Follow up to Taking Care of You. I have a headcanon that Gabe's dad is from Galdiz, which is based on Spain. So A La Nanita Na, is the "lullaby" that he sings to Elena. Thank you Cheetah Girls for the awesome version that I heard! All of my other stories in this section are not tied together, so no references to each of them.

Note 2: Some Spanish/Mexican notes I've picked up on.


Come, let's sing a little lullaby, come, let's sing a little

My baby girl is sleepy, blessed be, blessed be

Little spring running clear and loud

Nightingale that in the forest

Sings and weeps

Hush, while the cradle rocks

Come, let's sing a little lullaby

"I'm so hot," whined Elena as the castle doctor sat at the end of her bed. He had his stethoscope on her chest as her grandparents and Esteban gathered by her bedside. Isabel had just gone off to school, if a bit reluctantly about a couple of hours ago.

"It's the flu," confirmed the doctor as he put his equipment away. "I suggest a lot of rest, water, and make sure you eat. No going outside for the next couple of days."

Elena didn't know when she first started to get sick but she found herself bedridden for the next couple of days. No visitors after dinner and Miggs, Skylar, and Luna were to leave her alone. Her grandmother didn't want anyone else to get sick. So no fun until she felt better. Her grandfather handed her a book about Avaloran law that she needed to know. She gave him a weak smile as her grandparents and cousin left the room. She moved the book over as she rolled to her side.

Outside the door, she could hear her grandfather give Gabe instruction to check around outside the hall in case she needed anything. She smiled that her grandfather cared so much about her. Gabe, on the other hand was a bit unnecessary, she could always call from her room down to where the castle steward was. Never the less, it was nice to have another person around looking after her. Elena's eyes started to droop as she fell asleep for a nap.

Gabe listened carefully to his superior with a serious look on his face as he comprehended what was going on. Elena was sick and not to be let out of her room. Dinner would be served by a maid later in the day. Come and find him if she gets worse. Check once every hour or so. If you must go in her room, don't linger. It was easy doing most of the guard work, what he really loved was the fighting. All of those years fending off Shuriki's guards really paid off.

Hour one, nothing.

Hour two, Isabel went in to talk with her sister after school for awhile.

Hour three, nothing.

Hour four, the maid tried to give her dinner.

Hour five, nothing.

Hour six, the maid came to gather the trays.

It wasn't under around 10 that night, when everyone was asleep did he hear something. A first it was just something soft yet heavy hitting the floor, maybe a blanket wadded up? Gabe stopped outside her door and listened for a moment suspiciously. He checked on her periodically, only to bring her dinner when she refused it the first time. Pressing his ear against the door, he sucked in a breath. He heard something coming from inside her bedroom. It wasn't very loud but loud enough for him to hear. Then he heard a thud from the inside. He opened the door and pulled his sword out ready to fight, expecting an intruder. Instead of finding a broken in door, to the balcony nothing seemed out of place. He turned and noticed Elena laying there on the floor rolled up in her sheets and a pillow against her cheek.

"Are you okay?" he said coming to make sure as he put a hand on her forehead. She was still hot from the fever. That must have been the thud, she fell out of bed, he thought as he put the sword away sheepishly. She blinked her beautiful brown eyes up at him probably wondering when he got in here. Or even how, depending on how delirious she was.

"I'm fine," she said trying hard to sit up, her legs caught up in the sheets. He hesitated to help her, after all, she was in her nightgown and he could get sick himself. Then the fact that he was in her bedroom, could get him in so much trouble if he stayed longer then usual. Never the less, he pulled the red cotton away from her long legs.

"It's too hot," she said her voice muffled by her pillow that she pulled down with her. Gabe looked down at the sleepy girl sick from the fever.

"It's okay I got you."

"Daddy I don't feel well," she said as he froze. She was dreaming of her parents from before Shuriki's rule. She probably really missed them. Gabe remembered his mother telling him and his brothers about what she remembered about Queen Gabriela and King Lorenzo. They sounded like great parents and rulers. He took a breath and got down on her level as he picked up one of her pillows and threw it on the bed.

"Princess, it's just me, Gabe. I know I'm not your dad, but I'll still going to help."

He knelt down and grasped the top of her back and underneath her knees before picking her up bridal style. He'd been sick before and helped his brothers through their illnesses, it wouldn't be too different. Only difference was that she's a girl and the princess. Then the fact that he had giant crush on her didn't seem to help. It was kind of obvious as he found himself staring at her a little longer. From the flower in her hair right down to her- He stopped those thoughts and replaced them with something else. Wanting to talk to her a little longer than normal, would be another.

Gently, he lay her back in the middle of the bed and reached for the top sheet. Gabe lay it on top of her then found the blanket next to the bedspread. She would be burning up if he lay the bedspread on top of her. So he folded the bedspread and covered her with the blanket. There. He looked around the room before heading back to the hall. Hopefully, nobody would be out there and saw him.

"Don't leave," she moaned trying to make herself comfortable. "Water?"

He looked over to the window sill where a pitcher and a cup sat. Sighing, he fetched her the glass and handed it to her. She gulped it down eagerly trying to bring her fever down. Gabe took the cup and put it back before turning away. She lay on her side facing the far right wall.

"Anything else princess?" he asked nervously looking back at her and the door then focusing on her. Elena was still pale and ready to fall asleep again.

"I'm just so hot," she said as she turned, "I can't sleep, sing or something."

She patted a space at the end of the bed for him to sit on. Biting his lip her only listened to her order. Gabe thought for a moment, he was always a little off key, but he knew a lullaby. His dad would always sing the 'boy' version of this song (one he strongly suspected that he changed). It could put her straight to sleep as he starting humming, remembering the words with ease. He cleared his throat and started adding the words.

"A la nanita nana nanita ella, nanita ella

Mi nina tiene sueno bendito sea,bendito sea

Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora

Ruisenor que en la selva

Cantando y llora

Calla mientras la cuna se balansea

A la nanita nana nanita ella"

He sang if a bit off key at the end there but otherwise stayed strong. Elena started to fall asleep as he rocked slowly back and forth on his heels. Gabe looked at her as she had finally nodded off a slight snore escaped. Smiling, Gabe moved a piece of hair away from her face as she looked peaceful.

He got off of the bed and straightened the place where he sat. A little bolder than usual, he fixed the blanket over her and whispered a goodnight in her ear. She shivered slightly but smiled in her sleep.

"Thank you Gabe." He heard her say into the darkness as he smiled and closed the door behind him.