I really should be working on my other stories... But I had to do this. It was too good!

I hope you enjoy it anyway...


What was he doing out here? Poe didn't think he would ever reach as far as Tatooine, not for this mission. It was ridiculous. He knew following that Star Destroyer was a bad idea, and now, he had three TIE fighters hot on his tail, anxious to shoot him down. Poe maneuvered to the left to avoid them, but one of the ships cut him off, making him slow quickly so he didn't directly run into it. The TIE behind him caught up, and Poe veered over to the right. He was too late though, and the fighter shot one of his engines.

"BB-8! We're going down!" He yelled to the droid behind him, and he beeped back in a panic. Poe felt the ship spiral as the planet's surface below him grew ever closer. Alarms blared as the engine smoked and burned. He tried to get control, but the ship refused to stay on any sort of path. Poe tried to make a landing, so he didn't die with the ship, but the effort was useless. He managed to skid to a halt in the sand dangerously close to a lone building. After inspecting the damage, he realized one engine was toast, the cockpit window was cracked, and that dents were scattered all across the body.

BB-8 hopped out, constantly beeping and worrying, "Don't worry, we'll find a repair shop or something... Maybe this building is one." Poe found the front door, which was left wide open. He stepped inside, and saw only a desk sitting off to the side. Behind it was a young man, younger than Poe, who was writing something, "Excuse me," Poe caught his attention, and he looked up with a grimace, "do you know where the nearest mechanic is?"

The man raised a suspicious eyebrow, "You're standing in the best one around," He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, "what do you want?" His eyes were stern, almost looking annoyed, but Poe thought this was too convenient not to take advantage of, "Uh," He started nervously, "my ship half crash landed just outside, and I'll need some help repairing it."

The owner sat nodding grimly, "Yeah, we could probably do that." He stood up and stood halfway into a door he hadn't noticed before. Poe looked over him to see a large auto shop with workbenches and tools scattered everywhere. A couple of landspeeders were parked, and he even saw a few larger ships. The man from the desk shouted down to someone below, "Hey! There's a ship outside! Take care of it, will you?"

Nya pulled herself out from underneath the landspeeder at the sound of the door opening. Zev, the owner of the shop and her, yelled down at her, "Hey! There's a ship outside! Take care of it, will you?"

Nya scowled and muttered to herself, "First his landspeeder, now this..." Zev was always overworking her, but there never was anything she could do about it. Nya just took her anger out on her work, fixing things the best she could. This was just another chore for her to do. She looked outside, and sure enough, she did make out the outline of an X-wing a few hundred yards away. She pulled it in to check the engines, and saw that one of them was fried. The cockpit window had a nasty crack, and the body had been beaten up slightly from impact.

She started working on the engine, removing it carefully. It was totally destroyed, but Nya was able to salvage a few nuts and bolts here and there. To her, every part counted. They weren't easy to find around here. She started building a brand new engine from scratch, scrounging up parts from piles she hadn't been through in years. After painstakingly reconstructing part of the engine, and repairing the other one, Nya hopped into the cockpit to inspect the damage from the inside.

The first thing she saw was herself.

Her reflection gazed back at her from the glass window. It had been months since Nya had seen a mirror of any type. She looked at herself, taking in everything about her. Grease smudged her soft features, and her dirty blond hair, despite being pulled up and into a braid, was flecked with sand. She saw her green eyes, just like her father's and half covered by her bangs, stare intently into herself. Nya examined her scar- an accident, she told herself- that ran from over her left eye to just under her chin.

She threw the tool she was holding at the glass, partially shattering it. A few pieces fell into the cockpit, scraping Nya. It was nice to see herself again, but she hated everything that had to do with her scar. It was a story she didn't like to tell.

Nya buried the memory deep inside her, furiously continuing to work. She banged out the dents in the body angrily, but after awhile, she didn't even know why she was mad. She had busted the final dent when she heard footsteps, lighter and quicker than Zev's behind her. She was out of breath as she addressed the man behind her, "You must be the owner?"

A voice so much kinder than Zev's answered her, "Yeah," Nya started to turn, but she caught herself short, "Well you've got one hell of a..." That's when her eyes fell on him. He was smaller than most men she had met, with tan skin and dancing brown eyes. His dark hair curled and fell in front of his face. Confused, Nya spoke to him cautiously, narrowing her eyes at the sight of this mysterious stranger, "I feel like..." She heard a beep coming from behind him, and Nya watched as a BB-8 unit rolled out from behind him, chattering about a part he must of found in one of her piles. "A BB-8 unit..." She stared at the pilot in awe.

"You're Poe Dameron."

It was a sudden and dawning realization: The way he looked, the droid, the damned ship that Nya was just now realizing had the Resistance symbol painted on the side. It was Poe Dameron.

"Poe Dameron, the best pilot in the Resistance! What the hell are you doing out here?" He had to be crazy to be coming to Tatooine, which was now home to 300% more outlaws and First Order supporters than it was thirty years ago. If he were to walk into Mos Espa right then, he would have been shot within the hour just because someone recognized him.

Poe seemed to be surprised by her reaction, "Wow, I didn't news traveled this far out. I didn't know so many people knew who I was."

"Oh sure it does," She started, "the other slaves in Mos Espa talk about you and the Resistance all the time-" In fact, that was all she heard from other slaves in Mos Espa. They- along with her- were obsessed with knowing how the Resistance was doing. The Resistance didn't allow slavery.

"Wait, you're a slave?" Nya shifted her weight as Poe continued, "I thought the Republic outlawed slavery?"

"Yes, but this planet is under the First Order's influence... The First Order doesn't outlaw slavery." Nya had been a slave all her life. Zev had her working since she was five, her father teaching her the ropes of mechanics. After he was sold, she learned everything else from a Toydarian in town, who sold or gave her extra parts that she needed. Nya was the best mechanic on Tatooine.

She showed Poe the inside of her arm, where a small red triangle had been tattooed there, "This marks it," She rolled of the sleeve of her dark green shirt, exposing a thin metal band on her upper arm, "and this tracks it... But you've got one unique ship here," Nya quickly changed the subject, eager to stop talking about what she was. She was a person, no more, no less, "But I don't have all the parts...I'm afraid you might have to wait a few days."

Poe considered his situation, glancing at BB-8 for help, "Where would I stay? The nearest town is probably twenty miles away from here..."

"You could stay with me." She blurted. It was probably the best chance he had. Mos Espa has never been as corrupt as it has been the past few years. It was hard to trust anyone there. She heard BB-8 say something about not trusting her, and both of them gave him a glare, "Of course it's safe," They echoed. Poe looked up at her, a smile forming across his face, "Alright, I'll stay. I trust you..." Nya held out her hand, "The name is Nya. It really is an honor to meet you, Poe."

He shook her hand, "And I, you."

Feedback is appreciated!