Well here it is the last chapter, it's a little shorter than the rest but I hope just as good.

I would like to thank you all for reading.


Chapter 8

Fates Decided.

The beak like mouth of the Imperial cruiser slowly lowered, columns of air gushed out through small opening in is metal armour. As soon as a faint click could be heard as metal touched the hard ground loud footsteps could be heard marching down the cold surface. Darth Vader surveyed the terrain, Takodana. A lush, emerald planet, it surface covered by forest and lakes, it's trees full of life, a planet of beauty.

However to day it was not. Thunder boomed in the distance, lighting crackled and forked through the dark clouds illuminating them for brief seconds. Rain descended from the darkness, slowly beginning to turn the ground into a muddy bog. Vader pulled his hood up and ventured out, an escort of four stormtroopers following close behind. Several trooper transports landed close by, thousands of troops filed out, many more were getting ready on board the Star Destroyers in orbit. His black satin cape danced in the wind behind him as he advanced forward, his crimson blade extended before him, rebel soldiers began to emerge from the building.

A sea of blaster bolts raged towards them, several white armoured men fell to the ground a burning hole in their armour. His blade of energy moved as quickly as you could blink sending blaster bolts back towards those who had fired them. Although the opposing forces were putting up a good fight they were slowly being driven back till the last that remained had fallen, the rest had been smart and retreated. The Sith followed his son's signature in the force, but there was another, a brighter light- Yoda.

Gritting his teeth his paces became longer, mowing through the bodies of the fallen and out of the rain. What was that Jedi doing here? Picking up pace he began to jog, the troopers behind him running just to keep up, his son was in danger, he would not let him get taken again by the Jedi; not after he just found him.

Several hours ago...

Vader stood on the bridge of the Executor, he had just been given the news of his father's death, it was sudden, unexpected. He would never admit it, not even in his death, that the loss of his Grandson had been heavy on him, the frantic plea for help that had surged through the force a few weeks ago had mentally knocked the old man. He hadn't been well for a while, his old age finally getting to him, it was a pity that his son or grandson hadn't been there when he had finally passed.

Now he stared out into the void of space, feeling cold and alone- his father was dead, Luke was- well he didn't know, the call through the force had been weak, then had completely vanished, there had been nothing after. The first thing Vader had done was travel to Naboo, the last place his son was know to be, the Star Destroyers still lumbered in orbit, they had travelled down to the surface, the wreckage from the craft had been recovered, the rebel base had been found but had been found empty, a mere shell. His son could be dead, it was most probable that he was, but without a body being found or any news Vader had clung onto the hope that he was still alive.

Suddenly there was a wave of fear and panic coming towards him, he had to refrain from stumbling back as it his him with a brutal force.

'Father' the force had called. Pure joy had come over him, his mouth curved into a smile, his son was alive, but was in incredible danger. His son's presence had vanished as soon as it had surfaced but not before he had pinpointed its location; Naboo.

He should have trusted him instincts- they had searched Naboo, questioned its leader but with no trace that the rebellion remained on the planet, the abandoned base backing this up, they had decided that the rebellion had move on and so had retreated not wishing to anger the citizens.

Close now, he picked up unnatural speed as danger loomed ever thicker. Halting he examined the door before him, identical to every other in every way but one- his son was behind this one, that was all that mattered. It swooshed open with a simple hand gesture and granted him entrance, inside was a courtroom, rebels crouched hidden behind barricades of wood, many laid still upon the floor. Blades humming caught the Sith Lord's attention, his eyes drawn to the duel commencing in a open space.

Glass littered the floor upon which they danced, red against green. He stood astonished as he watched his son duel someone who was neither himself or the Emperor, the first time he watched his son in a duel which could result in a fatal injury- an unfair duel he might add. His son, Luke, parried each of the green aliens blows as it flew in the air about him, whilst simultaneously deflecting blaster bolts- not randomly but each one back to its owner. There was a great concentration of Dark Energy in this room as Luke constantly drew upon it to refuel his sapping strength, he would not be able to stand much longer.

Snap-hiss. Instantly the attention in the room was drawn to him, many coward at his presence, Luke smiled, Yoda snarled in fury.

"Picking unfair fights now are we, old Jedi?" He spat.

"Skywalker," Yoda greeted as the duel continued. Vader joined blocking one of the blows allowing his son a rest, gathering the force he used it and his physical strength and pushed back the Jedi. Yoda flew across the clearing and into a wooden stand only to ragin his feet seconds later. Their blades locked their gentle hums turning into harsh crackling. Instinctively Luke went into defence guarding his father's back as the surrounding rebels regained themselves.

Aching muscles and sore eyes plagued the young Skywalker, he did not know where the 900 year old Jedi got his stamina from, he doubted that he ever would. Moments ago he had been certain that he would not survive this, then his father had entered a battalion of troops behind him, relief had flooded his veins.

Father and son swapped positions, so that at all times one would be dueling Yoda whilst the other protected them from enemy and friendly fire so that they could devote their whole attention upon their opponent. It was working, the Jedi Master began to tire, the Sith Lord and Prince pair was too much for him. Still even with his weakened state they could not managed to deal the fatal blow. They used the force, catapulting the Jedi across the room like a rag doll, and just like a rag doll he never seemed to be significantly worse afterwards. It was a question off who would fall first- from exhaustion or otherwise.

Luke saw Han and Leia arguing like an old married couple in the corner, Chewwie was protecting them from any harm that would come their way. Questioning what they were debating he allowed his mind to wander for a moment. He did not realise that Yoda was now preparing to strike at him- "Luke!"

He pivoted on the spot just catching a glimpse of a green blur come towards him- this was it, the end…

The blur was knocked off course by an unexpected force depositing it some way across the room, a scorched hole through his robes.

Vader's breath caught in his throat as the Jedi slipped by him, a fraction too late, maybe all it would take. Yoda glided towards his son, blade bared and ready to strike the final blow-this could not be it, he could not lose him again…

Yet as he moved to take action the Jedi veered off course, the result of a strong impact, relief swallowed him. The Jedi laid still for moments before evaporating before his very eyes. He turned searching for the being who had save Luke, he found him, stood beside a woman, a man he recognised as one of the rebels Luke had called a friend- maybe he had judged the smuggler too soon. Or maybe he had spoke too soon.

The princess gasped her hands flying to her mouth, tears to her eyes, the blaster fell from Solo's hand, it took precious seconds for him to see the cause of their distress. Panic smothered his relief as he turned, he found Mon Mothma, as gun in her shaky hand, the barrel pointed towards...Luke.

He cried out seeing his son's hand to his side a river of blood flowing rapidly over it, dropping him blade he rushed over catching the youth before he fell and gently lowering him down, he cradled his head with his right hand whilst applying pressure to the wound with the other-

"Fa-th-er…" Luke rasped.

"Yes my son, I'm here." He grasped hold off his small hand unaware that he was rocking him.

"Y- yo- you came back for- me."

"Always, my child… my precious son."

A tear escaped from the youth eye- "I-I-...lov-lo…." the voice trailed away.

Vader pulled his hand from the wound and took his son in his arms holding him to his chest, he allowed tears to flow freely, vaguely aware of the medics entering.

They stood in ceremony around the new tombstone at the head of a freshly dug grave which laid peacefully beside another in the Imperial Palace gardens, the sun glistening off it crystal rock surface.

It was a simple grave for a man who had changed the galaxy-

Emperor Palpatine

Beloved Father and Grandfather

Around the graves stood five figures, Vader stood in the centre, to his left stood his newly discovered daughter, Leia and her Fiance Captain Solo. That had been an interesting evening, and had been a blur for him, he found his daughter, not only discovered that she was engaged to a smuggler but was pregnant with their child. It had taken all his strength not to strangle the man, but had put it aside when he saw now how happy they were together their hands intertwined.

However to his left stood his son, the child he had thought dead in his arms only a week ago, now he was out of the med centre and walking about, well with as much ease as he could at this stage. His fingers were wrapped around that of Mara Jade, a relationship that he approved of more that his daughters. Sighing he tried to remember back to when he had become so fatherly, but he would not change it for the world.

The galaxy was changing now- a new government was rising from the ashes of its parents, it was his job later on that evening to inform the people of this-

"This galaxy had been through more than it's fair share of horrors, and I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I may have committed many errors during my time in power, however I am confident that new, improved government can be built on the foundations left by those set before it, we can learn from their mistakes as neither were perfect. So I am imposing a new council, men and women,chosen from a selection of those you vote to be deemed worthy of such power, by the two people who I have complete trust in- my daughter, Princess Leia Skywalker, and my son,Price Luke Skywalker. A council with the power to warrant immediate action when the galaxy is under immediate fret. Long may the Empire of the Republic reign!"

The End...

Well that is it for the Duel of Fates- I hope you all thoroughly enjoyed the story, if not why?

For those observant Hamilton fans, did you spot the small quote? (One Last Time)