Disclaimer: I do not own the familiar characters they all belong to JF. And the song "Enchanted" is not mine either,it belongs to Taylor Swift . And another thing, the ball is not mine either, I just found it on Google.

The ball was from the well-documented ball occurred at Kingston Lacy, Dorset, England, on 19 December 1791. The occasion was to celebrate the completion of major alterations to the house and the event was organised by Frances Bankes, wife of Henry Bankes, owner of the house. The event involved 140 guests, with dancing from 9pm to 7am, interrupted by dinner at 1am.

Hope you enjoy it!

There I was again tonight

Forcing laughter,faking smile

Same old tired lonely place

Walls of insincerity

Shifting eyes in vacancy

Vanished when I saw your face

All I know is it was enchanting to meet you

Eighteen years old, Lady Elizabeth Hughes was standing alone in a corner of the hall where a ball was being held. The occasion was to celebrate the completion of major alterations of their house. There are at least 140 guests attending the ball, all men are in white tie while all the married women wore a tiara if they have one with their full-skirted gown reaching the floor that's made of luxurious fabric, delicately and exotically trimmed and the debuts, like her, wore a long white dresses that were similar to the ball gowns with long white leather gloves that go well above the elbow that's closed with small pearl buttons at the wrist.

Lady Elizabeth hated dancing although her governess taught her to dance, she will never dance unless it's with her father,Lord Eric Hughes. She is the only child of Lord and Lady Hughes. In the corner she was watching all the couples dance with boredom, she was trying to find a way to escape but the guest blocked her way and there's a possibility that her mother, Lady Gaisabeth, watching her every move.

She wanted to sit, to eat and to sleep. Her feet was already killing her, her stomach growling like a hungry lion and she's exhausted. The ball started at nine o'clock and it's still eleven o'clock, their dinner will be held at one in the morning. She walked through the crowd hoping that her mother is not watching her, she spotted the door leading to the library and made a quick step to reach it.

She shut the door effectively locking it. She plumped down on the couch in the front of fire,never noticing the man standing in front of the window watching her and fighting the urge to laugh at her unladylike movements.

Lord Charles Carson received an invitation letter from Lady Hughes inviting her for the completion of their house renovations. He hates dancing, he's more a man of books. He danced if only he needed to, and this ball is not an exception. He accepted the invitation because her mother insisted to, saying the he may find the future Lady Carson.

He looked around the guests, he was surprised at the number of it. He should not be surprised because their hall is very big and wide that can held at least a thousand of guests. Sensing that no one is paying attention on him, he found a library and stand by the window. The silence was very comforting until he heard the door shutting and being locked.

He turned around and saw a lady wearing white gown, screaming that she's a debut. He recognized her as the daughter of the Lord and Lady Hughes, Lady Elizabeth but he never met her.

He watched as she unladylike plumped down the couch, he wants to laugh at her but he doesn't want to give her a fright. He cannot see her face clearly as the only light of the room was the fire in the fireplace. She looked earthly beautiful, her face was very angelic framed by the fire. He was quickly mesmerized by her beauty that he never seen before.

The eerie quietness of the room was broken by her mumbling to herself which amused Lord Carson more but her mumbling become louder and louder and it turns she was singing. He did not recognize the song but it was beautiful,well mainly because her voice is very beautiful. He walked quietly to hear more of her singing when he suddenly step onto a piece of paper that made a crunching noise.

Lady Elizabeth sang her favorite song in their own language, she wants to sleep but she couldn't yet not until the party is over. Her singing was interrupted by a crunching noise, she quickly stood up and saw that it was a man. She's not frightened because it maybe a lord invited in the party and her parents maybe trusted him.

"I'm sorry, I did not mean to startle you" the Lord apologized with a grumbling voice.

"It's okay, I just hope there's more light in here so that I can recognize you" she watched as the man walked to the switch of the electric light and the room was suddenly ensconced by the brightness from the light.

She saw the man, he was not familiar to her. She never met him before but the man was tall and very handsome in her point of view. She became suddenly shy in front of the man, she can feel her cheeks redden.

"I should introduce myself, Lord Charles Carson of Grantham and what may be your ladyship name is? " He played that he didn't know her yet. He watched as she blush red.

"Lady Elizabeth Hughes but you can call me Elsie" she looked up at him which made herself more beautiful at his vantage point.

"Pleasure to meet you, Elsie and you can call me Charles" he took her hand and kissed the back of it. He looked at her tenderly as she blushed more deeply.

"Why are you here? " she inquired recovering from being flustered at his presence.

"I find myself not enjoying the dance, it's not that it is not beautiful but rather dancing is just not type" he answered sincerely.

"It's not my type either" she smiled at him which made him return her smile.

They stared at each other eyes not knowing what to say next. Their staring contest was only broken by the door opening on the side of the library. They both turned to see who it was and it was Mr. Barrow the Butler of the Lady Elizabeth's family, announcing that the dinner is ready.

Charles opened the door for her and escorted her to the dining room. It turns out they were seated side by side. They grinned at each other. Elsie already knew that she like Charles and this will be the happiest dinner she will ever have.

"Well what a coincidence " Charles pulled out her chair. She sat on the chair and watched as he sat down to.

"Where's your parents? " She asked as they prepared to eat.

"They stayed at the house" He answered. It was true, his parents stayed at their house, why he couldn't tell.

"Well you're an adult now, you can take care of yourself. How old are you by the way? " Her curiosity about Charles was killing her. She wants to get to know him better, why she couldn't tell. Asking about someone's age was very unlike her but she'll risk everything just to know more about him.

"I'm only three years older than you" his eyes twinkled at her. She only smiled in answer. Charles looked around the large dining room, clearly the Hughes were very well place. He noticed that although the theme was white tie there are still wearing the Scottish traditional outfit, kilt. He will never wear one of those.

Elsie turned her eyes to find her mother staring at her knowingly across their seat. She thought at one moment that her mother was going laugh but none came out. She blushed angrily at her mother, she should never doubt that mother knows best.

The dinner was finished before they knew it. The guests returned to hall continuing the dance. Charles and Elsie found themselves standing side by side looking over the dancers. The music for the reel resonates around the hall, Charles look at Elsie and wondered if she wanted to dance.

"May I have this dance, milady? " he bowed in front of her offering his hand.

"You may" Elsie could not believe that she's going to dance the reel with Charles. They ran up to the group as they saw the couples starting to line up. Charles was enamored at Elsie's carefree and innocent move, she joyful.

The dance was finished as quickly as it started. Charles and Elsie laughed at the excitement. They fetched their drinks, chatting animatedly among themselves.

The ball finished at seven in the morning, guests were starting to depart from the hall. Servants starting to clean the room. Lord Carson and Lady Elizabeth was still standing side by side watching the guests walked out.

"Well I guess it's time for me to depart as well" Elsie looked almost teary eyed. She didn't want Charles to leave.

"Will you write? " She knew it was very bold of her to ask but she couldn't help it.

"If you want me to" He replied. He will write to her no matter what happens. The thought of leaving her at this moment makes him sad but he'll see her again.

"I want to. Please promise me you'll write" She sound almost desperate. She grasped his hand remembering that it is not proper but cursed those rules.

"I promise " He kissed her hand and bid her adieu. She watched as he walked out of the room, not noticing that her mother joined her.

"He's a nice man" She whipped her head and saw that her mother was watching Charles too.

"He is" Elsie sighed as Charles climbed up to the car. Lady Gaisabeth knew that her daughter liked Lord Carson, she was completely enchanted. She never saw her daughter cling to a man, more like she never saw her with a man beside from her father.

"Come on, you need rest" Lady Gaisabeth wrapped her arms around Elsie's shoulder dragging her away from her place. Elsie followed her mother with resignation.

"You'll see him soon" her mother reassured her. She smiled at her mother and wrapped her arms around the woman's waist,and together they walked up to their room.

This night is sparkling

Don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck blushing all the way home

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

I was enchanted to meet you

Authors Note:

*I know there's question why I only mentioned married and debut women attire. Well let just say that normal women just wear whatever they like xD. Sorry but your researcher did not found anything consisting the unmarried/not debutante women attires.

*Elsie was born on April 21,1890 and Charles on March 9, 1887. The exact time set of this story was May 20,1908.

*This site is named FanFiction for a reason. Please don't ask questions regarding about the released date of the song "Enchanted" and the time set of the story.

I just hope you like it.

If you have time I appreciate a review or two. Thank you for reading.