light informs them of Sailor Love's arrival. Kari rolls her eyes as Davis rushes forward to heal her. He could handle this on his own fortunately, " What happened this time, Chesa-san? "

" I got attacked from behind by that damn bitch's Sunflowmon while I was dealing with BlackKnightmon so a wolfhound could escape with an in-training digimon. Thanks to that fucking Sunflowmon I got freaking impaled by BlackKnightmon's sword. I'm just glad Kumnemon was nearby. I had to cauterize my own damned wound so I could continue to fight too. I am seriously going to check and see if someone has cast a bad luck in battle curse on me. " Chesa states.

The other three all wince at this, " Son of a bitch! There has got to be something we can do about this. " Tai snaps.

" Don't we wish, we can't leave Odaiba undefended even if most of this shit is going down in Toshima. Believe me, once we can get a cohesive plan together with the other groups we will be putting these bakas down! " Davis snaps, his pregnant cousin was in the middle of all this along with his reincarnated uncle, so yes, he may just be a little on edge right now.

" Hey, Yuuka, Sailor Reliability is doing everything she can to keep the Hime safe, Davis. She was killed on the watch of her first line defenders, now the rest of us senshi will take up her protection, even if we Virtue Senshi are the court of Stratus-hime. Stratus-hime is one of the senshi sworn to defend the Hime, but she was born after the Hime was assassinated by one of her own. " Chesa states.

Davis just sighs, he hated not being close to one of his team when they were in danger like this. Yes, Marcus/Takuya would defend her viciously if it came down to that, but she was one of his. That wasn't even getting into the fact that she was also his cousin, that just put his instincts into supreme overdrive. Being a goggle head and a Kanbara was sometimes a pain in the ass. " I know she's safe, but she's one of my team and my cousin. "

Chesa blinks, " Shit, you're a Kanbara, aren't you? "

" Shinya's my father, what do you think? " Davis quips back easily enough.

" Fuck, pissing you off should be avoided at all costs since you're the Child of Miracles, Inheritor of Courage, making you a Child of Flame, and the Inheritor of Friendship which makes you a Child of Light, and your partner is descended from AncientSphinxmon. Dear Fanglongmon, remind me to piss you off, and then direct you towards someone whom has pissed me off. " Chesa states.

Davis smirks, " Need anyone trolled, milady? "

Chesa rolls her eyes but smiles, while she may have a thing for Shioda Kazu, she didn't mind flirting with others. Besides, it was good practice for later on in life. She does slip Davis Sailor Friendship's contact info along with the fact that she has a thing for him. She also wouldn't mind being his emergency date if it meant keeping the fangirls off of him. " I better get back home, you guys need any help, call me and let me know. "

She teleports away and Davis immediately calls his cousin, he needed to hear her voice. Tsukina answers immediately, she knew damn well his instincts would be bugging him with her so far away from him. While the cousins chat over the lines Tai frowns before looking at his little sister, " We're going to need to set up a patrol schedule here in Odaiba. "

" I know, the way DATS does things is abhorrent. They need to be eliminated. I know I want both worlds to get along for the most part, but DATS is too far gone to be redeemed. Even I know when to pick up a fucking sword and fight. " Kari states.

" I'll call a meeting for tomorrow, we need to get on top of this, now. We're at war with DATS as true digidestined. " Tai says evenly, his emotions were even more all over the place than usual due to his hormones. He just wished that Mimi wouldn't be in love with Michael, Matt got Sora, Tsukina happened to be in love with Marcus and pregnant with his children, Kari happened to be his sister, where the hell was he supposed to find a girlfriend that wasn't one of his Kami damned fangirls?

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or Digimon.