A/N: Second part of the two-shot that began with "When It Happens".

February 14, 1986

"You look so handsome," Karen Wheeler commented, looking over her only son. For the occasion of the Valentine's school dance, Mike had gone and used some of his own spending cash to rent a tuxedo for the night – definitely not a cheap thing to do, but given that he was going to be spending the night with Eleven, it was well worth the cost to him. Staring at his reflection in his sister Nancy's room, he shifted the bow tie – an actual one, taken from his father's drawer and tied by his mother – feeling uncomfortable with the top of his dress shirt buttoned, tight, and constricting his throat.

Still, Mike had to admit that he looked good; since entering high school, he had gained quite a few inches in height and no small amount of muscle either. The result was that the rented tux fit him perfectly, showing off his height and broad shoulders. Messing with his hair, which was admittedly rather long and somewhat difficult to manage, he finally sighed and nodded at the sight of his own reflection. Good was good enough.

The drive to the Byers' home was silent, though his mom tried her best to engage her quickly-growing-nervous son in conversation. Nervousness was the name of the game – he could feel the lead weight in his gut, the butterflies fluttering about, and the meatloaf he had for dinner coming up again. The familiar scenery flew past as they made their inexorable journey toward what was to come. All too soon – or, perhaps, not soon enough – they pulled onto the gravelly front of the Byers' house.

Mike slowly exited the car, his mother, who was smiling and prodding him out, remaining behind to let her son do it alone. Each step toward the front door seemed like an eternity, and the few stairs up to the front porch of the house were a struggle, as if his legs were chained down and Mike had to fight to raise them up each step. Finally, he found himself but an arm's length away from the front door.

Mike swallowed. He gulped. He breathed in. He breathed out. He blinked a few times.

He knocked.

The door swung open almost instantly, and Mike was taken-aback by the sight of Jonathan, who had, evidently, been sitting right beside the front door. Even though the two knew each other fairly well (or however well a high schooler could know a middle schooler) and were on good terms, Jonathan's eyes seemed rather pointed on this particular occasion.

"I assume you're here for El?" the older boy asked, one hand clutching his camera while he looked down on Mike. He nodded. Jonathan gestured for the younger boy to enter while waving to the waiting Mrs. Wheeler, who waved back and returned to her novel. Jonathan closed the door behind Mike, and told the younger boy to stay where he was while the high schooler went off towards the bedrooms.

Mike fidgeted in place, turning around as he examined the house he had memorized in detail over many years. He pulled slightly on his bow tie, feeling like it, and his dress shirt, were conspiring to choke him before he made it to the party. The nervousness that was rising in him was like a storm. He could swear that his leather shoes were shrinking from the size they were when he bought them, squeezing his feet as he stood. Closing his eyes, Mike took deep breaths in and out to try and stabilize his breathing, to try and compose himself before he made a fool of himself in front of El…

"Mike?" the familiar voice echoed out softly, and Mike's eyes snapped open.

And he promptly forgot how to breathe.

She was absolutely breathtaking, if he had any breath left to take. She was like an angel – pure and majestic, and she only looked more like that. The cream-colored dress was rather conservative, but on El, it hardly mattered. Her hair had been styled in her usual manner, the short curls giving her a distinctive look. Evidently, Joyce had applied some makeup on her adopted daughter, and on El, who rarely wore makeup in the amounts that she did now, it was noticeable and eye-catching. All-in-all, she looked like a model.

Mike's breath finally came back.


El smiled a little at that, amused by Mike's whole reaction to her appearance. Behind her stood Jonathan and Joyce, who were both sporting small grins at Mike's reaction, while Will, who had just come out of the bathroom, similarly found Mike's expression hilarious.

"U-um, will you accompany me to the dance?" Mike stuttered, trying to remember the ridiculously nerdy and over-the-top lines he had memorized just for the occasion. He extended his hand, and El daintily took it, lips still drawn in a grin. Spinning around, she beamed a large smile as Jonathan raised his camera. Mike, for his part, did his best to look ecstatic, which wasn't hard considering he was. The elder Byers brother snapped a picture, before looking down and exclaiming 'wow'.

Needless to say, they kept that particular photo for a good number of years.

After being waved off by Joyce, Mike and El made their way to the Wheelers' car, where, like a true gentleman, Mike held open the door for El before entering the other side of the backseat himself.

The drive to the school was fairly quiet, with Mike and El sharing a couple of glances but not saying too much. Mrs. Wheeler, for her part, refrained from any questions, contenting herself with the looks her son was giving to the girl sitting beside him.

"Have fun! And make sure to not do anything stupid," Mrs. Wheeler stated through an open window, as El and Mike got out of the car. Mike nodded, and Mrs. Wheeler, satisfied with response, rolled the window back up and drove off, leaving the teenagers to their own devices.

The dance was much like they expected, having gone to the Snow Ball before during middle school. The most noticeable difference was that instead of winter-based decorations, the coloring was redder, in theme with hearts and Cupid. Instead of immediately heading to the dance floor, the couple moved to find their friends, who were seated a table. Lucas and Dustin sat at a small table, Max to one side of Lucas. El and Mike plopped themselves down at the open seats, enjoying the punch that came with each table. A few minutes later, Will joined them, having been brought to the dance by Jonathan just a few minutes after El left with Mike.

"You look really pretty, El," Max politely complimented, sipping on her punch. El blinked a few times, before softening into a smile.

"Thank you, Max. You do too." Max looked surprised at the compliment – a rarity from the psychokinetic girl, especially towards her – but took it in stride.

After conversing for a while longer at the table, Mike noticed that the song was slow, and he turned to El. Gulping, he put his best foot forward.

"El, would you like to dance?" She put down her punch, and nodded.

The two stood up, and out of the corner of his eye, Mike could see Lucas doing the same with Max, who reacted much the same way El had. As the two couples made their way to the dance floor, Dustin snorted, drinking more punch.

"We don't need those suckers, right Will?"

The smaller boy began to nod, but as he did, he felt a tap on his shoulder. To the side stood one of his classmates, one that he was rather ambivalent to.

"Um, hi Zo- I mean, Will. I was wondering if you wanted to dance with me?"

Will's eyes were like saucers. He had not been expecting someone to ask him of all people to dance. Still, knowing an opportunity when it presented itself, the quiet boy nodded, and he made his way, with his newfound date, to the dance floor.

Now left alone, Dustin huffed, grabbing more punch from the center of the table.


On the dance floor, those that were dancing enjoyed themselves as they held their other close to them. It was slow, but that was alright – such things were best enjoyed slow. El leaned closely into Mike, and he did the same with her. They spun slowly in circles, moving rhythmically to the beat of the music, enjoying being with each other and their friends.

Slowly, Mike moved his head to better face El.

"You know, El," he started, drawing her attention, "since the moment I saw you, I've felt connected to you. You've always been special to me." El didn't respond, opting instead to close her eyes and nod.

"What I'm trying to say, you see, is that… I love you."

"I know," she replied.

The silence was there, even amidst the surrounding sounds and music.

"I love you too," El softly whispered.

It was as if the music had stopped and time had frozen. It was as if there were a cosmic spotlight that had turned on for them. There was nothing else but them. And, when Mike thought about, there was never anything but them for him. Not since she entered his life. It was an irrevocable change, but one he welcomed – he couldn't bear to imagine what life would be like without El. He made a judgement call – she was what he cared about the most in the world.

Their lips touched, and then their kiss deepened as they fell into it. It was the most natural thing in the world to Mike. It was the sweetest thing in the world to El. Better than D&D. Better than Eggos.

The night was still young, but they were more than willing to dance it away. Together.

It wasn't as if anyone could tear them apart.