The morning sun shined through the large windows near the bed. Mia wiggled around and her hand hit something hard and fleshy. It definitely wasn't Fat Louie. Her eyes flew open and she stared at the organic creature next to her, her foggy mind trying to make sense of it. Then the clouds cleared and she could see Michael Moscovitz lying there next to her. He was moving now too, probably because she had hit him.

His eyes slowly opened and a smile spread across his lips, "Good morning."

Her entire body relaxed at the sight of that smile, "Good morning to you too."

He rose up slightly and wrapped his arms around her. He lightly kissed the back of her arm and then began trailing kissed up toward her shoulder. Once there, he stopped and cuddled into her chest. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked.

"Yeah. Did you?"

"Best of my life," he joked. She laughed with him. Then he asked, "Do you want anything?"

"For you not to get up?"

"I can do that," he said, snuggling deeper into her chest.

They sat in silence, watching the sunlight rise up through the buildings. For once, Mia truly felt like things were going her way.

Michael turned in her arms and began kissing the line of her collarbone that showed above the shirt collar. She didn't try to stop him. It felt too good. He kissed a line up her neck and with a kiss on the lips, he guided her down onto her back.

His body half covered hers as his legs followed the line down the side of her own. He held onto her tight with all those muscles, pressing his chest against hers. Her hands held him firmly in place. She didn't want him to move at all.

Michael broke the kiss first and stared into her eyes. She couldn't help but let out a laugh in his face. She grew quiet fast and apologized for the outburst.

"What's so funny?" his face said serious but his eyes gave away that he was laughing with her.

"My breath probably reeks right now."

He leaned in and kissed her deeply. When he broke the new kiss, he smiled, "I didn't notice a thing. But if you want me to go away…" his voice trailed off as he began kissing different parts of her again.

Anywhere there was bare flesh, he tried to place a kiss on it. Mia's head was beginning to spin from pleasure. Next thing she knew, the weight of his body was off of hers and his head disappeared under the blanket.

"Mich-" she started to say before soft kisses on the tops of her thighs stopped her breath.

Mia could feel his smile each time he planted a kiss. Her mind was telling her to get him away from there and back up with her. Her body told her to shut up because what he was doing felt wonderful. He hadn't tried anything serious yet, but he was getting into dangerous territory.

His hands slid up the sides of her legs and grabbed onto her hips. She couldn't help but let out a gasp at how strong he was now. His mouth teased around the edges of her underwear but he never moved the shirt out of the way. He gripped her hips and used that to help hoist himself back up toward her face. He closed the gap quickly and hungrily kissed her.

She couldn't help herself. Her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer to her. She kissed him back with just as much energy as he kissed her.

Suddenly, Mia had an idea.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and strengthened her grip around his shoulders. He took that as a good sign and pressed the line of his body against her even more. She smiled into the kiss and began to rock her body slightly. Michael paused and began to pull away from her mouth but she wouldn't let him. She held on and flipped him up and over onto his back. That was when she decided to break the kiss.

Her face was glowing with a mischievous smile as she looked down at him. He was smiling too but had one eyebrow cocked as a question for what she was doing. Mia settled her body onto his hips. She could feel part of him through the boxer briefs he had on. It made her shiver just a little.

Michael brought a hand up to caress the side of her face. She pressed her cheek against his palm and gave him a calmer smile this time, one with her eyes closed as she sunk into his touch. Keeping her eyes closed, she leaned down and kissed him on the lips. It was a quick kiss that left him wanting more but she pushed his head back down by placing a finger against his lips. Then she disappeared from his line of sight below his chin.

Mia began placing gentle kisses on his neck the way he had done it to her. She let her tongue and teeth do a little exploring as well. A small groan of pleasure escaped from his mouth. She took that as a good sign and began mirroring his actions from before. She let her mouth kiss the exposed flesh, which there was a lot of since he was still shirtless. She didn't mind though. For once, she was having fun without over thinking the situation.

When she got to the waistband of his underwear, she reversed direction. He let out a sigh that was both pleasure and frustration. She tried not to let that sound get into her head so much. When she reached his face again, she kissed up the line of his jaw and then over to his mouth. He kissed her deeply, she could feel his need for her in that kiss and she had to break it before she drowned.

She gasped for air and buried her face into his neck. They both wrapped their arms around one another as tightly as they could manage and snuggled into each other. Their breathing was a little quick and ragged.

Neither of them spoke for quite some time. Mia watched as the sun rose higher and higher over the buildings of downtown. Michael kept his eyes trained on the ceiling. Simultaneously, they grabbed each other just a little harder.

In a quiet voice, Mia asked, "This is real, right? I'm not still dreaming?"

Michael replied, "God, I hope not."

That made her smile. She turned her head and kissed his neck. She inhaled deeply before pushing herself up and out of his arms. He gave her a sad look but she only flashed a smile back, "I'll be back. I just need to clean up a bit. I wouldn't be surprised if Lars tries to show up soon."

Michael nodded from where he still lay. He pointed toward a door on the other side of the room, "Bathroom's over there. Anything you need is in that little closet to the right or in the bathroom already."

She nodded back. With one last kiss, she pulled herself off the bed and away from him. Neither one of them wanted to stop but she needed to be the one to put her foot down. She tried not to look back at him as she walked across the floor to the closed bathroom door. She knew that what she'd see lying on the bed would be enough to drag her back over to him.

Once in the bathroom, Mia let go of the tension she didn't realize she was holding onto but when she looked in the mirror, she could only smile. She had nothing to be worried about with him anymore. At least, she didn't think so. She could worry about that later.

Then she went over to the shower and turned the knob to get the water flowing. She took of the shirt and underwear she had on and then stepped up and over into the shower. She let the cold water soak her from head to toe. She let out a surprised laugh at the chilly feeling. She wondered if this was how he felt all those times she left him high and dry.

She laughed again and then adjusted the water to a warmer setting and sunk into the steamy feeling. Her mind wandered to the events of the previous night- prom, JP and their breakup, Michael's sort of rescue. It was all too perfect for someone like her. It was almost like a fairytale come to life. She laughed to herself again at the ridiculous thought before getting to business. She wanted to hurry up and get back to him. They only had so much longer together here before she needed to make an appearance. Then it was back to reality.

She wanted to enjoy the fairytale ending just a little longer.