A/N: Too many multichaps popping up at once, I know. I have one more coming. After that, only oneshots and updates to current multichaps will be posted, at least until I finish a couple. This particular story was unplanned as a separate piece. It was initially a prompt for my Drabbles ongoing fic (requested by Bluedog270). However, it was getting lengthy, so I decided I needed to make it a two-parter. That, a friend of mine told me, disqualified it from being a drabble. Lol.

*Many thanks to withaflashoflove on tumblr for giving this a look over. Always a pleasure to have someone so talented give my fic her stamp of approval. ;)

*I own nothing. No copyright infringement intended.

"We've got another two-person operation," Cisco said as he pulled up footage from the many simultaneous robberies taking place all over the city.

"Where are we with the Snarts and Rory?" Barry asked, approaching the screens and studying the evidence intently.

Cisco shook his head, but Caitlin was the one who answered.

"Leonard and Rory have have been MIA for years."

"Lisa isn't in the city either, I checked."

Both Barry and Caitlin turned to look at Cisco with raised eyebrows and amused glances.

"Through advanced computer software designed to track down criminals and missing persons is how I know this," he defended. "We don't like…text and stuff," he muttered under his breath.

The smiles that started to spread across his friends' faces made him push forward. "Besides, these two are definitely metahumans. I think there's a good chance they could be speedsters too."

Barry's face fell. He turned back to look at the screens. Dread began to fill him at the possibility of another speedster supervillain attacking the city. When a metahuman wasn't conquered under a couple days, even the people at STAR Labs started to panic. Barry couldn't afford to lose another person in his life, especially now since—

"There he goes, there he goes!" Cisco interrupted Barry's thoughts as new live footage showed the unknown villains zipping across Central City.

"There's no color," Barry noted of the supposed speedsters zooming across the screen.

"Well, to be fair, the feeds are in black and white…" She ignored the minor glare from Barry and Cisco. "But ideally, there wouldbe a lighter or darker tint that would suggest a color, if there was one. If they had a red, yellow, blue…or other color, there would be some evidence of it."

"That's why you're not sure if they're speedsters."

Cisco and Caitlin shared a look.

"That's why we – well, I – think this might be another Peek-a-Boo."

Barry's lips twisted in a grimace.

"Not much better, we know," Cisco said. "But—"

"Better than a speedster," Barry finished his thought. There was a lingering silence. "How do we know for sure?" he asked.

"You can't without getting up close," Iris said, strutting into the lab.

"Then that's what I'll do," Barry said, meeting her eyes and her eyes only.

"Whoa, whoa, what's—where's—" Cisco interrupted again, the clear direction of the villains unraveling on the screen. They all turned to the screen again. "He's heading for a school."

Iris gasped. "Not just any school. Barry—"

"I'm on it."

In a flash of red, Barry was out of STAR Labs and en route to the school his kids attended.

"Barry, calm down. You're not going to be any good to your kids until we formulate a plan and you're able to keep your focus."

Barry kept pacing. He'd arrived at the school, intending to grab his kids and keep them hidden at STAR Labs until these new metahumans were captured, but neither of his children were present. The school itself was scarily silent. He half-expected it to be empty when he went inside, but it was as if nothing had happened.

Definitely speedsters.

It was then he realized too that there had been no robbery attempt at his kids' school. This was a deliberate kidnapping of the Flash's children. Two very dangerous new metahumans knew his identity, and planned to either use Don and Dawn as ransom or for a different, far more horrifying means.

"My kids are missing," he fumed, but the panic was evident in his voice.

"They have their powers now, don't they?" Caitlin offered helplessly. "Maybe that will help them escape somehow."

Barry shook his head. "No. They would have prepared for that. These…speedsters would have."

Caitlin frowned. "I don't understand."

He stopped and looked at her in frustration. "Don't you get it? They didn't rob the school. They were after my kids – the Flash's kids. Which means they had to at least guess they would have had their powers. They haven't called for a ransom, which they would have if that had been their reason. They obviously know who I am. What's the one thing that all evil speedsters have craved and were willing to get without caring about what it cost anyone else in the process?"

"More speed," Cisco said, his eyes glazing over.

Drowning in her silence, refusing to cave to panic since Barry had let himself succumb, Iris finally stood up and approached them all.

"He would've taken me if it was just for a ransom." She turned to look at Barry. "It wouldn't be the first time."

Barry swallowed hard, then pulled her to him, holding her tightly.

Silence descended. They all remembered when Iris had been kidnapped by a different metahuman – one currently being held in captivity. There had been a ransom then. Money. It had been a routine capture, except for the fact that Barry had nearly lost it with the edited audio that had been sent to them implying Iris's near-death.

Iris blinked and pulled away slightly.

"Do you think these speedsters are connected somehow? Maybe they found out about…"

"If they know about Don and Dawn being your kids," Caitlin ventured, "they have to know that you're married to Iris."

"It's logical," Cisco agreed. "She's a reporter. She's constantly covering stories about The Flash, and she got Barry's last name. Hyphenated, but still."

"Not to mention if they saw your engagement or wedding announcement in the paper from nine years ago."

"You just said it yourself though," Iris gestured to all of them. "There's been more than one evil mastermind craving the power of superspeed." She turned to Barry. "Was it…public knowledge that Zoom stole your speed?"

The anguish of that time in his life came rushing back. Barry stepped away from her. He ran his hand through his hair, starting to pace again.

"I don't know," he finally said. "But if they did…"

"It would've occurred to them that harnessing the power of two next generation speedsters who aren't even that resistant to give it up—"

Caitlin cut off Cisco's reasoning that was silently working up Barry further. She noticed too that Iris's strong resolve was starting to waver.

"I think they'd be pretty resistant to give something over to their kidnappers."

Barry stopped and clenched his jaw, tears starting to surface.

"They don't know how to…they can't…"

Cisco and Caitlin shared a confused look.

"What Barry is…t-trying to say," Iris swallowed, "is that…the twins haven't used their speed a lot. We told them not to because it might put them in danger. They don't…do it automatically. When it happens, it's because they're deliberately telling themselves to do it."

"They're only seven," Barry said. "We just wanted to wait a little until…" He shook his head and blinked away tears. "Is there any way we can track them?"

Caitlin turned back to the screens, analyzing for a moment before rejoining the team.

"There hasn't been any speedster movement recorded since you left, Barry. No robberies either. It's like…time stopped."

"Maybe it did," Cisco said, to which Caitlin frowned. "Check the source of this 'live' feed. Make sure it's actually running."

Five minutes later, a check up to the security cameras directly linked to the STAR Labs monitors proved, that it had been looped since Barry left. Ten minutes later, all of them had been fixed and running time showed on the monitors.

Barry stepped back to watch the screens intently.

"There's still no—wait."

A sudden breeze blew into the room. All of them turned to see the new speedster approaching them.

"Wally," Barry said, confused. "What are you doing here?"

"Let me help," he said, foregoing the slightly offended feeling as to not being told what was going on immediately. "They're my niece and nephew, Barry," he said, not backing down when his brother-in-law appeared to be about to argue with him. "And from what…" He slanted a gaze at Iris. "From what I've heard, you've got two very dangerous new speedsters you're dealing with. Which means they already know what you seem to have forgotten."

Barry furrowed his eyebrows.

"Two is better than one."

Reluctantly, Barry nodded. The smallest of smiles, one of a burden being lifted, flitted across his face. Iris exhaled quietly in relief, some of the inward panic fleeing from her as well.

"Let's go find them."


A/N: The reference to Iris getting kidnapped while pregnant is from another drabble prompt I got that I will probably also make a separate fic (a prequel to this one) once I get to it.