Harry Potter and the cat's legacy

Ch 1

Harry paced back and forth outside of the hospital wing in a nervous wreck. After a failed polyjuice potion hermione ended up with cat features, something that Harry was a custom to from his younger years. He didn't know if she'd be able to cope, after all she had muggle parents. On a stray thought he remembered that his cat-like form was possibly the only bit of magic his Aunt petunia ever actually tolerated, telling him that he was like his grandmother and not to let Dudley or Verdon know about it at all and that it was a family secret. Back to the matter at hand, he felt responsible for hermione's predicament, after all bad luck followed him around and he mused to himself 'It's my fault for wanting to sneak into the slytherin common room in the first place.'

The sound of approaching footsteps caught his attention, it was his 'friend' Ronald 'ron' Weasley. "hey mate! Wanna play some chess?"

"Not now Ron, Hermione is in there and could be in serious trouble. " Harry shot back.

" She'll be fine, let's go! " Ron urged.

" Don't you even care about her? She could be in pain. " Harry stressed, he worried about hermione big time, she was really his only other friend and to be honest 'I owe her more than I can ever repay.' he thought to himself.

" Harry, she did it, she can undo it. " Ron scoffed. 'Maybe Malfoy was right, Ron isn't the best company' Harry thought grimly to himself with a visible frown.

" You know what Ron? Sod off! " Harry snapped." Do you even care for her? "

" Why should I? She's a mudblood. " Ron snorted.

At that, Harry saw red."HO TONITRUI FELINUS!" he shouted, a loud cat-like growl sounded through the air as a red beam blasted Ron back. "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM US RON!"

"WHAT IS GOING ON OUT HERE? " bellowed the school healer Madam pomfrey.

" HARRY CURSED ME! " Ron shouted.

" Mister Potter is that true? " the nurse asked.

" No ma'am, I didn't. " Harry replied." I used a family distress signal used to keep away those with ill intent. " in truth, it was the only magic aunt Petunia allowed at all.

" LIER! " Ron shouted. He pointed his wand at Harry.

" Mister Potter, what spell did you use?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

"Ho tonitrui felinus. " Harry responded calmly. Madam pomfrey gasped." It's supposed to be a family spell and honestly the only one that I know from my aunt. "

" Mr Potter please come in here, Mr Weasley, go to class. " the healer ordered. Ron scrawled and stormed off. Harry gulped and entered the hospital wing while Madam Pomfrey closed and locked the door." Mister Potter, are you aware of the spell's origin? "

" No ma'am. I don't, all I know is its a family spell. " Harry replied honestly. Madam pomfrey looked surprised and rather annoyed.

" Mr Potter have you ever gained cat-like features? " she asked.

" Yeah, its kind of the only bit of magic I don't get... " Harry abruptly stopped, he didn't want anyone to know of his beatings from his uncle and cousin. Madam Pomfrey seemed to realize what he was talking about though and looked absolutely livid.

" Mr Potter, they don't /still/ beat you do they? " she gasped. He looked down in shame." I swear I'll rip Albus a new one, he said that they stopped. "

" he knew?! " Harry called in shock and anger." HE LET THIS HAPPEN! "

" Harry? " squeaked hermione's voice from behind a curtain.

" Hermione, " he gasped and rushed over as she opened the curtains." Are you okay?" he asked the still fury cat girl. She'd been crying and her ears were flat against her head in sadness as her tail Laid limp.

"I'm okay but apparently this is pertinent. " she sobbed. She was surprised for sure when Harry embraced her in a caring hug which melted her heart.

" Shh, Shh, it's okay 'mione. " he soothed as he rubbed circles on her back, making her purr, he stopped and she blushed in embarrassment." that's okay, you sound beautiful. "

" You, you think I'm beautiful? " hermione asked in a small voice.

" Of corse, you look beautiful now even if you have cat ears and a tail. " Harry responded. He then faced Madam Pomfrey." can you keep a secret? " she nodded and explained patient confidentiality. Harry nodded with a smile as he tapped his finger on his nose and he gained cat-like features, including ears, a tail, fur, fangs and whiskers. Hermione's jaw dropped open on shock, showing her fangs.

" So much like your mother. " the healer chuckled." I remember when she showed James the first time, he fainted. "

" Wait, my mum could do this too? " Harry asked.

" Of course, you are a Thunderan after all. " the healer explained.

" a what? " Harry asked. Madam pomfrey cursed Albus again and muttered about needing to tell other students about creature heritage as Albus didn't.

" Thunderans are a species of Neko able to use magic. " madam pomfrey explained." One I believe miss granger has become as she can still use her magic. "

" But what about school? People would surely notice that I'm not human anymore and I don't want to be expelled. " Hermione worried. Her voice shook as she spoke.

" I won't allow that to happen hermione, you're the best friend I've ever had. " Harry reassured her as he gave her a soft hug.

" What about Ron? " hermione asked, the worry and confusion evident in her tone.

" Not my friend anymore. " Harry put bluntly." I was waiting for madam Pomfrey to tell me if you were alright and he showed up demanding I play chess with him, then he called you a mudblood. " hermione gasped at the term and looked shocked that Ron used it." he didn't even care if you were okay so I am staying here, whether you like it or not. "

Hermione smiled at that and nuzzled into Harry as she hugged him, her tail swayed happily as she purred." Thanks Harry, that's probably the most kindest thing anyone's ever done for me. "

" surely not, what about your parents? " Harry asked, instantly regretting it as hermione hissed.

" All they care about is their business. " she muttered." They only allowed me to come here so my...my /freakishness/ " she spat" wouldn't ruin their business. "

" don't you dare think that. " Harry stated firmly, slightly scaring hermione." You're not a freak and never will be. "

" Mr Potter you sound like you are talking from personal experience. " Madam pomfrey stated sadly." If you wish, I'll see if we can have your guardianship and magical guardian changed. "

" there's a magical guardian? " both Harry and hermione asked.

" Did the headmaster ever take you to diagon ally? " she asked, sounding almost annoyed. Both shook their heads.

" It's either been Hagrid or the Weezleys. " Harry replied.

" Professor Snape. " hermione shuddered." Every time I'm near him it feels like a screw is going though my head. " Madam pomfrey gasped and turned an angry red." Madam pomfrey? "

" He's using legilimense on children?! " she bellowed. She stormed off to her office and came out a few minutes later with a lady wearing a red cape and had a monocle over her left eye.

" Greetings, I'm Madam Bones, head of the DMLE, I've gotten reports that you've been subjected to illegal mind arts. " the woman stated bluntly. Hermione nodded, slightly scared.

"It's okay hermione, you'll be okay." Harry smiled softly as he absently scratched the top of hermione's head, making her purr and push her head into his hand.

"thanks Harry. " she whispered softly.

" As in Potter? " Madam bones asked. Harry nodded." May I ask what happened? And don't worry, you're not going to be arrested or expelled unless it's illegal. " she added seeing their looks.

" Polyjuice accident. " hermione stated softly, a bit saddened that Harry stopped scratching her head." we were trying to find out who opened the chamber of secrets. " Madam bones looked confused and raised an eyebrow." With the attacks we thought it would be a slytherin given who was attacked. "

" I had no clue of any of this. " Madam bones frowned.

" Curse you albus, he said he'd notified you already. " Madam pomfrey swore.

" So, anything that may be linked to this? " she asked.

" Roosters were killed just before the first attack, the victims were found petrified and all near a reflective source. " hermione stated.

" then there's the voice in the walls demanding to kill. " Harry shuddered.

" By chance do you speak magical languages? " Madam bones asked.

" Just snake and cat. " Harry responded.

" Either we've got a Basilisk or a hell panther on our hands but since this is the chamber of secrets, my bets on a basilisk. " Madam bones stated.

" I assure you that everything is under control. " a elderly voice mused, everyone turned to see Dumbledore standing there, a twinkle in his eye, both hermione and harry, gasped in pain, holding their heads.

" GET OUT! GET OUT OF MY MIND! " Hermione screamed in agony. Madam Bones's eyes opened in shock and quickly stunned the headmaster along with help from the healer. He dropped like a sack of potatoes. Harry was the first to recover and hugged the now crying Hermione." it hurts, it hurts so much. " she sobbed.

Madam pomfrey rushed to a shelf and pulled out a pale brown colored potion and handed it to Harry." Give this to her, it's a pain relief potion. " Harry nodded and gently coaxed hermione into drinking the potion. Her face screwed up at the taste but she drank it anyway, desperate to stop the sharp stabbing sensation.

" you okay hermione? " he asked softly as he brushed away her tears.

" I feel so, so violated. " she sobbed. Harry sighed and hugged her gently." I feel awful. "

" It's okay hermione, it's okay, we're here for you. I'm here for you. " he continued as he rubbed her back, resulting in more purring.

" Would you two be willing to testify against him? " Madam bones asked, kicking the headmaster in disgust. They nodded." Madam bones, "notify the deputy that they are to take over for the time being. " Madam pomfrey nodded." I'll be back in a few hours with a squad of aurors to guard the school. " she pulled out a red pen as she grabbed albus and they dissappear with a pop. Later that day it would be discovered that Albus had the Potter will hidden in his vault and would be read next week at the official hearing.