Hey and welcome to the start of my Demonic Love series. This story was originally one of my original stories with OC characters. Which means that some characters here may be a little (or largely) OCC. So I apologise for that, but like I said this was my original story not meant for fanfiction, and I didn't want to rewrite the entire thing so I just changed a few things. I also want to mention that I gave Tenten a last name in this story but I'll try and not use it as much.

So anyway without further waiting, here is the first chapter of episode 1. Enjoy.

In the middle of July, the setting sun had now risen up and was hanging over the city of Konohagakure. At this time of day, husbands where leaving their houses for work as their wives, sometimes their children, saw them out the door, wishing them to have a good day. Middle and high schoolers were also making their way to school whilst happily talking to their friends.

But during this time of day, there was one high school student who was still sleeping. Even though her alarm clock had been going off a quite few times now.

In the Hyuga household, the raven haired girl, Hyuga Hinata was sleeping soundly in bed, enjoying it's warmth (even though it was summer now). That was until the sound of her alarm shattered that blissful moment, making the once quiet room loud. A hand then appeared from within the covers, a groan coming with it and it began to wave frantically into the air, trying to find the source of the sound but got nothing but air instead.

After a few seconds of hitting nothing, Hinata finally found the alarm clock that was on her bedside table and turned it off, making the loud room quiet once more and returned her hand underneath the covers. But unfortunately, for the ravenette, as her hand went back in, the alarm clock went off again. With another groan she reached out again, turning off the annoying sound and retracted her hand back into the warm covers. Not soon after she did, the alarm clock suddenly started to ring again, and Hinata quickly turned it off.

This continued to happen again. And again. And again, the alarm clock refusing to let the ravenette get any more sleep.

While Hinata and the alarm clock were battling it out, the sound of footsteps could be heard from behind the door. In the next moment it flew open, and a girl with a summer uniform,with brown hair tied into two buns, came inside the ravenette's room.

The brunette was Hinata's childhood friend, Hiramatsu Tenten, and she would always come to Hinata's house to check up on her and make she she was awake, just in case she looked like she was going to be late (which was most of the time).

"Hey Hinata, it's time to get up!" Tenten shouted, coming through the bedroom door. "Come on and get up before we're..."

Tenten stopped her sentence mid-way and just stared at the spectacle in front of her, a confused expression on her face. She was seeing her best friend waging war against her alarm clock. The brunette just sighed as the scene in front of her continued to play out. "Not again," the girl muttered under her breath and started to walk up to the bed. How many times does this make it now?

As she got to the bed's side, the scrambling duo were still at it, and by the look of things it wasn't going to stop any time soon. Finally having enough, Tenten grabbed the alarm clock and turned it off properly, ending Hinata's struggle.

"Now with that taken care of," the brunette spoke to herself, dealing with the small problem. Tenten then looked at the girl under the covers, who seemed to be fast asleep again. Now for the big problem. Setting the clock down, Tenten went up to Hinata and put her hands on her friends body, shaking her. "Come on Hinata, wake up."

Tenten stopped shaking her friend and waited. But the response that she received in return was a groan, and the sound of Hinata trying to get herself more comfortable, which wasn't the reaction Tenten wanted. The brunette's eye began to twitch, a forced smile forming on her lips. Since it looked like that the ravenette wasn't going to get up any time soon, the bun headed girl decided to use her last resort.

Grabbing the girl's covers, Tenten decided to do the old table cloth trick, which was when you pulled the cloth off of a table, all items on it would remain in place. But the brunette planned for the opposite effect.

"Good morning..." Tenten greeted her friend with an evil smile, and then pulled the quilt. "Hinata!"

With one great big pull, Tenten's plan took effect. The ravenette started to roll with the covers, fall off the bed and landed on the floor face first with a giant thud. The groan that was moaning for more sleep, had turned into a moan of pain.

Walking along the concrete path, Tenten and the now awakened Hinata, where making their way towards their school, Konoha High for girls. The raven haired girl was rubbing her still red face from the collision with her bedroom floor. She looked to her friend, whom looked as if nothing had ever happened.

"What you did was very mean Tenten," Hinata complained to the brown haired girl.

"What was?" Tenten replied, playing innocent.

"You know exactly what I mean. That's the first time I've been woken up like that."

Tenten just let out a sigh and turned to her friend. "It's your fault Hinata," she stated. "No matter how much I shook you, you wouldn't wake up. Heck, even your alarm clock was loud and even that didn't do the job!" When Tenten voiced that, the ravenette gave the brunette a confused look.

"It went off?"

"Yes, it did," Tenten replied. Multiple times, and the fact that you were fighting the damn thing was what the brunette wanted to add, but kept that part to herself. She knew the ravenette would have no recollection of what happened, and it would go completely over her head.

"I wonder why I didn't hear it?" Hinata asked out loud to herself.

"Beats me," Tenten gave out a quick reply.

Thanks to the pair chatting to one another, they got to their destination a lot faster without them realising it. In front of them stood one of Konohagakure's schools: Konoha High for girls, the only girl's school in the city.

Once the girl's went past the gate, got to the shoe lockers and exchanged their out door shoes for shoe-like slippers, they made there way to the second floor and to their classroom labelled 2-B. As they entered the room, the first thing both girl's heard was the excitement in their classmates voices as they spoke to each other. Tenten found it strange. The girl's in her class would happily chat to one another to begin with, but right now what she was seeing was on another scale. What's going on? Tenten thought, she and Hinata moving further into the room.

A classmate noticed the pair of girls making their way through and greeted them. "Good morning Hiramatsu-san, Hyuga-san."

"Good morning," they both replied back, Hinata's greeting being joyful, whilst Tenten's was in monotone, still thinking. The brunette wasn't getting anywhere however and decided to ask the girl what was bothering her. "What's with all the fuss?"

"You haven't heard?" another girl joined in on the conversation.

"Heard what?" Hinata replied.

"A transfer student is coming to this class!" the girl squealed in excitement. "I wonder what she's going to be like?"

"Transfer student...?" Hinata and Tenten said in unison. The brunette found it strange that a new girl was transferring now, when they were two weeks away from summer break. Also the end of semester exams were fast approaching as well. Whoever this new girl was, was going to have her hands full.

The door to the classroom slid open and a man, wearing a surgical mask on his face, came into the room. He was class 2-B's homeroom teacher, Hatake Kakashi. "Alright everyone, take your seats," he said in a laid back tone.

With those words, all the girl's that were talking excitedly at one point, quickly made their way back to their seats, Hinata and Tenten included. The ravenette's seat was at the window isle at the back, whilst Tenten's was at the seat diagonally in front of hers. As Hinata was making her way, she noticed that there was a spare desk and chair behind her's, which wasn't there before. There really is a transfer coming in today Hinata thought to herself, before she sat down at her own desk.

When everyone was finally seated, Kakashi made his way to the podium and when he stood there he gazed around the class, his right eye looking the girl's facial expressions while his left remained closed.

Hinata always wondered what was underneath that closed eye lid. In fact, his hidden eye was one of the seven wonders of Konoha High. Some of the girl's had said that there was no eye, it was just an empty socket. That he lost it during a fight with ten big muscled men, which he beat all by himself.

Hinata didn't believe it one bit however. She just thought that he liked to have that eye shut. The reason? She didn't know.

When Kakashi was satisfied that everyone had sat down, he took the student register from under his arm and opened it with one hand, the other was in the pocket of his jacket. "Now then. Let's see who's in," he said and then began reading each name out loud.

After all the names were called out, the white haired man snapped the book shut and placed it on the pedestal in front of him. "Now with that out of the way, I think it's time to announce what you've all been waiting for." The girls in the classroom were all ears at this point. After all, this was what they were waiting for. "As you've all probably heard, there will be a new girl joining this class." At this the girl's got even more excited, but they tried there best not to make it too obvious.

Seeing the expressions on their faces, Kakashi felt like it was time. Turning his head toward the door the homeroom teacher told whoever was outside to come in. After a long pause, the door to the room slowly opened and from it, the girl everyone had been waiting for, came through it.

When the new transfer student, whom everyone was excited about, walked inside, the excitement the girl's had on the faces completely changed into shock. The transfer girl had pink, shoulder length hair and her right eye was light green coloured, like an emerald. The left however was probably the reason why the girl's were shocked. The transfer's left eye was covered in gauze wrapping and what was even more shocking was the fact, thanks to the summer uniform she was wearing, her left arm was, too, wrapped up in gauze.

Nobody would say it, but the all the girl's thoughts were near enough the same. The pink haired girl had looked like she had been in a terrible accident and the emerald coloured eye showing gave out a slightly cold glare so they didn't stare for too long.

Kakashi, either being oblivious or not caring about the atmosphere turning sour, spoke to the pinkette in a laid back tone. "Alright then. Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" he asked her, and in response, the transfer gazed at the white haired man before she turned around. Picking up the chalk, she started to write on the blackboard, and when she was done, the pink haired girl put the chalk down and turned to face her classmates, the glare still present in her emerald orb.

Written behind her was her name.

"My name is Haruno Sakura,"the pinkette introduced herself in a cold manner. "I'm sixteen years old." And that was all the girl named Sakura said for her introduction and everyone looked even more nervous than before.

Probably sensing that the pink haired girl wasn't going to say anything else, the white haired man decided to speak up. "Now wasn't that a simple introduction," Kakashi said, trying to brighten up the mood in his own way. It didn't work however. Sighing, Kakashi turned his gaze toward Hinata's direction, and called out to the ravenette, who had kept her eyes on the emerald eyed girl. "Hyuga-san!"

Hearing her name shouted suddenly, Hinata quickly stood up. All eyes, including the transfer's, was on the raven haired girl. "Yes!" she replied loudly.

The one-eyed homeroom teacher turned his gaze back to the girl next to him. "This is Hyuga Hinata, our class representative," he said, pointing to the girl standing up. "If you have any questions or if there is something you don't understand, don't hesitate to talk to Hyuga-san. Now then, your desk is behind her's."

Kakashi then pointed to the desk behind Hinata's, and Sakura, having confirmed her seat, started to make her way towards it, the other girl's in the class watching her every move.

When the pinkette was near her desk, Hinata called out to her. "Um... Haruno-san..." The one, emerald eyed girl stopped next to the ravenette's desk and looked at the class rep. "Like Kakashi-sensei said, my name is Hyuga Hinata," the she introduced herself again. "It's very nice to meet you. I hope that we can become friends."

Hinata gave Sakura a gentle smile and extended her hand for a handshake. The pinkette stared at the hand that was being offered to her, closed her eye after a moment, and with a "Hmph" escaping her lips, walked past Hinata, and sat down at her assigned desk.

Hinata, feeling dejected after that rejection, lowered her arm and slumped back onto her seat. Everyone, who had watched the little scene between the girl's, turned back to the front, except for Tenten, who continued to look at the crestfallen Hinata and clenching her teeth, the brunette sent a nasty glare to the transfer student.

"Now with all the excitement taking care of," Kakashi spoke once more. "Let's start homeroom shall we?"