Logan was right. It took almost 10 minutes of Marie hiccuping and crying to fully calm down.

"You're purrin'," Marie said, voice husky and broken. With a jolt, the Wolverine realised she was right. "No, don' stop. I's nice," she murmured, snuffling back down into his chest.

Logan paused, uncertain. He'd never purred before. But holding his girl in his lap, it was nice, even though she had been crying. A slow rumbling started deep in his chest again, definitely sounding like purring. Marie hummed and relaxed even further into his arms. They stayed that way for a while, listening to the brush and trees around them.

It was another 20 minutes or so of peacefulness before there was a prickling sensation at the back of his neck. Time on the running had heightened his vigilance to almost paranoia. It was well earned paranoia, he'd almost been blown up at one point.

It was like a ghostly hand, creeping their fingers up his spine. He tried to keep his twitching to a minimum as he subtly scented the air, trying to figure out who was there.

There. Burnt hair and an electrical storm.

A growl rumbled out of his chest as he smelt Jean creeping around the forest. She was trying so hard to be subtle, but her stench couldn't be hidden from Logan.

"Logan?" Marie asked, quietly into his chest. She still didn't want to look up from where she was curled into his chest. It was dark and she felt as though no one could see her.

Logan didn't say a word, just secured Marie in his arms and carried her. Her small "Eep!" didn't stop him and she settled back into him within a few moments. She was nestled too far up to curl into his chest again, but she was in the perfect position to nuzzle into his neck. Logan jumped at her cold nose, at the presence of someones mouth fangs at his throat, before he settled back into his quick walk away from their stalker. It was Marie after all.