"Is anyone else disturbed by this?" Steven Rogers stated eying up Thor's hammer, Mjolnir (the ultimate test of worth and granter of control of lighting and other such stuff) practically purring in Tony Stark's grasp. A Tony Stark which, for lack of a better term, sweet talking the hammer as if it was the greatest gal he had ever came across. But it was just a hammer with a few tricks, a tool.

"A little. I don't want to see what the walls will look like when he attempts to put a nail in. Mjolnir smash puny wall." Banner replied, sure it was nice and all that he could make Hulk jokes now but he was not seeming quite as phased as he should. No one did. Then again two of them were agents who would have training in the matter.

"He's wielding a weapon of mass destruction. Tony Stark with the power of Thor. He's not enhanced could he even handle it?" Steve practically pleaded for someone else to be disturbed with him.

"The electric current could disrupt the one keeping the shrapnel from his heart." Natasha mused. Why didn't they get it? This was not concern for Tony, this was concern for them. For the world. Maybe a little for Tony in concerns for his unhealthy attraction to an inanimate object.

"He's almost making out with the Hammer right there." Steve said in distress.

Thor all but laughed. "Mjolnir can handle herself, although I could have the shield talk with Anthony."

"Shovel talk, big guy. No need, Pepper can sort him out." Clint snorted.

Why didn't anyone understand!

"Doctor Strange." The well groomed man greeted. The cloak could feel the satisfaction of being referred to as doctor run through Strange. Strange had earned his doctorates and his title. Strange had taken his updated version of the Hippocratic Oath and still believed in it, he was still a doctor.

"Nice cape. Extra swooshy, I like the way it moves without wind. Very impressive, sets off your ensemble nicely. The upturned collar does not make you look like a wannabe vampire at all." Anthony Edward Stark smiled, it was a lopsided smile that twisted up the side of mouth closest to them, as he turned his focus away from his worktable.

The moment the cloak was in the presence of Anthony Edward Stark, they were enamoured. He was beautiful. Aside from being stunning, was there anything else he did for a living? He gave off an air of confidence in every movement as if he knew what he was doing and done it in a manner so precise and with a deliberate slowness that had everyone hanging on what he was saying. If the cloak was honest with themselves, they may have a type.

The cloak liked a bit of arrogance, but was it really arrogance when it was so well earned? The cloak liked dark hair and well groomed facial hair, the cloak was a sucker for facial hair and snark. Both Stark and Strange, their darling Stephen, were painfully stubborn at times. They could see all the similarities between Stark and Strange easily. However the cloak also liked different things about Stark and Strange.

The cloak admired Stark and how Stark treated his robots like they were people, and so they became people. Stark had his own brand of magic which helped weave loyalty and adoration from his creations. He put a little bit of himself into everything he did and the cloak found that they loved him for it.

The cloak had the bad habit of falling in love too quickly, they had high standards which was why the Ancient One had described them as 'a fickle thing'. They knew what they liked. It was not an easy feat to capture their attention but once someone did they found that they just fell in love far too quickly. They had not expected to find two stunning men who ticked all their boxes. You wait centuries for one and then two came along at once. It seemed just to be the way the world worked.

As darling Stephen approached Stark beginning a conversation, the cloak could help but reach out and touch the man. It was thrilling as neither Stephen nor Stark did not quite seem to realise at first so the cloak grew bolder and slowly caressed up and down Stark's upper arm with his surprisingly thick and delightful arm muscles. That's when Stark noticed.

"Is it me or is your cape very touchy?" The cloak redrew suddenly and sheepishly when Stephen shot it a look of bewilderment and disappointment, with just the hint of amusement.

The cloak felt well and truly scolded. They had been far too forward again, they really needed to ease up. So they took the slower approach to allow Anthony to become used to them. The cloak liked to refer to Stark as Anthony. It just felt so intimate. It made the cloak tremble in delight.

It took what seemed like an eternity, but was in reality only a week at most, gradually the cloak had managed to shuffle off Stephen and wrap themself around Anthony in their version of a hug. Content that the man allowed it.

The cloak supposed they had been unfair to Stephen as they all but pined over Anthony when he wasn't there and focused all their efforts on him when he was there.

Stephen was understanding though and the cloak rewarded him with hugs and rubbing themself against Stephen's cheeks. Stephen huffed and complained good naturally at the cloak's affections.

Stephen and Anthony were interacting face to face regularly, the cloak figured that the fault lied with them. The cloak was always so eager that they all but dragged Stephen to see Anthony opposed to allowing them to contact each other using other means.

The cloak did not know what they would do once Anthony and Stephen solved whatever they were working on together.

Tony Stark almost choked. When JARVIS had alerted him to some messages he should see, he had expected something to do with Avenger business but not this. This was not what he expected to see.

It was a series of messages that all had one thing in common, they were cheesy pick up lines. All that he traced back to Stephen Strange's phone.

There were old cheesy ones such as 'I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art.'

'Are you Sorcerer Supreme? As you're making my heart do tricks.' He thought that one was particularly inspired, but he also enjoyed the 'Are you full of Beryllium, Gold, and Titanium? Because you are Be-Au-Ti-ful.'

Overall he was not quite sure what to think about it all. It did not seem a thing that Strange would do; he had not shown any interest in that way. Either he had gotten drunk or was texting the wrong number, or it wasn't Strange who was texting. There was a whole string of them and amused he read them drinking his coffee.

He did choke and ended up spitting some of his coffee out when he read 'Are you Iron Man? As you make me Iron Hard, Man.' He had not heard that one before but he was totally adapting it onto a t-shirt.

"Hey JARVIS, give Strange a call will you?"

"You must be Sorcerer Supreme, because you're doing magic to my pants." Doctor Strange read out loud, he responded with a raised eyebrow and tried to ignore the red travelling up his nose in embarrassment. "Is this your idea of a proposition Stark?"

"Whoops, wrong screen. That's the edited version for a t-shirt design; I adapted the original text message. No this is the text from your phone." Tony stated switching the images with a swish of his fingers. His own brand of magic.

"This version is actually quite sweet and you changed it, why?" Stephen mused before jolting a little. "Wait... did you say my phone?"

"Anything you want to tell me?" Tony grinned so utterly amused. "Either you got drunk or someone got at your phone. You should see the rest of them." There was a reason the cloak was red.

If the cloak had lips to bite, they would have bit them at the sight presented. What delightfully tight jeans.

The cloak reached round and pinched Anthony's rear causing a yelp, Anthony spun and sent a raised eyebrow at Stephen. "Well I'm flattered but what would Mjolnir think?"

Stephen flushed and glowered at the cloak who pretended to be so very innocent and saintly. Stephen knew better however.

"It was my cloak." Stephen said simply, Tony raised his arched brow further before laughing.

"Well that solves the great big mystery of who sent the text messages. Hey Stevie boy, would you be so put out if I took your cloak
for a nice little discussion."

Mjolnir was beautiful, a vision. The Cloak of Levitation was saddened as how could they compete with such a lady and powerful presence.

They visibly drooped.

Steve Rogers figured he had gotten used to the strangeness of the new century by now. And of the oddness of Tony Stark. Most things did not surprise him anymore but he knew he was wrong when he saw a candlelit dinner, practically every cliché in use from the roses in a vase, the nicely set table and the dimmed lighting.

The odd thing was the fact there were three places set out and what was on each placemat. One was the standard spaghetti and meatballs, the other two had oil the kind you use for tools and fabric softener. At the table was Tony Stark who was lovingly being fed by what looked like Doctor Strange's cloak, whilst Mjolnir was practically in his lap as opposed to her seat.

Steve decided to turn around and pretend he never saw that.