Hey guys,
so this story is a bit different from the stories I uploaded here so far.
"Just a bit fun or a total disaster" is a request from
nyelator, who asked for a story written like an episode of Total Divas.

Brie and Nikki Bella
Summer Rae
(Of course, since this is taking place in Total Divas, the actions are not scripted and the divas will appear out of their wrestling characters in here.)

It's taking place aroude the beginning of July 2016.
As a reader you should at least sketchily know what is happening in the divas private lifes (with their rivaries and relationships) to catch up with their conversations in here.

And with all this said ...
Enjoy reading *heart*

Previously on Total Divas ...

"Did you hear that about Lana and Rusev, Nikki?", Brie asked her sister, sipping at her ice coffee.
The Bellas had met up with their girls in a café to talk about the events of the past days.
"Mmmm, you mean their wedding in a couple of weeks?", Paige mumbled her mouth full of chocolate cake.
"Paige!", Nataly hit her shoulder playfully, causing the black haired woman to giggle with her hand covering her mouth.
"M' sorry Nattie." She apologized, quickly swallowing most of the cake in her mouth, "It's just … this cake is so freaking good!"
"You and chocolate Paige …", Nikki chuckled, shaking her head in amusement and the whole group started laughing.

"Okay guys, even when Paige looks pretty funny with all that chocolate around her mouth right now …" Brie giggled, " … I'd rather like to get back to our last topic about Lana's wedding on 29th July."
"How come everybody suddenly gets married?", Nikki complained, "You and Bryan, Nattie and TJ, Eva and Jonathan, Rosa and Bobby and now Lana and Rusev as well?" The twin's look was fixed on the ice cream in front of her, while she was poking a bit frustrated in the remains of it.
"Wait, what do you mean by everybody?", Paige asked, putting the last fork of cake into her mouth, letting the chocolate slowly melt on her tongue. "I am not married.", She quickly clarified.
" … and I'm pretty glad that Alberto and I haven't talked out this subject yet." The British woman added quietly, remembering her last relationship with Kevin.
"Oh Nikki, don't be sad." Nataly briefly stroked over her friend's back, "Didn't John already told you that he is working on himself? I'm sure he'll be ready soon."
"I know." Nikki faintly smiled, "And at least now I know the reason for his behavior. I'm so glad we had this talk. It felt so good hearing him say all those sweet things and how much he really loves me." Her smile grew, when the memory popped up in her mind.

"Anyways …" Paige tried to guide the conversation back on the upcoming wedding. " … Why do you wanna talk about Lana's marriage?", she asked Brie curiously, putting the empty plate aside.
"Well …"the twin started, " … I thought it could be fun to organize … you know a small high night for Lana …"
"Oh, do I sense a wish for a good reason to once more get into Brie Mode here? I like it girl.", Paige smirked, getting a hit on the shoulder from Nikki, who could remember too well how her sister's last tour through all kinds of bars - together with the British woman - had ended. Paige laughed seeing Nikki's evil glare.
"Who could have known that she'd actually puke on you the next morning?", the black haired woman chuckled.
"Not funny Paige. Not funny." Nikki murmured.
"No, that's not what I wanted to say." Brie interrupted them quickly, rolling her eyes, "I just meant that you only get married to the right man once in your life. And well … Lana can be a bit … offish, when it comes to things like this … maybe she won't even make a hen night."
"Yes, you're probably right." Nataly nodded in agreement.
"So …", Brie smiled, " … I thought, why not organize one for her?" She looked at the others full of expectation.
"I like it!", Paige answered enthusiastic, grinning brightly, "What do you say girl? Nikki? Nattie?"

"I don't know Brie …", Nikki doubted after a quick moment of silence.
"Well … as longer as I think about this …", Nataly finally rose to speak, " … a bit fun won't hurt anybody, right?" She smiled, "Come on Nikki."
"Okay, when you guys really want do this …" Nikki shrugged, smiling back at her girls, "I'm in. There's only one condition …" Her look wandered over to Paige, "It's you and not me, who gets puked on this time!" Nikki had pointed a finger at the black hair woman, causing her to laugh out loud.
"We'll see Nikki. We'll see." Paige giggled. "I could ask Eva and Emma if they want to join us.", the British suggested.
"Sounds good, maybe Eva brings Mandy as well." Nataly said.
"Awesome!", Brie grinned, "Girls, this is going to be the greatest hen nights of all time, one that Lana will remember a lifetime!"

Just a bit fun or a total disaster

Thanks for reading!
I see you in the reviews :)