Chapter 5


Kurt Wagner sighed as he sat on the highest structure on the island which just happened to be the communication tower. The last two weeks had been tiring and he knew the majority of the work still to do in rebuilding the island was waiting to be finished. But at the moment he was waiting on Wanda and the council she had built to govern the island to decide on whether to ask the X-Men for help, yesterday they had been told a delegation of politicians were coming in the next three days to discuss what had happened when Magneto had attacked America in his desire to start a war with Senator Kelly. He had suggested bringing the X-Men in to help negotiate as they hadn't only a better reputation if only slightly, they also might be needed in case any trouble started. He still found it hard to believe Wanda and her sister Lorna had deposed Magneto after that event, although he also felt relieved that they had, Wanda especially. When he had first come to the island he had quickly built up a connection with Wanda, he was a little surprised by the fact she hadn't been put off by his features.

The last time he had any close contact with her had been the mess with Mojo and her admission of letting Logan almost drown, but she hadn't done so and had rescued him and he had told her that but she seemed to think it painted her in the same frame as her father. However, to him she couldn't be any more different, she didn't have the same vibe as Magneto or her brother. Strangely enough both Wanda and her sister were both soft spoken and calm individuals unlike their father and brother, also while Wanda had gone along with some of her father's plans she had eventually stood against him and that made all the difference in his mind.

"Kurt if you can hear me please come to the main house," Wanda said through his comm device. He had given her the frequency so she could contact him.

"I'll be there in a second Wanda," Kurt told her before activating his mutant ability of transportation to vanish from his place on the communication tower to the front entrance of the large house that Wanda and Lorna called home.

Entering the house, he soon located Wanda and Lorna sitting in the living room drinking what looked like tea, both appeared calm and that in his mind was a good thing. When Wanda had called for his aide two weeks ago for help in rebuilding Genosha, he had come without any real thought on the matter because there was something about Wanda that drew him to her like a moth to a flame. He had ignored Kitty's rather loud arguments about going, he didn't understand her reasons for being so against it but he hadn't exactly argued against her instead he had packed his things and headed for one of the small jets the X-Men kept for solo journeys.

"So what did the council decide?" he inquired as he sat down on the sofa.

"It wasn't an easy discussion, but then again it hasn't been easy in any of the council meetings since we created it," Wanda started as she finished her drink. "One or two of them keep insisting we bring our father back, but we won't do it. He has proven that he cares more for his plans of war than the people on this island," she told him.

"We promised them safety, peace a new chance at life away from persecution and away from things like war," Lorna spoke up gaining his attention. "Father broke that promise, he used us like pawns and I can't forgive him for that even though a part of me wants to, we can't trust him," she said with a shake of his head.

"He was warned where his plans led and he still went ahead with them and almost caused global destruction just as Professor Xavier had warned him and Senator Kelly, yet the two who support him still think he should be in charge," Wanda told him. "The idea of bringing the X-Men to Genosha to help us didn't go over well with these two, but the rest of the council once we explained things started to open up to the idea," she explained. "It still took half an hour, but in the end we agreed five to two to bring the X-Men to Genosha. Your presence here helped a lot," she continued.

"You're known here and your help over the last two weeks has been accounted for by the council, even the two idiots who still want father to rule," Lorna told him, shocking Kurt. "I guess it doesn't hurt that you are kind of close to my sister," she teased, causing Kurt's fur to darken as he fought off a blush.

Wanda couldn't help but blush as well even though she quickly regained control of herself. She glared at her sister who just giggled at her. She glanced over at Kurt and noted he was somewhat glancing at her every few moments. Their attraction to one another was clear to her, but she was wary of pushing forward and yet the desire didn't leave her. She tried to push those kinds of thoughts out of her mind, but even as she began speaking again they lingered at the back.

"Lorna please we do not have time for teasing. The group being sent will try and bring Genosha under their control anyway they can," Wanda said with a slight glare making her sister drop her teasing smile. "If that happens we will be subject once more to their laws and more than likely they will try and stick a whole army of MRD soldiers on our island. We can't allow that to happen," she growled out angry at the very thought.

"That would be a nightmare to these people, bringing in the X–Men may give us a better position from which to negotiate," Kurt agreed before turning a bit more serious. "However we must prepare for the possibility they will ask for something you may not wish to give," he said softly making both sisters turn to him.

"What do you mean by that Kurt?" Lorna inquired before Wanda could.

"They may want you to hand over Magneto or at least his location as an act of good will in return for not pushing a claim on Genosha and especially for not wanting to put MRD troops here," Kurt warned them.

Wanda and Lorna exchanged unsure looks between them even though they both knew what Kurt had said was good advice, their father had caused a lot of damage and people had gotten hurt and a few had probably been killed in his little assault on New York. So how could they not want their father to pay for those deaths and injuries, not the mention the damage done to the city? Senator Kelly had already lost a lot of his power in response to his actions with the Sentinels, although sadly he was still a Senator but maybe if they were lucky he would be removed from that position in time.

"I'm not sure if I would be willing to do that. They might decide to remove him permanently as a threat were they to get their hands on him," Lorna stated with a shake of her head.

"Lorna's right, we can't trust the government not to conveniently have him killed and even if they didn't, someone in the military or one of those mutant hating groups might do it," Wanda agrees and even Kurt can't argue with that thought.

"Still it may come up so just be ready," Kurt warned. "I will go and contact Logan and the team and get them to agree to help," he adds after a short silence before getting up and heading back to the communication tower.

"You know Wanda you should just ask him out on a date," Lorna stated with a smile catching Wanda off guard as she suddenly blushed at the idea. "I can tell that you like him and he clearly likes you. So why not ask him out?" she asked.

Wanda sighed because she knew her little sister wasn't going to let this go, she could be as stubborn as her, their father or brother. She rubbed her forehead and actually found herself considering the idea, groaning she realized her sister had tricked her into actually fully thinking about asking Kurt out. Giving her a slight glare she got up and headed for the stairs, stopping she turned and faced her sister who was watching her.

"I'll think about it," Wanda finally said before turning and walking up the stairs missing the huge smile Lorna gained at finally pushing her sister into action where Kurt was concerned.

Ever since the blue furred mutant's first visit to Genosha there had been a tangible connection between him and her sister, it was clear to everyone around them especially her and their father. Strangely considering Kurt's allegiance to the X-Men and Professor Xavier their father hadn't seemed to find the idea of Wanda and Kurt together troublesome, yet that hadn't stopped him from imprisoning Kurt when he found out some of the harder truths of her father's plans. Still while Wanda had argued Kurt's case, she hadn't been willing to go against him either. She felt pleased that she had pushed Wanda into doing something. She had never really seen her sister show any interest in anyone even though she had plenty of admirers except for Kurt and it would be a shame to allow such a possibility to pass her by.


(Xavier's school for the gifted, Westchester New York)

Hank looked up as the communication panel activated and he wondered who was calling, activating the connection he was somewhat surprised to see it was Kurt although he was also relieved his friend was checking in. Kitty wasn't the only one who was concerned by the Mutant teleporter being on Genosha, by invitation or not the island hadn't exactly proved to be as safe a place for Mutants as had been claimed.

"Kurt it is good to see you my friend. How are things on Genosha?" he inquired as he settled in his chair.

"Busy Hank, a lot of rebuilding has been done and there is still quite a bit to go, but we are getting there," Kurt answered. "Those who were injured are well again and the few who died have been buried with dignity, but the island still has a way to go to fully recover," he added. "But a check in wasn't why I called Hank. Is Logan around? I need to talk to him," he inquired.

"Hold on Kurt, I'll summon him," Hank said holding up his hand before hitting the wall panel communicator and asked Logan to come down to the communication room which Logan did a few minutes later.

"Hey Elf what's up?" Logan inquired as he sat down. "Problems?" he asked with a slight frown.
"Things have heated up on Genosha as the government is sending a delegation to the island to discuss things. The council who now rules Genosha has requested the X-Men's presence to help sort things out without it coming down the them trying to place the island under human control," Kurt explained.

Logan frowned as he considered the complicated issues that had to be involved in all this, and while personally he wasn't inclined to get involved he couldn't ignore the wider issue of a whole island of Mutants hanging in the balance. Those people had fled from all over the world to find some measure of peace and safety. It was the one place Mutants could live in which was governed by Mutants themselves. The idea of that being taken away probably didn't sit well with any of them, the fact that they asked for help showed they were a little desperate.

"We can't allow the government to take over Genosha Logan, we especially cannot allow them to garrison it with MRD troops as they would abuse it and the entire island would suffer," Hank pointed out to which Kurt nodded over the two-way screen. "We must help them keep that from happening," he stated.

"Logan the people here are innocent of what Magneto tried to bring about, all his most ardent followers left with him when Wanda and Lorna exiled him," Kurt told him. "They can't be allowed to pay for what was done by a few, also if the government gets it's way it also opens the island to those groups who like to experiment on Mutants," he pointed out.

"Ok Kid you've made your point," Logan conceded even as he pushed back memories of his own time in Weapon X or at least those few he did he. "Me and a team will be there by tomorrow at the latest, we have to leave someone here as the Professor has us looking into a new problem as well," he told the younger Mutant.

"Thank you Logan, I know this will not be easy, but as long as Jean and Hank are a part of the team you bring I believe we can do it as they are our most convincing speakers," Kurt responded before signing off.

"It never rains but it pours," Hank observed as he rubbed his chin in thought.

"You know it Hank, this is not good timing," Logan agreed with a sigh. "Things are clearly about to pick up again, but you and Kurt are right, we can't allow the Mutants on Genosha to pay for what Magneto and Kelly tried to do," he said. "I'll check in with the Professor if I can, he'll most likely agree that this needs to be done and hopefully he will have some advice on the matter," he added.

"I'm sure he will, I guess I better pack some things if I'm going," Hank mused to which Logan nodded before heading for the Professor's room.


(Sunnydale, Summer's House)

Xander stared at Buffy quietly in the wake of her confession about what she had encountered in LA during her time running away after the whole Angelus deal, on one level he could understand why it had left a mark in her mind about what Mutants were capable of, however he knows normal humans can be just as savage. He also can't help but feel that her description of the second more human looking Mutant matched what he knew of his father, the metal claws had been a dead giveaway and he wonderd why he was fighting the more beast like Mutant.
"I get it you know. It was violent on a scale you were not used to, even after all we have seen," he tried to say but Buffy cut him off.

"It wasn't the violence it was the utter cruelty and I couldn't explain it away by saying this thing had no soul because we both know Mutants are like anyone else, except that they have powers," Buffy told him. "When we fought Angelus and all the other vampires and demons I could ignore the cruelty of what they did because they are not human, they have no soul and exists just to kill," she said, trying hard to explain her viewpoint. "But I couldn't do it with this savage Mutant, he has a soul and he stilled decided to gut two people and he enjoyed every minute of it and the very idea of such a thing is beyond my understanding," she vented.

"Buffy you should know as well as I do that every day normal humans can be just as sick and twisted as the Mutant you saw," Xander carefully argued making sure not to raise his voice or sound condescending. "Every day we have reports in the news about just how low human beings can go. We hear about it in history class how some of the worst moments of our races history are due to humanity's darker nature," he stated, gaining her undivided attention. "We can do some very brutal things to each other, it is almost like it is written in our very DNA that we can be that cruel, but there is also good in us as well, just like there is good in Mutants as well," he told her trying to convey how serious he was through his eyes. "We fight a nightly struggle to hold back the dark and evil things wanting to overrun our world, but there are groups of Mutants fighting a similar battle to ours like the X-Men or Excalibur and we've seen the good our own kind can pull off when fighting true evil like the Nazi's in World War 2," he continued. "You can't judge a whole race on the actions of a few. You know that, don't you Buffy?" he asks slowly.

Buffy stared at her friend and it hit her that she has only seem him so serious a very few times in their time as friends, each time it was usually because she had messed up or done something he disagreed with heavily. Those moments Xander dropped the mask of being a goofball and easy going guy, in its place she saw the resolute fighter who has fought side by side with her for four years. It is hard for her to admit she is wrong, that she makes mistakes, but even she can't hide from the truth forever and strangely Xander has always had a way to get her to face the hardest truths even if it takes a long time. She usually ends up angry for him for making her face the truth sometimes for months after, but once she calms down she is always grateful.

"Yes I know in my heart that is the truth Xander. Believe me I do, but my mind is another matter," Buffy finally responded. "The scene plays out in my mind and I rebel at the brutality of it all, and I can't help but balk at the idea of Mutants even though as a whole they are innocent of the whole thing," she told him. "I just need some time, ok? I'll work it out and things will go back to normal," she promised.

"No problem, but seeing as we are confessing things here I guess I take my turn, the second Mutant you described, the more human looking one sounds very much like how my mom described my real father, especially the metal claws," Xander said after taking a deep breath before continuing. "Also healing is not the only thing I inherited from his Mutant genes," he added before finding it hard to do the next part.

Buffy sensed his hesitancy as well as the struggle he was having to show her something. She found it strange that one of the Mutants she had encountered would turn out to be Xander's real father, but then again her life did tend towards the strange.

"Whatever you have to say or show me Xander I won't react badly. I swear," she promised after forcing her focus on the now and not the past.

Xander locked eyes with her for a few seconds before raising his hand and making a fist, a few moments later after a short burst of pain he extended his bone claws. He watched as Buffy's breath hitched slightly as did Joyce's who had silently come down the stairs while they were talking. He waited for Buffy's response, but he didn't allow any fear to creep into his thoughts.

"Oh my god, they look just like the claws from the second Mutant except they're not metal," Buffy finally gasped. "When did you get them?" she demanded desperately trying to hold onto her emotions even as the memories of that long ago night played again in her head.

"Yesterday when I learned my mother had always known what goes on at night in Sunnydale, in fact one of the reasons she came here was due to the fact that the supernatural seemed to keep people from looking to closely into the town, something she needed to keep us hidden," Xander admitted. "I was angry that she hadn't warned us, that maybe if she had Jessie might have survived our encounter with Darla," he added, a snarl erupting at the end as he mentioned Angel's sire. "These erupted, it hurts each time they come out, but thankfully I can retract them," he explained.

"Your mother knew about the vampires and demons and didn't do a thing to warn you?" Joyce inquired unable to comprehend how any mother could risk their child's life by not giving them the information needed to survive. "How could she do that?" she inquired as she joined them at the table.

"Fear, her focus was hiding from something else Mrs. Summers," Xander explained, having come to terms with his Mom's choice. "She made the best choice she could, she didn't want me to live in fear growing up and until we are faced with a similar choice we can't judge her. Yes, I'm still somewhat angry but I understand her choice," he informed them. "Fear is no way for a child to grow up, even if I didn't have the most perfect childhood growing up I still had happy moments with Jessie and Willow and sometimes Amy before her mom took her over for a time," he mused aloud. "I doubt knowing about vampires and demons would have done me or the others any favors. You can have all the time in the world Buffy you now that," he said suddenly refocusing on the original topic as he finally retracted his claws.

"Wait a minute Xander, what exactly was you mother hiding from that she feared more than vampires and demons?" Joyce inquired as he got up to leave.

"Forces bent on using either me or my father mutations for military uses, more than likely resulting in our deaths," Xander said bleakly. "It is why I never knew my father at all, he was already on the run from these forces when he met my mom. They had a few months together before he was forced to leave again," he told them with a sigh. "She prayed my mutation would never become active if I inherited the Mutant gene, but sadly it wasn't to be," he added. "Now that it is active I risk the same threat as my father if these forces find out about me. They don't care about Mutant lives except for what they can exploit from them," he finished.

"My god," Joyce whispered while Buffy paled as a realization sunk in.

"Your mutation only became active because you were helping me. You almost died and would have if not for you being a Mutant and now because of that you might end up imprisoned and experimented on?" Buffy angrily stated.

"I would gladly die if it meant saving your life Buffy. I think I've made that clear over the last four years we've known each other. I came to terms with that risk when I first saved your life and realized just how risky what we do is," Xander stated without an ounce of fear or hesitation. "The risk of being captured and experimented on due to my mutation is I admit a little harder to swallow, but still one I would take to safeguard you or any of the others," he continued with a shrug. "All we can do is pray it doesn't come to that," he stated before getting up and leaving.

Buffy sat stunned into silence, she had always known Xander would risk a lot to help her, but she had never truly believed he would die for her until now. She glanced at her mother and noted she looked teary eyed and respectful. She closed her eyes and prayed that Xander wouldn't have to sacrifice anything more for her calling.


(Xavier's school for the gifted, Westchester New York)

Logan blinked as he found himself back in the astral plane. He had come to get the Professor's view on Kurt's request and maybe some advice on how to pull it off. He found himself in what looked like the Savage Lands. They were on a high cliff top facing the sun. It was a beautiful view and Charles was standing beside him looking peaceful and relaxed.

"While the Savage Lands have their negative aspects one can't argue about the sights they can offer," Xavier said in greeting. "I didn't expect you to need my advice again so soon Logan. I take it something has happened?" he inquired.

"Kurt is on Genosha helping Wanda and Lorna to try and rebuild the damage done by the brief fighting Magneto caused in his little war with Kelly. As I told you they exiled Magneto and now it seems the government is going to try and at least gain control of the island. They want our help to stop that coming to pass and as Hank and Kurt pointed out if they do get control that opens up the way for not only the MRD to abuse the mutants on the island, but also for groups like Weapon X to gain access to them as well," Logan explained to which Xavier nodded instantly gaining a worried expression.

"That is not something we can't allow to happen Logan. Those mutants on the island are innocent of Eric's ill-fated plans and they must be protected from anyone who might exploit them," Xavier finally said.

"Which is why I already agreed to take a team up there to help. Kurt did request Jean and Hank being a part of it as they are our best talkers," Logan informed him. "I was hoping for some advice, if I was honest I wish you were here because you'd be the best to sort this shit out as politics isn't in my genes," he admitted.

"No it is not, but sadly I'm unable to help in this regard. Jean and Hank will be of great aide in this matter," Xavier responded with a smile. "They are more than a match for me in hopefully working something out that allows Genosha keeping its independence," he mused.

"Agreed Chuck, but I worry about what they will ask for in return," Logan couldn't help but speculate.

"Yes no doubt they will be demanding, but hopefully they will ask for nothing truly beyond reach," Xavier responded with a nod of his head. "I take it you are not taking the whole team?" he inquired.
"No Chuck I won't. The mansion needs to be staffed in case anything else happens while we are gone," Logan explained. "Plus we have only just started looking for Sinister. Emma can keep on that while we are gone and Scott can keep things in check while we are gone," he decided.

"Indeed as he has done so before many times. I suppose Emma would be more willing to work on this for Scott than for you also," Xavier mused.

"Hell yeah, she'll do anything to win Scott over, which is what I'm sure she wants in the end no matter he is supposed to be with Jean," Logan agreed with a frown. "I can work with the woman Charles. I think she proved where her loyalty is when she almost sacrificed herself to stop Phoenix," he stated. "But that doesn't mean I trust her at all. She likes to be in charge and if she can't be in charge then she will try and manipulate people to try and move events in the way she believes they need to go," he said.

"As long as she doesn't cause harm to the team, to our goals or even to the world I see no real problem with her Logan, but keep an eye on her just the same," Xavier finally said after a brief silence. "I don't like the idea of her causing strife within the team in her pursuit of Scott any more than I liked it when you pursued Jean so forcibly," he stated with his own frown marring his features.

"Yeah I get that Chuck, but in my defense, I couldn't help it. I've never met a woman like Jean before in my life," Logan couldn't help but point out. "She calls to me on all levels. She still does, but I won't push her into anything I swear to you on that," he added.

"I know that Logan. You've always kept a sense of honesty in your pursuit of Jean even if I didn't like it and I know Scott especially didn't like it, but I think that is one of the things that pulled Jean towards you," Xavier replied with a small smile replacing his frown. "Most people would have pushed and pushed until she gave into you, but you never pushed her to hard and respected her choices and thus that made you interesting, especially considering your wild nature," he continued.

"I'll keep things calm Chuck, as best I can," Logan promised not wanting to discuss this particular subject anymore as it was too sensitive. "There is always going to be tension in any group, but we'll do our best not to let it get out of control," he said. "Having said that we still have quite a bit to sort out since I pulled the team back together, especially for some of us. Emma's attitude bugs me more than anything else," he admitted.

"Just do the best you can Logan. I'll let you go so you can sort things out for your trip to Genosha," Xavier told him. "Do be careful Logan dealing with politicians can be far more deadly than dealing with soldiers or even Magneto," he advised before he vanished and suddenly Logan was back in the mansion.

"You don't have to tell me Chuck. Politicians suck far worse as any other enemy," Logan grunted before he turned and left the room, knowing that Charles had heard him.


(Tara's Dorm)

Tara blinked as she gazed at Willow who had turned up rather unexpectedly wanting to discuss the merits of magic again. Sadly she was so not in the mood to keep up the role of feigning interest in doing so just to keep the redhead happy. Rubbing her forehead, she wondered how to word her protest as she knew Willow could be very snappish once she was refused something, finally she decided to just be direct.

"Willow I'm not in the mood the discuss magic right now, we just almost lost Xander to his injuries and learned he was a mutant which thankfully included having an ability to save his life," Tara stated firmly. "I'm still tired and drained from our fight with Adam and his forces, my mind is a jumble of thoughts and contradictions in what happens now," she continued as Willow began to look put out which didn't surprise her one bit. "I would think you'd be more interested in checking up on him than coming to me to discuss magic," she wondered aloud and took note of the red flush that worked its way up Willow's face.

"I was going to check on him later, I just wanted to talk with you for a bit about some of these books I've been reading," Willow countered.

"And I've told you before time and again to stop reading books that you are not ready for Willow," Tara shot back with a tired sigh not really wanting to argue this point again, but she knew it was going to end that way. "You are still basically a novice in magic, reading books beyond your level of experience is asking for disaster," she stated coldly. "You just won't listen," she growled, not surprised to see Willow go red in the face in anger.

"I've told you before Tara I know what I am doing. I cast a dark magic curse as my first real spell and it worked," Willow growled out angry at been called out again on this topic. She hated someone didn't think her capable of grasping the rules of magic, like she had mastered computers and language and mathematics and everything else she had studied. "I can do anything I set my mind to," she argued even as Tara sighed and shook her head in frustration.

"No you can't and as for your constant defense of casting a dark magic curse as your first real spell that shows your complete lack of knowledge of using magic. You can't just jump into the deep end and succeed," Tara shot back now glaring at the redhead. "I've told you a hundred times since we met you opened yourself to forces beyond your control or understanding, more than likely you've corrupted your core or at least opened it up to corruption in the future," she stated firmly ignoring the way Willow's face got redder and redder. "Your very description of what happened tells me the only reason the spell worked was because something chose to make it work, and I doubt it was a benevolent force that did it, but you won't listen because you feel I am slighting you when I'm not I am just trying to make you see sense," she finished.

"How dare you once again try and make me seem like an amateur Tara? I've been learning magic since I cast that soul curse and I've never failed in any anything I've done, not once," Willow snarled hating what her friend was saying as everything she said annoyed and insulted her.

"You failed to turn Amy back into a human, as of right now she is still a rat and the fact you won't let me try and do it shows that your ego just can't take the fact you've failed in your attempts," Tara argued wondering just how many times they would argue about this before Willow finally let go of her ego and listened to her.

"GGGRRRR," Willow could say nothing but gash her teeth at that point as it was true even if she wouldn't admit the reason she would not allow Tara to try and turn Amy back was the idea that Tara could do it but she couldn't. "Just let it go Tara, I've had it with this argument," she shouted. "Just because you are a natural born witch it doesn't make you better than me," she hissed before turning and storming out of the dorm and passed a very surprised Xander who was on his way to visit Tara to discuss more on the topic of mutants.

Willow didn't slow down or even respond to Xander's greeting and continued to storm out of the dorm house. She hated that Tara felt her unfit to use the higher forms of magic. Hated that she had once again reminded her of her one failure, she just plain hated having her skills and ability to use magic questioned so much. Xander blinked as he watched the fuming redhead storm out and wondered just what it was that had pissed her off. He knew his friend and there were only a few things that would really make her lose her temper. Glancing back at Tara's room he quickly moved to the door and knocked on it. Tara's voice soon told him to enter which he did to find his friend laying on her bed looking very frustrated.

"You okay Tara?" he inquired worried that the two had gotten into an argument as after his talk with Buffy had managed to quell her initial harsh reaction he was hoping the group would all be on the same page again.

"Just frustrated that Willow has such a large ego that she can't under any circumstances take any criticism and that she can't be told to take things slowly," Tara answered with a sigh as she sat up and faced Xander as he sat down in one of her chairs. "She is a genius and I don't dispute that, but when it comes to magic intellect is not enough. It isn't just about following rules on a page there is a correct way of using magic and one must be always careful never to push too far and to never use magic you can't control or aren't ready for," she explained as he listened. "She is still a novice when it comes to magic, but she won't hear it and even though I'm actually a mutant and not a natural born witch as I told them that doesn't mean I don't know what I am talking about," she added. "If she keeps over extending herself and using magic beyond her level of control or understanding she will corrupt her core and we will lose her Alex. She will become just another uncaring witch who wants power," she stated and Xander could hear the belief in her tone that what she said would come to pass and it chilled him to the bone to hear it.

"Willow has always succeeded at the things she had studied or attempted. It goes with having such absence parents that she did anything to try and attract their attention," Xander admitted with a sigh as he sat forward somewhat. "Then we met Buffy and I think she shifted that need to Buffy herself, wanting to be needed and someone she valued and so far it has worked and Buffy has never truly understood magic and its workings and thus doesn't see the downside of encouraging her to push herself," he went on. "I learnt early on the dangers of magic. From seeing how Catherine Madison swapped bodies with her daughter and tried to seriously harm a bunch of cheerleaders for no real reason except pride and ego to the love spell I had Amy cast and how it turned every female bar Cordelia into obsessive maniacs willing to kill me if they couldn't claim me," he told her. "I also saw what Ethan Rayne did during Halloween and how he transformed us all into our own costumes. Quite a few people died that night just because he wanted to have some fun," he added with a shake of his head as he recalled that event.

"But you think that Willow and Buffy to a lesser extent failed to learn that, don't you?" Tara inquired with interest as some of what Xander was saying she hadn't been told about yet. Clearly there were a lot of things about their earlier adventures she hadn't learned about.

"Yes I do. Buffy, back then, was so obsessed with trying to escape being the Slayer and wanting a normal life and I didn't really blame her for wanting that, but sadly that want got people hurt and worse killed," Xander admitted with a pained look on his face. "Do you remember everything I told you about Angel?" he inquired and Tara quickly nodded. "She let herself get so wrapped up in him no matter that he was a vampire, a corpse for all intent, so by the time he lost his soul and went on his killing spree she couldn't no matter what we said or what he did bring herself to kill him," he told her darkly.

He really didn't like thinking about those times as they still brought back some very negative feeling where Buffy was concerned. He had put a lot of it behind him, but every now and then he couldn't help it when they returned which is why he didn't get so mad on learning Buffy had a thing about Mutants. "That was where her focus was, not on things like magic or the way the witches and warlocks we encountered acted which should have been a big warning sign on the dangers of magic and sadly Giles allowed it to pass as well without trying too hard to keep her on a safe path where it was needed," he continued. "They won't listen to me about it as they believe I know dick about it and to the most part that is true, but I know to fear it and I know not to take it for granted," he finished and Tara smiled because those two things were major important points to keep in mind where magic was concerned and she said so.

"All we can hope for now is that she puts her ego aside and listen and learns and that Giles will see the problem and help us fix it before it becomes unfixable," Tara stated after a brief silence. "Anyway enough about Willow and magic. What did you want to see me about?" she inquired deciding they had talked about this enough.

"Mutants, what they can do and how far their abilities can be used," Xander answered, not minding in the least at the changing of the subject topic. "The upsides and downsides of being a mutant, what to keep an eye out for and things like that," he added.

"I thought you might come to ask me those questions. Let me make us a cup of tea as this will be along conversation Alex, I can assure you," Tara said in response and he returned a small smile. "Might as well settle in," she added as she moved to her kitchen and put the kettle on.

Xander just nodded his head and settled back into the chair and wondered if it was possible for Willow to put aside her ego, to allow people to actual criticize her and try and help her. It wasn't a pleasant thought, thus he turned his mind to what he was about to learn and he wondered just how much he had to learn.