The final chapter! I think, at least. Came a bit out of nowhere, i know, but it seemed fitting *shrugs*

As a quick note to prevent confusion -
Bennu bird- Egyptian bird.
Hennu boat- some mythical Egyptian boat, its tears would basically be a splinter.
Warnings: author being a cock-tease. Sorry! (Spoilers-
it means theres some making out, possibly horribly written)

So i know Im a few months late, im so sorry! *bows*

I tried to clear a few things up here; but its still probably very cracky.
Hope you have fun!



"So let me get this straight. I tried to kill you, but ended up dying myself, spent 15 years without a body, then got it back but I looked like a snake, and then, a few years later, I actually managed to kill you, except you didn't stay dead and killed me instead?"

"Sounds about right." Nodded Horatio.

"And then you decided that the cost of winning was too high, learned that the 'dark side' was right all along-"

"Well, I don't agree on everything you stood for then-"

"-And you somehow managed to find an actual Hennu boat and traveled here?" Finished Marvolo, not paying any attention to his Pettys interruption.

"Wait, I managed to find what now?" Blinked Horatio.

"Rek itrow requires a tear of a Hennu boat."

"No, it requires a tear of a Bennu bird. It was a bitch to find, too. Had to spend a fortune on it!" Mused the young man.

"Pett-Potter, I read the book less than an hour ago. It definitely said Hennu, not Bennu." Frowned the Dark Lord.

Horatio and Marvolo started at each other.

And then they were both scrambling for the book.

Dear Severus,

How are you doing? I know you have read my last letter (my owl would have reported it if it were otherwise), and you haven't taken me up on my offer, so I sincerely hope that means you are happy with your grandfather.

Regardless, my door will always be open for you.

Still, I'm writing to you with a different reason in mind.

I am in need of your potion expertise.

Let's say, completely hypothetically, if we took a base of moonstone, uraeus venom and a wizards blood, added 5 hellebore petals and a crocodiles heart.

And then, again, completely hypothetically, instead of a tear of a Hennu boat, we added a tear of a Bennu bird.

How would that affect the potions characteristics?

…Completely hypothetically, of course.

Please, do not attempt to brew it, it's extremely toxic without the proper ritual and tools.

And no, I can't tell you what it's for.

However, given a prompt reply, and a promise to forget this potion, I may be able to send you a potions recipe that you might have some fun with.

It's called the Wolfsbane potion, and it is yet to be published.

Its purpose is to render a werewolf completely tame during its transformation, by leaving the human side completely in control at all time.

Wouldn't it be interesting if you knew a certain group that would do just about anything for this potion?

Including stopping their childish behaviour towards you?

I hopefully wait for your reply,

Your hopeful friend.

P.S. I will send you the Wolfsbane recipe whether you know the answer to my question or not, just please reply as soon as you can!

What kind of an idiot confuses Hennu boat and Bennu bird?

….Other than his 'His hopeful friend', apparently.

The same hopeful friend, who somehow managed to get a yet to be published potion (as if potion masters gave those out freely), a potion, that would bring the Griff's to their knees?

Alright, Severus decided, he will bite.

And if he ended up poisoning Lupin, well, that was fine by him.

As long as he swore the Marauders to secrecy beforehand, that is.

"Hopeful friend",

First of all, yes, I am fine. My grandfather is taking care of me, and I am hap-content here.

Second off all, are you an idiot?

How on earth did you manage to make such an idiotic mistake?

I sincerely advise you to get your eyesight checked. Promptly.

As for your question.

Luckily for you, both Bennu and Hennu tears have relatively similar effects when combined with magical blood.

Not so luckily for you, Bennu tears, when combined with moonstone, result in a mind-altering substance, and, with hellebore petals, it would render whoever takes the potion mentally unstable.

So, in short, the potion would still do whatever it was intended to do, except it would also render the consumer somewhat unhinged.

Please tell you did not take it.


Severus Snape

P.S. There is a small chance it might wear off with time, but I cannot say for sure.

P.P.S. I await for my potion recipe.

"He does have a point."

"What point?" Distractedly asked Horatio whilst sending off the promised potion.

"You are an idiot."

"Hey, I will let you know that 'H' is very similar looking to 'B', and it's not my fault the author writes in chicken-scratch!"

"Because 'Bennu boat' makes a lot of sense? Just admit it, you were and idiot and it apparently rendered you mad." Smirked Marvolo.

"Well, I guess I'm just like you in that regard, huh?" Snarled Horatio.

And then froze.

Did he just?

"Shit, I'm..." Horatio raised his arms and tried to apologize.

"No, no, do carry on." The Dark Lord dangerously narrowed his eyes.

"Um" Shit, that should not be as hot as it is.

"You were saying?" Marvolo started to come closer to him.

"I didn't mean…" And Horatio tried to slowly inch backwards.

"No, you clearly were saying something. Repeat it for me?" Marvolo was now right next to him, and leaning closer.

"Please?" Whispered the Dark Lords right into his ear.

"I…" Horatio tried to think. Quick, say something smart!


"I think I might be popping a boner right about now." WTF BRAIN?

"Good." Came the reply.

Wait, wha-

And then he was being kissed.

Well, more specifically, the esteemed Dark Lord was currently shoving him onto the table and mauling his mouth.

Horatio decided that the best idea was to go along with it.

And to give back as good as he got, of course.

With that, he wrapped his arms and legs around Marvolo, and kissed back with as much force as he could.

Soon enough, they were both panting and sprouting several rather impressive hickeys (as well as other, rather impressive things).


"Merlin yes."

Yes, Harry decided, whilst lying next to a sleeping Dark Lord, life was good.

He might be a bit insane, but everything else?

Worked out just as he planned.

Marvolo pierced his soul back and was relatively sane.

He promised not to start a civil war, as well as stopping with the mindless killings.

His parents will be untouched by war.

Sirius and Regulus will get an apology from their mother (who will be forced to see a mind healer).

Lupin will get a job offer for a researcher position straight out of Hogwarts, curtesy of the goblins.

Wormtail will get an offer for his dream job, in Japan. Completely made up, of course, by Horatio himself.

(Japan had very strict animagus laws, and non-registered foreigners get arrested the second they land there.

Hopefully, they will keep Wormtail in jail for a few years. Or decades.)

Severus, from the sound of it, was happy living with his grandfather.

Horatio, if needed, will do his best to help Severus find new friends, and a job position he doesn't hate, but for now, it looked like his help won't even be needed.

Severus could now also have endless fun with making the Marauders beg for his forgiveness, as well as for the Wolfsbane potion.

And everyone else?

Well, they will simply have to fend for themselves, won't they?



And thats it!

Please dont kill me for not being explicit, i never wrote porn in my life, and it would probably suck... Forgive me? *bows*

Thank you for sticking with me, and i hope you had fun!
I impatiently await for your comments and reviews!

Special thanks go to: MirrorFlower and DarkWind, GinHanelle, akuma, badholt and the rest of kind people who reviewed, favored, followed and stuck with me from chapter to chapter. You guys rock!