So here it is folks! Hand in unlovable hand is now complete. As mentionned, there will be a sequel. I am already working on the outline, but I doubt I will publish anything before my wedding (too much stuff to do!).

Thank you for reading my story; it was a pleasure to write.

Thank you for your patience - two years is a long time to write a story.

I love you all and I hope you enjoy this little epilogue.

Much love

xoxoxo Clotgirl xoxoxo

2019/12/09 Announcement.

A/N: Hi everyone! It's been a while since I have posted anything. I am happy to announce that by tomorrow, I will publish the first chapter of this story. It'll be called "The oval at all cost." Stay tuned and happy reading.

Much love,

xoxoxox Clotgirl xoxoxox

One week had passed since Flavia got discharged from the hospital. She was glad to be back to the One Madison, but she was bored out of her mind. The doctor made it clear that for the subsequent three weeks, she wasn't allowed to stare at screens; that meant no television, no cellphone and no computer. She wasn't permitted to read or even to listen to music.

Eric was very strict on the doctor's recommendations; he had scolded his assistant several times when he caught her fiddling with her cellphone and eventually confiscated her device. He even allowed Trent to temporarily move in to keep a closer eye on his rebellious assistant. The ex-convict was more than happy to oblige; he'd pretend to go to sleep on the couch in Flavia's living room, but as soon as the rest of the house would go dark, he'd immediately slip in her bed and hold her tightly throughout the night.

Trent would read to the blonde and tried to keep her entertained during the day while Cartman and Kyle were at work and Ayala was at school. Often, he'd climb up in bed with her and read her the news or a novel. Usually, Flavia would just doze off. Sometimes, Trent would also fall asleep next to her as he read out loud.

Eric was happy that Flavia had followed his advice and had gone to the police to report what Thomas had done to her. She explained exactly what happened in detail and told them his name. The police obtained security footage from the hotel and the manhunt began. It was all a political ploy to further catapult Flavia's political career. Eric knew damn well that his assistant's husband had been dealt with the day after she got attacked; Trent made sure that he would never be a nuisance to anyone ever again. Cartman and the ex-con agreed to keep that information from Flavia at all cost.

Since the gala, and more specifically the moment Eric proposed to Tiffany, Kyle kept mostly to himself. Every advance that he received from Cartman had been declined, much to the brunet's chagrin. He wanted to take the time to think things through first. He wasn't opposed to Flavia's proposition, but he wasn't fully sold on the idea either; there were a few things he'd need to make clear with the blonde before agreeing to go forward with her crazy idea and he wanted to wait until she was at fully recovered before having that conversation with her.

First and foremost, he wanted Ayala's blessing to go through with it, and that was not negotiable. Secondly, the child could not ever suspect that the marriage would be nothing but a sham, which meant the way he and Flavia were to interact had to be believable. Third, he could not, under any circumstance, live in the same house as Cartman once he'd tie the knot with Tiff; he was not opposed to live in another unit of the one Madison. Finally, he'd play along and act affectionate towards Flavia in public and in front of his daughter, but the relationship between him and Flavia was to remain strictly platonic; sleeping in the same bed wouldn't be an issue so long as the blonde respected his wishes.

"Are you ready for this?" Cartman asked his assistant as they walked out the green room.

The blonde glanced over at her boss and smiled. The swelling in her face had gone down significantly and the bruises had gone from a deep purple to a light green. She had opted to only wear the bare minimum when it came to make up; a bit of eyeliner, some mascara and a little bit of sheer lip gloss so that the damage could still be seen by all.

"There's no time like the present, boss." She declared; her voice was filled with confidence.

After Flavia reported the assault to the police, every news station in the country ran images of the attack and pictures of Tom's face were circulated online and in newspapers. Flavia had to decline interview requests until the doctors deemed it safe for her to do them. This was going to be her first public appearance since the assault took place, and she was going to take full advantage of the situation.

"Ms. Fornari, you can follow me. I'll take you to the set." A young staffer, no older than nineteen, instructed the blonde. "We are on commercial break for another twenty-five seconds." She advised her as they entered the set. "Take a seat and good luck." She then wished her as she showed her to the chair next to the news anchor's.

"Good evening. Three weeks ago, we presented you security footage of a brutal assault that took place right here, in New York City. Although the search for the assailant continues, we have his victim here with us. Flavia Fornari, welcome to our studio."

"Thank you for having me, Ernie."

"I know the events that took place were horrible, but would you mind telling us what happened, in own words?"

"Well, it was the inauguration night of the Ayala Foundation. The night was going quite well, my boss had just proposed to his fiancé and we had a raffle with prizes provided by several sponsors. I went to get them in the garage and, well, I think at this point, everyone and their moms know what happened next." She explained after she drew in a deep breath.

"It is my understanding you personally know the assailant, am I correct?"

"Yes. He is technically still my husband. I have served him divorce papiers months ago, which he refused to sign."

"This man whom you're still married with, Thomas Latendresse, you have no idea where he might be?"

"Ernie, I hadn't seen him in the past ten years until three weeks ago. The day I left, I gathered my stuff and whatever little money I could then I hopped on a train to come here, in New York. I left because what you saw on the footage is nothing compared to what he had done to me back then." She painfully articulated as she concentrated so she wouldn't tear up.

"Had you gone to the authorities back then?"

Cartman was watching the whole ordeal from the backstage and his blood was boiling. That fucking news anchor was trying to trap Flavia; he was trying to blame the victim.

"No, I hadn't Ernie. I was terrorized of what he might do if I did. I don't think you realize how little protection victims of domestic violence get, not just here in the USA, but in Canada as well. What is the point of going to the police if all that will be done is that the perpetrator is given a restraining order? Here's breaking news, Ernie: a restraining order is not a magical shield." She proclaimed with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"I am sorry, but if you have a restraining order against someone, and they still come near you, you just have to call the poli-"

"Hahahaha! Yes, Ernie. You're right. What's the average time it takes for the police to arrive on the premises in Ney York once the call is made? It takes on average nine minutes. What happened to me three weeks ago lasted roughly seven minutes. I suffered a concussion, I lost so much blood that I needed a transfusion and you don't even want to know what it did to me psychologically. What if someone can't place the call because their phone had been broken or taken away?" She spat, cutting him off; this time, you could hear the dissatisfaction in her tone.

Ernie just stared into the camera, dumbfounded.

"What we need is some change in the way domestic violence is handled. I am not saying to throw the perpetrator in jail cell and throw away the key, here. I am talking about putting the victims somewhere safe; I am saying that the perpetrator should be forced to undergo a psych evaluation and receive therapy. If the system was set up correctly, I would have come forth years ago, and so would have many more victims of domestic abuse." She continued.

"You are right about the system being broken. Positive change is most certainly always welcomed." Ernie quickly added in order to save face.

"I am sick and tired of this broken system where criminals are protected, and victims are left to suffer. I am all for the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, but I am also for preventing further damage from being done before it's too late. Something needs to be done, which is why I am officially running for Senator in next year's election." She declared as confidence radiated from her being.

"Wow! I was not expecting that. Well, we're about to go to commercial break. Flavia Fornari, I want to thank you for coming and for talking to us. What you had to say was eye opening; I hope it gave our viewers food for thought. I want to wish you the best of luck on your campaign." Ernie replied as he extended his hand to the blonde.

"Thank you, Ernie. The pleasure is mine. I have a feeling we'll see each other again very soon." Flavia grinned as she shook the anchor's hand.

"If you have any information that could lead to Thomas Latendresse's arrest, please call the number below. You may be eligible for a cash reward." Ernie concluded as the camera zoomed back on him.

The businessman waited for his assistant to come backstage, a satisfied grin on his lips.

"You had him by the balls. Excellent work!" He congratulated her as he patted her shoulder.

Kyle had just finished putting Ayala to bed. They had watched Flavia's interview earlier in the evening together and his daughter had seen the footage of Flavia being brutalized for the very first time. Initially, Kyle didn't think it was appropriate to expose an eight-year-old to such violence, but sure enough Ayala pleaded with him and made the argument that if she was able to see violent movies, then she could handle to footage. The difference became clear as soon as the footage was shown; Ayala grew pale. She understood that violent movies were just make belief; what her friend went through was real.

Then came the interview and that's when her face got some color back; Kyle could see his daughter was furious at the anchor and the insinuations he had made about Flavia, not that he blamed his girl for it; he felt the same way. The both smiled triumphantly, their emerald eyes sparkled when the blonde began to talk back; father and daughter looked at each other filled with pride for they strong friend.

He left his daughter's room, which was on Flavia's floor of the triplex, and gently closed the door behind him. Across from him, Trent looked at him and nodded; it sent a shiver down Kyle's spine. Trent had been watching Flavia like a hawk ever since she came back home, and though he could understand why she'd want a bodyguard, Kyle could not comprehend why she hired the ex-con.

"Fatso and ma'am Flavia would like to talk to you. They're in the study." Trent informed him.

Kyle nodded silently and began making his way to the staircase.

"Broflovski, I put the past behind me. I was able to let go; you don't need to fear me anymore."

Trent's words made Kyle stop dead in his tracks. He dryly swallowed as he turned to look at the blond man and noticed that he had no anger, and no resentment in his eyes. In fact, he seemed to be sad more than anything else. Kyle felt a rush of heat in his gut; it was guilt. He knew he played a part in ruining the guy's life… No, he no longer feared him; he just felt terrible about what he had done in the past.

"Listen Trent, I should have said something ages ago, but I want you to know that I feel terrible about what we did to you. I am so, so sorry for-" Kyle began excusing himself only to be cut off.

"What's done is done. You can be sorry all you want, but it won't change anything. Just take my advice and move on." The blond sighed, clearly disgusted by the lawyer's attempt to make amends.

The redhead nodded and made his way to his lover's study. Without knocking, he simply let himself in, interrupting a heated conversation between Cartman and his assistant.

"Ah! Finally! Kyle, please have a seat." The brunet invited him in, and he pointed to the empty chair next to Flavia.

"I was told you both wanted to see me?" He said as he took his seat.

"Yes." The blonde replied. "I imagine you have given my proposal some thought."

"I did, but there are a few things we need to clarify." He began after he cleared his throat. "What's in it for you?" He asked, turning to Flavia. "Cartman and I will be able to sneak around; Ayala will have a maternal figure present in her life, but what about you?"

"Two things: I have always wanted a child, and since I am sterile, being a good step-mom is the next best thing and secondly, I am panning to run for governor, as you probably found out earlier tonight. Having a family will help my chances at winning this thing." She honestly answered him with a smile on her face.

"Is there anything else you are worried about, Kyle?" The businessman inquired.

"A couple of things; if we actually go through with it, I don't want Ayala to know that we are faking the relationship." He began.

"I wholeheartedly agree, and I am glad you brought that up before I did." The blonde immediately rejoiced while the redhead nodded before he turned his attention to his old flame.

"Cartman, I am sorry to tell you this, but the day Tiffany moves in with you, I won't be able to live here anymore. I've given that a lot of thought, and I know the relationship you have with her is a sham, but I already have too much trouble when she stays over for a couple of night. I am sorry, I won't be able to handle living in the same house as her." He added as he looked straight into his lover's eyes.

Eric looked down at his hands that were resting on his desk and sighed. That was not something he anticipated.

"I see. I understand." He finally answered with disappointment apparent in his voice.

"I don't mind if Flavia, Ayala and I get a unit in the same building, but I know that seeing her throw herself at you would kill me and that's the reason we'll be moving out." He further clarified. "And, Flavia, I don't want you to take this the wrong way; I do find you very attractive but-"

"No exchange of any bodily fluids under any circumstance. That's my demand." The blond blurted out as he cut him off mid-sentence. "I don't mind if you hold my hand, hug me, kiss me on the cheek or even on the lips, we can even cuddle in front of the TV, but that's as far as it goes." She finished as a tint of red rose in her cheeks.

Kyle smiled at the blonde's words; it was almost as though she read his mind.

"Flavia has the best lady cuddles, you'll see, Kyle." Cartman chuckled.

"Oh, Mr. Cartman. You're gonna make me blush…" She giggled back at him.

The redhead raised his eyebrow at his lover and his assistant before he made his last demand heard.

"Last and most crucial point; Flavia, I will marry you only if we have Ayala's blessing."

"That goes without saying, and we will need to take things slow around your daughter." The blonde agreed.

"Are we all in agreement then?" Cartman's question was answered by nods. "Flavia, go get the bottle." He then ordered his assistant

Trent was flabbergasted over what he had overheard. He had followed Kyle down the stairs, making sure that the redhead didn't notice him. As soon as the door to the study closed, he gently pressed his ear against it and listened in to the whole thing.

Flavia was arranging a political marriage and that's why she couldn't be with him; everything suddenly made sense. He had suspicions about the relationship between Cartman and Broflovski though; when he was paid to kill that fuckboy and the paedophile, he had put one and one together.

When he heard the blonde's footsteps moving close to the door, he tried to hide in the shadows of Cartman's living room, but he moved too slow; the door opened, and Flavia noticed him right away. She quickly closed the door to the study and marched over to Trent.

"How much did you hear?" She whispered to him, terrified of what he may have found out.

"Everything." He whispered backed.

Flavia grabbed his arm and lead him to the kitchen where they could talk without the risk of her boss or Kyle overhearing them. Once out of the shadows and into the bright lights of the kitchen, she took notice of the way Trent was looking at her, almost with disgust.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" She asked him, almost pleading him not to judge her.

"Is that why you were so adamant to get Broflovski and the girl's mother to split up? So that you could have your little political career and a picture-perfect family too?" He growled.

"No, that's not it at all; I really got attached to the girl. Her mother was horrible to her, and she was horrible to Kyle. That child was growing up in a toxic environment. Rebecca tried to kill her, remember?" She confessed. "On top of it, it made sense so that Mr. Cartman and Kyle could keep their thing going without anyone suspecting a damned thing."

His gaze softened; he could see she was sincere. He had witnessed how close she was to the child numerous times, and understood she was speaking the truth.

"I believe you." He told her as he pulled her into his arms.


"You'll make a great Senator. I will do everything to protect you." He said to her as he pulled away.

She smiled at him before she pulled a champagne bottle from the fridge.

"Could you be a dear and fetch me four champagne flutes from rack on top of Mr. Cartman's bar please? Then, come to the study." She gently requested.

Trent did as he was told and followed his belle to Cartman's study. He entered the office, his cheeks slightly flushed while Cartman and Kyle tried to make sense of his presence.

"Hum, what is he doing here?" The businessman demanded to know as his glance shifted to his assistant.

"He knows everything." She confessed. "That, and for the sake of transparency, there's something you should both know." She continued, stepping next to Trent.

She took his hand in hers as the two of them blushed before Kyle and Cartman's incredulous eyes.

"I was not expecting that." Eric could only mumble.

"Oh my God!" Kyle's jaw dropped.

Trent had had enough and turned to leave only to be pulled back by Flavia's gentle tug.

"Boss, Trent will be an integral part of my campaign. I told you a while a go that he was done doing dirty jobs. Kyle, there's one favour I may ask of you on top of handling my divorce; I'd like you to help Trent get a pardon. I think we owe him that much."

"I can handle getting him that pardon. Congrats you two; you make a cute couple." Kyle spoke up first, although he was still a little under shock.

"Trent, I've known for years you wanted her; the way you'd look at her is a dead giveaway. I am happy that you two are together, but you have to stop being that obvious or people will get suspicious and the plan will never work." The brunet followed his lovers lead.

"What are we waiting for? Let's open up this bottle already!" Flavia happily cheered.

For the first time since the night of the gala, Kyle snuck out of his room to join his lover in bed. Cartman was sitting up in bed typing on his laptop when he heard the door of his bedroom gently creak open. He looked up to see who was intruding and smirked when he was the redhead letting himself in.

"I couldn't sleep." The lawyer admitted. "Care if I join you?"

Eric lifted the sheets from the unoccupied side of the bed and tapped the mattress twice.

"My bed is your bed." He mumbled before he closed his laptop and set it on his nightstand.

"For now-" Kyle groaned as slipped himself between the covers and grabbed one of the many gigantic pillows that were adorning Cartman's bed and held tightly in front of him.

"What is it, Kyle?" The brunet asked out of politeness, though he had a rough idea of what was troubling his boyfriend.

"This is so fucked up!" the redhead sighed. "You'll be fake marrying Tiff, but you want to be with me. I will fake marry Flavia, but I want to be with you, and she wants to be with Trent… This is madness!" He then blurted out.

"No, Kyle. It isn't madness; it's politics." Eric calmly rebuked. "This is for the greater good, can't you see? Together, we can change this country for the best, we can make the world a better place. Who cares if our weddings are completely bogus? A marriage is just a contract between two people." He continued, resting his hand on his lover's shoulder.

"You think I don't know that?" The redhead snickered. "I understand the logic; it's just so messed up and I still can't believe I have accepted to be part of this crazy plan of yours." He then admitted as he tossed the pillow he was hugging aside and slid under the covers as he shut his eyes.

Kyle was a little surprised when he felt warm lips upon his. He parted his lips and allowed Cartman to deepen the kiss. It had been weeks since they had been intimate, and the taste of his lover was arousing his senses. He gently moaned while his lover held him tightly; it had been far too long and the lawyer wanted, no, he needed to have Eric inside him. He caressed the larger man and slowly made his way to his hardening manhood. He began jerking off the gentle giant; slow and steady at first, then he'd pick up the pace a little bit.

Each time Kyle accelerated his motion, the brunet would gently moan in his boyfriend's mouth until he wanted more, much more than getting his cock played with. He abruptly broke the kiss and took a look at the magnificent sight before him; His lover's pale and freckled face was flushed and a little sweaty, making his face beam under the dim light and the tight red curls that framed his slender face made the emerald color of his eye pop.

"You're a work of art, my little Jew." The brunet whispered once he leaned back on top of his lover and he kissed him passionately once more.

It was Kyle's turn to moan; he couldn't take it anymore, he wanted Eric inside him so badly. From underneath the larger man, he spread his legs thus inviting the other man in. The brunet wasted no time and broke the kiss for a moment so he could get the lube out of the nightstand drawer.

He took some of the liquid out and applied it on his throbbing manhood and his lover's entrance before he shoved the bottle back where it came from. He resumed kissing the redhead and he lightly and gently began to press himself against the tight little hole he was yearning for. Kyle held his breath and hissed after his lips parted from Eric's.

"Relax. Take deep breaths." Cartman murmured as he eased himself in and he enjoyed the warmth and tightness surrounding his stiff cock.

Kyle obeyed the businessman and he felt his lover's manhood penetrate deeper with each gentle thrust. He felt his hole loosen and with each thrust, the pain seemed to slowly vanish and was replaced by jolts of pleasure. It had been so long – three whole weeks – since he felt as good as he felt right there and then. He emitted a deep, throaty moan when he felt his partner pick up the pace and hit that magical spot that made him see stars every time.

It wasn't long before the redhead came and spilled his seed on himself and on his lover's stomach. Making Kyle come first was Cartman's greatest turn on and as he felt the warm little jets of semen being smeared on his skin, he couldn't hold it in any longer and filled Kyle's tight little ass with his monstrous load of seed before he collapsed on top of his partner from the post-orgasmic dizziness.

The lawyer gently nudged his boyfriend and the businessman rolled off him. The two of them laid in bed for a little while. They thought about the events that had recently transpired, the decisions and promises that were made that very same evening as well as the secrets that they vowed to keep.

Neither of them knew what the future held, but they knew that they'd stay in each other's life forever. They were working towards a goal that was bigger and greater than themselves. No words were exchanged once the lovemaking was over, but they didn't need words to know what the other was thinking; their tight embrace sufficed to understand what was going on between the two. They held each other throughout the night, not even letting go as they slept.