A.N: Konnichiwa Reader-san. I feel like its been so long since I've updated anything (It really has been)... so that's why this chapter is out. For those of you read my other stories, sorry for not updating. My social studies and science teacher and not to mention finals have been killing my vibe with giving me lots of homework and more things to study for. I'm not sure if this going to continue to be a real story because at the moment I only have planned out to the this chapter. I'll decide soon. Either way, I'll be writing an author's note after this informing you of my decisions. Now onto the story. Lyrics courtesy of Ketsuban's version of Regret Message. I recommend you listen to it so you get a better feel to the lyrics and the meaning.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto in any way because I would have to be creative to come up with that sort of story line ( Like where does Masashi Kishimoto come up with that shit?!

Naruto's POV

I decide to go the long way home, to think about my night. I find myself in Training Ground 7 and see the memorial stone in my eyesight.

"Shisui... Wherever you are I hope you are happy. I know that something bad will be happening soon. I just have a feeling it has to do with you. Ahh, I'm worrying too much. I want to believe myself when I say that I won't miss you. It's funny, really. I feel like I've known you for a lifetime and longer even though I met you at your death bed. Maybe in another life we met. Tomorrow morning I have to talk to Jiji about what transpired tonight. I don't want to knowing I will break down. I mean I am only ten years old. Sometimes, Jiji tells me I act too old for my actual age. I should probably get going. I have a long day tomorrow. Oyasumi Shisui." I say to nothing but the wind as I run my finger across Shisui's freshly carved name.

I try to focus on the path to my home, yet I stray to the shinobi compounds. That's when I see him... He looks like Shisui, yet he looks different at the same time. He has long, black, straight hair that's held back in a low ponytail. He looks to be younger than Shisui. He has longer stress marks than Shisui. He's wearing a dirty Anbu uniform with a sword on his side.

Perhaps they are... were related. That would make him an Uchiha. Interesting. I wonder if they are closely related. Brothers, maybe, or cousins?

I look closer and see that there is blood on his uniform. I gasp, and apparently he hears me because he looks my way. Thankfully I'm able to conceal my presence and am good at it too.

After reassuring himself, that it was just him, he fell and broke down. Tears streaming down his face and sobs taking over his body.

"I will bear the hatred for I am the only one who can." His smile faint and full of grief. I look down on my breast and the seal burns. I hiss in pain quietly and grip my chest to try to stop the pain.

And a custom persists
And today it still exists
Traditions from long long ago

Write down a wish on a piece of parchment,
Then place it in a bottle"
If you let it flow
Then someday it will grow
And your heart's desire will be real

Flow along, glass bottle, and please don't take too long,
Cuz what I want the most is in that message
And on the other side of this sunset
Right there, my wish will disappear

You would always do everything I asked you to
Really any request of mine yet and I still
Was a spoiled selfish brat and I really regret that
I always caused problems for you

The you who granted me every single wish
Are no longer here by me
On this blue sea, will all my feelings
Arrive to where you are

Flow along, little wish, and please don't take too long,
To take away my tears and all my regret,
It was too late by then, to fix my sins,
When they'd taken you far from me

Flow along, glass bottle, and please don't take too long,
Cuz what I want the most is in that message
And on the other side of this sunset
Right there, my wish will disappear

Flow along, little wish, and please don't take too long,
To take away my tears and all my regret,
If we're ever reborn, I hope in my next life...

I dare not make a sound knowing that if I do, I would sob along with him. His voice contained so much pain that you could physically hear it. The whirlpool of emotion sent me into a fit of silent sobs as the pain becomes even more unbearable. I look down at it to see it glowing a bright red.

What do I do? This has never happened before. Granted, I've never used this seal before... But it shouldn't feel like this. In theory, it should only reserve his body until I do something with it...

I look down to see him with a raven on his shoulder. I looked closer to see that one of the eyes had a Sharingan in them. I gasped and his head turned to my direction.

"Come out whoever you are." His voice was steady and commanding, nothing like from before. I gulped and slowly made my way towards him. He stared at me for a period of time and I fidgeted under his gaze. "Who are you? Why did you follow me?"

I bowed my head and said, "I am Uzumaki Naruto. I did not follow you as you presume, I was heading this direction when your looks caught my eye, so I decided to stay and what I heard was quite shocking. If I have offended you, I am deeply sorry." I met his eyes for a second before he closed his own. Letting out a sigh, I stand up straight, gazing intently at the raven whose eyes seemed to see right through me.

Just as the unknown Uchiha was about to say something, the raven flew towards me and perched itself on my shoulder. The pain from earlier became worse and I fell to my knees. Everything became blurry and I swayed to the side. The last thing I saw was the unknown Uchiha reaching out towards me and the raven disappearing into myself before everything turned black...