Arc I: Dawn of the Knight Act 1

This... isn't good. This isn't good at all! I can't stop! I can't stop it!

I place my hand over my heart that's beating over two hundred I imagine. Any more, and I'm afraid my heart won't be able to take it, and burst out of my chest. This would be an embarrassing way to die today. Wouldn't be able to watch over my parents from above or below at my funeral, much less deserve one for dying on them like that. I need to calm down. After all...

I'm only starting my first day of school.

Slowly take a deep breath, and exhale. Slowly take a deep breath, and exhale. Slowly take a deep breath, and exhale~

Honestly, what's wrong with me. I know this isn't just any school. Most schools don't personally invite them to come become one of their honorary students. It just so happens to be the Leo Duel School or LDS for short, the number one Duel School in the whole wide world, and it also just so happens to be the first school I've ever enrolled in. There's no need for me to get a little nervous over something people do daily.

Yet, at the entrance of homeroom, I panicked at the sound of the door sliding open from the inside, ran off to the restroom, and locked myself inside blessing no one is here to add oil to this fire. They might get charged with involuntary manslaughter if I was spooked from behind.

Not to mention, reminding myself that this number one Duel School in the whole wide world, and this being first school I've ever been to didn't help my case either. In fact, I can feel my heartbeat rising faster, and my body burning like it was the inside of a sauna.

I turn on the sink's water, and splash my face hoping it'll do the trick. It did, but I nearly drowned myself doing so somehow. I rather not think how was that even remotely possible.

Okay, just need to tidy up my appearance, so people don't think I just got out of bed, took a quick shower and ran over here in a hurry late or something that makes my fellow classmates assume I'm not serious about attending. Especially, since I'm going to be taking the advance classes of my course.

Using the mirror with my green eyes, I brush my neatly short, black hair, though that cowlick in the center still remains incredible stubborn. I unwrinkled the best I could my long-sleeved black turtleneck under my opened up, middle-sleeved gray hoodie, black jeans, and matching loafers. My LDS badge, I changed into a form of a necklace. Lastly, I take one last check to make sure I didn't miss anything. First impressions are important.

Done, I head back to where I left off being the entrance or to me the Gates of Hades inside my head where I can hear the growls of a three-headed hound in every small step I take closer. I can do this. I can do this.

I slide the door open abruptly to get it done with, but the loud noise from the door caused the eyes of every students to focus their attention towards me which was the worst case scenario, but I thought of a counter for that scenario. Just being myself.

"Good morning students." I greet wholeheartedly. "I'm the new transfer student starting today. It's really nice to meet all of you. I am really glad to be here, and look forward to work alongside everyone here. If you have any questions about me, feel free to ask."

Yes! I raise my fist up into the air mentally in success.

Someone raised their hand in response which is a good start in my book.

"Your name?" He asked.

It was only two words, but I felt my whole world crash before my eyes. I forgot to introduce my very own name. After all those days I practiced talking to myself in front of my mirror, after all those times I memorized over a thousand ways to start off a conversation, and all those school related anime I watched over and over again for an entire week... Nothing... I felt like crawling back into bed and turn into a caterpillar. No, no! I can't give up after one error!

"Fujiwara. Fujiwara Masato." I answer, then recall one of the thousand conversation starters that would work right about now. "What's yours?"

"You can do that nonsense some other time!" Someone interrupted.

He is slim and tall with purple hair that has a gold pin in the shape of the Big Dipper asterism, and blue eyes. He wears a zip-up blue and purple jacket over a white long-sleeved shirt, with white pants, olive-colored shoes, and a loose blue belt. His LDS badge is pinned on the right side of his jacket. He also has a frame with a star underneath his hairline.

"Wait, aren't you..."

"Yes, I'm the Xyz Course representative, the top Xyz duelist, Shijima Hokuto!"

I've done research on the students taking the same course as me, and he was the one that came up the most. Said to be a extraordinary duelist with a remarkable winning ratio, top scores in the Junior Class Rank Testing, and said to be one of the favorites to win the next championship. Though, I understand the school isn't picky about clothing, but... This is the homeroom for the Xyz Course, the Xyz card backgrounds are black, so its a little odd that the top Xyz user wears clothing that go with Fusion and Synchro. Now that I take a better look around the room, the students are hardly wearing any black! Am I the only one who is wearing full-on black right now!? This is so embarrassing I could just die! Thankfully, I decided not to order those black colored contacts...

"Hey, aren't you listening?!" Hokuto snapped at me.

"A-Ah, sorry! What were you saying?"

"Heh." He grunted in annoyance. "As I was saying, since you bothered to show up early for class new student, I don't have to wait for my chance to Duel you!"

"There he goes challenging him like we thought he would." A student commented.

"Um, not that I'm flattered the number one Xyz Duelist is challenging me all of the sudden, but one question... Why me?"

"It's pretty obvious Fujiwara. Everyone knows you won a Duel Monsters card designing contest a while ago, and had your cards made into real ones. The problem is that I heard that those cards are a little too similar to my own brilliance Deck. The skies aren't wide enough for two stellar duelist on equal footing so one needs fall below the other as soon as possible! That's why I plan to crush you thoroughly here and now! Get ready!" Hokuto declared, putting on his purple body Duel Disk, the blade emerged in a blue color.

"But I don't have a Duel Disk on me. The instructor is suppose to give me one at the start of class today."

"...There's no helping it, hey you, lend him your Duel Disk."

"No way, I don't want my winning ratio to decrease!" The student complained.

"Don't worry, it will be set to Practice Duel Mode. I don't necessary need another win when I can win officially whenever I want. Now, give it to him."

"Fine." The student reluctantly handed me his orange Duel Disk.

"Now, there's no more problems, right?" Hokuto asked.

I shook my head as I placed my Deck inside my Duel Disk as a blade of red emerges.


Hokuto 4000 LP

Masato 4000 LP

"Hey, new kid. I'll start things off! I summon Constellar Sheratan!" Hokuto placed down his first monster. A semi kid-size, white-silver knight wearing a ram like helmet, a fluttering white cape while holding some alien tech ray gun awaiting command.

"Constellar Sheratan" (700/900)

"When this card is Normal Summoned, I can add 1 "Constellar" monster from my Deck to my hand!" He took one card from his deck, then placed two cards face-down. "I'll end my turn with that. Now, lets see what you can do."

"I-I'll try my best. Draw!" I draw. "I'll summon my friend, Satellarknight Rigel!" In an instant, a flowing blonde-haired, muscular human wearing silver-gold armor over his full skintight purple bodysuit covering his mouth like a ninja, holding a jeweled white cape on his left hand while his right has a short blade comes forth.

"Satellarknight Rigel" (1900/700)

"I activate its effect which will increase its ATK by 500 points!" The silver-gold hoop around his waist along with a sphere starts to spin and shimmer, covering the flowing blonde-haired human in light.

("Satellarknight Rigel": 1900 → 2400/700)

"Go attack Constellar Sheratan!"

He dashes and like lightning comes close up to ram helmet knight ready to cut down the foe with his blade.

"Heh, foolish!" Hokuto gave a wide smirk. "First, I activate my Trap Card: Waboku! This card not only prevents my monster from being destroyed, but I end up taking no battle damage at all!" The nuns in light blue robes harmonious barrier repelled the knight's strike.

"And second! I activate Constellar Meteor! When this card is activated, if my opponent's monster battles a "Constellar" monster, and the opponent's monster is not destroyed, your monster gets shuffle back into your Deck! At that moment, a red-haired, black sea monster woman appeared and waved her staff unleashing a scorching fire blast on my poor friend making him one with Earth as I shuffle him into the Deck.

These card animations can sometimes be so cruel.

"I place one card face-down and end my turn." I finish.

"What did you think of my two step combo? You must be a real novice to have not seen that coming! I'd even made my bait obvious and left my low ATK monster in attack mode. If I were you, I go forfeit this Duel, and drop out-"

"Good job on getting me! You're absolutely right, I guess I need to reflect on my mistake so I do better next time." I respond, honestly admitting to myself to improve.

"What?" Hokuto shocked by my response apparently.

"Is something the matter, Shijima-san?"

"Whoa, this is a first." One of the students placed a hand over his mouth.

"A person who didn't ignore or get irritated at Hokuto-kun's badmouthing." Another student responded.


"He must've been a saint in his past life."

"That or an-"

"W-Well..." Hokuto coughed, directing back my attention to him. "Too bad there won't be a next time for you because I'm ending this Duel now!" Hokuto drew his card. "I summon Constellar Aldebaron!" This time, besides Sheratan, is a more built, silver armored knight with a bull-shaped helmet, another white cape, and holds a teal glowing hula hoop ring.

"Constellar Aldebaron" (1300/800)

"When this card is successfully summoned, I can Special Summon 1 Level 3 "Constellar" monster from my hand! I Special Summon Constellar Leonis!" Coming out of the hula hoop, a spiky light blue-haired, bulky knight in silver, grand white cape, and wields a blade longer than my Rigel glowing a color that matches his own hair.

"Constellar Leonis" (1000/1800)

"Constellar Leonis' ability lets me Normal Summon 1 additional "Constellar" monster! I summon Constellar Kaus!" Galloping onto the field, a silver armored centaur gripping a golden bow, standing by his other monsters.

"Constellar Kaus" (1800/700)

"Constellar Kaus' ability activates! Twice per turn this card change the Level of a card by 1! I use one of them to raise Aldebaron's Level by 1!"

The silver armored centaur readies and fires a bow of light at spiky haired knight.

("Aldebaron": Level 4 → 5)

"Get ready to see what the top Xyz Course student can do! I use Constellar Leonis and Sheratan to Overlay!" The two monsters glowed yellow turning into formless energy, while a bottomless portal like from another galaxy opened out of the ground in front of him, and the two steams of energy dive into the void causing an eruption of several lights.

Hokuto began to chant.

"Closest cluster of a hundred stars, brighten your light to victory!"

"Xyz Summon! Rank 3! Constellar Hyades!"

A new monster entered from that portal surrounded by two moving orbs of light, a fierce upgraded version of Aldebaron, wearing silver-golden knight-like armor over his red jumpsuit, wielding two oversized like silver kunai in both hands,

"Constellar Hyades" (1900/1100)

Was that...

"Not done yet! Next, using Constellar Aldebaron and Kaus I, Overlay!" Like before, the other two monsters, both turned into yellow light, and descended down into the gaping multicolored galaxy that came from out of nowhere.

"Beautiful globe of stars, manifest your brilliance and descend!"

"Xyz Summon! Rank 5! Constellar Omega!"

Another new monster with two moving light orbs took their place, except this one looked like an upgraded version of Kaus, a bulkier centaur covered in heavily armed silver-golden armor, a jeweled white, winged-like cape over his shoulders, and a shimmering light blue, eight-bladed chakram held tightly closed in his left hand.

"Constellar Omega" (2400/500)

Two Xyz monster summoned consecutively on the same turn? As expected of the Xyz Course Representative at LDS, he really doesn't disappoint!

"Looks like Hokuto-san has stop fooling around." A student commented.

"Yeah, going up against one is bad enough, but two is way worse, because that's when he's decided to end it." A student looked about thinking about a painful memory.

"If those two monsters of his attack the newbie now; he's finished." A third student pointed out.

"All of them are right." Hokuto supported, his face turned into a big grin. "And don't think I would forget about the card you set face-down. Constellar Omega's effect activates! By using 1 Overlay Unit; for the rest of this turn, "Constellar" monsters I control are unaffected by Spell and Trap Cards making that card useless!" One of those orbs of light suddenly vanished into Constellar Omega, then field became marked in a light bow symbol.

He also planned ahead making sure I couldn't use that card.

"It's over! Battle Phase! Constellar Hyades and Omega! Direct attack!" Hokuto ordered his monsters as both charge ahead swiftly.

Too bad for him the plan wasn't foolproof.

"Continuous Trap Card: Stellarnova Wave!" I revealed. "Once per turn, during my Main Phase or my opponent's Battle Phase, I can Special Summon 1 "tellarknight" monster from my hand."

"Tch! Since that trap doesn't involve my monsters..."

A swirly portal of light comes from above.

"It doesn't apply! Go, my friend, SatellarKnight Unukalhal in defense mode!" Appeared from said portal, a dark purple bodysuit, humanoid with an elongated skull and tail covered in white armor trimmed in gold, and like Rigel had a hoop around his waist.

"Satellarknight Unukalhal" (1800/1000)

"When its summoned, I can send 1 "tellarknight" monster from my Deck to the Graveyard." I send Rigel.

"You're only delaying the inevitable! Though, I must take part of the blame for changing up my normal full proof strategy, if this was a real Duel and if I wanted to, I could've won this turn, but at least this way you get to thoroughly know the large difference between our skills because nothing you do will change the outcome of this Duel! I attack Unukalhal with Constellar Hyades! Now... Constellar Omega direct attack!" The centaur jumped all four golden hooves into the air, and threw his eight-bladed chakram from a ninety degree angle.

Masato( 4000 → 1600)

"Ugh! Thankfully, it wasn't a real one or I be in a world of hurt right now." I place my hand over my heart in relief.

"The new guy managed to survive his assault by sheer luck it seems." A student commented. "How will he stop the next one?"

"The real question is whether what he did was just all in vain or not." A student wondered.

"I end my turn with that. Now, lets see if you got what it takes to defeat my monsters!" Hokuto challenged confidently.

I'm about to find out!

I draw.

"I play the Magic Card: Monster Reincarnation. I discard 1 card, and receive 1 monster from the Graveyard to my hand." I perform the process. "Then, I summon back Satellarknight Rigel." The first monster I summoned returns to the field.

"Satellarknight Rigel" (1900/700)

"I activate Stellarnova Wave's effect, and Special Summon from my hand, my friend Satellarknight Altair." Coming from the light, a knight in white-gold armor like Unukalhal, sharing like the others the signature hoop/sphere around the waist, but dressed underneath in fine blue silk, and from his back are a pair of light blue wings.

"Satellarknight Altair" (1700/1300)

"Satellarknight Altair's effect lets me Special Summon 1 "tellarknight" monster from my Graveyard in Defense Position. I choose the one I just discarded, my friend Satellarknight Alsahm." The child knight came from nowhere in white-gold armor over his green bodysuit wielding in his hands is a smaller golden bow compared to Kaus.

"Satellarknight Alsahm" (1400/1800)

"!" Hokuto's face froze at the sight of my field.

"Is having more monsters that overwhelming? Continuing where I was... I activate Satallerknight Rigel's effect to increase its own ATK points."

("Satellarknight Rigel": 1900 → 2400/700)

"I attack Constellar Omega with my Satellerknight Rigel destroying them both."

"?" Hokuto, along with some students become puzzled by this.

Maybe this will help.

"I play the Magic Card: Share the Pain. We both must Tribute 1 monster on our field. I pick Satellarknight Altair. You only have one monster, so that's your choice." If I used this while Constellar Omega was out, he could've saved his own monster, now he is unable to. "I end my turn."

This turn I managed to destroy both his monsters while keeping a monster to protect my Life Points. My next move all depends on what I draw on my next draw.

"..." Hokuto stood about in pause.


"..." He doesn't respond.

"Are you alright?"

"Perfect!" Hokuto smirked greater than usual. "Hahaha! It was just my imagination getting the better out of me, but that's over, and so are you. My turn! I activate the Magic Card: Pot of Greed! This card lets me to draw 2 cards!" He looked at his hand. "All set! I summon Constellar Pollux!" A white caped, bulky knight in silver-golden armor on the right side of his body while the left is clear as snow white, he carries a sword with two blades on the same side ready to use.

"Constellar Pollux" (1700/600)

"During the turn this card was successfully summoned, I can Normal Summon 1 "Constellar" monster in addition to this summon. I summon Constellar Acubens!" A big machine, silver armored knight with shield-like pincers emerged next to Pollux.

"Constellar Acubens" (800/2000)

"There is no need to know its effect since it won't be here for long because I Overlay Acubens and Pollux!"

"Open cluster of a thousand stars, gather the lights, and emerge as one unit!"

"Xyz Summon! Rank 4! Constellar Praesepe!"

A newly mechanical golden-silver armored knight takes their place.

"Constellar Praesepe" (2400/800)

"Equip Magic Card: Fairy Meteor Crush activate! Now, even if your monster is in defense mode, you'll still take damage equal to the difference of my monster's ATK. Battle Phase! Constellar Praesepe attack Satellarknight Alsahm!"

Constellar Praesepe goes and aims its sharp golden claw pincers at the child knight crossing his arms.

"This doesn't look good, but at least I'll still have-"

"Life Points? I don't think so! I activate Constellar Praesepe's effect! By removing 1 Overlay Unit, I can have this attacking "Constellar" monster gain 1000 ATK points until the End Phase!"


One of the light orbs enters inside Constellar Praesepe just like what happened with Constellar Omega, and its claws shine brighter and shaper than before.

("Constellar Praesepe": 2400 → 3400/800)

Their claws rip through the young knight's armor as if it was made out of paper turning him into stardust.

Masato( 1600 → 0)

Hokuto: WIN

"It's over." A student announced.

"Uh-huh, the outcome is the same as his other wins." A student agreed.

"Absolutely flawless!" Hokuto confidently finished for them. "So now everyone now knows who is the superior stellar Xyz Duelist, and always will be!"

"Tch, I hate how Hokuto gloats over his wins. That new guy should've Xyz Summoned when he had the chance."

"But, I don't know how to Xyz Summon." I respond.

"...Eh? EH...!?" The whole class went.

Well, that's it for now. How did I do for my first fanfic story? I appreciate any feedback and advice you can offer for my next release.

Except about my account name, I was getting desperate around the double digits...