Disclaimer: CC owns 'em.

A/N: So, HAPPY MALEC WEEK, GUYS! As said in the summary of this collection of oneshots, this is a collection is oneshots. All Malec, obviously :p I have taken prompts from a few friends of mine for some of these oneshots too.


Also, THIS ONESHOT WAS A PROMPT, FROM A FRIEND OF MINE, Miss Mindy, my amazing Parabatai (twitter magnusbxane). I love ya, girl! And I hope you like it ;) SOME OTHER ONES ARE PROMPTS TOO, I'LL WRITE WHO FROM IN THE SUMMARIES AS AND WHEN I GET TO THEM! :)

The prompt was: Downworlder are slaves to Shadowhunters. Magnus becomes Alecs slave… Smut ensues… ;)



Slaves to Our Impulses

Alec Lightwood watched from the top of the stairwell as the newest slave of his family was delivered by the Clave. He watched his parents sign the documentation, then the Clave official pulled on the leash around his wrist to bring the creature in.

Alec smiled widely, watching as the most gorgeous being stepped over the threshold.

He was tall, lean and thin, with rich caramel coloured skin and thick, luscious black hair. He could pass for human if it weren't for his eyes; golden green cats eyes stood out against his winning complexion, capturing Alec from that first moment. A single look over the Warlock sent heat rushing through Alec's body. He only hoped to hell that his parents allowed him to have this one.

The Clave official left, the door slamming closed with an unearthly bang, leaving the Downworlder alone with the Nephilim family; one of whom would become his new master.

Maryse and Robert contemplated for a while, knowing that Izzy already had the vampire and Jace had the faerie girl. And when Robert looked up the stairs and saw the way Alec was eyeing the latest addition, he smiled.

"Alexander. Come down here, please. There's someone you need to be acquainted with."


"So... Are you just going to stand there or what? Can you talk? Please tell me they didn't bind your voice as well as your magic."

The Warlock smiled, a half-smirk that sent shivers through Alec's young body.

"I can talk."

Alec's eyes slipped shut as the Downworlder spoke, his voice rich and tainted with an exotic accents.

"Good. It's so sad when they take your voices away, it's always such a pleasure to hear you."

The Warlock understood the underlying connotations of the Nephilim's words, his eyes narrowing as the angel boy smirked.

"So, what's your name?"

He asked, leaning against the doorframe, essentially blocking his new slave inside his bedroom.

"Magnus. Magnus Bane."

Alec's eyes widened and he licked his lips.

"Well, well, i didn't know i was in the company of magical royalty."

Magnus laughed sarcastically.

"I wouldn't call it royalty."

"You were the High Warlock of Brooklyn, you basically ruled New York City's Downworld."

To that, Magnus shrugged with a smirk.

"I guess i was quite something back then."

Alec smiled, crossing the room, causing Magnus to step backwards slowly as he advanced, right until his knees hit the edge of Alec's bed.

"You're still quite something now. You are exquisite. I've heard stories about you, from centuries ago, all over the world. I know you were one of the last Downworlders to be enslaved, and yet, you've had no master."

Magnus nodded slowly, his eyes locked on the boys. Seeing the Lightwood heir before him, he guessed his age around 18. So young to be so beautiful. Magnus hadn't seen a beauty like this in over a century.

"That's all true. Someone's clearly done their homework."

Magnus quipped, watching a light blush flower over Alec's cheeks.

"Well, your stories intrigued me. And now you're here, in real life. But tell me, i know you don't like the world as it is now, but isn't it nice? Your life was so hectic, so busy. Everyone calling on you for favors, fight this battle, win this war, do this, do that. They used you for your power, you were always working for them. I suppose you had some level of control, a control and power that you craved, it made you feel important, needed, and dominant. But answer me this, did you ever want to give it up? Did you ever tire of the control? Is there a part of you that just wants someone else to take over, to give you everything you desire? If there is, then you should really embrace this new life of yours. Because i am more than willing to help you let go of the past, to free you from control. That is, if you want it, of course."

Alec whispered, letting his hot breath cascade over Magnus' flushed skin, leaning in to Magnus' neck to draw a deep inhale through his nose, the scent of sandalwood and spice intoxicating his senses. Magnus gasped as his felt the boys tongue sneak out to lick a teasing trail from his collarbone to behind his ear, nibbling on the pierced earlobe, sucking slowly to draw out a deep, rough moan from the Warlock.

Magnus tipped his head backwards, his hair falling in his eyes, staring up at the dark ceiling, the deep red velvet drapes of the windows just catching his eye. He sighed heavily, releasing a desperate breath as the boy peppered his throat with kisses.

"You have such a pretty neck. Oh, if i were a vampire..."

Magnus couldn't stop the keening gasp that escaped his lips at the sound of that voice, soft and seductive, washing over him like an enchantment. Which was fitting as the bedroom was red; the Nephilim colour for calling enchantment down.

But that all flew from his mind as teeth sunk into the flesh of his neck, not enough to break the skin, only to sink in and leave a mark, nibbling while the boy moaned at the taste of his skin, sucking possessively.

Alec slipped his arms around Magnus' waist, turning them around, walking away from the bed. Magnus stumbled as Alec pushed him backwards, but caught him before he could fall. Magnus knew how to be intimate. He had done it many times in his life. But this felt different, this was a boy taking complete control of him.

Magnus gasped as his back slammed against a wall, cold against the silk of his shirt. Alec disengaged himself from Magnus' neck and stared deep into his cat's eyes.

"I'm Alec, by the way. Alexander. But you can call me anything. Alec-"

He placed a kiss on Magnus' Adams apple. "Mr. Lightwood." He licked down to Magnus' collarbone. "Sir." He sank his teeth into the flesh of Magnus' shoulder. "Master." He shoved his body up against Magnus', slamming the Warlock up the wall, taking his feet off the floor as he ground hard against him.

Magnus cried out when Alec thrust up between his legs, biting a fast line up his neck. Alec grinned at the Warlocks reaction, coming to the conclusion that they were going to have a lot of fun together.

"You know what?"

He said, disentangling himself from Magnus, trapping him against the wall with his hands either side of Magnus' head.

"I think i want you to call me Sir. When we're around the house. But when we're in here... You'll call me Master. How does that sound to you?"

Alec asked with a satisfied smile. Magnus was staring at him with an indecipherable look, his chest heaving under his rumpled shirt.

"That sounds good."

He rasped, his voice rough from arousal. Alec smirked wickedly and grabbed Magnus' shirt, yanking him closer in a quick, brutal motion.

"That sounds good, what?"

Magnus moaned as Alec's voice oozed seduction, taking over his mind one word at a time, as he waited expectantly for an answer.

"That sounds good, Master."

Alec smiles indulgently, reveling in the sound of this ethereal creature bowing down to him.

"That's more like it."

Their eyes met and Alec stroked Magnus' defined cheekbone softly.

"You're mine now, Magnus Bane."


"So, brother, how's it going? You show the fresh meat around?"

Jace gave him a wink and nudged him in the ribs, laughing as Alec winked.

"Oh yeah, sorry it took a while. I wanted to be thorough."

Jace laughed as he gasped.

"Oh, brother, your prowess never ceases to amaze me."

Alec laughed tipping his head back as they entered the dining room, where they found Izzy and their cousin Aline. The girls smiled as they entered, their subjugates soon bringing in food and drinks for them all.

The Nephilim all smiled at them; proving that not all Nephilim treated Downworlders badly, this was just the way it was now. Alec watched the door as Magnus followed Simon, Izzys vampire, into the room. Their eyes met and Magnus bowed his head, handing Alec his signature glass of single malt whiskey.

"Here you go, Sir."

Alec grinned, stroking Magnus' fingers, lingering, as he took the glass from him.

"Thank you, Magnus. There's just one other thing..."

Alec said slowly, drawling his words, for show in front of his family, but also to make Magnus' vertical pupils dilate just enough to ignite excitement in the Warlock. Alec stood up, reaching out for a sleek black scarf Magnus had wrapped around his neck.

"Did i say you could cover up my handy work? I feel as though i should be insulted. Don't hide my marks, ok, Magnus?"

Magnus gulped, flicking his eyes up to meet Alec's nervously. Alec stroked down his neck, smiling at the livid red bite marks.

He nodded slowly, and Alec stared at him, waiting.

"Yes, Sir."

Alec smiled, slipping Magnus' tie around his own neck. He winked at his Warlock before leaning down to peck him lightly on the lips.

"Go and clean up my bow and arrows, would you? We have to hunt later."

Magnus nodded again, biting his lip and Alec kissed his neck, right over one the forming bruises.

"Yes, Sir."

Magnus left after bowing to Alec once more, leaving Alec to turn and face his family's massive grins.

"So, Alec... You finally got yourself a Downworlder."

Aline stated with amusement, a teasing light in her eyes. Alec just nodded, licking his lips to taste Magnus' unique spice. Aline giggled.

"I know i have Helen, my beautiful faerie girl, but if you ever tire of the Warlock, send him my way."

Alec laughed, leaning back in his chair and sipping at his whiskey.

"Oh, Aline, i can guarantee that i shall never tire of him. He's mine."

Izzy and Jace rolled their eyes, ridiculing but happy that their oldest brother finally had something other than hunting to occupy his time. And by the looks of it, Alec was very happy about it too.


Alec pushed himself through his bedroom door, dragging his feet as he winced in pain. This hunt had been particularly bad, and while saving Izzy from a demon, Alec was afraid to admit that he ran afoul of a Ravener demon.

He limped inside, momentarily forgetting his new recruit.

"Sir? Are you ok? How was the hunt?"

Alec jumped at the exotic-accented voice, whipping around to see Magnus stood behind him, placing fresh gear into his cupboards.


He gasped, smiling, though it came out more like a grimace.

"Oh god, you're hurt!"

Magnus cried panicked, immediately ridding Alec of his weapons and heavy gear and pushing him onto the bed. He handed Alec's stele to him and stepped back respectfully, watching as the instrument burned his skin. But it wasn't working. The rune wasn't healing the injury.

Magnus watched as Alec cleaned the blood from his creamy skin. He licked his lips then bit them, wondering whether or not to help. Goodness in his won out.

"Sir, if i may... I can help with the wound. That's Ravener poison, it needs a little Warlock TLC."

Alec gave him a confused look, seeing a glint of the old superiority of the High Warlock of Brooklyn. He liked the look very much.

"The Clave bound your magic."

Magnus smirked, stepping closer, Alec's face in line with Magnus' bellybutton-less abdomen. He tipped his head up as Magnus chuckled.

"Yes. But not all of it. It takes more than a simple binding enchantment to stop the power of a High Warlock."

Alec gasped softly, smiling, as Magnus placed his hand over the Ravener wound on his shoulder. Immediately, a hot shiver shot through his body, culminating at his shoulder. He could actually feel the poison vanishing, his skin sealing over the wound. He shuddered at the electric feeling of Magnus' magic, staring up into the Warlocks eyes, watching the black pupil swallow the golden green. It was completely intoxicating.

Magnus pulled his hand away, revealing perfectly healed, unscarred porcelain skin, smiling softly, loving the feeling of magic in his fingertips once more.

Alec swallowed thickly, pushing himself off the bed to stand face to face with the Warlock.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Sir. It's my job to keep you well."

Alec smirked.

"That's three."

Magnus' brow furrowed as he pulled back a little, while Alec gave him the sideways smile that melted his inhibitions.


Alec leaned down, inhaling deeply as he ran his nose up the side of Magnus' neck.

"Three times you've called me Sir. I told you, while we're in my bedroom, you don't call me that. You call me...?"

He trailed off, brushing his lips over Magnus' jaw, waiting for him to finish the sentence.


Alec exhaled loudly, his breath cascading over Magnus' flushed skin. He gripped Magnus' hip with one strong hand, the other popping the buttons of Magnus' silk shirt; Alec ensured that Magnus had the finest clothes available. He wanted the Warlock to give into his life of luxury just a little bit.

"Now that's more like it."

Alec mumbled into his shoulder, placing a path of kisses upwards until he reached the Warlocks full red lips. Their lips met languidly as Alec took his time getting acquainted with the silky smoothness of Magnus' lush lips, warm and wet, tasting of burned sugar. Magnus moaned under his breath as Alec teased him with fleeting kisses and whispers of touches all over his body. He succumbed to the whirlwind of lust that Alec summoned within him, allowing himself to be swept up in the storm as Alec's arms shoved him backwards, turning them around until Magnus fell onto the bed.

Alec smiled in satisfaction, looking down on his Warlock with wonder and lust in his eyes. He could see that Magnus had forgone any residual High Warlock pride and was quickly becoming a slave to impulse and absolute pleasure.

Alec leaned over him, tugging harshly on Magnus' hair, dragging a sharp moan from his lips, and kissed him messily, a melee of lips and tongues and carnal gasps. Alec pulled away just as quickly as he kissed him, smirking at him dangerously.

"So... Magnus, are you enjoying this? Giving yourself over to me?"

He said teasingly, seduction flooding from his words, pouring over Magnus and crashing through his veins. He sighed softly, his eyes slipping shut, as Alec waited for an answer, idly fondling the skin under Magnus' shirt, drawing a ring around the place his belly-button should have been.

"Yes, Master."

Magnus whispered, his voice shaky and breaths uneven. He hadn't felt this way in far too long, if ever. He was spread out on the Nephilim's bed, strong angel hands teasing the flesh of his stomach, those rich blue eyes darkened in lust above him. He was completely taken, not wanting to move even if he could. He was at the mercy of the angel boy, terrified but more aroused than ever, watching the rich reds and blinding blacks of the room fall away until he focus was all and only on Alec.

"Move. Get in the middle of the bed and put your arms above your head."

Alec commanded, stepping back and grabbing his bow. He watched Magnus crawl over his bed, licking his lips, as he removed the bowstring from the weapon. Ideally, he could've used a whip, but that was Izzys forte and asking to borrow hers seemed strange. Besides, after this, whenever Magnus saw Alec with his bow, this would be the image he saw in his mind.

Alec smirked, climbing onto the bed, crawling over his subjugate until he was seated over his hips. Magnus moaned at the weight on top of him, rolling his body against Alec's in a primal bid to rid himself of some growing pressure. But Alec pulled back, slamming a large hand on Magnus' chest and pinning him to the bed.

"You only move when i say you can, got it?"

He growled, his fingertips digging into Magnus' chest. Magnus released a strangled gasp and nodded desperately.

"Yes, Master."

He cried like a prayer, his hands digging into the cool satin bedsheets above his head, just like Alec had asked. The Nephilim bent down, sliding his body over Magnus', pushing aside the open edges of the Warlocks shirt, laying his chest bare for Alec's hungry eyes to drink in.

"You are so sexy, my little Warlock. So beautiful. And mine!"

He growled in Magnus' ear, biting his earlobe and with the speed of a ninja, tying Magnus' wrists to the large ornate headboard with his bowstring. Magnus cried out, clenching his fists so hard that his nails dug into his palm, drawing blood.


He moaned wantonly, throwing his head back while Alec acquainted his lips with the tawny, smooth expanse of Magnus' chest. His hands roamed Magnus' body, teasing his skin and sliding up and down his sides, causing a warm, curious tingling sensation to work its way through Magnus' body, culminating at his groin.

When Alec's full pouty lips, wet and swollen, descended on one of his dusky nipples, Magnus couldn't help himself. He cried Alec's name and bucked his hips roughly into Alec's. Immediately, the angel boy pulled away.

"Oh, Magnus... I told you to call Master. Not Alec. And i also told you not to move unless i tell you to. You just broke both of my rules."

Alec's voice was icy and steaming all at once, sending bolts of arousal and fear through Magnus' veins. He was panting heavily, his body shaking with desperate and animalistic want, his eyes locked on Alec's as he bit his lip hard enough to split the skin.

"I'm sorry, Master. Please... Please forgive me. I'll be good. I promise."

Alec smiled down at him, stroking his cheek with one hand as the other undid the clasp of Magnus' pants. The Warlock watched him with lust blown eyes, his lips parted and wet, inviting Alec to kiss away the blood that had formed there. And kiss it away, he did.

Alec surged upwards, his hips grinding up between Magnus' legs, which were now splayed out widely, his toes curling while Alec's tongue dominated his mouth, swallowing every gasp and groan, reveling in every shiver and cry. Then Alec pulled away, smirking. He grabbed the waistband of Magnus' pants and pulled, yanking them off of the Warlocks legs, laying him bare for Alec's taking.

"Good boy. Now, do you trust me?"

Magnus stared up into Alec's eyes, sighing softly as the Nephilim placed gentle, open mouthed kisses on his lip until he found the strength to reply.


Alec smiled, kissing him sweetly, before sitting up over Magnus and reaching out to grab the black silk tie that Magnus had used to hide his marks. Magnus' eyes widened and he gasped as Alec ran it sensually through his fingers, trailing the silky smooth material up and down Magnus' heaving chest, smiling at the breathy sounds of pleasure Magnus was making.

Alec kissed Magnus one last time before he slipped the tie over Magnus' eyes, tying it behind his head. Magnus was biting his lip, his fists clenched above his head, a tidal wave of lust rushing inside him when he felt Alec's hands grip his thighs and a pair of lips press into his neck.

Then Alec was gone.

Magnus made a sound of disappointment and desperation, confused and ridiculously turned on; the cool air washing over the inflamed skin of his dick was equally teasing as it was torturous. He thrust his hips against nothing, begging with his body for Alec to come back.

Though he stopped moving when he heard a low chuckle fill the air, followed by the distinct sound of an opening belt buckle and heavy material dropping to the floor. Magnus panted heavily in anticipation, the bowstring digging painfully into his wrists, though the pain only succeeded in sending a shock of brutal arousal right to his already desperate cock.

Alec smiled indulgently at the sight, savouring the submissive wanton nature of Magnus' current position. Then he leaned over the edge of the bed, not touching Magnus, not giving a single clue as to where he was or what he was doing. It was exhilarating, the not knowing, the shock and nerves and excitement of every touch that came from nowhere. Alec dragged his fingernail up Magnus' leg, over his hip, slipping his finger along his defined hipbones, before splaying his warm hands all over Magnus' body, searching for the spot that would drive his little slave crazy. Then, just when he had touched and stroked and kissed every inch he could reach, he had just one spot left.

He withdrew all contact with Magnus' body, perching on the edge of the bed to give him just enough space to lean over and lick a gentle circle around the Warlocks non-existent navel. Magnus screamed, thrusting his hips wildly into the air, his dick brushing against Alec's neck as he leaned over, sucking slowly and deliberately on the spot, watching through narrowed eyes as Magnus' face contorted with pleasure, panting and crying out, sweating, his skin glistening in the low light of the room, his caramel skin contrasting perfectly with the red sheets bundled around him. Alec felt a sudden wave of arousal hit him full force and he shoved his face into Magnus' abdomen, his hands gripping Magnus' hips painfully, so hard his knuckles turned white with exertion.

He could feel Magnus' hips rolling and bucking beneath him, as he moved further onto the bed, resting between Magnus' legs, his chin leaning on Magnus' hip. He kept licking at the spot, smirking and moaning as Magnus climbed higher, his voice jagged and high, keening and begging without real words. Alec flicked his gaze up to Magnus' face, pulling back to eye that gloriously big dick. He licked his lips and then all at once took his Warlock to the base, smiling around his wide girth when Magnus screamed loudly, his teeth sinking into his lower lip as he bucked up into Alec's mouth.

Though Alec didn't linger there long enough for Magnus to get the release he was begging God for. He pulled off of him, licking his lips at the salty taste left behind and let his eyes slip shut at the noise that escaped Magnus.

"Aw, baby, do you want me touch you?"

Alec said softly, running a hand through Magnus' hair, yanking on it tight, making Magnus cry out and thrust his hips into the air.

"Yes, god yes... Please, Master. Please."

He gasped almost incomprehensibly, all of his power and prowess meaningless as he writhed on the sweet slicked sheets, reduced to a mess of lust, rid of any control he possibly could have retained. He was, quite literally, Alec's toy by this point.

"Ok, seeing as you asked so nicely... Roll over and get on your knees."

Alec commanded roughly, standing back to watch Magnus scrabble into position, moaning and hissing as the bowstring constricted his movement. He did it though, he knelt on the bed, slightly hunched over because of his bound wrists but all ready for Alec's taking.

Alec climbed onto the bed behind Magnus, running his hands lightly up and down Magnus' sides. Magnus gasped with every touch, desire turning though him, his heart fluttering fast like the wings of a caged bird. He was tied up but so close to freedom, all Alec needed to do to him was-


Magnus cried as Alec took hold of him, jerking in a solid, fluid movement that left him breathless, his slim fingers caressing his shaft slowly but with purpose. As Alec rubbed him down, he lowered his head, placing kisses down the Warlocks shivering spine until he reached his goal, smirking before diving in, knowing he'd hit the spot when Magnus thrashed wildly, crying out desperately, his fingertips clawing at the headboard.

Alec thrust his tongue in and out, stretching the Warlock expertly, moaning loudly, feeling the effects of his sounds and actions as Magnus hardened further in his hand. After dragging Magnus close to the edge, he released all hold on the beautiful creature, watching as Magnus sagged in his bonds, breathing hard, his legs shaking and dick begging painfully now.

Alec smiled, placing a firm hand on the top of Magnus' back, he used the other one to turn Magnus' head towards him. He slammed their lips together in a fierce kiss, Alec nibbling on Magnus' lower lip as the electrically charged heat flared up between them.

"Bend over."

Alec whispered in his ear, biting playfully at the shell of Magnus' ear, licking the sensitive skin behind it as Magnus leaned over, his sweaty forehead pressed into the pillows, his hair standing on all ends and his blindfolded eyes clenched shut.

Alec admired the view, drinking in the image, saving to it permanent memory. Then he slicked himself up, using his own pre-cum as lubrication. Spreading Magnus' legs apart, he teased the Warlocks entrance with the tip of his dick, using his hand to rub it up and down the gap between those perfectly formed ass cheeks. Magnus whined incoherently, his blood all rushing south, his dick heavy, standing to full attention.

"Do you want it, baby?"

Alec tried to say seductively, though the feeling of Magnus' ass against his dick left his breath faltering and his muscles taut, just as desperate for this as Magnus was.

"Yes. Oh, god yes, Master. Please. Give it to me."

Magnus chanted, panting between his words. Alec smirked savagely and yanked Magnus' head backwards by his hair, causing the bonds to dig into his thin wrists. He leaned over slightly to kiss Magnus' neck, licking a drop of sweat from his jaw.

"You ready for me?"

He whispered softly, his lips brushing the side of Magnus' forehead before he descended down Magnus' back, licking his spine.

"Yes, Master!"

Magnus groaned, thrusting backwards against Alec. The Nephilim smirked, pulled back and slapped Magnus on the ass, leaving a nice red handprint on his flesh. Magnus cried out a colourful list of profanities that made Alec grin.

"No moving unless i tell you, remember?"

Magnus groaned wantonly, the pillows muffling the sound. Alec slid a finger in and out of him quickly, stretching the muscle. Then he took his finger out, replacing it with what they both truly wanted.

Alec shoved himself inside roughly, crying out at the tight heat surrounding him. Magnus clenched roughly, screaming out in pleasure as Alec's huge length slammed repeatedly inside him.

Alec fucked him hard, losing his mind faster than Magnus was losing his. Magnus was clawing at thin air, his wrists still bound and bleeding over the bowstring. He was bouncing on the bed with every thrust Alec gave, bucking his hips, completely lost to lust and his master. They couldn't even form words; all Alec could do was grab Magnus tight around the waist and pull him upwards, changing the angle to nail against the Warlocks prostate while he turned Magnus' head to collide their mouths in a messy harmony of passion.

"Master! Alec! Please!"

Magnus cried, referring to his bound wrists. Alec bit his lip, letting the use of his name slide and leaning forwards to untie the bowstring. Magnus immediately sagged to the bed, panting hard and shaking his wrists before he grabbed Alec's hand, dragging them both upwards until they were on their knees. Magnus tipped his head backwards, resting on Alec's shoulder and Alec immediately started sucking on Magnus' neck, marking him all over again.

They continued to fuck, Alec dominating Magnus in every conceivable way. When Alec felt their rhythm faltering after either minutes or hours, he slipped the tie off of Magnus' eyes, smiling as the Warlock turned his head and locked their gazes together. Alec leaned in and stole a breathless kiss, still drilling into Magnus as he massaged the Warlocks wrists where the string had been pulled taught.

Alec pushed Magnus down onto the bed, laying on top of him between his legs, slowly his movements but going deeper and more purposefully.

"So, High Warlock of Brooklyn, is it better to be in control or to be completely and totally dominated?"

Alec quipped in his ear, kissing his jaw with open lips. Magnus released a breathy sigh and smiled as Alec gripped his hands, pinning him to the disheveled bedspread.


He managed to gasp out amongst his ragged breaths, painting a perfect smile on Alec's lips.

"That's what i like to hear, my little Warlock."

Magnus' heart fluttered and Alec kissed him once more before beginning a fast rhythm of relentless pounding, commanding Magnus to touch himself to bring him crashing over the edge faster. Magnus obviously obliged, desperate by this point for release. And when it came, it was the most utterly blinding pleasure he had ever experienced. Also, feeling a Nephilim warrior cum inside him was indescribably hot.

Alec cried Magnus' name right into the Warlocks ear as he came, shuddering and riding the high as far as it would take him. They slowly regained their breath as Alec collapsed on top of Magnus, kissing the nape of his neck softly.

"Who do you belong to, Magnus?"

The Warlock smiled, his body in uproar, pleasured, pained and sated. He mumbled his answer into the pillows.


Alec grinned, rolling off of Magnus' sweaty, marked body.

"Damn straight."

There was a moment of blissful silence in which Alec gently played with Magnus' sweaty hair, smiling at him softly.

"I think we're going to have a very nice life together, don't you, my little Warlock?"

Magnus grinned. It was true, he didn't begrudge his new life. And Alec was a nice master. And he was right, giving up control was the greatest feeling in the world.

"Yes. I think so."

Alec smiled.

"Good. Now, could you go and get a bottle of scotch and two glasses from the kitchen?"

Magnus nodded and rolled out of bed, wincing a little in pain. He pulled on his pants, aware of Alec's eyes locked on his body.


"Yes, Master?"

"Don't put your shirt back on. Let them see my marks on you."

Magnus nodded, bowing his head respectfully as he left the room, feeling exposed but not a stranger to exhibitionism. In the past, he was known for flaunting himself. This was nothing new really.

Besides, he was quickly realising that he could definitely get used to being Alec Lightwoods' little Warlock.


Weeks became months and the months became a whole year, the seasons flitting by outside the institute. Magnus had grown accustomed to his new life, he had become fast friends with the Downworlder subjugates of the Lightwood family and he had a very... attentive master.

He had quickly learned that Alec was a strong leader, a brave warrior, a good fighter and a fierce protector. He was the earthly embodiment of a real angel. He also learned that Alec was a very sexual being.

He never let Magnus sleep in the slave chambers; his Warlock only ever slept in his bed with him. He protected Magnus like he did his siblings, with love and care and compassion. Though Magnus also enjoyed the many times when Alec would totally flip a switch and dominate his very soul. Either way, the past year together had drawn them closer to each other than either of them had ever been to anyone. It bought them to this moment.


"Yes, Master?"

Magnus replied as he cleaned and put away Alec's weapons from the latest hunt.

"I think we've been together long enough for you to call me Alec now, my little Warlock."

Alec said softly, wrapping his arms around Magnus' waist from behind. Magnus' brow furrowed and he turned to face his Nephilim angel.

"Ok. Alec."

He whispered, savouring the name. Alec smiled and leaned in to brush their lips together.

"I missed you on my last hunt."

Alec stated simply, holding Magnus close. They had been apart for 2 weeks on Alec's last hunt, Magnus simply helping to clean and manage the mundane day-to-day tasks of the institute until his master returned. It had been the most boring weeks of Magnus' life. All he wanted was Alec. And all Alec had wanted was Magnus. It was unnaturally hard to be away from the Warlock for more than a few hours, let alone several weeks.

"I missed you too, my beautiful angel."

Magnus whispered, gazing into Alec's eyes as he ran his hands over Alec's arms, healing the small wounds that were still visible. Alec smiled and kissed him softly, basking in the feeling like a well-needed breath of fresh air.

When he pulled back, he couldn't keep it in any longer.

"I love you, Magnus. And, as proof of it, i got the enchantment to unbind your magic. I don't want you to live here as my subjugate anymore, i want you to live here as the man i love."

Magnus froze, his breathing turning shallow, while his heart fluttered and beat a millions times a second. Alec waited for him to say something nervously, still holding him close, while holding his breath in fear.

"Oh my god. Wow. I didn't see that coming. But... I love you too, Alec. How could i not? You're everything i ever wanted. After centuries of searching, i finally found you."

Alec sighed in relief, surging forwards to kiss Magnus breathless, swallowing his gasp of surprise and squeal and delight as Alec threw him down on the bed and climbed on top of him.

"You mean it?"

He asked Magnus cautiously.

"Yes, you moron. Of course, Alexander. I love you. You're perfect and well, black hair and blue eyes is my favourite combination. You've got the whole package."

To that, Alec smirked.

"Oh, I'll show you the whole package."

Magnus giggled as Alec covered his body with his own, wrapping themselves around each other with no intention of ever letting go.

It began with them purely as slaves to their impulses, feeding their desires, servant and master. And though that was still the case, at least sometimes in their bedroom, they became the strongest and most powerful couple the New York institute had ever seen, eventually becoming head of the institute, side by side.

Exactly where they were always meant to be.




PS: I will be getting back to writing my current fic HOW TO FALL FOR SOMEONE YOU SHOULDN'T now… and once that is finished, I have a little surprise for fans of my other fic HOW DID WE END UP HERE? – All I'm going to say is: Did you really think I'd end it like that? ;)

Love you all,
