The drapes didn't really do much to block the sun, actually since i've been here sunrise in Italy had become my own personal alarm clock. Which was a bit unusual for me considering sunrises were not particularly common in Forks, actually neither was the sun in general. Most times a guard would be waiting at my door to take me to their kitchen, but at this point I already knew the way. I wasn't gonna lie there wasn't much to do in Italy, if one of the queens weren't here to whisk me away to do whatever they thought would interest me then there wasn't really much for me to do.

When I got to the kitchen Gianna was already halfway done with her breakfast and had left as soon as she finished. She made oatmeal this morning with strawberries and bananas to go along with it. She seemed to be in a hurry this, probably late for work as soon as she left however, Didyme appeared. I was a little surprised when I saw her, she was dressed very casually adorned in a pair of shorts, t-shirt, and leather slides as if she were going to the beach. It was very different from the gowns I usually saw her in, which is why I almost didn't recognize her at first.

"Good Morning, my love." She sat across from me. "I hope you slept well?"

I nodded yes, my mouth too stuffed with oatmeal keeping from answering verbally.

"Good, I thought maybe I could take you to see some wonderful sights in Italy and maybe even visit the beach too. I know it would be nice to spend some time outside of the castle, seeing nothing but stones and bricks all day do get a little boring."

I glanced outside then back at her, the sun was blaring through the windows now causing her skin to begin to sparkle. She chuckled and then leaned in closer to me. "Don't worry, it's spring currently so it won't be very sunny for long." She winked.

She wasn't wrong by the time I changed into a more fitting outfit and we had left, the sun was long gone and was replaced by menacing gray clouds. She took us to an underground garage where a number of cars awaited us, some were sports cars and luxury sedans while the others were a few black SUVs.

"There she is". She lovingly stroked a black Lamborghini. "Well be taking this one." She grinned.

Didyme gave definition to the fact that Vampires loved to drive fast, I was gripping the seats as if it would somehow give me reassurance that I would not die if we were to crash. I didn't know if Didyme had been laughing at my reaction to her driving or if something funny had happened. Edward always told me that driving fast for vampires was almost the same as running for them. Something I never understood until now.

We ended up in a rural part of town where we were forced to park on a dirt field, in front of us awaited a grassy field busting with various stands. Some had produce probably fresh picked from a farm or garden, others had rustic furniture most likely made from wood, and some had various books and knick and knacks.

"I always enjoy coming out to this part of town, reminds me so much of my the old days." She stared off into space. "Now come, theres much to see."

As soon as we stepped out of the car people began to stare, Didyme didn't even bat an eye and continued on her way like it was nothing. As it turns out it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, Didyme took me to the produce stands first where she began to pick out a various amount of vegetables. Sulpicia planned on making dinner again for me tonight, so that was something to look forward to. She then took me to the stands that were selling other items like clothes and furniture. The clothes there were simple things fit more for the summer and spring which I'm guessing are the more dominant seasons in Italy. However what interested me most were the stands that were selling books, I was surprised to have seen that they also sold some english, but most were in Italian. Which was a bit disappointing until Didyme translated the tittles and gave me a summary of what it all was, she had me pick out the ones I wanted and then promised me she'd buy me the english version of all of the ones I wanted. She then proceeded to pick out a copious amount of books in which she stuffed into her bag all while handing the guy a wad of cash.

As it turns out there was more to the market then I thought, at every stand we went to there was always something there to catch your attention. And whether you liked it or not you would stop, look, then buy, no questions asked. What was even better was the clothes being sold there, there were much better than the ones I usually bought back home. The clothes were soft and gentle on the skin, like you were being wrapped in a blanket of hugs. I left the market that day with a good amount of t'shirts that day. It was a nice place she took me to, one that I truly enjoyed. However there was one thing that kinda put a damper on the mood.

Not once did Didyme touch me, I mean she did just not in the way I wanted. I was slowly starting to get used to the queens affections so to have that come to such an abrupt end was kinda putting. She was acting as if we were old friends that hadn't seen each other in ages. We were walking next to each other at some point when I thought we were about to hold hands, and just as our hands were about to touch she quickly put her hand in her pockets. I felt rejected and angry at the moment, like was it not that long ago you were claiming me as your mate? Wasn't it just two or three days ago that your wife and I kissed, and made me feel like I was on top of the world. It was like that for our whole time there me and towards the end I began to feel a bit left out in the cold. It didn't take long before the what if's began to float around in my head. I mean she must have a good reason for how she acted, right? Or maybe they were wrong, maybe I wasn't their mate after all. Maybe I was just being paranoid and overthinking things.

Our trip had to be cut short because the clouds began to clear up after letting out just a sprinkle of rain. Didyme quickly paid for her purchases and began ushering us back to the car. Just as she shut the door the sun appeared causing the grass to shine from the light rain. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the seat, she sighed before turning to me. Her expression was unreadable like there was a million things running through her mind, her eyes searched my face like they were looking for something. She leaned towards me so our foreheads were almost touching and just like that her lips were on mine moving fervently against them. At first I was shocked, soon however my hands were intertwined in her ravenous hair, with her hand cupping my cheek. Her lips were nice and soft as they gently moved against mine, the icy coolness of her mouth on mine caused a nice feeling to arouse in between my legs. Her hands moved from my cheeks to my wait and began to play with the hem of my shirt, and soon it began to wonder along my skin leaving trails of fire in its wake. I was too lost for words to even began to make sense of what was happening, all I knew was that it felt good and I didn't want it to stop. This was different from all the times I kissed Edward, there was more passion, more love, more...want. I couldn't stop myself from letting out the moan her mouth evoked, my cheeks burned from embarrassment. I think that's the first time someone ever made me moan like that, but then again thats the first time someone ever kissed me like that.

Just when I thought the kiss was coming to an end her tongue began to lick at my bottom lip pocking at it, begging for entrance. The moment I gave in a toe curling sensation hit my body at the feeling of her tongue performing wonders in my mouth. I was fighting every will in my body not to climb on top of her, but I soon lost that fight when she pulled me onto her lap. Her tongue wasted no time in tasting everything I could offer, it explored every corner of my mouth before going for my tongue. I don't how she did it, but her tongue wrapped around mine and ensnared it into some type of dance. I could only let myself before taken over by the overwhelming pleasure I was feeling, not that I minded.

Before I was ready she pulled away from me, giving me very much needed breaths. She wasn't done however and began to kiss all along my jawline, moving slowly down towards my neck where she began to suck on it. I was probably gonna have a hickey by the time I got back.

She moved away from my neck so that she was looking at me, she wore a triumphant smile like she had won the lottery."You feel it." Was all she said, before taking me in for a chaste kiss.

I wanted to response, but I was so lightheaded from the kiss that I just leaned against her shoulder in attempt to come back to earth. Not once did either of us say anything the whole time we were in the car. I was still resting my head on her shoulder, just now we were holding hands. I had to say it, I was starting to have feelings for these women and I couldn't tell myself any different even if I tried. I felt like I was about to explode with want I was so eager to kiss her again, it felt like any self control I had immediately disappeared has soon as our lips had touched. I had assumed the love Edward and I had was something that I would never be able to find anywhere else, that it was like any other. Yet, here I was waiting for the moment I could Didyme again. It made me curious and wanting to pursue a relationship with them. Although I couldn't help but feel guilty knowing that it meant betraying Edward and his family, but who cares. I mean in all honesty Edward and I haven't officially gotten back together yet, so technically I'm not really hurting anyone. Who knows maybe I should give myself a chance to be happy. Maybe

I had assumed we would be going back to Volterra considering how sunny it was outside, however she pulled onto a hidden dirt road where we then made a good fifteen minute drive to what seemed like an abandoned cottage at first. At closer glance however, it was an old english country cottage with stone steps leading to the doorway. It reminded me of something you would normally see in one of those fairytale movies, the tree did a good job of hiding the sunlight which is why I'm guessing she took us here.

"This house has a wonderful garden, perfect for a nice lunch. I thought it would be a lovely way to end this little outing." She parked the car.

"It's wonderful, thank you, but where is our lunch?"

"In the trunk silly, come."

She opened the trunk of the car and pulled out a harvest basket covered with a floral cloth, she held my hand and began to lead us through a hidden pathway. We came out upon a garden filed with all types of flowers and vegetables and right in the center was a floral blanket matching the one covering the basket she was holding. On it there were a few pillows and a nice little canopy above to provide some shading, we sat down and she started to empty the baskets contents. She had packed finger sandwiches, a few dessert items, some fruit and what looked to be juice and water. It wasn't much but I still appreciated the effort, one of the sandwiches were a salmon cucumber sandwich that in all honesty when I first heard what it was I was hesitant to try it. Never have I heard of those ingredients being put together, but still I gave it the benefit of the doubt and tried it. It wasn't the most pleasant taste out there although, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be some might even say the cucumber very much complimented the salmon in there.

"Was it good? I heard of the recipe from a friend in London and thought you'd might like to try it." She handed me a napkin.

"It was, I do have to admit though this is the first time i've ever tried one of these sandwiches."

"Here try this next." She picked up what looked to be a greek sandwich with mixtures of green within. "Pita bread with greek salad as the filling."

As soon as I took a bite immediately an abundance of flavors bursted into my mouth, it was a well balanced mixture of sweet and savory. "Oh, this is wonderful! I wonder why i've never had this before."

"I'm glad you liked it, when I first saw the recipe I must admit I had my doubts about it i've never heard of those two ingredients being put together before."

"Well I very much enjoyed it." I wiped my hands on a napkin.

She sighed and stretched out on the blanket, and I couldn't help but watch her as she did so. I can't lie she had a beautiful body, she had beautiful curves but not like what you saw in the media. Her breast were weren't big but they weren't small either. She had well rounded hips that complimented her height giving in to the perfect hourglass look, she must've been stunning as a human. She smirked and chuckled when she caught onto my wondering eyes. "You like what you see my love?"

Immediately I blushed and looked away, she probably thought I was a perv now.

"Don't be ashamed, in all honesty I find it flattering having my mates look at me in such a way. It's nice to know I'm still attractive after all these years." She winked.

I bursted out laughing at the absurdity of what she said, it was at that point I realized it had been a while since anyone has ever made me laugh like that. Not even Edward had ever made me laugh like that. A weird feeling arose within me one that I couldn't describe it brought tears to my eyes really. I probably looked like a weirdo crying and laughing at the same time, her look of concern showed she must've realized what was happening.

"Did I upset you?" She began to wipe my tears away, her face forming an expression of guilt. "I only meant it as a joke."

"It's not you, it's just..." I didn't know how to finish my sentence it felt like any words I could use to express myself had left me. "What does this mean Didyme? I'm so confused. I had feelings for Edward, he's the first person I have ever had feelings for. Heck. there was a moment and time where I was willing to sacrifice my own life for him. Yet as soon as I met you, and Athenodora, and Sulpicia it's like those feelings never existed. Like what we had is nothing compared to what I'm feeling now, and when you kissed me Didyme it was something unimaginable. I just wanted to do it over and over again until my lips became numb."

"Oh mon amour, do not fret, that is simply the mating bond at work. I am not happy you feel so upset, but I must say I am ecstatic that you have finally begin to feel the mating bond. Sulpicia, Athenodora, and I will all do our best to guide your feelings, but just let the bond lead you and you will be at peace. All of us struggled just like you are now, but in the end we saw each other as mates. And next thing we knew we had formed an inseparable bond, one so strong that our enemies could only dream of severing it. One day you'll feel it to, but know that it's okay to be confused, just know that we will do our best to steer into the right direction." She kissed my forehead.

That wasn't enough for me however so this time I thought I might initiate a kiss. I hadn't didn't have much practice, considering it was never me who ever initiated kisses it was always my partner. So I found it embarrassing when Didyme pulled away giggling, my cheeks burned red when I realized my failure. "Here." She said,"let me show you."

She had me straddle her lap, causing a little tingly feeling between my legs one that made me blush in embarrassment again. I kept her hands on my shoulder to ensure my balance while she kept hers at my waist. She tilted her head and just like that her lips connected with mine and we were back at it again like we were inside the car all over our again. This time she made no hesitation, her tongue very skilled in its task. She started by teasing my lower lip, she sucked on it, and bit it, and licked it to her hearts content and I couldn't help myself when I moaned. That was when her tongue invaded my mouth, she tasted everything but my own tongue, that one she left for last. I am mortified to say that I had became aroused with what she had started to do to me, I couldn't control my moans, but I'd be dammed if I started rubbing against her. I started feeling a little lightheaded when I came to the realization that hadn't breathed in a good minute. I think she realized it too when she pulled away panting just like I was. I just leaned against her as I tried to recollect myself, her eyes were pitched black when I pulled away. That's when it hit me, she could probably smell my arousal considering how heightened the senses of vampires are.

She gave me a chaste kiss and started to help me up. "We should get home now, there's a storm on it's way."

I only nodded and began to help her clean up, there was this new feeling budding in my chest. I felt light, happy like at that moment and time I was satisfied with all life had to give. I got distracted a little bit watching Didyme pack everything up into the basket. i had never noticed it before, but she had a slight dimple in her cheek when she smiled. Each time her face caught the light I would stop and admire how beautiful she looked. I felt kinda bad, I'm pretty sure she ended up doing most of the work cleaning up.

It was a quiet ride back to the castle, with a few occasional chatter here and there. She put the stuff we had bought away before walking me back to my room. This time I thought I might invite her in, she stayed up part of the night telling all sorts of stories from her human life. She had me laughing so hard I was bent over holding my side, to the point of tears. I think it's been a while since shes seen a human react that way, because she immediately ran to me and started to look me over asking if I was okay.

"I'm fine, don't worry I'm okay." I said in between gasp.

She still didn't look convinced, but got up and took her place on the opposite side of the bed. At this point I was starting to get a little tired and began to doze off in between stories. I'm guessing I fell asleep, because I woke up in the middle of the night with her spooning me from behind. I didn't mind it all if anything I found it to be relaxing, it made me feel warm and safe. So I snuggled into her some more until I had gotten so close she was nuzzling my neck. Never in my life have I ever heard a vampire purr, but that night I could hear her purring in my ears creating a soothing lullaby that lulled back to sleep.

A/N: Sorry about the delayed update guys, I got a little caught up with college. Hopefully I can consistently update more, until then review, like, and enjoy :)