Akashi Seijuro's POV

Since we've had little difficulty with our practice matches, you can imagine my surprise my dear readers(are you braking the fourth wall too Akashi!) when this certain practice matches goes beyond my imagination on how nervous Kuroko Tetsuya can be. We've done a few practice matches with him before, but now we'll be doing interexchange practice matches in order to enter interhigh.

Here let me take you through a flash back in order to tell you properly what happened.

*Flash back two days before official practice match.*

Kuroko Tetsuya's POV

I'v been in the first string for about a two weeks now and I'm still not used to the intensity of the training we have to go through.

"Aomine-kun is the first string training always this intense?"

"You find it hard?... But ya the menus has numerous activities,and it's pretty fast."

"The third string training was less..." I couldn't continue as I felt the dire need to empty my stomach...sorry floor-san.

""UWAA DON'T VOMIT HERE TETSSSUU!" Screamed Aomine-kun

"Hey Satsuki, bring a bucket and a mop ASP!"

*time skip*

"We're done for today, everyone hit the showers" yelled our coach.

"Okay, hey Tetsu are you going to be staying behind for training today?" Aomine-kun asked me with a basketball in his hands.

"Gomen Aomine-kun, I'm not like you and the rest,but I'll keep trying to get stronger." I promised to myself.

"Sorry today,I'll be heading straight home." I told his as I left the gym missing what Momoi said.

"Is it okay?" asked a concerned Momoi.

"It's fine,he just needs more experience." reasoned Aomine-kun

Kaminari Gin's POV*in the locker room*

"No, Impossible." mumbled Atsuhi.

"It's only his first week,but he couldn't follow, I don't think he'll stay here for much lonher." he continued

"Ah,me to,I don't think he'll last long." agreed haizaki.

"...you should probably go comfort him zaki-chin."

"What!? You looking to pick a fight?"

As those two continued to argue back and forth I could litteraly feel the irritation roll off of Shintarou in waves.

"Oye stop it you two although *turns towards Seijuro.* as for kuroko I have the same opinion,next time do you think he'll be fine for matches?"

Seijuro thought for a few seconds before answering.

"Well we'll just have to see, it worries me that he isn't capable to follow the minimum amount of training that we have. He'll just have to do his best... If not he'll never be accepted for matches." finished Seijuro.

"Matches... No way Akashi, I won't agree with you on this." argued Nijimura.

As Nijimura went into a extremely long discussion about the interhigh, about how only the first years can only participate, but what bothered me the most is how he degraded Tetsuya.


They all flinched at the sound of my locker being slammed shut before they turned towards me with wide eyes.

"Oops my hand slipped Gomen~ but know that I have all of your attention let me say something." I could litteraly taste the venom in my mouth as I looked Nijimura in the eyes.

"I mean no disrespect, because I know your looking out for the team Nijimura-san,but just because Tetsuya Can't completely handle our training methods, doesn't mean he's weak,it just means his strength is just different from ours... Yawn~ man all this talking is taxing I'm heading home see you guys latter." I waved lazily at them as I left,leaving only silence as they thought of what I said.

*Time skip day of the match*

Kaminari Gin's POV

As me and the other first stringers walked towards our first interexchange practice match, I could hear the people around us talking about the same thing.

"Here they are... The strongest of teiko middle school!"

"Did you get in touch with him?" questioned Nijimura to some random person.

"No not yet." he replied back.


"It's good there seems to be some people, but is the match that big of a deal." mumble Atsuhi around a mouth full of chips.

"Stop eating chips Mursakibara, and stop encouraging him Gin!" snapped Shintarou at both me and Atsuhi as we both ate chips.

"You don't need to be so nervous Tetsu." Daiki sweatdropped.

"...Eh did you just day something Aomine-kun?"

"How can you be so nervous after successfully passing that one shot test?" questioned Daiki.

"This is more serious than that... While being in the third string my help wasn't even accounted for when there were practice games...but now I suddenly received this uniform,and I'm on the bench... So it's my first time in a game." finished Tetsuya.

"Impressive, EH!? REALLY-YOUR FIRST!?" sputtered Daiki dumbfounded.

"So long, as you don't weight us down." sighed Atsushi.

"Really." agreed Shintarou.
"Same as Atsushi,but you should be fine." I said to Tetsu as I stuffed two pieces of poky in my mouth.

"Hheeyy can I have some Gin-chin?" asked Atsushi looking at the pokky.

"Hhmm sure here."

"AAHH that's exactly what I'm talking about nanodayo!"


As Seijuro's phone began to ring he took it out of his pocket only to see it was-

"It's haizaki."

As soon as Nijimura heard that he immediately took the phone out of Seijuro's hands before he started to yell into the poor cellphone.

"HAIZAKI! Where are you right now?"



"Gin-chin you can uncover you ears now its over." said Atsushi as he nudged me with his hand.
(Hey I had to cover my ears there extremely sensitive,and he was yelling at haizaki right next to me.)

"Haizaki is absent, as such a change in starters has been made."
Said our first string head coach Daigo Matsuoka.

"The starting members will be Akashi,Aomine,Mursakibara,Midorima, and Kaminari will switch with Midorima in the second half, and the person filling in for Haizaki will be kuroko that's it." he finished

When he finished that sentence Tetsuya tensed up with a nervous look on his face.

As people began mumbling about how there were only four people on the court kinda passed me off.

"Sometimes I swear people can be so blind." I thought annoyed.

"Okay the match against teiko middle school and nanbara middle school will now begin,line up" said the referee.

"I LOOK FORWARD TO A GOOD GAME!" they all said together as the tip-offs began.

I can tell just by looking at Tetsuya that he was a nervous wreck just waiting to happen. And it did not even two seconds after the game starts Tetsuya trips over his own two feet.

"Jees Tetsuya I knew you were nervous.. But really?" I thought to myself as I facepalmed.

"Sorry my feet got tangled" he apologized as he stood back up. Only to appear with a nosebleed.

"I'm alright."

"No there is no way your really alright!" thought everyone(including me) sweatdropping.

After everyone said their thoughts on Tetsuya's failure, he was then subbed out for Nijimura. When the game started again everything was going smoothly,the audience was even commenting on some of the high quality moves that they used.

When the second quarter ended and time for me to sub in with Shintarou the coach turned towards Tetsuya before asking.

"Has your nosebleed stopped yet?"

"Teiko member changes."

I slapped hands with Shintarou getting a good luck before joining the rest of the team along with Tetsuya.

The game started again,when the ball was passed to Tetsuya,he passed towards Atsushi only for it to go out of bounds.
Atsushi walked towards Tetsuya before grabbing his head with his hand.

"Hey,that right now,were you fucking with me?"
"I wasn't."
"Want me to crush you?"
"Please don't"

"Stop it Mursakibara." interrupted Shintarou.

I can already tell that Tetsuya has already disappointed them, hell even the tension in the air is rising. After we won the match we had

a quick lunch break before our next match. We all decided we wanted to eat outside to get some fresh air. But the air was quickly ruined by the smell of Satsuki's home made bento.

"Mine-chin what's that?" questioned Atsushi

Looking at the strange 'food'(if you could even call it that.)

"My bento made by Satsuki." replied Daiki looking ready to die.


"Is it?"

"It looks disgusting."

"I'm going to the convenient store for a little bit."

"Hurry up." warned Shintarou.

Daiki looked at Tetsuya for a few seconds before saying.

"Get some strength back Tetsu,there is still another match, you need to be recovered by then."

"Aomine-kun... That's right, I'll do my best."

he replied unsure.
After Daiki left I looked towards the others noticing that Seijuro was deep in thought.

"Huh isn't t

his Mine-chins wallet." said Atsushi picking up Daiki's wallet.

"He's already gone though." said Shintarou.

"Should I bring it to him?" asked Tetsuya walking towards Atsushi.

"Huh? Whatever if you want to." he said tossing the wallet to Tetsuya, but as he tried to catch it, it hit his fingers making him drop it.

Realization appeared on both mine and Seijuro's faces as we figured it out.

*time skip next game*

As we waited for next game against haranaishi to begin I noticed that the Nijimura was late.

"Huh where is the captain?" questioned Daiki.

"He'll probably be here shortly." replied one of the upperclassmen.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear as soon as he said that Nijimura appeared with sparkles surrounding him while he dragging a half dead haizaki with him.

"Hey look who

I found, one of the third strings said they found him at the arcade, say your greetings."

"Yo." said a half dead Haizaki.

"Okay the starting members will be Akashi, Aomine, Murasakibara, Kaminari, and Haizaki, and Midorima and kuroko will be subbed in the second half."

As the game started it was going somewhat smoothly, because we've already played one match today,we were already tired but by the end of the first quarter we were able to keep a two point difference (31-33)

"Rest yourselves, you know what's in store for you if you are defeated." warned Nijimura.

"In the latter half Haizaki will be subbed out for Kuroko, and Kaminari will be subbed out for Midorima, I have nothing left to say." finished our coach.

"Are you ready Kuroko-kun, you can't make the same mistakes as you did in the first game." warned Seijuro's looking at Tetsuya.

Finally Seijuro's told Tetsu what his weaknesses was, to sum it all up his passes weren't fast enough for us since we're on a completely different level than the third stings, also the most brutal thing he needed to master was the art of understanding his opponents emotions so that he would be able to do better fakes/steals.

As the second quarter came me and Haizaki where subbed out with Tetsuya and Shintarou . But as I passed Tetsuya I whispered into his ear.

"So you finally got it down,now go show them hell."

When the game started and with Tetsuya o

n the court I could already tell that the flow of the game already changed with Tetsuya making awesome passes that kept confusing them, and stealing the ball when they kept passing it right in front of him the game went by quickly with us winning to 55-71

On that day a strange rumor took shape.

"There is a phantom sixth man in teiko.