Welcome to the very first chapter of Chicago High. If your favourite ship or character hasn't been mentioned yet, don't fret - if you stick around you'll get to see a different spin to all your faves and their stories.


There was a lot of booze, that's what Erin remembers the most about her weekend. She can remember lifting her shirt up over her breasts, her head had been intoxicated, but it wasn't anywhere near her limit by then. The applause and complete admiration she heard in their voices, that's what drove her the most.

Collapsing into her boyfriend's lap, and straddling him until it hurt her thighs, he was bigger than her but she wanted him then and there. Maybe most mothers didn't want their half naked teenage daughters humping their boyfriend's on her couch, but Erin's mother was so stoned Erin didn't think she would care even if she had been aware.

It was like this every weekend, Erin would beg Kelly to take her out, but her snake of a mother would always convince him to have a drink, just one she always told him, until Kelly was too drunk to even remember why he'd come over in the first place, and before long Bunny's hoard of animal friends would be filing into their living room, making themselves at home. There hasn't been a single street drug that hasn't been consumed between these four walls, Erin knew that for a fact. It wasn't that she was an innocent bystander either, she's been right there snorting lines beside her own mom, that was something she didn't think she was proud of.

On the days she bothered to show up to school was always hell. There she was hung-over sitting in class, giving attitude to any teacher who bothered to call her out in class. She wasn't pleasant to be around, not during the week at least. If it wasn't for her lunchtime smoke sessions with Kelly behind the school gymnasium, that almost always turned into quickies that made her buzz in places drugs couldn't even begin to touch her.

Last night had been no different, except for the fact that it had been a school night, and although she had protested with her mother, she didn't put up a hard enough fight. Kelly had been at home like the good little boy his parents thought he was, while she had been trying to avoid the sleaze of a mom's boyfriend was trying to get into her pants. As she sat there on a broken chair, pressing her head against the brick wall behind her. "You missed a hell of a night last night." She told Kelly, who was sitting down beside her, his ass against the ground. He looked up at his girlfriend, and wrapped his fingers around hers. "I told you I was studying, you know what my dad's like." He pointed out, and Erin let out a sigh. She didn't know what his dad was like, not really. She knew that Kelly wasn't the kind of guy who would bring home the likes of her. His family wasn't perfect, but compared to her home life they might as well be.

"Still." She hummed, closing her eyes to avoid the angry brightness of the sun. She didn't want to think too hard, she was just glad to have him by her side again. She didn't have much in this world, but she did have him. It sounded so weak to her relying on him for her everything. She was an independent girl in more ways than one, yet she would never admit that he was the only thing in her life that she would miss.

"Didn't have too much fun without me did you?" He asked her, still fiddling with her fingers. She wasn't wearing the ring he'd given her for her birthday, he pretended not to notice but his mind did skim over the idea that maybe she didn't want it anymore, or him.

"Definitely did not." She answered, opening her eyes for a moment, just so she could glance down at her boyfriend momentarily. They weren't the perfect couple, Erin was screwed up in more ways than even she knew, and Kelly had his own issues, his home life wasn't the greatest either, she knew he and his dad fought a bit, but he never mentioned what they fought over.

Her answer seemed to please him enough to lean up to give her a kiss, something that she never seemed to turn down, especially not when she was feeling like shit, and he was the only thing that took her mind off it. "What was that for?" She hummed as their lips broke. He didn't move far, simply hovered in that position. She could feel his breath against her cheeks for a moment, it was comforting in a way, familiar, safe.

"I don't have to have a reason to kiss you do I?" He asked as he pulled away finally. The sunlight was no longer shielded by his head, and Erin was a little startled by how bright it was now, she hated this time of the day, it always casts a spotlight over their corner, the same corner she liked to think of as their own, nobody else came behind the building, their reputation protected that probably.

"No, you don't." She confirmed, holding her hands over her eyes like a visor the soccer mom's always seemed to be wearing, she didn't know though, since her mom probably didn't even know what soccer was anyway.

Matt absentmindedly looked up when he heard someone entering the library, he wasn't usually one to hit the books in his lunch hour, but he had a killer of an essay due in less than a week and honestly he wasn't in the mood to fail a class, he didn't think he would ever be in that mood. He flashed her a smile as Gabriela Dawson started walking towards him, she smiled back and made her way over to pull out the seat beside him. "You're still working on that?" She asked, glancing over at his computer screen, he scratched the back of his neck and let out a well overdue groan. It wasn't that he had been avoiding it, it's just that he's had other things on his mind lately. His girlfriend was going out of town on a family vacation, and he's been trying to make the most of their last few days together.

"Hallie left last night, my mind was preoccupied." He explained, and she nodded her head slowly.

"You're the sappiest guy I know." She teased, nudging her shoulder against his for a moment. She definitely wasn't jealous, at least that's what she was trying to swallow anyway. They'd been friends since the day they met, that was years ago now and she knew it was so cliché to have a crush on your best friend, yet there she was living her own damn soap opera.

"You're going to ruin my street cred if you go around calling me that." He told her, following his words with an over exaggerated pout, she couldn't help herself as her smile took over.

"What street cred is that?" She snorted, shaking her head because he was too much sometimes.

Matt opened his mouth to defend himself, but he didn't get a chance to speak before the bell was ringing, and he realised exactly how much time he'd actually wasted. "I guess I'm in for a few all nighters this week." He complained as he closed the lid of his laptop. "I'll see you in English later?" He said to her, and Gaby nodded her head before they walked their separate ways.

"What was that all about?"

Gaby turned around to see Shay standing there behind her. It wasn't like she had been keeping a secret, but the way her friend's voice had startled her, you'd swear that she had just been caught doing something wrong. "Nothing, I ran into him in the library, it's no big deal." She shrugged, knowing Shay saw right through her, she was just too good of a friend to admit it.

"Right, and I'm screwing Kelly Severide." She snorted, thinking about her friend. She hasn't seen much of him in a while, not since he started shacking up with Erin. When Erin came into the picture everything seemed to change with him, he didn't have time for anything except her. Who knows why, Shay sure didn't know what he saw in her. As far as she was concerned Erin was bad news, everybody knew that. She was just worried that Kelly was going to get himself kicked out of school because of her, and his future would be ruined.

Gabriela rolled her eyes at her comment, knowing that there was a time when Kelly would have jumped at a chance to get into Shay's pants, but that felt like forever ago now.

"Speak of the devil." She whispered, leaning across to the blonde to keep her voice as quiet as possible. The pair watched as the loved up couple walked hand in hand down the hallway. Erin looked as though she hadn't slept in a week, but Kelly stilled looked at her like she had hung the damn stars.

"Why is it that girls like her get to have all the good guys, but girls like us don't even get pity dates?" Gaby asked, and Shay shrugged her shoulders, she didn't really care about dates, or rather she wasn't interested in dates with boys, but she wasn't about to admit that out loud, she wasn't ready for that just yet.