Rose: Hey guys! I'm back again! I am now obsessed with Young Justice, and-

Sparrow: I think 'obsessed' is a bit too small of a word, there.

Rose: Shut up...

Frost: No, like, really. Obsessed doesn't even begin to cover it.

Sparrow: I told you!

Rose: I will kill you! Anywho, as I was saying, I am overly-obsessed with Young Justice now, and have decided to open a fic of one-shots.

Frost: But not just any one-shots!

Sparrow: Request one-shots!

Rose: Simply send in your request-

Sparrow: -Via review and/or PM-

Frost: -She always gets to PM's first, kids-

Rose: -And I'll do my best to complete it in a timely manner.

Frost: Please include a nickname for yourself-

Sparrow: -Characters you want Rose to use-

Frost: -A basic plot line-

Sparrow: -Or just a single word, you never know what'll come from those-

Frost: -And any ships you'd like to include!

Sparrow: *cough* Birdflash *cough cough*

Rose: I do use OC's, but if you'd like me to use one of yours, please include a detailed description of said OC in your request. Otherwise, Frost and Sparrow will now provide a list of my OC's you can request!

Sparrow: Okay, there's Juniper Willow Wade, a small girl who attends Gotham academy, nothing special.

Frost: Sabrina Castillo, an aspiring Olympics Gymnast.

Sparrow: Lianne Lahni Jenkins, or Slip, a shadow girl

Frost: Emerald-

Sparrow: -And Sapphire-

Frost: -Two boys who are heroes with earth powers.

Sparrow: Serella and Vivian Groyne-

Frost: -The witch twins, very powerful.

Sparrow: And my personal favorite, Dreadrose!

Frost: Otherwise known as Rose Blu Smith.

Sparrow: A mercenary assassin who specializes in blades and poisons.

Rose: And of course, you can always use Sparrow and Frost. Sparrow is a meta, powers of flight and tongue, and Frost is also a meta, with powers of ice and snow.

Sparrow: Please use me!

Frost: No, use me! Sparrow is lame!

Sparrow: Hey! I've never even shown up in a story!

Frost: Neither have I, genius!

Rose: No one cares, you two! Anyhow, remember that if you have an actual account, I'll try to PM you and alert you when your one-shot has been posted.

Frost: All OC's and ideas will be credited properly-

Sparrow: -Via name, of course-

Rose: -I ask only that you do not use my OC's without permission. PM me if you wish to use them in one of your own stories. I'm sure we can work something out.

Frost: Our poor, dear Rosie has no life, and is very bored-

Sparrow: -So get her busy!