A/N: Ok so this is my first fanfiction story and I have no idea what am I doing, but I hope someone will like it. Also, English is not my first language so you may be seeing some stupid grammar errors, sorry about those :D

A/N UPDATE: Ok I just finished the whole story and I came back to edit this a little. It had pretty bad mistakes and I was a pretty lazy person. So yeah, I guess this version is better :D

Disclaimer: Everything except the plot and my OC is borrowed from our queen JKR. :D

Today was 2 years anniversary. Maybe I should give it some importance, it still is the day when I had run away from 'the family'. That said and known, today I went back to that Most Ancient and Noble Hellhole because I just found out Reg had died.

It didn't matter anyway. They just never were what they supposed to be. I could never feel at home in that terrible prison with constant thinking who's gonna torture me next- my brother mentally or my parents physically and emotionally. I tried to bear it all.I tried and learned not to be too afraid and keep my sanity when I was a child and somehow, my already screwed up mind kept me in my already screwed up life and here I am, 18 years old, with scars and new wounds, with bloody lip and bloody palms,with my long hair forcefully cut off with some dark curse, all these ornaments left as memories and last regards from my mum and dad. Here I am in Prongsie's flat in Diagon Alley, my only sanctuary, touching my now spiky, too short, almost skins-like hair, lighting up a regular cigarette or maybe some weed- I don't even pay attention anymore, listening to the Smiths because Prongsie thinks for some reason that he has sense of humor today and helps me with whining songs and bad jokes about my looks.

''Pads, you know that when your fangirls see you, they will probably organise a pretty nice but creepy funeral for your lost hair? They may even go to Walburga and beg her to give them the corpse…'' At this, I had to laugh a little.

''You have to fall for that Pads, I mean it's the only common thing between you and those bimbos-your love for lost hair.'' Now I just started to scowl.

"Prongsie, really, is this your attempt to cheer me up? Do you now pretend not to know how many fucks I give for girls and looks and all that idiocy? Zero fucks, my deer.'' I made a little circle of smoke to present the latter number of fucks.

''Well, you should give some more because I know you just want to keep your badass reputation and all that crap, but for the love of god please wipe that blood out of your face, I'm having a dinner here.'' And then he started to ramble about some stupid everyday stuff, probably hoping to give my mind some ease. You know, Prongsie's everyday stuff-New grafitti we had yet to finish on a very new building in a very center of London, Lily not caring about his new Converse, Moony's new headache because of a full moon, Lily not caring about his apologies, some exspensive weed he bought from that jerk Fletcher, Lily not caring about his existence, new skateboard he found on sale in muggle London, Lily not… Wait wait wait.

''Prongsie? Remember when I was teaching you that new stuff with skate, on those skatepark stairs? I think it was about last year, when you had tripped over a lace of shoes and fallen directly on my board, with pieces of it sticking in your arse?'' You see, because of my bloody family, I began to develop some sort of riot. They hated everything that had relations with muggles and 'mudbloods', so as a very angry and aggressive young soul, I started to search for as many muggle stuff as I could find. I listened to the muggle punk and r'n'r, I started to wear jeans, combat boots and band shirts rather than wizard robes, I even learned how to use a skateboard-very interesting stuff, it gave a hell to Filch in our last year n Hogwarts. Moony , Prongs and Wormtail all supported me so they were looking and behaving very similar to me.

Prongsie started to shift uncomfortably in his chair, like he had felt the glorious pain of wood peiees in his arse again. He frowned at the memory when he answered me ''How could I fucking forget losing my arse virginity, which I hoped never to lose, to a fucking skateboard? What's your point?''

''Weeeell, my deer, my point is you broke my board and I left the rest of my favourite ones in that hellhole, so I want that new one you bought. You're spoiled brat, you can have every other skateboard in the whole world. Me on the other hand-just precious little snowflake, depressed and beaten up by his own family, desperate to give something a ride. How about that?''

''Okay, you git, but now you used your my-life-is-shit card for this month and today is first of July, ha!'' Prongsie said cheerfully while leaving the kitchen to find that bloody board.

Prongs was my brother. In these fucked up and hard times, I was more scared for him, Wormtail and Moony than for my own life. They are very brave souls, a true Gryffindors. Prongsie was dating Lily for about a year and despite their often arguments (like the one he was trying to talk about a few minutes ago), they were going to get married or something like that, I could see that. They were dreaming of starting a family and all that crap which is really nice even if they are too young, but I just couldn't not to dread for them. They were too good aurors, they even stood up to Voldemort once until now because he wanted us as his Death Eaters. Their love was something very pure and looking at them I caught myself thinking several times-Do I really don't need this? The answer is still no. I can't be that emotionally stable, lovesick fool when I had some arses to kick. And even if Moony shared my relationship status, he didn't share my opinion. He wanted love but was too afraid to hurt some innocent girl in 'that time of the month'. So I was this misunderstood little cloud, all scarred and wounded and just wanted to buy a motorcycle and go somewhere and get sloshed. Even if my motorcycle wish had yet to be satisfied, I still could get out of here, go to that muggle skatepark, fall and severely scratch myself several times, get bored, go to the Leaky, get drunk, go to the Nocturn Alley, get in some fight with some dark wankers and wake up sore with a mother of all hangovers. Yuuup, sounds like a good plan to me.

''Here you go Pads, and remember-if you break your spine let me know, make my day. I could use some good laugh'' the git snickered.

''har har, hilarious child, really I can't see why is Lily not talking to you'' I took my new skateboard and apparated to the random street in muggle London. I just loved to travel on this little wooden thing, so I started to wander around and search for that park.

After some yelling oldies about dirty rude punks on their useless boards, some triping and a few pushes into random people, I was finally there, in bare, grafitti covered, dirty, but not so old park. I started to roll around, flip, fall, get up , bruise knees, but I didn't feel any of it-my anger was finally surfacing. I didn't hear anything- just rolling little wheels on hard cold cement, and some buzzing, probably my rage saying how much it loved me. It was ok, it was good enough to keep me on one place for some time.

And then I did something really stupid even for my standards, I went to those bloody stairs and tried that bloody trick that resulted with Prongsie's injured arse, my foot somehow got trapped in a bloody railway and I stumbled forward, down the bloody stairs, trying to regain my balance. Trust Sirius to handle even worse situation, some bloody girl was standing on the end of the stairs, watching me amused, like it was some spectacular view, 6 foot 18 year old king of clumsy gits falling down the stairs. My beautiful gracious act finished directly before her feet and I heard laughing, pretty un-ladylike, for the record. She didn't even give me a hand when I started struggling to get up with my really badly scratched and bruised knees, even my jeans had ripped in the process. Oh well, this pair was the only one without holes on knees, I should expect that. When I finally straightened up I saw what kind of rude irritating thing was standing before me with a mocking smirk. Well, this kind of rude irritating thing was somehow pretty interesting (not hot not not not I don't think she's hot) looking. She was pretty tall, a couple of inches lower than me, with those big blue eyes, long legs in those converse all stars, fishnet leggins and ripped shorts (which I DON'T find hot), with long dark purple hair (ok what's with her, she's probably some stupid punk obsessed muggle) and some flanel shirt too big for her. She didn't have a skateboard with her so what the fuck was she doing here? Okay, I maybe accidentaly said the last part outloud.

''What, do you own this place? Your dad bought it for you?'' she scowled, all trails of smirking disappearing, but mirth still burning quietly in those creepy eyes of hers. I had to laugh on the irony in mentioning of my dad and buying something for me in the same sentence.

''No, but see those pawprint graffitti? Well, I marked my territory with it, so I own exactly this patch of skatepark''

"Well, in human world marking a territory doesen't count, are you having some identity crisis or something? Or you are some kind of a dog I'm not familiar with?'' Smirk was coming back and she was looking at me mock-worried.

''Oh, you have no idea.'' I muttered. I really didn't like the way she was treating me. No, scratch that, I hadn't got used to the way she was treating me. It wasn't flirting or ogling me. She was looking at me like I was her equal, not larger and more important. She had this annoyed and amused look, in the same time uninterested, like I was some weird boring kid.

''Sorry I stepped on your patch of the park, I just stopped to see that marvelous fall. It was worth every second of this stupid, unnecessary conversation, you know.'' She had that sweet but at the same time sinister smile on her face. And then she just turned around and walked away smoothly, with those legs moving and hips swaying and hair trailing behind her. Wait wait wait- did I just checked her out? Waaait, did she just said she had stupid and unnecassary conversation with me? Well, this is the first one. I usually don't even talk to girls, and even if I do it ends with them looking at me like I said the wisest thing in the world. It was just plain annoying, how could they be so shallow and dull.

Suddenly, I lost my will to break someone's nose and wake up in my own vomit. I smirked to myself on a thought of that wicked smile of hers and headed to Prongsie's flat. Merlin, if I only knew then in how tall load of shit I got myself into…