AN: My first SessInu story on . Eee! Support is everything. Hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha. Pooh.

Chapter 1

The boy was too quiet.

She knew this was normal behavior for him of course. He often held a contemplative air around him as he gazed upon things only he could see.

Not for the first time, she wondered what was going on in that mind of his.

She learned long ago that any inquiry she dared to ask would only be met with silence. Never once did he share his thoughts. It was quite frustrating. The more she knew the easier it would be for her to try and accommodate him.

She could only silently hope that he knew she would be willing to listen.

She worried for him, more than she probably should. He was unlike any other child she had met in her thirty-three years of life. There was an intelligence in his eyes that was almost uncanny.

If she were being completely honest, she barely knew much about him. Not from a lack of trying. She had tried everything she could think of that could possibly get him to open up to her.

Only to be met by the ever present wall that separated him from those that tried to get to close.

He was too guarded. She couldn't help but think he must be exhausted with trying to make sure he was unapproachable.

Not that he wasn't succeeding. All she knew for certain was that that wasn't any way for anyone to live out there life.

It wasn't healthy.

She was determined to see him with some semblance of peace in his life. Too fail a child was to fail herself.

People knew her for this attitude, just not for the reasons behind it.

Hence the reason he was placed in her care. She was known for making the impossible happen. She could see why they handed him over to her. They found him to hard to deal with apparently.

People also knew she didn't bother as much with the simpler cases. Her attention laid with the more troubled youth. He was proving to be quite the challenge. Never before had she felt so lost when dealing with a mere child.

The only pleasure she took in all this was the fact she knew what she was capable of.

She could be just as stubborn as he could. If he hadn't figured that out in the past year they knew each other, she knew he was bound to figure it out eventually.

Cerise-colored eyes gazed upon the boy who sat by the window. He sat away from the other children. She couldn't help but look around at the smiles that adorned the other childrens faces as they chatted amongst friends.

It made her heart clench uncomfortably. This was how teenagers should act, she decided. They were supposed to want to go out with friends. Supposed to go on dates. Be rebellious. Complain about homework. She shook her head at her own thoughts. She sensed some of the childrens eyes on her as she walked across the classroom.

The closer she got to him, the louder she made her steps. She didn't want to have to touch him to get his attention, knowing his dislike for physical touch.

She'd rather not make a scene in the classroom.

He didn't turn to look at her, though she knew he was aware it was her.

She stopped herself a respectable distance behind him. Just beyond her reach. That seemed to be the case between them.

"Hello Sesshomaru." She said quietly, more than aware of the silence that fell over the room. Not doubt wondering who she was, and why she was talking to the mysterious boy. She decided to ignore them.

"Kagura." He returned, finally turning from the window he'd been staring out of. That was all he said before picking up his belongings and heading for the door. She turned and followed him.

They walked in silence through the empty hallway.

A part of her wanted to ask if there was anyone he wished to say goodbye to. Reassure him that they had more than enough time if that is what he wished to do.

She knew. Knew there was no one for him to miss.

She held her tongue.

Warm air greeted them as they exited the main doors of the high school.

She looked around, noting how empty the parking lot now seemed.

It had been quite packed before she had entered the school. All was quiet and still now. People excited to get started on their weekend.

She unlocked the car doors, watching as Sesshomaru slid in the backseat.

Through the rear view mirror she noticed him about to slip in his earbuds, no doubt intending to stay that way throughout the trip.

There was something she needed to address first.

"Wait Sesshomaru," she spoke quietly, watching as his hand stilled. His gaze met her through the mirror.

"How do you feel about all this? I'm sorry for not being able to sit down and discuss this with you properly. I know this all quite sudden, but there were no other options available. I hate to have to yank you from here like this, but you're aware of the situation with Ms. Rin."

She paused as he suddenly looked away. He stared out at nothing, his stony expression unreadable.

The urge to pull this child into a hug came over her, but she managed to ignore it. She couldn't cross that line. It wasn't that she cared that was the problem. She just cared too much.

She also wasn't sure if the gesture would be appreciated.

"I want you to know," she began, "that none of this is your doing. Nothing you did, or didn't do would have changed the outcome in all this. Just know that she wanted you to stay. In the end, she decided this would be best for you. She wouldn't have wanted you to see her like that. Please understand."

He didn't say anything, or even acknowledge that he even heard her.

On the rare occasion, she didn't mind the silence. She could only imagine what he was thinking. The feelings coursing throughout him.

It wasn't fair, she thought. She could only hope the heavens would show some favor his way.

She sighed as she turned on the engine. It was time to get going. Merging with traffic, they headed off toward their next location.

She hoped that something good came along soon. For both of their sakes.