A/N: I tried very hard to write this story with the thought that it should easily insert into the aforementioned gap that occurred in Frozen without altering what happened next in the movie. This chapter, however, in no way fulfills that requirement- it is just a fun continuation of what I've already written.

Bonus Chapter:

Kristoff turned to get up and was relieved to have his eyes off of Anna for a second so that he could regroup. He scrambled to his feet, planting them firmly on the ground just next to the base of the tree, and brushed off the stray pine needles from his thighs and butt. All the while, he forced himself to take several deep breaths and think about Sven, still napping contentedly beside them, to try and erase the picture he had of kissing Anna in his mind. It didn't work.

He turned around and looked down. Anna hadn't moved; she still lay perched near the edge of the tree branches- though she had a slightly guilty look on her face, as though she may have been watching him from behind. Could she have been checking me out? Kristoff wondered. Anna reached up her hand, stifling a yawn. "I'm still a little tired. Help me up, friend?" she asked him sweetly.

"Sure." Kristoff reached down to extend his arm towards her. Grasping her hand, which was now even warmer than his, he tugged firmly, pulling Anna to her feet. In his distraction, he must have tugged a little too hard because the momentum carried her towards him, and Anna half-stumbled forward until she slowed enough to regain her balance. By the time she had straightened up and she and Kristoff stood facing each other, her body was very close to his and her face was mere inches away.

"Um, hi," she gulped, starting to back up a bit, clearly uncomfortable.

"Hi," he replied, smiling a little- he loved that they were already repeating snippets of their prior conversations- but feeling equally awkward. "Sorry about that," he added sheepishly.

Anna shrugged, indicating to him that it was no big deal, and then glanced up into his eyes. It looked like she might have been trying to sneak a quick peek at him before looking away, but she ended up holding his gaze over several seconds, and as she did, her look of embarrassment was gradually replaced with one of slight wonder. "Your eyes are hazel," she said finally. "It's light enough that I can see them better now. They're," she paused to clear her throat, "they're- they're beautiful, too," she finally managed to get out. Her voice was a little shaky, strained. But Kristoff wasn't looking at her mouth- he was still looking into her eyes. And just then, her returning look somehow transformed again- from awed- to heated.

Impossible, Kristoff thought. But he wasn't misinterpreting her stare- he knew he wasn't. And that could mean only one thing. She had to have been feeling at least some of the same things that he was. After all, she did call out his name in her sleep last night, which she'd never even done with her own fiancé. Her reaction from a few moments ago might have been because of a different reason entirely, Kristoff then realized- perhaps Anna was embarrassed enough that she felt the need to apologize simply because she had enjoyed their cuddling as much as he had.

Kristoff's gaze drifted downward just slightly, to Anna's mouth, and he noticed that she was now biting her lip. His breath hitched.

He was going to get the chance to act on his feelings after all.

Kristoff didn't thank her, or say anything in response. Before he could let himself think about it further, he leaned in and kissed her instead. He could have asked- maybe he should have asked- but he was terrified at the prospect of her saying no, of her citing her so-called "engagement" with Hans. And yet- the passion behind her eyes told him that she wanted this. Kristoff had learned a long time ago- it was essential in his profession- to trust his instincts.

Sure enough, the moment his lips contacted hers, Anna responded hungrily, kissing him back.

Her lips were so soft and pliable and they molded to his just perfectly. The enthusiasm with which Anna responded to his kissing caused all of Kristoff's already overstimulated nerve endings to fire simultaneously, making his entire body throb and his heart sputter, pumping what felt like his entire available blood supply directly between his legs.

Kristoff had some experience kissing women. Their long ice hauls in the dead of winter inevitably caused some of his coworkers to seek out female companionship, and he had tagged along on evening trips to the lone pub near the North Mountain on more than one occasion. Somehow he managed to attract the attention of a few older and more experienced locals looking to have a good time. He had been told- by more than one of the women, in fact- that his attractiveness stemmed from his rugged good looks, strapping body, and aloof demeanor. He had enjoyed the company of these ladies, making out with them in dark corners of the bar and even in the supply closet- though he never accepted an invitation to accompany a woman back to her cabin (he had received several). In the last couple of years Kristoff had definitely learned a few things about the opposite sex. But despite his experience, Kristoff had always kissed mostly for fun; he had never kissed anyone that he really wanted before now- which probably explained why he never took any of the women he'd kissed up on their offers. Kissing Anna was so different- so exciting, so stimulating. Involuntarily, he let out a little moan in her mouth. When she made a similar sound in response, Kristoff's groin ached so badly that for a second he worried he might lose control altogether.

He leaned towards Anna, moving his hands to her hips. He then snaked his arms around her back and slipped his hands upward, underneath his own oversized sweater. His scent mixed with Anna's was sexy as hell, and he wished that his sweater was all that Anna was wearing. She'd be cold, sure, but Kristoff was confident that between himself and the fire, he could warm her up really quickly.

But Kristoff refused to indulge his escalating fantasies, let them interfere with this moment- which was perfect exactly as it was. He allowed himself to just enjoy Anna's soft hands hesitantly creep upward until they were around his neck, and he groaned even louder than before when she ran her fingers through his hair, her nails lightly scratching his scalp. He widened his mouth, opening hers a bit more in turn, and gently began exploring her mouth with his tongue.

Even though Kristoff wanted her more than ever, unlike Anna, he wasn't going to rush into anything- no matter how much she tempted him. He was resolute in his determination to keep this at least somewhat innocent. After all, Anna still needed to find Elsa, so surely that was still on the fringes of her mind. Maybe Hans was, too.

Kristoff just had to kiss Anna passionately enough now for her to wipe out any thoughts of Hans, to make her to want to kiss him, and only him, again later. But Anna needed to want to kiss him badly. Badly enough to remember it as soon as they parted ways, whenever that would be; badly enough for her to decide that she wanted to end things with her fiancé; badly enough that she would initiate the uncomfortable, unpleasant task of breaking things off with Hans; and badly enough that she would return to Kristoff when it was all said and done, happy and relaxed, missing him and wanting him.

Kristoff supposed he had just a little more work to do to accomplish that- though he had an idea of exactly how he could do it. Let her feel exactly how much you want her, he thought to himself. Maybe she'll want you back.

It didn't take much. Kristoff simply took Anna into his arms while they were kissing and pulled her close. Really close. Bodies completely pressed together close. Close enough for her to unequivocally feel how excited he was. Kristoff could feel Anna's heart accelerate in response, and she fisted his hair in her hands, scratching the back of his head even harder, letting out a little whimper in his mouth. Hot damn, Kristoff thought. It didn't last though- a few seconds later Anna broke off the kiss and pulled away, gasping for breath, her eyes as wide as saucers.

"Sorry about that," Kristoff muttered again, though he wasn't sure he was that sorry at all. Their kiss had just been the highlight of his last twenty-one years. And as far as letting Anna know he was turned-on- well, all he was doing was pulling her towards him while they were kissing. It felt so good, and she definitely responded to it. Hopefully she wouldn't hold that against him.

Anna nodded, acknowledging his apology, but continued to stare at him, speechless. She looked like she wanted to say something but was utterly flabbergasted. Kristoff tried to remain optimistic- she did look like she had enjoyed herself- but the longer she went without speaking, the more nervous Kristoff became.

Eventually, Anna spoke up. "That was…." She began, before switching tactics. "I mean…..," she tried again. After what seemed like forever, she broke out into a grin. "I wanna do that again," she finally said, two distinct circles of pink spotting her cheeks.

Kristoff smiled. "Me, too. But you should probably do a few other things first," he reminded her gently. He meant for her to end things with Hans, but Anna could interpret it any way that she liked, he supposed.

"I know," she whispered. "I- I should probably start now." She reached out for his hand, which he happily took. She spoke louder. "C'mon. Let's go find my sister."