One Harry James Potter was currently trying to keep himself from plucking all of his hair out or finding his blasted relatives and hexing them to the next millennium – The Statute of Secrecy be dammed – and the latter option looked better by the minute. As he walked down a dirt path in the forest he cursed his legendary luck, Dumbledore, the Dursleys and his life in general in the language that would've made even sailors blush.

Harry was an emancipated sixteen year old, in both Muggle and Wizarding Worlds –apparently defeating a Dark Lord during 'the Ministry fiasco', as Harry called it, made him a grown up by the Queen's order – but Dumbledore still didn't let him leave the Dursleys to live with Sirius. It didn't matter to the old man that Harry managed to catch Pettigrew and exonerate his godfather, Harry was still forced to return to his 'relatives' for the summer due to 'free Death Eaters whom might be after him in revenge', according to the Headmaster. His 'family' – and Harry uses the word very lightly – didn't know that they could be rid of him, so Harry got to spend another summer with them being ordered around, underfed, overworked and beaten if he did something they didn't like. Harry didn't want to be punished for cursing a muggle, so he was forced to grin and bear it.

Harry cursed loudly as he tripped over a root. It was like the third task of The Triwizard Tournament all over again. The forest was a maze. If not for the Dursleys winning an all-expenses paid visit to the "Jurassic World" theme park and having no one whom could watch him, Harry wouldn't be traipsing around who knows where in Isla Nublar's forest after getting separated from his 'family'.

"I am so hexing them," Harry grumbled. He was tired and hungry, at least his thirst was quenched when he found a small river earlier. Even if he was trained after fourth year by the best of the best to fight, Harry was still just a human. Being without food for three days and then flying to the park and walking around in the hot and humid weather did take a toll on his body. It didn't help that he got a beating when Vernon couldn't leave him behind.

Harry was starting to think that he'd never see another human for the rest of his life, when suddenly the trees started thinning and Harry came into a large open space. He saw an animal paddock in the clearing and figured that there must be someone near. He quickened his pace and went straight for the metal gates, which were surprisingly open as he noted when he got closer. The paddock was huge and looked to be meant for something dangerous.

As Harry reached the open gates, he noticed a sign saying that it was the velociraptor paddock. He knew that those dinosaurs were highly dangerous and intelligent. Before Harry knew about magic, he was fascinated by dinosaurs.

Suddenly Harry's observing was disturbed by a sound of a motorcycle and fast running feet. The bike was further than whatever the feet belonged to and before Harry could figure out what to do, four velociraptors came out of the forest. Harry froze on the spot as did the raptors. He watched as the four smelled the air, taking in his scent, while Harry tried to think of what to do. He fleetingly noted some kind of portable cameras on the raptors' necks, so he couldn't use magic with them.

Harry jumped slightly as the raptors started 'talking' and he could understand them. It looks like the four spoke some kind of rough version of Parseltongue.

"Food?" One asked.

"No!" A raptor with some blue color snapped angrily. "Smell. Alpha. Mate. Protect."

Harry frowned. What did they mean? He wondered. He watched as the other three smelled the air again.

"Blood? Mate hurt?" One with stripes on the back asked.

Harry couldn't take it anymore. "I'm fine!" He said before he could think.

The raptors froze.

"You speak?" The blue one asked.

"I do." Harry sighed. He wondered shortly what the people watching him would think, but his thoughts were disturbed by the motorcycle coming out of the forest.

It skidded to a stop and a tall, well defined man in his twenties hurriedly climbed off. The man glanced at Harry for a moment and their eyes met. Harry felt his heart skip a beat as his green eyes met the man's brown ones.

"Blue?" The man spoke. "Eyes on me." He clicked to get the raptor's attention.

The raptor, with blue lines on her back, gave the man a fleeting look and before he could do anything else, the now named Blue went straight for Harry with her pack mates following.

"Blue!" The man shouted, but it was no use.

"Mate hurt. Need help." Blue chirped as she ran towards Harry who was frozen in his spot.

The four raptors came to a stop right before Harry, and to his and the man's surprise, started to sniff and push Harry with their snouts from all sides checking for injuries.

Harry couldn't hold it. He stated giggling and then outright laughed. "Hey!" He shouted when Blue's snout hit a particularly painful spot on his chest. "That hurt, you know!" He complained, though he still patted Blue's head gently.

"Mate. Need. Heal." Blue said.

"I'm okay." Harry gave her a small smile.

"You spoke to them." A man's voice from Harry's left spoke.

Harry jumped from surprise, he totally forgot about the man. He looked to his left and saw him there. Harry's heart skipped a beat again as he saw those brown eyes looking at him all sparkling and full of amazement.

"I-I guess," Harry stuttered out and blushed. How come I act like this with him? I don't even know the guy!

"Name's Owen Grady," the man introduced himself and stretched out a hand for a shake.

"Harry Potter," Harry took Owen's hand. As they shook, Harry felt an electric current travel through his whole body from the spot his skin was in contact with Owen's. The man's surprised look let Harry know that Owen felt it too.

"It's nice to meet you, Harry." Owen smiled. He still didn't let go of Harry's hand.

Suddenly the two were reminded that they weren't alone as the four raptors made themselves known.

"Ah, these four are my girls. Blue, Delta, Echo and Charlie." Owen introduced each one.

As the raptors' names were called, each paid attention to Owen. Harry smiled as he watched Owen interact with the four. The group was a pack – no – a family.

The group's 'meet and greet' was interrupted by a car arriving at the clearing. It was a car that made the raptors tense in preparation to attack. The car stopped near Owen's bike and a grinning middle-aged man got out of the driver's seat. Harry jumped slightly as the raptors started growling at the unknown man and surrounded him in a protective circle. Somehow Owen ended up in the front, along with Blue, shielding him from the man's eyes. Harry was grateful to them, he recognized the look that the man gave him, it was clear he wanted to use Harry.

"Good day, Vic. What are you doing here? You know that my girls don't like you." Owen said.

"I'm confident in your ability to control them, Owen." The man, now known as Vic, said with a smirk.

"Vic, I've told you already," Owen was frustrated, "I do not control them. It's a partnership built on respect. They only do what I ask, because theyrespect me as I them."

Harry smiled at Owen's words. He has seen Owen's interaction with his raptors and he knew that Owen spoke the truth. However, it seemed that this Vic character ignored everything that Owen said.

"Do you know whom you have behind your back, Owen?" Vic asked as his eyes sparkled, but not in a pleasant kind of way.

Harry froze as Vic spoke about him. It looked like Vic checked up on him before coming to meet him. Of course, he only knew what any muggle could find out, but it was enough.

"You're hiding the youngest receiver of the Victoria Cross at fifteen, for 'the extreme devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy'. One Lord Harry James Potter, a recently emancipated sixteen year old, who can communicate with velociraptors." Vic said while grinning like Christmas have come early. "Kid," he addressed Harry for the first time, "I have a job for you."

Harry felt tired and his head hurt like hell. He was sitting outside of Owen's bungalow, on the porch's stairs with Blue's head in his lap and with Delta, Echo and Charlie lying all around them on the ground. The raptors refused to leave Harry's side even for a moment, after they scared Vic away when he proposed him a job – though Harry had no idea of what kind yet – and so Owen was left with no choice than to bring the pack along. After Vic's hastened retreat, Owen offered Harry some food and rest as Harry's stomach made himself known very loudly. Currently Owen was scavenging in his kitchen, while Harry rested outside.

"Here, it's not much but…" Owen came out with a sandwich and a can of soda.

"Thank you," Harry gave the man a grateful smile. He dug in and Owen sat down next to him on the stairs, Charlie's head occupied his lap the next moment.

"They've never acted like this, except when they were kids." Owen said with a smile, while he stroked Charlie's head. "What…what did they say to you?" He looked at Harry as he asked.

"N-nothing much," Harry said, "it's like they speak in a rough language, so it's sometimes hard to figure out what they mean. However, I know that they like you and me for some reason, but they hate – and 'hate' is saying it lightly – that man, Vic. They don't trust him. At all."

"It's no wonder, really." Owen nodded in agreement. "Vic wants to use my girls and they probably can feel it."

As they talked Harry finished his food and unceremoniously laid back on Owen's porch. He was exhausted and wished nothing more but to sleep. He listened to Owen's stories about his pack and laughed when Owen spoke of some pranks that his girls did. As the time went by, Harry didn't even notice how he fell asleep, feeling safe and protected for the first time in years.