I would always get annoyed reading fics where the characters were like "oh, he only likes me with the mask" so on and so forth. This is my own inner monologue that I turned into Cat's. Enjoy.

He knows what she thinks. That he only loved her with the mask on. That everybody only loved her with the mask on. Maybe there was some truth in that; some people are known to be quite shallow, afterall. But not him. Never him. He thought she was amazing regardless of what she wore. Do you stop loving someone when they wear a different outfit? When they change their name? To him, that's all the entity that was "Ladybug" was. A wonderful, amazing girl who has a peculiar name, wears red with black spots and had a totally kick-ass attitude. The fact that he didn't know her "civilian" name didn't bother him. Why should it? She would still be the same person.

As he thought this, Cat Noir looked to his right where his lady sat, totally at ease, as though all was right in her world. And maybe it was. Maybe she didn't spend nights lying awake, thinking about a love that might never be hers. He shouldn't assume though. Afterall; he knew the image he presented.




She thought that was all that was to him. That his shameless flirting had no real substance. She was wrong, though. He flirted because he wanted her to know he cared. He flirted because he thrived on those small bits of affection he received in return. He flirted because he knew that no matter how much she groaned at him, his puns and pick-up lines never failed to make her smile.

He was totally in love with this girl, with or without the mask. He just hoped that one day she would realise it herself.

So, I watched the entirety of this show in less than 24 hours and I can say without shame that it's one of my favourite shows. Hey! It's for big kids too.